East Stower


1865        1880        1895

Transcribed by Cassandra Gotham



Entry from Harrods 1865


East Stower or East Stour, is a parish and village, in Shaftesbury union, hundred of Red Lane, and borough and union of Shaftesbury, distant 4 miles W. from Shaftesbury, and 2 S. from Gillingham, and 11 from Sherborne.  The church (St Mary) is in the Norman style, with embattled tower rising from the centre. The living is a curacy, annexed, with West Stower and Motcombe, to the vicarage of Gillingham, joint annual value £1,313, held by the Rev. Henry Deane, B.C.L. Here is a National school. The population in 1861 was 426 ; acreage 1,675

Postal Regulation.-Letters are received through Blandford, which is the post town. Gillingham is the nearest money-order office.


LONG Joseph, Esq.

MILLS Rev. William, curate





ALFORD Miss, beer retailer

BASTABLE Wm, beer retailer

BRIDLE George, smith

CROSS John, carpenter and cooper

DAVIS Robert, farmer, Holdings farm

EDWARD John, shoemaker

GODWIN Mrs., dairywoman

GODWIN Walter, auctioneer and farmer

GREEN Wm., bailiff to the Rev. H. Deane

HILL George, smith

HISCOCK John, farmer

HOW Charles, farmer

HUMBY Wm., King's Arms inn & farmer

KIDDLE James, carpenter and wheelwright

KIDDLE William, shopkeeper

STONE Charles, baker and shopkeeper

STONE Silas, basket maker

STONE Silas, chairmaker


East Stower

Entry from Kellys 1880


EAST STOWER (or Stour) is a parish and village within the parliamentary borough of Shaftesbury, in the hundred of Red lane, Shaftesbury union, county court district and petty sessional division, diocese of Salisbury, archdeaconry of Dorset and rural deaconry of Salisbury first portion on the high road from Shaftesbury to Sherborne and Yeovil, 4 miles west from Shaftesbury and 2 miles south-west from Gillingham railway station : the river Stour passes through this parish. Christ Church was built on the old site in 1841 : it is cruciform building in the Norman style, and consists of chancel, nave and transepts, with large square embattled town rising from the centre and has three galleries and contains an organ, a stained east window and six other small stained windows. The register dates from the year 1584. The living is a chapelry, annexed with West Stower and Motcombe to the vicarage of Gillingham, joint yearly value 1,313£, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury and held by the Rev Henry Deane B.C.I. of New College, Oxford; the Rev. Sidney Coleridge Smith is curate. Here are a small chapel for Baptist, a Wesleyan chapel and a Temperance Hall. Lord Wolverton in lord of the manor. Elizabeth Marchionese of Westminster, Lord Wolverton and the Rev. Henry Deane are the principal landowners. The soil is clay, subsoil, marl and stone. The land is chiefly in pasture. The area is 1,875 acres; rateable value, £3,434 ; the population in 1871 was 497.

Parish Clerk, William Hayter

Sub-Post Office—William Kiddle, receiver. Letters through Gillingham, which is the nearest money order office. Letters arrive at 8.35 a.m.; dispatched at 5.35 p.m. week days only.

National School, Miss E. STONE, mistress


COURTNEY Edward, Bellevue house


SMITH Rev. Sidney Coleridge (curate)



ANTELL Thomas, shopkeeper

BASTABLE Joseph, White Horse

CADDY Barnabas, farm bailiff to the Rev. Henry Dean

CHAPMAN James, farmer, Pennymoor

DAVIDGE E. (Mrs.) farmer

DAVIS Robert, farmer, Hill farm

DAVIS Tom, farmer, Church farm

GODWIN Walter & Son, auctioneers & frmr

GRAY Hannah (Miss), dress maker

HANN Bennet, The Crown

HANDSFORD George, shopkeeper

HAYTER William, basket maker

HILL Richard George, blacksmith

HISCOCK William Edward, registrar of births, marriages & deaths, relieving officer & inspector of nuisances

HONEYFIELD William, farmer

HOWE Ellen (Mrs.), farmer

HUNT John, miller & farmer

KIDDLE William, blacksmith, carpenter & wheelwright & post office

MAIDMENT William, baker

MARTIN Charles, King's Arms

PERRETT John, carpenter

PERRETT Joseph, farmer

RAWKINS Thomas, farmer

STONE Matthias, basket & chair maker



East Stower

Entry from Kellys 1895


East Stower or (Stour), is a parish and village, through which the river Stour flows, on the high road from Shaftesbury to Sherborne and Yeovil, 3 miles south from Gillingham station, on the London and South Western railway, 4 miles west of Shaftesbury, in the Northern division of the country, hundred of Redlane, Shaftesbury petty sessional division, union and country court district, rural deanery of Shaftesbury (Shaftesbury portion,), archdeaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. Christ Church was built in the Norman style, and consists of chancel, nave and transepts, north porch, with large square embattled tower rising from the centre, containing 3 bells, and has three galleries and contains an organ, a stained east window and sic other smaller stained windows; there are 300 sittings. The register dates from the year 1584. The living is a chapelry, annexed with West Stower to the vicarage of Gillingham; average tithe rent-chard, 1,146£ ; joint gross yearly value, 1,152£; 318£, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Sidney Edmund Davies M.A. of Worchester college, Oxford, rural dean of Shaftesbury, and surrogate, who resides at Gillingham. Here are a small chapel for Baptists a Wesleyan chapel and a Temperance hall. The Right Hon. Lord Stalbridge, P.C. and Lord Wolverton, who is lord of the manor, are the principal landowners. The soil is clay; subsoil, marl and stone. The land is chiefly in pasture. The are is 1,678 acres ; rateable value, £2,900 ; the population in 1891 was 444. Parish Clerk, Fred Kiddle

Post Office.- William Kiddle, sub-postmaster, Letters though Gillingham, which is the nearest money order & telegraph office. Letters arrive at 8.5 a.m.; dispatched at 5.45 p.m. week days only. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid

Wall Letter Box, cleared at 5.50 p.m. on week days only

National School (mixed), with furnished rooms for mistress, built in 1872, for 90 children; average attendance 70 ; Miss Annie Elizabeth Wingrove, mistress.


BAKER John, Grosvenor villa

DEANE Mrs. Clay hill




BARTLETT Jn. Farmer, Pennymoor frm.

BLACKMORE Jn. Farmer, Bullen's farm

BRIXAY John, mason

CADDY Barnett , farm bailiff to the exors. Of the Rev. Henry Deane

CHAPMAN James, farmer, Manor farm

COOMBES Henry, blacksmith

COX George, White Horse P.H.

DAVIS Robt. farmer & assist. Overseer

DAVIS Tom farmer, Church farm

HANN Bennett, butcher & genl. dlr

HANSFORD & Son, shopkprs. & bakers

LODDER Jas. Farmer & miller (water), Highbridge mill

HISCOCK William Edward, registrar of births, marriages & deaths & relieving, vaccination & school attendance officer & collector to the guardian for Gillingham district

HONEYFIELD Wm. farmer, Brock's farm

HONEYFIELD Wm. jun. farmr. Cole's st

KIDDLE Wm. Sen. Shopkpr. Post office

KIDDLE William Richard & Fred, blacksmiths & wheelwrights

KING Alfred, shopkeeper

MAIDMENT Elisha, baker

MAIDMENT Frederick John, contractor

MAIDMENT Thos. James, wheelwright

MARTIN Jane (Mrs.), King's arms P.H.

PERRETT Edwin, carpenter

PERRETT Joseph, farmer, High grove

PIKE Charles, farmer

PIKE, Harry, shopkeeper

RAWKINS Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer

WHITMARSH Charles, Crown P.H.


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