PREAMBLE:- In the preamble to the Visitation there are notes on the three boroughs of Poole, Bridport and Dorchester. That for Dorchester states:-
The Borough of Dorchester [Harl.MS. 1166, fo.21.] Drawings of Seals, Plate III, figs. 11 and 12.
These are the common Seals of the towne and Borough of Dorchester, which was incorporated the 26 daye of June in the 8 yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne lord King James [A.D. 1610] by the name of Baileiffe and Burgesses of the Borough of Dorchester in the countye of Dorset & to consist of 2 Baileiffes and 15 Burgesses that shalbe called the capitall Burgesses and counsellors of the sayd Borough, out of which the Baileiffes to be yearely chosen, and trhat they shall for ever have one
Recorder who by him self or his sufficient deputie shall doe all thinges belonging to the office of Recroder of the sayd Borough. And at this present visitation on the 9 of August 1623 was John GOULDE the elder and Barnard TOUP Baileiffes, Lodwick Duke of Richmond and Lenox Steward, Sir Francis ASHLEY Knight Recorder, Henry WHITTLE, Richard BLACHFORD, John SPICER, Nicholas VAWTER, John PERKINS, William WHITWAY, Edmond DASHWOOD, Richard BUSHRODE, William JOLLIFFE, Dennis BOND, John HILL, John BLACHFORD, Burgesses and William DARBY deputie Recorder of the said towne and Borough of Dorchester.
Pedigrees are printed in SMALL CAPITALS: Arms in Italics
Abingdon, 5.
ABINGDON 5; Andrew, 5; Dionisia, 5; Elizabeth, 5; Frances, 5; John, 5; Katherine, 5; Margaret, 5; Mary, 5; Roger, 5; Thomas, 5; Wallcott, 5.
Abraham, Anastasia, 10; John, 10.
Abry, Alice, 15 ; Arthur, 15.
Adams, —, 18.
Ade, Elisabeth, 50; Henry, 50.
Adyn, Cicely, 54 ; William, 54; —, 71.
Alford, Dorothy, 8; Thomas, 8.
Alleyn, Matthew, 2.
Allstone, Alice, 12 ; John, 12.
Alombridge, Alice, 68 ; Thomas, 68.
Alys. 5.
ALYE, 5; Cicely, ; Dorothy, 5, 6; Elisabeth, 6; Henry, 6; John, 5; Katherine, 6; Margaret, 6.
Anhstill 6.
ANKETILL, 6; Christopher, 6; Elizabeth, 6; Francis, 6; Henry 6, 60; Jane, 6, 60; John, 6; Margaret, 6; Oliver, 6; Thomas, 6 ; William, 6.
Anstay, Avice, 20; Thomas, 20.
Arches, 7.
Argentine, John, 98 ; Mary, 98.
Arney, 7.
ARNEY, 7; Alexander, 7, 98; Alice, 7; Dorothy, 66; Elizabeth,, 7, 98 ; George, 7; Henry, 7; Honor, 7; Jane, 7; John, 7; Juliana, 7; Nicholas, 7; Robert, 7, 65, 66; Roger, 7; Thomas, 7; William, 7.
Arundell, 7.
ARUNDELL, 7; Anne, 8; Catherine, 8; Dorothy, 8; Elizabeth, 7; George, 8; Helena, 32; Jane, 8; John, 8, 32; Mary,8; Thomas, 7,8; Winifred, 8;
Ashfield, Sir Edmond, 19.
Ashley, Dorothy, 5; Sir Francis, 3; Gervis, 83; Sir Henry, 53; Henry, 5, 53; Margaret, 53; Mary, 88.
Ashlock, Christopher, 14; Mary,14.
Audlum, Magdalen, 62; Wi1liam, 62.
Aumarle, 45.
Avery, Frances, 80; Thomas, 80.
Awbrey, 8.
AWBRAY, 8; Arthur, 9; Catherine, 9; Christopher, 9; Dorothy, 8, 9; Elizabeth, 8; Frances, 9; John, 8, 9; Martha, 8; Mary, 8,9; Mawdley, 9 ; Rebecca, 9; Robert, 9 ; Roger, 9 ; Thomas, 8, 9; William, 8, 9.
Badd, Amy, 80.
Bagge, Thomas, 2.
Bailey, Walter, 2.
Baker, John, 102; Margaret, 98, 102 ; Thomas, 98.
Bale, Elizabeth, 56,
Balnei, Richards, 13.
Balston, Christopher, 2 ; Joane, 71 ; Thomas, 71.
Bamfield, 95.
Bamfield, Edith, 95; Jane, 22, 28; Margaret, 46; Richard, 46 ; William, 95.
Banester, Elizabeth, 69.
Banfield, Hugh, 94; Jane, 94.
Banham, John, 11; Mabel, 11.
Barber, Agnes, 23; Anne, 38; John, 23; Roger, 38.
Barker, Elizabeth, 38; John, 38
Barkham, 9.
BARKHAM, 9; Anastasia, 10; Anne, 10; Sir Edward, 9; Edward, 9; alias Stodder, Edward, 9; Ezekiel, 10; George, 10; Joane, 10; Dr. John, 10; John, 10; Joyce, 10; Lawrence, 10; Stephen, 10; Susan,10; William,9,10.
Barklet. See Hancock.
BARNES, 10; Anne, 10, 60; Bridget, 10; Elizabeth, 10; Henry, 10; John, 10; Robert, 10; Thomas, 10, 60.
Barthelmew, Margaret, 41.
Bartlett, Joane, 89; Mary, 85 ; Robert, 89.
Baskervile, Elizabeth, 59 ; Humphrey, 59.
BASKETT, 11; Bridget, 11 ; Cicely, 11 ; Dorothy, 95; Edward, 60; George, 11, 60; Honor, 11, 60; Jane, 81 ; John, 81, 95; Katherine, 60; Mabel 11; Mary, 11, 59, 60; Rachel, 11; Robert, 11, 95; Selina , 11; Thomas, 11, 80; Ursula 11, 89, 95.
Basley, 70; Henry, 70; John, 13; Mary, 13.
Bath and Wells, Bishop of, 10.
BATTESCOMB, 11; Agnes, 13; Alice, 12; Andrew, 13; Christopher, 12, 13 ; Dorothy, 13; Grace, 13 ; John, 12, 13; Mary, 12, 13; Richard, 13; Robert, 12, 13; Thomas, 12.
Bawler, Dorothy, 57.
Bayley, Avice, 98; William, 98; —,82.
Beare, John, 4.
Beauchamp, 52.
Beauchen, Alice, 12; Joane, 12 ; John, 12 ; Thomas, 12.
Beaumont, Elizabeth, 80; Henry, 80.
Beckingshall, Edith, 17; White,17.
Bedick, —, 99.
BEKE 13; Alice, 13; Elizabeth, 13; Henry, 13; Joane, 13; Margaret, 13; Mary, 18; Nicholas, 13; Richard, 18; RichardS, 18 - Robert, 13; Thomas, 18; William, 18.
Bellot, Lucy, 80; Thomas, 80.
Bennett, 14.
BENNETT, 14; Agnes, 14; Anne, 14; Anthony, 14; Christopher, 14; Dorothy ,14; Edward,14; Joane, 14; John, 14; Margaret,14,49; Mary, 14; Mellior, 14; Thomas,
14, 49; alias Pitt, Thomas, 14; William, 14.
Benvenue, Joane, 47.
Berkeley, Dorothy,56; Edward, 56; Elizabeth, 86.
Best, Galfrich,17 ; Matilda, 17.
Betsworth, Penelope, 84; Peter, 84.
Bickley, Henry, 22, 23.
Billings, Joseph, 44; Mary, 44.
Bingham, 16.
BINGHAM, 16; Anne, 16, 26; Arthur, 15 ; Christopher, 15; Dorothy, 15; Elisabeth, 16 ; Henry, 15 ; Jane, 15 ; Joane, 15, 98; John,16; Rachel, 15; Richard, 15 ; Robert, 15, 26, 98; Stroud, 15.
Birport, Elizabeth, 87; William, 87.
BISHOP, 15; Alice, 15, 98; Amy, 15; Edith, 15; Eleanor, 15 ; Elizabeth, 16 ; Francis, 16 ; George, 15, 16 ; Humphrey, 9, 15, 16 ; Jane,16 ; Joane, 15, 16 ; John, 2, 15,16; Margaret, 15; Martin, 16, 98; Mary, 9; Morgan,15; Richard, 16; Thomas, 15, 16; Valentine, 16; William,16,16.
Biss, Dorothy, 39 ; Edward, 86; James, 39; John, 8; Judith, 86; Mary, 8.
Bitton, 88.
Blacker, Alice, 100; William, 100.
Blake, Busy, 101; Isabel, 101. Blatchford, John, 8; Richard, 3, Bligh, Anne, 10; William, 10. Boddon, Jane, 49; John, 49.
Bois, Frances, 50 ; Thomas, 50
BOND,16 ; Alice, 16, 17; Anne, 11; Dennis, 3,16,17; Edith,17; Elias, 16 ; Elizabeth, 17; Jane, 17; Joane, 16 ; John, 2,16; ' Lucy 16; Margaret, 18; Onesiphorus, 16; Samuel, 16 ; Sarah, 16 ; William,16,17.
Bonest, Jane, 88; Thomas, 68,
Bonfield, --- 16.
Bonham, Anne, 87 ; John, 87.
Bonvile, John, 48; Mary, 48.
Booth, 103.
Booth, John 108.
Borleigh. See Burley.
BOWDICH,17; Agnes, 18; Alice, 17,18; Anastasia, 18; Anne, 18; Christian, 18; Dorothy, 18; Elizabeth, 18; George, 18; Henry, 18; Honor, 1; Isabel, 18; Joane, 18 ; John, 17, 18 ; Julian, 17, 18; Margaret, 18; Matilda, 17; Nicholas, 18; Richard, 17, 18; Simon, l8; Thomae,18 ; Thomasine, 18; Walter, 18; William, 18.
Bowood, 58.
Bowood, Joane, 59; Peter, 59.
Bonwre , 19.
BOWRE, 19 ; Edmond, 19; Elizabeth, 19; Hannah, 19; Margaret, 19; Thomas, 19. Bowyer,19.
BOWYER 19; Anne, 19, 65; Christopher, 19; Edmond, 19,65; Elizabeth, 19; George,
19; John, 19; Margaret,19; Martha, 19; Thomas, 19; Walter, 19.
Boyne, Robert, 85; Susan, 85.
BRADSTOCK, 20; Alice, 20; Avice, 20; Dorcas, 20; Elizabeth, 20; Emma, 20; Henry,
20; Jane, 20; John, 20; Joseph, 20; Margaret, 20; Mary, 20; Susan, 20.
Bramble, John, 1.
Brandon, Elizabeth, 22; Wil1iam, 22.
Braybrook, 45.
Breerton, Elizabeth, 6; Jane, 6; Thomas, 6.
Brent, 88.
Brent, Elizabeth, 88; Giles, 51; Grace, 51 ; John, 88.
Bridges, Joane, 92.
Bridgman, Anne, 86; Edward, 10; Joane, 10; Judith, 86.
Bridmere, Joane, 49; Thomas, 49.
Bridport, 2.
Brook, Elizabeth, 8; William, 8.
Brooke, Lord, 99.
Broughton, Elizabeth, 51; Robert, 51.
Browne, 20.
BROWNE 20, 21; Alexander, 21 ; Ankeret, 21; Avice, 37; Bridget, 20, 71 ; Dorothy, 75 ; Elizabeth, 21, 50, 94; Frances, 20; George, 21; Hugh, 37; Joane, 79; Sir John, 20, 71, 79, 94; John, 20, 94; Joyce, 21; Katherine, 93; Richard, 21; Sir Robert, 20; Robert, 20; Roger, 21; Thomas, 21, 50; Thomasine, 20; William, 21; —, Viscount Montague, 93.
Browning, 40,
Browning, Emma, 20.
Brownlow, Elizabeth, 41.
Bruen, or Bruin. See Brune.
Brune, 21.
BRUNE , 21 ; Alice, 21, 22; Anne, 22, 23, 34; Bridget, 23; Charles, 23, 30; Elizabeth, 21-23; Grace, 23, 64 ; Sir Henry, 22, 23; Henry, 22, 23, 34, 64; Sir Ingram, 21; Ingram, 23; Isold, 22; Jane, 22, 23, 98 ; Joan, 21; Sir John, 22, 23, 98; John, 22,23,56; Katherine, 22, 23; Mary, 23, 30, 56 ; Maurice, Baron, 22; Sir Maurice, 21,23; Nicholas, 23; Richard, 21 ; Stephen, 22 23; Thomas, 22, 23 ; Sir William, 21,22; William, 22,23.
Brusse, 45.
Buckler, 28.
BUCKLER, 23; Agnes,23; Alexander, 24; Andrew, 24; Brian, 24; Catherine, 77; Christian, 24; Dorothy, 24; Edmond, 24; Elizabeth, 13, 24; John, 23, 24; Margaret, 24; Martha, 24; Mary, 24; Peter, 24; Phillis, 24; Richard, 24; Thomas, 24; William, 13, 24.
Bulkley, Anne, 49; Cicely, 62; Sir John, 49 ; William, 62.
Buller, Alexander, 5; Elizabeth, 86 ; John, 86; Mary,5.
Bunedich, Agnes, 17; Alice, 17; Anne,17 ; Christian,17 Editha, 17; Henry, I7; Latitia,17 ; Lucas, 17 ; Matilda, 17; Osmer, l7 ; Richard,17 ; Robert, 17; William, 17.
Burgess, Alice, 20; Francis, 20.
Burhill, Joane, 49 ; John, 49.
Burly, 13.
Burley, Anne, 81 ; George, 81; Margaret, 13; Mary, 13, 29.
Bushrode, Richard, 3.
Butler, 24.
BUTLER, 24; Agnes, 25; Alice, 49; Anne, 25 Baldwin, 24; Edith, 25; Henry, 25; Isabel, 24 ; Jane, 25 ; John, 24, 25, 38; Martha, 25; Mary, 38; Melier, 25 ; Thomas, 49 Urith, 25.
Button, Beatrice, 88; John, 88.
Camden, William, Clarenceux, 86, 46, 72.
Camell, -, 28.
Campion, 67.
Campion, Edward, 67; Eleanor, 67; Elizabeth, 67; John, 67.
Carent, Elizabeth, 63; Henry, 53; Mary, 99; William, 99.
Carew, Anne, 8; Anthony, 8.
Chadwell 25.
CHADWELL, 25 ; Anne, 25; Edmond, 26, 26; Elizabeth, 25, 26; William, 25.
Chafy, Joane, 79.
Chaldecott 15, 26.
CHALDECOTT, 26; Andrew, 26; Anne, 15, 26; Bridge, 26; Bridget, 26; Edith, 26; Elizabeth 26; Francis, 26; George, 26; Honor, 26; Jane, 28; Katherine, 26; Margret, 26 ; Mary, 26; Susan, 26; Walter, 26; William, 15, 26
Chamberlain, Edward, 87; Elisabeth ,101; Grace, 87,
Champernon, Blanch, 99; Sir John, 99.
Champneys, Honor, 26; John, 26.
Champnon, 45.
Chancey William, 92.
Chanon, Margaret,64; Richard,64.
Chapman, Margaret, 24, 28; Thomas, 24.
Chard, Agnes, 17; Richard, 17.
Chawcott, Elizabeth, 72; Francis, 72.
CHECKFORD, 27; Adrian, 27; Anne, 27; Catherine, 27; Henry, 27; Joane, 27; Margaret, 27, 33; Peter, 27, 88; Thomas, 27 ; William, 27.
Cheney, 45.
Cheney, Alice, 98; John, 88; Margaret, 88.
Chettle, Andrew, 65; Henry, 26; Lucy, 39; Mary, 66; Susan, 26,
Cheverell, Roger, 48; Thomasine, 48.
Chichester, 27.
CHICHESTER, 27; Amias, 27; Catherine, 27 ; Henry, 27; Joane, 27 ; Philip, 27.
Child, 28;
CHILD, 28; Avis, 28; Edith, 28; Elizabeth, 28; John, 4, 28, 83; Margaret, 28, 83 ; Mary, 28 ; Petronell, 28 ; Susan, 28; William, 28.
Christmas, Richard, 4.
Chubb, Margaret, 24; Martha, 31; Matthew, 24; William, 81.
Churchill, 28, 72.
CHURCHILL, 28; Angell, 2; Anne, 28, 72 ; Christian, 28; Edith, 28; Eleanor, 28, 70; Elizabeth, 98; Gervase, 28; Grace, 28; Jane, 28 ; Jasper, 28; John, 28, 70 72, 98; Mary, 28; Matthew, 28; Maximilian, 28; Richard,28; Robert, 28; Sarah, 28; Thomas 28; Virtue, 28; William
Cifrewast. See Siferwast.
Clare (?), 52.
Clarence, Duke of, 52.
Clarke, Anne, 40, 75; Catherine, 84; Edmond, 40; Edward 76; Henry, 84; Joane, 85; Simon, 11; William, 85.
Clavell, 29.
CLAVELL, 29; Alice, 84; Edith, 29; Elisabeth, 84, 42; Frances, 100; Joane, 84; John, 21, 29, 42, 100; Joyce, 21; Richard 84, Roger, 29; Susan, 29 ; Thomas, 34; Sir William, 29; William, 29, 34; ---, 33,
Clebrook, Alice, 84.
Clement, Frances, 5; Thomas, 5.
Clifford, Henry, 60; Katherine, 60
Cluffe, Anne, 69; Giles, 59.
Coade, George, 18; Grace, 18,
COCKERHAM, 29; Anne, 29; Avice, 29; Catherine, 29; Dennis, 29; George, 29; Jane, 70; Mary, 29; Robert, 29, 70; WiIliam, 29.
Coker, 81.
COKER 80,81; Alice, 31; Amy, 30, 31; Anne, 30,31; Barbara, 31; Bridget,30; Dorothy,31;
Edith, 30, 98; Eleanor, 30; Elisabeth, 80, 81, 77; Ellen, 31; Henry, 30,77; Isabel, 98; Jane, 30, 31; Joane, 31; John, 81, 98 ; Judith, 31; Margaret, 31 ; Martha, 31; Mary, 28, 30, 31; Matthew, 30, 31; Richard, 30; Robert, 23, 30, 31; Roger, 31; Thomas, 4, 30,31,98; Thomasine ,30; William, 30, 31; —, 29.
Cole 88.
Cole, Arthur, 15; Edith, 15; Grace, 101; John,101.
Coles, Margaret, 61.
Colfoxe, Stephen, 2.
Collier, 32.
COLLIER , 32; Anne, 32; Cicely, 32, 33 ; Edward, 32 ; Frances, 32; Henry, 4, 32; John, 32,
33 ; Margaret, 32 • Mary, 32; Richard, 32; William, 32.
Colliford. See Culliford.
Collins, Joane, 48.
Colston, John, 5; Mary, 5.
Constantine, Elizabeth, 6.
Cooke, Eleanor, 94; George, 94; Joane, 46, 51; Lucy, 38; Robert, Clarenceux, 61, 71, 90, 103, 104; Thomas, 38; William, 51.
Cooper, Anne, 28; Lancelot, 28; William, 4.
Coplestone, 32.
COPPLESTONE, 32; Anthony, 33; George, 33 ; Grace, 33 ; Helena, 32; John, 32, 33; Margery, 33; Mary, 33; Nicholas, 32; Ralph, 32; Ursula, 33;
Cornew, 102.
Cory, Elisabeth, 8.
Covell, Avice, 29; Thomas, 29. Coventry, Anne, 40; Jane, 41; Thomas, 40; Sir Walter, 41.
Coward, Eleanor, 67; Peter, 57; —,15.
Crabb, --, 48.
Craford, Adrian, 27; Robert, 27.
Crases, Joane, 102; Robert, 102.
Crease, Edith, 84; Joane, 84; Thomas, 84.
Crisp, Hester, 97; Nicholas, 97
Cromwell, George, Lord, 89; Katherine, 89.
Crope, George, 86; Margaret, 86.
Cuffe, Joseph, 24; Mary, 24;
CULLIFORD , 33; Alexander, 33; Alice, 33; Anne, 33; Anthony, 33; Bridget, 33; Cicely, 33; Frances, 33, 41 ; Henry, 33, 64 ; John, 32, 33, 41; Lawrence, 33; Lucy, 33; Margaret, 33; Mary, 32, 33, 64; Robert, 33; William 33.
Culpeper, Cicely, 41; Frances, 41;
Dabynot, Christopher, 54; Rawlin, 54;
Daccomb, 34.
DACCOMB , 34-36; Agnes, 35; Alice, 34, 36; Anne, 23, 34, 36, 46; Brian, 35; Bruin, 34; Christian, 3 4; Deborah, 34; Edith, 35 ; Edward, 34. 35; Elizabeth, 34-36; Francis, 35; George, 1, 34; Henry, 34, 35; James, 36; Sir John, 35; John, 34-36, 45; Margaret, 34; Mary, 34, 35; Melier, 72; Prudence, 35; Richard, 35; Robert, 34; Susan, 34; Thomas, 34; William, 34, 35.
Dale, Deborah, 81.
Dannat, Jane, 8.
Darby, Christopher, 76 ; Joane, 76; Mary, 20; Nicholas, 4; William, 3,20
Darcy, Elisabeth, 22; Lord, 94; Robert, 22.
Darrell, Anne, 38; Constantine, 38.
Dashwood, Edmond, 3.
Daubignie, -, 58.
Davidge Alice, 101; Robert, 101; Sarah, 55 ; Thomas, 55.
Davith, John, 14; Mary, 14.
Davy, Mary, 44; --, 43.
Dawe, 104.
Dawe, Robert, 104; William, 104.
Day, Anne, 18 ; John, 18.
Deering, Anne, 81.
De la .Lynde, 93, 97.
De la Lynde, or Delalind, Alice, 98; Anne, 94, 97, 99; Avis, 94; Sir George, 97, 99 ;
George, 94 ; Sir Thomas, 94, 97, 98; Thomas, 99.
De la Pole, Elizabeth, 23; James, 28.
De la River, Henry, Lord, 12; Joane, 12.
Delawarr, Elizabeth, 75 ; Penelope, 75 ; Thomas, 75.
Denham 7.
Denton, Magdalen, 74; Margaret, 64; William, 74.
Derby, Edward, Earl of, 8.
Despencer, 52.
Dethick, Gilbert, Garter, 97; Sir William, Garter, 46, 51.
Devon, Thomas, Earl of, 78.
Digby, Frances, 101; Rowland, 101.
Dirdo, 36.
DIRDO, 36; Christopher, 36; Dorothy, 36; Edward, 36; Frances, 36; Henry, 36; Mary, 36; Robert, 36; Thomas, 36; William, 36.
Disney, Anne, 22; William, 22.
Dodington, Christopher, 36; John, 6; Margaret, 6 ; Mary, 36, 41.
DOLLING, 36 ; Anne, 37; Christopher, 36; Elizabeth, 21, 36, 37; Henry, 36; John, 36, 37; Judith, 37.
Dorchester, 8.
Dorset, Thomas, Marquis of, 7.
Downes, Catherine, 56; Edward, 56.
Drake, Edward, 92; Mary, 92.
Draper, Eleanor, 71; Richard,71.
Drury, Edmond, 94; Jane, 94; Margaret, 94; Robert, 94.
Dudley, Edmond, 85, Elizabeth, 85; John, Duke of Northumberland, 85.
Duning, Edward, 82; Elizabeth 82.
Dyer, Rose, 69; Thomas, 69,
Dymock, Anne, 37.
EARLE, 37; Agnes, 37; Anne, 37; Bridget, 37; Christopher, 37; Elisabeth, 37; Honor, 37; Mary, 37 ; Thomas, 37; Sir Walter, 37 ; Walter, 37.
Edgar, John 4.
Edmonds alias Young, Anne, 42; William, 42,
Eggerton, 37.
EGGERTON, 37; Agnes, 38; Avice, 37, 38; Elizabeth, 38; Henry, 38 ; Josue, 38; John, 38 ; Margaret, 37,38; Richard, 37; Thomas, 37, 38; Ursula, 38.
Eliott, John, 68; Julian, 68.
Ernle, 38.
ERNLE, 38; Anne, 38; Elizabeth, 38; Isabel, 96; John, 38; Lucy, 38; Mary, 38; Robert, 38; William, 38; Winifred, 97.
Estrudd, —, 18.
ETTORICK, 39; Anne, 39; Anthony, 39 ; Lacy, 39; Mande, 39; William, 39.
Evans, 103.
Evans, John,103.
Every, Sarah, 47 ; William, 47
Ewens, Frances,36; Katherine, 41; Thomas, 36.
Eyers, John, 4,
Eyre, 76.
Eyre, Blanch, 75; Catherine, 56; Robert, 75; Thomas, 56.
Farwell, Christopher, 102; John, 33; Susan, 102; Ursula,33
Fathers, Bridget, 67; Giles, 67. Fauntleroy, Henry, 6; Margaret, 6,
Ferrers, 45.
Fettiplace. See Phetiplace.
Fill Robert, 4.
Filliol, 39.
FILLIOL, 39; Dorothy, 39; Eleanor, 93; Elizabeth, 39; Henry, 39; Joane, 39; John, 39, 93; Lady, 39 ; Margaret, 39; 1 Nicholas, 39; Richard, 39; Robert, 39; Thomas, 39 ; William, 39.
Fisher, James, 4; Jane, 100; William, 4.
Fitchet, 88.
Fitton, Anne, 81.
Fitz-James, Aldred, 92 ; Anne, 92; Christian, 59; John, 59.
Fitz-John, 52.
Fitzwarren, Joane, 12 ; Sir Philip, 12.
Fleet, Mary 89; William, 89.
Floud, Barbara, 67; David, 67.
Foile, John, 81 ; Millicent, 81.
Foote, Alice, 50; John, 50.
Forte, Mary, 64.
Foster, Richard, 4.
Foy, John, 4.
Frampton, 40.
FRAMPTON, 40 ; Anne, 40 ; Elizabeth, 40, 51 ; Francis, 40; George,40; Grace, 40; James,
40; Jane, 40; John, 40; Katherine, 40; Martha, 40; Mary, 40; Richard, 40; Robert, 40; Ursula, 40; Walter, 40; William, 40, 51.
Francis, Editha, 17 ; Elizabeth, 6; Thomas,1; William, 6,17.
Franklin, Giles, 56; Martha, 56.
Freke, 40.42.
FREKE 40, 42; Alice, 41, 53 ; Anne, 41; Arundell, 41, 42, 94; Clavell, 42; Edith, 47; Edmond, 41; Elisabeth, 41, 42; Frances, 33, 41; George, 41; Jane, 41, 42, 93; John, 41, 42, 94; Katherine, 41; Margaret, 41, 70; Mary, 41 ; Ralph, 41; Robert, 33, 41,42, 70; Susan, 42; Sir Thomas, 41, 42 53, 93, 94 ; Thomas, 41; William, 41.
Frome, 89.
Fry 42.
FRY, 42 ; Anne, 42, 43; Catherine, 42; Dulcibella, 43 ; Elizabeth, 36; Jane, 48; John,
43; Judith, 42; Margery, 42; Mary, 42 ; Millicent, 42, 43; Robert, 42, 48; William, 86,
42, 48, 48.
Fulbrooke, Chrietian,18.
Fulford, 103.
Fulford, Edmond, 103; Elizabeth, 84; Sir John, 84.
Furneauw, 88.
Gainsford, Elizabeth, 89; Henry, 89.
GALLOP, 43, 44; Agneta, 43 ; Alice, 43; Amy, 44; Anne, 43; Catherine, 43; Egidius, 43; Elizabeth, 43; Frances, 43; George, 43; Grace, 44; Henry, 43; Humphrey, 43; Joane, 43, 44 ; John, 43; Judith, 43 ; Martha, 43; Mary,44; Richard, 43, 44; ; Roger, 43, 44; Thomas, 43; William, 43, 44.
Game, Catherine, 48; Thomas, 48.
Gardiner, 44.
GARDINER, 44; Alice, 44; Anne, 44; Edward, 44; Frances, 44; Francis, 44; George, 44; Grisell, 44; Henry, 44; Jane, 44; John, 2; Katherine, 44; Mary, 44.; Priscilla, 44 ; Robert, 44; Thomas, 44; William, 44, 115.
Gaunt, John, 33; Margery, 33.
Geere, David, 2.
Gerard, 45.
GERARD, or Gerrard, 45; Anne, 30, 45 ; Catherine, 45; Elizabeth, 46, 66,74; Emma, 45 ; George. 45; Jane, 65 ; Joane, 45; John, 45; Margery, 88; Robert, 45; Thomas, 30, 45; William, 45, 65, 66.
Gibbon, Anne, 50; Richard, 50.
Gibbs, 46.
GIBBS, 46; Anthony, 46; Gregory, 46; Joane, 46; Margaret 5; Mary, 46; Robert, 46; Roger, 5; Thomas, 46; William, 5, 46.
Gifford, Joane, 27, 92; Roger, 27; —,29.
Giles, Catherine, 51; Richard, 51.
Gillett, Margaret, 80; William, 80; —, 38.
Gillingham, Anne, 76; Joan, 76; Richard, 76; Thomas, 4, 76.
Glisson, 46.
GLISSON, 46; Alice, 46; Francis, 46 ; Henry, 46 ; Hester, 46; Humphrey, 46; Israel 46 ; James, 46 ; Joan, 46; John, 46; Margaret, 46; Mary, 46, 57; Paul, 46; Walter, 46; William, 46, 57
Goddard, Francis, 9; John, 9; —,7.
Godfrey, Avice, 82; Thomas, 82.
Godwin, George, 8; Mary, 8.
Goldisborough, Margaret, 95; Mary, 14; Robert, 14.
Golston, Margaret, 80; Richard, 80.
GOOD, 47; Anne, 47 ; Edith, 47; Eleanor, 47; John, 47; Robert 47.
Gouis, 45;
GOULD, 47 ; Alice, 33; Frances, 47; James, 47; Joane, 16, 47; John, 8, 16, 47 ; Katherine,
56; Sarah, 47; —,56,
Goulding, Richard, 4.
Gower, Cicely, 11; Thomas, 11.
Graunt, Catherine, 97.
Greene, Anne, 85; Giles, 2, 4; John, 55; Sarah, 55.
Grey, 48.
GREY or GRAY, 48; Angell, 48; Anne, 48, 98; Christopher, 48, 70; George, 48, 71; Gertrude, 48; Isabel, 48; Jane, 48; Joane, 48; Katherine, 48 ; Lucy, 48 ; Mary, 48,70; Thomas, 48; Thomasine, 48; Walter, 48, 98.
Grove, 44, 49.
GROVE, 49; Alice, 49, 50; Anne, 49, 50; David, 21,50 ; Dorothy, 50; Elizabeth, 21, 50; Frances, 49, 50 ; Francis, 50; Hugh, 49; Jane, 49, 50; Joane, 49, 50; John, 49, 50; Margaret, 14, 49; Mary, 49, 50, 61; Ralph, 49,60; Richard, 49 ; Ralph, 49, 61 ; Thomas, 49, 50; Thomasine, 49; Walter, 49; William,14, 49, 50; —, 44.
Guire, Alice, 34; Henry, 34; Thomas, 2.
Guppy, John, 4; -,81.
Gyer,. See Guire.
Hackwell, Frances, 47; John, 47.
Hadley, Christopher, 89; Margaret, 89
Hall, Alice, 65; John, 23, 68; Mary, 23; ---,7;
Hallett, Joane, 31; Roger, 2; Walter, 2.
Halway, Anne, 34; Sir John, 13,mary, 13; William, 34;
Hancock, Joane, 69; John, 46, 69; Mary 46;
Hancock alias Barklet, Alice, 68; John, 66.
Hannam, 60.
HANNAM, 50; Alice, 50; Elizabeth, 51, 59; Henry, 51; James, 59; Jane, 51; Sir John, 51; John, 50, 51; Penelope, 50, 51 ; Richard 50; Thomas, 50, 51. '
Harbin, Elizabeth, 24; John, 24.
Hardin, Margaret, 64.
Hardy, 51.
HARDY, 51 ; Catherine, 51; Christopher, 51 ; Dorothy, 83; Edith, 51 ; Edmond, 51; Eleanor, 51; Frances, 51; Francis, 51; George, 51; Grace, 51; Jane, 51; Joane, 51 ; John, 51; Margaret, 38; Mary, 51; Nicholas, 2; Phillis, 24, 51; Robert, 51 ; Samuel, 51; William, 51, 83.
Harington, Sir James, 52; Sarah, 52.
Harleston, Alice, 22; Clemens, 22; John, 22 ; Robert, 22.
Harpeigh, Frances, 49; John, 49.
Harris, Haddy, 4.
Harrison, Honor, 18; Joane, 18 ; Lionel, 18.
Hartgill, Anne, 36; Arthur, 9; Dorothy, 31 ; Rebecca, 9; William, 31, 36.
Harvey, 52.
HARVEY, 52; Amy, 80; Anne, 52; Elizabeth, 6; George, 42; Jane, 42 ; Joane, 52; John, 6, 52; Julian, 52; Mabel, 52; Magdalen, 52; Margaret, 52; Thomas, 52; William, 4, 52; -, 100.
Harwood, John, 1.
Hastings, 52.
HASTINGS, 52; Alice, 41, 53; Dorothy, 52, 53, 80; Francis, Earl of Huntingdon, 52; Francis, 53 ; George, Earl of Huntingdon, 52; Sir George, 41, 53; Henry, 41,52,53,80;
Joane, 53; Ralph, 53; Sarah, 52; William, 53.
Hatch, Bartholomew, 44; Priscilla, 44.
Hawker, Lady, 39; Thomas, 89.
Hawkins, Judith, 97; William, 97.
Hawles, 53.
HAWLES, 53 ; Alice, 53; Anne, 53; Anthony, 53 ; Edmond, 63; Edward, 53,115; Eleanor, 53; Elisabeth, 53; George, 53; John, 53; Margaret, 53; Martha, 53; Mary,53 ; Nicholas, 53; Thomas, 53.
Hawley, Elizabeth, 16; Francis, 16
Hay, Margaret, 89; Winter, 89.
Haycock, Anne, 31; Thomas, 31.
Haydon, Amy, 57; Thomas, 57.
Hayne, 54.
HAYNE, 54; Agnes, 54 ; Cicely, 54; Elizabeth, 54 ; Gideon, 54; Jane, 20 ; John, 20, 54;
Martha, 54; Mary, 54; Morgan, 54; Oliver, 54; Rawlin, 54; Richard, 54, Samuel, 54; Sarah, 54; Thomas, 54; William, 54.
Hayward, —, 54.
Hazard, Mary, 55; Robert, 4. Heale, —, 72.
Hebbs, 103.
Hebbe, Edith, 84; Owen, 84; —, 61.
Hemming, Alice, 90; John, 90.
Heningham, Alice, 22; George, 22; John, 22.
Henning, 64.
HENNING, 54; Dorothy, 39, 54, 55; Edmond, 55; Jane, 54, 55 ; John, 39, 54, 55, 61 ; Katherine, 61; Nicholas, 55; Richard, 55 ; Robert, 55.
Henslow, —, 51.
Herne, John, 4.
Herring, 97.
Heytesbury, 62.
Hide. ,see Hyde.
Hildesham, Grisell, 44; John, 44.
HILL, 55; Cicely, 69; Elizabeth, 55; James, 43; John, 3, 55 ; Judith, 43; Lucy, 55 ; Mary, 55; Oliver, 4; Roger, 55 ; Sarah, 55 ; William,1, 55, 69.
Hillary, Henry, 4.
Hillson, John. 102; Margaret, 102.
Hinton, Anthony, 25, 53; Elizabeth, 53; Martha, 25.
Hippesley, Anne, 70; John, 70.
Hitchcock, Agnes, 14 ; John, 14, 24; Margery, 24.
Hodder, Edward, 2; Elizabeth, 10; Joane, 46; John, 4, 46.
Hodges, Anne, 56; Catherine, 27; James, 56; Mary, 41; William, 27, 41.
Hodges alias Lucas, Frances, 69 ; James, 69.
Hody, 88.
Hody, Elisabeth, 88; Reignold, 88.
Holcomb, Alice, 53.
Holland, 52.
Holloway, 13.
Hollwell, Sir John, 59; Margaret, 59.
Holman, Alice, 15; Edith, 15; Henry, 15; Robert, 15; Susanna, 61; William, 61.
Hooper, 55.
HOOPER, 55; Agnes, 55; Anne, 56; Catherine, 56; Dorothy, 56; Edward, 66, 97; Elizabeth, 25, 56 ; Giles, 56 ; Honor, 56, 97; James, 56; John, 55, 56; Martha, 56; Mary, 56 ; Robert, 56; Thomas, 25, 56.
Hopton, Sir Arthur, 11, 15, 79; Joane, 15; Margaret, 79; Selina, 11.
Horsey, 102.
Horsey, Elizabeth 41 ; Sir George, 41; Katherine, 70; Lucy, 87; Thomas, 87.
Horton, John, 33.; Mary, 33.
HOSKINS, 56; ; Anne, 56; Eleanor, 57; Elizabeth, 56, 57; Henry, 46, 56, 57; James, 57; John, 56, 57, 63; Katherine, 56; Mary, 46, 57, 63; Peter, 56, 57; Ursula, 57; William, 57.
Howard, Anne, 95; Thomas, Lord, Viscount Bindon, 95.
Huddlestone, Joyce, 64.
Hull, George 92; Margaret, 92.
Hulmes, Katherine, 90.
Humber, Catherine, 9; John, 9.
Humphrey, 57.
HUMFREY, 57; Dorothy, 57; Elizabeth, 57,75 ; Isabel, 99; John, 57,75,99; Michael, 57; Nicholas, 76; Theophila, 76.
Hungarford, 52.
HUNTLEY, 57 ; Amy, 57; Edith, 57; Edmond, 57; Egidius, 57; Joane, 57; John, 67.
Hunton, Emmela, 62; Virtue, 28; William; 62.
Husey, 58.
HUSSEY, 58-60; Agneta, 60; Anne, 10, 59, 60; Bartholomew, 59 ; Christian, 59; Delalind, 59; Dorothy, 60, 76; Edmond, 60; Eleanor, 59; Elisabeth, 7, 59; Ellen, 58; George, 59,60; Giles, 60,116 Godfrey, 58; Henry, 58; Honor, 60, 73; Hubert, 10, 58-60 ; James, 58, 60 ; Jane, 6,58,60; Joane, 59, 92; John, 59; Joseph, 59, 60; Katherine, 60; Margaret, 59, 60; Martha, 53; Mary, 11, 59, 60, 81; Nicholas, 60; Ralph, 58; Reignold, 58; Robert, 59; Samson, 60 ; Selina, 60; Thomas,6, 11, 69, 60, 73, 76, 81, 92; William, 7, 53, 58.
Hyde, 72.
Hyde, Margaret, 33, 72.
Illery, -,74.
Ironside, Martha, 43; Ralph, 43.
James, James, 2; Jane, 44; Katherine, 62; Markes, 80; Mary, 80; Richard, 44; Thomas, 4, 62.
Janverlyne, Mary, 90.
Jeffery, Sir John, 84; Mary, 84,
Jerard, 88.
Jerard. ,See Gerard.
Jernigan, Anne, 8; Henry, 8,
Jesser, Joane, 14; William, 14.
Jessop, Anne, 81; Frances, 74; John, 74; Thomas, 81.
Jewe, 88.
JOLLIFFE, 60; Dorothy, 61; Elizabeth, 61; George, 61; John, 61 ; Katherine, 61; Rebecca, 61 ; Richard, 60, 61; Robert, 61 ; Susanna, 61; William, 8.
Jordan, 98.
Jordan. Anne, 82; Christian, 98; John, 93; Mary, 80.
Joyce, Lucy,102 ; Nicholas, 102.
Juge, 45.
Keat. Sec Kate.
Keimer, Agnes, 26; Anne, 101; Ellis, 18; Henry, 101; Joane, 18.
Keines, Alice, 34; Stephen, 34.
Kellaway, Emma, 45; Robert, 45.
Kelway, Anne, 64; Elizabeth, 66; Francis, 64 ; John. 66.
Kenn, Edmond, 73; Margaret, 73;
Kete, 61.
KETE, 61; Barbara, 62; Christian, 61; Cicely, 62 ; Edward, 24, 61; Elizabeth, 61, 62; Eva, 61; Florence, 62; George, 62 ; Hugh, 61 ; Jane, 51; Joane, 62 ; John, 51, 61, 62; Katherine, 62; Margaret, 61; Mary 24, 61, 62; Matthew, 62; Randolph, 62; Richard, 61 ; Thomas, 61,62; William, 61, 62.
Keyne, Bridget, 71; John, 71.
Keyte. See Kete.
King, Robert, 4.
Kingston, Dorothy, 6; Thomas, 6.
Kitson, Frances, 102.
Knight, Eleanor, 95; Frances, 51 Robert, 2.
Knightley, Jane, 67; Richard, 67.
Knott, Joyce,10 ; Thomas, 10.
Knottesford, Eleanor, 67; Elizabeth, 67; Jane, 67; John, 67.
Lacke, Thomas, 2.
Lacy, Ursula, 57; William, 57,79.
Lambert, Bridget, 10; John, 1; Thomas, 10.
Lane, 45, 62.
LANE, 62 ; Edmond, 62 ; Emmela, 62; Henry, 62; Honor, 62; John, 62 ; Magdalen, 62; Richard, 62;
Laning, Margery, 42; Richard, 42;
Larder, 58, 62.
LARDER, 62; Anthony, 63; Elizabeth, 62; Humphrey, 63; John, 62, 63; Lewis, 63; Mary 63;
Robert, 62; 63; Ursula,11, 59;
Latham, Elizabeth,19.
Latimer, 45;
Lause, Cicely, 68 ; Francis, 68.
Lawrence, 63,
LAWRENCE 63; Alias, 64, 98; Angell, 64; Ann 63, 64; 94; Augustine, 64; Bruen, 64; Catherine, 63, 64; Charles, 63, 64; Edmond, 63, 64; Sir Edward, 64, 98; Edward, 23, 63, 94, Elizabeth, 64; Frances, 64; George, 64; Grace, 23, 64 ; Henry, 63; Honor, 64; Sir James, 63; Sir John, 63; John, 63, 64; Joyce, 64; Lucy, 16, 64; Margaret, 64; Mary, 33, 64, 69; Nicholas, 63; Sir Oliver, 63, 94; Oliver, 64; Raleigh, 64 ; Richard, 33, 63, 64, 69 ; Sir Robert, 63; Robert, 63, 64; Susanna, 64; Sir Thomas; 63; Thomas, 4, 63; William, 4, 16, 63, 64 ; —,66.
Ledred, 40.
Ledred, Alice, 88; Roger, 88
Lemming, Honor, 62; John, 82.
Lewis, Barnaby,17 ; Jane, 17.
Lawson, Elizabeth, 39.
Lilgrave, Anne, 44; Dudley, 44.
Lilley, or Lisley, Margaret, 20; Nicholas, 20.
Lincoln, 45.
Lite, Florence, 68; Magdalen, 69.
Littcott, —, 61.
Locke, Edith, 91; William, 91.
Lockell, Thomas, 2.
Lockyer, Henry, 85; Margaret, 85
Long, Anne, 17; Richard, 17.
Loope, Anne, 82; Thomas, 82.
Lotesham, Dorothy, 14; Oliver, 14.
Loundres (?), 66.
Loupe, Thomas, 4.
Lovelace, Elisabeth, 89; Robert, 89,
Lovell, 65.
LOVELL, 65; Agnes, 65; Alice, 65, 66; Anne, 19,65; Antiochester, 65; Catherine, 65,90; Charles, 66; Christian, 66 ; Deborah, 66; Dorothy,65, 66; Edith, 65; Edward, 65; Elizabeth, 65, 66; Ellen, 65; George, 19, 34, 65,66; Henry, 65 ; Jane, 65: Joane, 65; John, 65, 66; Margaret, 34, 65, 66 ; Mary, 65; Richard, 65, 66; Robert, 65; Thomas 65, 66, 90; Walter, 65, 66; William 65, 66.
Lucus. See Hodges.
Ludlow, Bridget, 30, Sir Edmond , 30.
Lumbard, Wiliam, 11.
Lumley, Barbara, 67; George, 67; Jane, 67; John, Lord, 67;
Luttrell, Sir Andrew, 79; Elizabeth, 8; Margaret, 79.
Lynde. See De la Lynde
Maccedo, Roger, Clarenceux, 44.
Macham, Margaret, 52.
Mackwlliam, Anne, 86.
Mahew. See Mayhew.
Malbanch, 102.
Mallett, Cicely, 6; Gawen, 6; Katherine, 6; MichaeI, 6.
Manners, George, Lord Rosse, 86; Margaret, 86; --, Earl of Rutland, 86.
Manning, Dorothy, 87 ; John, 87; —, 18.
Manston, Ralph, 11.
Marchant, Anne, 59.
Marcombe, Thomas, 4.
Marney, Alice, 21 ; Sir Robert, 21.
Marsh, Anne, 48 ; Robert, 48.
Martin, 66.
MARTIN, 66 ; Anne, 82 ; Dorothy, 24; Dr., 20; Elizabeth, 66; Ellen, 65; Frances, 20; Francis, 66; Henry, 24; Hugh, 82; Joane, 15; John, 66; Margery, 24; Nicholas, 22, 23, 66; Prudence, 35; Reignold, 35; Richard, 15; Robert, 66 ; Thomas, 65, 66; William, 66 ; —, 92.
Marvin, Austin.101; Edith, 101, Elizabeth, 59, 80; George, 80; John, 59, 80.
Mathew, 67.
MATHEW, 67; Bridge 67; Clare, 67; Dorothy, 67; Elizabeth, 67; Francis, 67; George,
67; Katherine, 67; Mary, 67; Richard, 87; Toby, 4.
Mathewes, Awdrey, 95 ; Margery, 85.
Matravers, 45.
Maunsell, Elizabeth, 66; John, 62; Mary, 62; Richard, 66.
Mawdley, Dorothy, 9; Richard, 9; Roger, 1.
Mawdlin, Elizabeth, 78; Roger, 78
May, Frances, 71; John, 71,
Mayhew, Eleanor, 15; Edward, 49 ; Joane, 39, 49; John, 15, 49; Mary, 102; Richard, 39; Robert, 49; Thomasine, 49,
Mayhow. See Mayhew.
Mayor, Richard, 4; Robert, 2.
Mayowe. See Mayhew.
Medon, Eva, 61,
Meere, 46, 68.
MEERE, 68; Alice, 68, 69; Anne, 69 ; Barnard, 68; Cicely, 68, 69; Dorothy, 69; Eleanor, 69; Elizabeth, 69; Florence, 68; Frances, 68,69; Henry, 69; Hester, 68; Hugh, 68, 69; Jane, 68; Joane, 69; Sir John, 68; John, 68, 69; Julian, 68; Magdalen, 69; Magnus, 68; Margaret, 68; Maude, 68; Patience, 69; Robert, 68, 69; Rose, 69; William, 68, 69.
Meggs, 69.
MEGGS, 69; Andrew, 69; Anne, 64, 69, 70; Christopher, 69; Henry, 70; Jane, 69, 70; Joane, 69 ; Lawrence, 64, 69, 70 ; Mary, 69, 70, 85; Penelope, 70 ; Percival, 69, 85; Peverell, 69, 70; Thomas, 70.
Melcombe Regis, 1.
Meller, 70.
MELLER, or Miller, 70; Angell, 71; Anne, 70, 71 ; Dorothy, 70; Eleanor, 70, 71 ; Elizabeth, 70, 71; Giles, 70; Grace, 70; Jane, 70; Jasper, 70, 71; John, 70, 71; Katherine, 70; Lawrence, 71; Margaret, 70; Mary, 70 ; Sir Robert., 70; Robert, 70, 71; Sarah, 70,71; Thomas, 70; Thomasine, 70; Wolley, 70. See Miller.
Melmouth, Thomas, 1.
Michaell, Catherine, 42; Dorothy, 9; John, 9, 42.
Michell, Barnard,2, 4; Henry, 4.
Mildchope, 45.
Mill, Bridget, 10 ; Sir Richard, 10; Thomas, 10.
Miller, Eleanor, 28; E., 96; John, 28, 83; Margaret, 41 ; Sir Robert, 41; Robert, 2; —, 9. See Meller.
Minterne, 71.
MINTERNE, 71 ; Bridget, 71; Dorothy, 71; Eleanor, 71; Frances, 71; Henry, 71; Jane,
71; Joane, 71; John, 71; Margaret, 71
Moels, 52.
Mogg, Edith, 25; William, 25,
Mohun,, 72, 93.
MOHUN, 72 ; Anne, 72; Christian, 93; Churchill, 72; Eleanor, 72; Elizabeth, 26, 72; George, 72; John, 72, 93; Margaret, 72; Mary, 72; Maximilian, 26, 72; Meller, 72; Robert, 72.
Moldford, Amy, 30; John, 30.
Molines, 52.
Mollineux, Honor, 60; Oliver, 60; —, 62.
Mollins, Robert, 4.
Mompesson, Anne, 96; Joane, 49; Thomas, 49.
Montagu, 52.
Montagu, Sir Edward, 100; Margaret, 100; Viscount, 98.
Montfort, William, 12.
Monthermer, 62.
Moody, Joane, 62; Richard, 62.
Moone. See Mohun,
Moore, Anne, 25,58; Catherine, 8; Christian, 61; Elizabeth, 95; George, 8; Jane, 84; John, 25, 56; Richard, 95; Stephen, 2; —, 35.
Mordaunt, Jane, 86; Sir John, 86.
Morgan, 78.
MORGAN 73; Agnes, 73; Anne, 73; Catherine, 73; Dorothy, 73; Elizabeth, 73, 94; Henry,
73; Jane, 73; Margaret, 73; Mary, 73; Rebecca, 73; Robert, 73; Strode, 73; Thomas, 73.
MORTON, 73; Sir George, 73; George, 73; Henry, 73; Honor, 60, 73; Margaret, 65; Mary, 73; Thomas, 11, 60, 64, 65, 73; Walter, 73.
Moss, Anne, 18; William, 18.
Mullins, William, 102.
Mullward, Agnes, 65; William, 65.
Munden, Agnes, 38; John, 38.
Mussell, Dorothy, 56; Nicholas, 56
Mustion, Oliver, 69; Patience, 69.
Mynevey, Elizabeth, 6.
Napper, or Napier,74; Andrew, 74 ; Anne, 74, 80; Arundell, 74; Christopher, 74; Edward, 74; Elizabeth, 45, 74; Frances, 74 ; George, 74 ; Gerrard, 74 ; Henry, 74; James, 74; Jane, 74; John, 74; Katherine, 74; Magdalen, 74 ; Sir Nathaniel, 45, 74; Nathaniel, 74; Sir Robert, 74, 80; Robert, 74; Shelton, 74; Thomas, 74; William, 74.
Nash, Henry, 97.
Neale, Elizabeth, 41; Sir Thomas, 41.
Neville, 52.
Nevison, Jane, 50; Nicholas, 50.
Newburgh, 52.
Newbury, Mary, 26; Roger, 26,
Newcourt, John, 46; Mary, 46.
Newman, Elizabeth, 61; Robert, 61.
Newport, Anastasia, 18; Christian,18;—,18.
Newton, Frances, 87; Henry, 87.
Nicholas, 103.
Normandy, Richard, Duke of, 58.
Norris, Frances, 64; Robert, 64,
Northumberland, John, Duke of, 85.
Norton, Anne, 87 ; George, 87.
Notley, John, 4.
Nudigate, Anne, 44; John, 44.
Oakes, Alice, 69; Robert, 69.
Odber, Jane, 31; John, 31.
Ogden, Elizabeth, 96; William, 96.
Oldich, John, 4.
Orange, Alice, 60.
Overton, Joane, 21; Thomas, 21.
Oxendon, Dorothy, 50; William, 50.
Page, Anne, 91; Joane, 83; Richard, 83; William, 91.
Palmer, Margaret, 75; Sir Thomas, 75.
Palshott, Elizabeth, 88; Richard, 88.
Parham, Anne, 14; James, 14.
Parke, Thomas, 4.
Paveley, 45.
Pavier, .--,18.
Pawlett, Anne, 26 ; Frances, 43; George, 43; Thomas, 26.
Payne, Elisabeth, 82; John, 4, 82; Maude, 85 ; Thomas, 85; Richard, 2.
Peacock, Mary, 67; Thomas, 67.
Pelham, 75.
PELHAM, 75; Anne, 75; Anthony, 75 ; Blanch 75; Edward, 75; Elisabeth, 57, 75; Herbert, 57, 75; John, 75; Margaret, 75; Penelope, 75; Robert,75; Thomas, 75.
Pelor, Henry, 68.
Penny, Edith, 57; Egidius, 57.
Penruddock, Arundell, 41; John, 41.
Percy, Alicia, 17; Anne, 17; Henry, 17 ; Letitia, 17 ; Philip 17.
Perkins, John, 3; Mary, 54; William, 54.
PESING, 75; Anne, 75; Dorothy, 75,76; Edith, 76; Hugh, 75; Joane, 76; John, 75, 76; Mary, 76; Roger, 76.
Peter, Thomasine, 30; William, 30
Petoe, Sir John, 74.
Phelps, -, 78.
Phetiplace, Bridge, 26.
Phillipps, 76.
PHILLIPPS, 76 ; Anne, 76; Dorothy, 60, 76; Sir Edward, 76; Edward,76; Elizabeth, 6,76; John, 76; Margery, 76; Richard, 76; Sir Robert, 76; Theophila, 76; Sir Thomas, 76; Thomas, 6, 60, 76.
Pitcher, Thomasine, 18; William,18.
Pitt, Christopher, 64; Grace, 101; Joane, 84; John, 24; Katherine, 101 ; Lucy, 64; Margaret, 16; Matthew, 2; Melier, 72 ; Richard, 16; Sir William, 84; William, 101.
See Bennett.
Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, 52
Pokeswell, Christian, 88; John, 88,
Polden, Joane, 77; John, 42, 85; Margaret, 85; Susan, 42; Thomas, 77.
Polo, 52.
Polton, Dorothy, 36; Edward, 36.
Pomfret, 77.
POMFRET,77; Bridget, 71; Edward, 77; Elizabeth, 77; Frances, 77; George, 77; John, 77 Lawrence, 77; Margaret, 77; Robert, 77 ; Selina,77; Sophia, 77 ; Thomas, 77.
Poole, 1.
Poole, Sir William 37.
Poore, Margaret, 95; Philip, 95.
Pope, 77.
POPE, 77; Catherine, 77; George, 77; Joane, 77; John, 77; Robert, 77.
Popham, Sir John, 50; Penelope, 50
Port, 56.
Port, Agnes, 55; Dorothy, 52; Sir John, 52; John, 55.
Power, 103.
Power, William, 103.
Powlett. See Pawlett.
Presley, Agnes, 102; Thomas, 102.
Prince, Barnaby,18 ; Margaret, 18
Prowte, Catherine, 27; Edmond, 27.
Purefoy, George, 48; Lucy, 48.
Pydel (?) 66.
PYNE, 78; Anne, 52; Augustine, 78; Hugh, 2; Joane, 78; John, 52, 78 ; Lewis, 78; Ursula, 78; William, 78.
Quick, Humphrey, 5; Mary, 5.
Radford, 78.
RADFORD, 78; Arthur, 78; Elizabeth, 78; Katherine, 64, 78; Lawrence, 77, 78;
Margaret, 78; Rawleigh, 78; Sophia, 77; William, 78.
Rase, James, 52; Joane, 52.
Raw, Agnes, 73; John, 73.
Rawleigh, Margaret, 78; Sir Walter, 78.
Rawles, 78.
RAWLES, 78; Agnes, 78, 93; Augustine, 79; Christian, 79; Elisabeth, 79 ; Frame, 79 ; Joane, 78, 79; John, 79; Mary, 79; Susan, 79; Thomas, 79; Ursula, 79; William, 78, 79, 83.
Rawlinson, Henry, 69; Magdalen, 69.
Ray, Edward, 4.
Rayer, James, 102 ; Joane, 102.
Rayment, Frances, 64; William, 64.
Raymond, George, 78; Ursula, 78.
Reeves, Dorothy, 53; Sir John, 53 ; Mary, 35; Robert, 35,
Reines, Frances, 9; James, 9,
Reinolds, 103.
Reives. See Reeves,
Reniger, Elizabeth, 95.
Reynolds, james, 4,
Richmond and Lenox, Lodwick, Duke of, 3.
Ringborne, Katherine, 22,23; William, 22, 23.
Roberts, Thomas, 1.
Robins, .Agnes, 102; Thomas, 102.
Robson, Agnes, 35.
Rockley, —, 21.
Rodney, Elizabeth, 94; Sir John; 94.
Rogers, 79.
ROGERS, 79; Andrew, 79; Anne, 10; Dorothy, 6; Edward, 6, 79, 87; Elizabeth, 79; Frances, 79, 100 ; Henry, 66; Howard, 79, 87; Joane, 79 ; Sir John, 26, 79, 100 ; John, 4, 79; Katherine, 79; Margaret, 26, 66, 79 ; Mary, 79; Sir Richard, 79 ; Richard, 79; —, 60.
Rois, Edward, 2.
Romaine, Christian, 79 ; Nicholas, 79.
Rosse, Lord, 86.
Royall, Joane, 102 ; John, 102.
Rugg, Jane, 22, 23. .
Russell, 45.
Russell, Anne, 74, 93, Catherine, 65; George, 65; John, 74.
Rutland, Earl of, 86.
Ryves, 80.
RYVES, 80; Amy, 80; Anne, 80, 81; Charles, 80, Dorothy, 80; Edith, 80 ; Elizabeth 80, 81; Frances, 80; George, 60, 80, 81; Henry, 80; James, 80; John, 80, 81 ; Lucy, 55, 80; Margaret, 64, 80, 81; Markes, 80; Mary, 60, 80, 81; Matthew, 80; Millicent, 81; Richard, 80, 81; Robert, 80, 81; Dr. Thomas, 80; Valentine, 80; Sir William.
Sacheverell, 81.
SACHEVERELL, 81; Avioe, 98; Anne, 81; Christopher, 8, 198; Deborah, 81; Firth, 77 ; Hugh, 77,81; Isabel, 81; John, 81; Robert, 81; St. John, 81; Theophilus, 81; Timothy, 81; Willam,81.
Saint Aubyn, Frances, 79; Francis, 79.
Saint John, Joan, 86,
Salmon, Elizabeth, 80; Thomas, 80.
SALTER, 82; Alice, 82; Avice, 82; Elizabeth, 82; John, 82; William, 82.
Samways, 82.
SAMWAYS, 82; Alice, 16, 17; Amy, 82; Andrew, 82 ; Anne, 82; Elizabeth, 82; Henry, 82; Join,82; Mary,82;—,54,76.
Sandford, 45.
Sandford, Dorothy, 76; George, 76.
Sandis, 104.
Saunders, Robert, 4.
SAVAGE, 83 ; Agnes, 83; Anne, 47; Dorothy, 83; Edith, 29; Elizabeth, 83 ; George, 83; Huge, 83; Joane, 83 ;Mabel, 83; Margaret, 28, 83; Mary, 83; Petronell, 83; Richard, 83; Thomas, 47; William, 28, 83.
Scarlett, —,56.
Scovell, John, 20; Susan, 20.
Scroop, Elizabeth, 23.
Scutt, George, 1.
Seborne, Christopher, 8; Mary, 8.
Segar, Sir William, Garter, 47, 54;
Seymour, 83.
SEYMOUR, 83; Agnes, 79, 83, 84; Bridget, 23; Edith, 80, 84; Sir Edward, 23; Henry, 84; Joane, 84; John, 37, 79, 80, 83, 84; Judith, 37; Lady Mary, 79; Mary, 84; Penelope, 84; Sir Robert, 84; Robert, 84; William, 84; --, Duke of Somerset, 79.
Shaw, Alice, 91; Edward, 72, 91.
Shelton, Anne, 74; William, 74.
Shergold, Margaret, 39; Thomas, 39.
Shering, Benjamin, 89 ; Mary, 89.
Sherrard, Elizabeth, 8; Hugh, 8.
Shervile, Richard, 4.
Shirley, 40.
Shirley, Jane, 41.
Sibthorpe, John, 9; Mawdley, 9.
SIDNAM, 84; Elizabeth, 84; Francis, 84; Jane, 84; Martha, 84 ; Mary, 84; Richard, 84; Thomas, 84; William, 84; —, 86.
Siferwast, 45.
Siferwast, —, 7.
Skeet, Edward, 58; Joane, 53.
Skerne, Bridge, 26.
Skinnerton, -, 67.
Small, John, 2.
SMART, 84; Bridget, 85; Honor, 85 ; Jane, 85 ; Joane, 84, 85; John, 85 ; Mary, 70, 85; Nicholas, 85; Percival, 85; Robert, 70, 84, 85; William, 85.
Smedmore, John, 4.
Smith, Angell, 48, 71; Elizabeth, 97; Sir George, 55; Jane, 55; Joane, 48; Robert, 97; —,76.
Snegg, Sir George, 26; Margery, 26.
Snelgrave alias Snelgar, 103.
Snelling, Alice, 13; Robert, 13.
Snood, Anthony, 20; Dorcas, 20. Somerset, Duke of, 79.
Somerville, Catherine, 63; Robert, 63.
Somester, Anne, 93.
Sommer, Alexander, 4.
Soper, —, 78, 96.
South, Richard, 25; Urith, 25.
Southampton, Earl of, 63.
Speake, Anne, 87; Barbara, 92; Elizabeth, 94; Sir George, 76, 92, 94 ; George, 87; Sir Thomas, 76.
Spicer, John, 3.
Sprage, .Anne, 48; Christopher, 48.
Squibb, Elizabeth, 19; John, 103 ; Maude, 89 ; Richard,19.
Stafford, 45.
STAGG, 85; Alice, 85; Anne, 85 ; Giles, 85 ; Margaret, 85 ; Mary, 85; Maude, 85; Richard, 85; Susan, 85; Thomas, 85; William, 85.
Stanley,—, 52.
Stanter, Alice, 31; Peter, 31; —, 100.
Starr, Rebecca, 61 ; William, 4, 61.
Stawell, Sir John, 48; Katherine, 48.
Stead, Christian, 17; Henry, 17.
Stevenson, Henry, 4.
Stitland, Eleanor, 47.
Stockman, Elizabeth, 17 ; William, 17.
Stodder, —, 9.
Stoite, Elizabeth, 61 ; Henry, 61.
Stone, Joane, 15; John, 15; Thomas, 4.
Stoode, Elizabeth, 39; Jeffrey, 39.
Storke, 46.
Stourton, 85.
STOURTON, 85; Anne, 8, 86; Arthur, 86; Charles, Lord, 86; Charles, 86; Edward, 86; Elizabeth, 85; Prances, 86; Grissester, 86; Henry, 86 ; Joane, 86 ; Margaret, 86; Philip, 86 ; Thomas, 86; William, Lord, 85; William, 86; —, Lord, 8.
Stowre, Julian,17; Nicholas, 17.
Stradling, Mabel, 52 ; John, 52.
Strangways, 86.
STRANGWAYS, 86; Anne, 86, 87,94; Bridget, 87; Dorothy, 86,87; Egidius, 94; Eleanor, 94; Elizabeth, 86, 87; Frances, 87; George, 86, 87; Sir Giles, 86; Giles, 87; Grace, 87, 94; Henry, 86, 87 ; Howard, 79,87; James, 87 ; Jane, 86, 87 ; Johanna, 86 ; Sir John, 79, 87, 94; John, 86, 87; Lucy, 87; Mabel, 87; Margaret, 86; Mary, 87; Nicholas, 86,87,94; Rebecca, 87; Selina, 87; Thomas, 87; Ursula, 87; Wadham, 87.
Stratton, 103.
Strobridge, Catherine, 78; John, 78.
Strode, 88
STRODE, 88; Abraham, 89; Alice, 88; Beatrice, 88; Christian, 88; Edmond, 88; Edward, 89; Elizabeth, 37, 76, 88; George, 89; Henry, 88; Hugh,88; Sir John, 88; John, 2, 88, 89; Katherine, 89; Margaret, 88, 89; Mary, 89; Maude, 88 ; Sir Richard, 37; Richard, 88 ; Sir Robert, 89; Robert, 88; Thomas, 76, 89; Warren, 88; William, 88.
Stroud, Anne, 30; Joane, 45; Robert, 30.
Studley, Giles, 4; John, 4.
Sturmy, Elizabeth, 22, 23; William, 22, 28.
Style, 89.
STYLE, 89 ; Elizabeth, 89; Etheldred, 89; George, 89; Giles, 89; Henry, 89; Joane, 89; John, 89; Margaret, 89; Mary, 89 ; Richard, 89; Sarah, 89.
Swaine, Alice, 41; Anne, 41; Arthur, 41 ; Catherine, 56; Gertrude, 48; James, 48; John, 41, 56; Mary, 49; Millicent, 42; Richard, 1, 49, 56; Robert, 42.
Swetman, Anne, 76; Lawrence, 76.
Swift, 90.
SWIFT, 90; Anne, 90; Catherine, 65; Frances, 90; Garrat, 90 ; Henry, 90; Jasper, 90; John, 90; Katherine, 90; Mary, 90; Melier, 25; Robert, 25; William, 65, 90.
Swinnerton, Sir John, 70; Mary, 70.
Tabar, Bartholomew, 4,
Talbot, 90.
TALBOT, 90; Alice, 90, 91; Anne, 91 ; Avis, 101; Edith, 91; Edmond, 91; Honor, 91; John, 90, 101; William, 90, 91.
Tayler, 40.
Taylor, Elizabeth, 41 ; John, 41.
Temple, Alice, 43; William, 43.
Thacher, —,75.
Thornhull, 91.
THORNHULL. 91; Agnes, 91, 92; Alice, 92; Anne, 92; Baldwin, 91; Barbara, 92; Cicely, 91; Dorothy, 92; Edward, 92; Elizabeth, 92, 100; George, 92; Henry, 91; Joane, 92; John, 91, 92 ; Margaret, 92; Mary, 92, 98, 99 ; Ralph, 91, 92; Robert, 91, 92, 98-100; Thomas, 92; Walter, 91; William, 91, 92; —, 7.
Thynne, Dorothy, 86 ; Sir John, 86.
Tichborne, —, 61.
Tirrell, Alice, 53; Elizabeth, 22; Thomas, 22; William, 22.
Titherley, Mary, 34; Robert, 34.
Tollervey, Joane, 78; John, 78.
Tomas, Mellior, 14; Richard, 14.
Topp, Agnes, 14; John, 56; Mary, 56; Thomas, 14.
Toup, Barnard, 3.
Toweney, Edward, 59; Mary, 59.
Towse, John, 12; Mary, 12.
Tregonwell, 92.
TREGONWELL, 92; Anne, 93; Elizabeth, 93; Jane, 41, 93; Joane, 92; Sir John, 92; John, 93; Katherine, 93; Thomas, 92, 93.
Trenchard, 93.
TRENCHARD, 93; Alice, 64; Anne, 87, 93, 94, 97, 99; Arundell, 41, 94 ; Avis, 94; Christian, 93; Dorothy, 94; Egidius, 93; Eleanor, 93, 94; Elizabeth, 94; Sir George, 41, 87,94; George, 87, 94; Grace, 87, 94; Henry, 93, 94, 97, 99; Jane, 94; John, 40, 93, 94; Katherine, 40; Margaret, 94; Mary, 94, 95; Richard, 93; Sir Thomas, 94; Thomas, 64, 94, 96.
Trestwood, 46.
Tulse, Honor, 91; Margery, 60; William, 60, 91.
Turberville,15, 95,
TURBERVILLE, 95; Anne; 95; Awdrey, 95; Dorothy, 11, 95; Edith, 30; Eleanor, 95; Elizabeth, 95; George, 30,95; John, 95; Margaret, 95; Matthew, 95; Nicholas, 95 ; Robert, 95; Thomas, 11, 95; William, 95.
Turgis, 58,102.
Turgis, Eleanor, 59; Robert, 59.
Turner, Giles, 34; Susan, 34.
Twiniho, 95.
TWINIHO, 95; Anne, 95; Barbara, 95; Charles, 95; Christopher, 94, 95; Edith, 95; Elizabeth, 95; George, 95 ; Jane, 95; Mary, 94, 95; Ursula, 95.
Unwin, —, 38.
Upham, Philippe, 96.
Urrey, Darid, 4.
Vaughan, Sir Charles, 70; Dorothy, 70; Sir Walter, 70.
Vawter, Nicholas, 3.
Veeke, Margaret, 27. See Wike.
Veer, 11, 12.
Veer, John, 11, 12; Peter, 12; Philip, 12 ; Roger, 12; Thomas, 12; Walter, 11, 12.
Verdon, 58.
Vergine, Anne, 60; Thomas, 60.
Vernon alias Verdon, Theobald, Lord, 58.
Viall, —, 8.
Vidall, 96.
VIDALL, 96 ; Sir Edmond, 96, 98; Eleanor, 98, 99; Elizabeth, 96, 98 ; E., 96 ; George, 96; Henry, 53, 96, 98, 99 ; Isabel, 96; Katherine, 78; Margaret, 53; Thomas, 78.
Vincent, John, 4.
Voxsin, John, 1.
Vuidall. See Vidall.
Wadham, Elizabeth, 62; Johanna, 86; John, 62, 86; Nicholas, 86.
Wakeley, John, 19; William, 4.
Wakeman, —, 74.
Waldron, —, 80.
Wall, Anne, 29; William, 29.
Wallcott, 102.
Wallcott, John, 102,
Walsh, 39.
Waltham, Henry, 2.
Walton, Isabel, 81.
Warham, 96.
WARHAM, 96 ; Anne, 96 ; Bridget, 96; Dorothy, 54; Edward, 54, 74, 96 ; Frances, 96; John, 20, 96; Katherine, 96; Philippa, 96; Thomasine, 20, 96.
Warwick, Earl of, 58.
Watkins, Agneta, 43 ; Eleanor, 15; Humphrey, 15, 37, 43; Margaret, 37.
Watts, Grace, 28; John, 28; Lewis, 1; —, 70.
Way, William, 2.
Welsh, Joane, 57; John, 57.
Welsted, Catherine, 84; Henry, 84; Leonard, 81; Margaret, 81; Mary, 84; Petronell, 83; Robert, 53.
West, Catherine, 100; Edith, 65; Margery, 42; Robert, 65; Sir William,100; Wolaton, 42. Weston, Dorothy, 92; John, 72; Katherine, 79; Mary, 72; Sir Richard, 79; William, 92. Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, 1
Whetham, William, 2.
Whibby, Joane, 78.
Whitaker, 97.
WHITAKER, 97; Anthony, 97; Bridget, 97; Catherine, 97 Elizabeth, 97; Henry, 97; Hester, 97; Honor, 56, 97; Jeffery, 97; Judith, 97; Mary, 97; Nash, 97 ; Nicholas, 97; Penelope, 97; Stephen, 97; Thomas, 97; William, 56, 97; Winifred, 97.
White, 103.
White, Alice, 82; Anne, 98; Joane, 65; Thomas, 82, 98, 103; William, 65.
Whittle, Henry, 3.
Whitway, William, 3.
Wigmore, Anne, 44; Michael, 44.
Wike, Margaret, 33. See Veeke and Wyke.
Wiles, Mary, 37; Richard, 37.
Wilford, 102.
Williams, 97.
WILLIAMS, 97; Alice, 98; Anne, 22, 48, 97-99; Argintine, 98 ; Avis, 98; Bruen, 98, 99; Edith, 98, 99; Edward, 98, 99; Eleanor, 98, 99 ; Elizabeth, 7, 98, 99 ; Francis, 98; George, 98, 99; Henry, 98,99; Isabel, 98, 99; Jane, 15, 30, 94, 98, 99; Joane, 98; Sir John, 48, 98; John, 7, 94, 98, 99 ; Lewis, 98 ; Margery, 98; Mary, 92, 98, 99; Rachel, 98; Robert, 15, 48, 92, 97-99; Stephen, 98; Susan, 99 ; William, 1, 22, 30, 98,99; —,81.
Willis, Agnes, 83; Anne, 39; William, 39.
Willoughby, 46, 99.
WILLOUGHBY , 99 ; Alice,100; Anne, 40; Anthony, 99; Blanch, 99; Catherine, 100; Cecilia, 100; Christopher, 100; Dorothy, 52; Elizabeth, 36,40; Ernley, 100; Frances, 100; Sir Francis, 52; Giles, 100; Henry, 36, 40; Jane, 25, 100; John, 100; Mary, 100 ; Michael, 100, Nicholas, 40; Rachael, 100; Richard, 99,100; Robert, Lord Brooke, 99; Robert, 100; Thomas,
100; William, 25, 100.
Wills, 46.
Wiltshire, 7.
Wiltshire, Juliana, 7; Nicholas, 7.
Winford, Alice, 11, 12; John, 11.
Wingfield, Charles, 22, 23; Jane, 22, 23.
Winterborn, Jane, 58; Sir John, 58
Winterhay, Anne, 70; Giles, 70;
Wiseman, Elizabeth, 35; John, 35; Joshua, 35.
Wish, Anne, 94; Thomas, 94.
Wolley, Anne, 70; Eleanor, 51; John, 51,70, 71; Margaret, 71.
Wood, 100.
WOOD, 100; Anne, 69; Edward, 90, 100; Elizabeth, 100; Frances, 90; James, 4; John, 100;
Margaret, 100; Richard, 69; Robert, 100.
WOOLFRIES, 101; Anne, 101; Avis, 101; Catharinr, 101; Edith, 101; Egidius, 101; Grace, 101; Henry, 101; Richard, 101; William, 101.
WRIGHT, 101; Frances, 101; Grace, 101; Isabel, 101; Thomas, 101; William, 101.
Wriothesley, Anne, 63; Thomas, Garter.44.
Wyke, 102; See Veeke and Wike
Yarde, Edward, 48; George, 28; Mary, 28, 48, 70.
Yeomans, --,90.
Yonge, 101
YONGE, 101, Agnes, 102, Alice, 101; Amy, 102, Christopher, 35,102; Edmond, 102; Eleanor, 102, Elizabeth, 35, 101, 102; Frances, 102, Francis, 102; Henry, 101, 102; Jmes, 102; Jane, 102; Joane, 102; John, 102; Katherine, 101, 102; Luct, 102; Margaret, 102; Mary, 102; Nicholas, 102; Richard, 101, Robert, 102; Roger, 102; Simon, 35; Susan, 102; Thomas, 101, 102.
Young, Edward, 27; Joane, 27, 79; Thomas, 79; See Edmonds
Page 44, bottom of the page, the signature William GARDYNER is omitted.
Page 53, last line, for EDW. HAWLES read EDM, HAWLES.
Page 60, line 8. for Giles HUSEE read Gyles HUSEE,