Parish of Radipole




This transcription was made by Will Stevens from the originals held in the Wiltshire County Record Office in Trowbridge. Only those entries have been transcribed which specifically relate to Radipole. Therefore, researchers should bear in mind that, although the general quality of the recording seems to have been good (much better than with some later BTs for Melcombe Regis and Radipole), it may well be that some Radipole entries were not marked as such, and so are not included below. Also, it seems possible that inhabitants of Radipole may have used the church at Melcombe Regis for Baptisms and Marriages, and so the annotation 'Radipole' may be missing for this reason also.

What follows is a literal line-by-line transcription of the originals, and it reflects the, fairly neat, columnar layout of the material. For convenience, names are shown in bold. Parentheses, (), are used to indicate dates deduced from other entries which have not been transcribed. Square brackets, [ ], are used for the transcriber's comments.



[The earliest BT is for 1731, and it contains no entries for Radipole]

 ----------[end of document]----------


(September) 18        Marr'd             Knoman Scarlet & Elizabeth Anderson at Radipole

October 2                   Marr'd             Thomas Townsend & Elizabeth Thorn at Radipole

(October) 18             Bapt                James the son of John Glade at Radipole

(October) 26             Marrd             Samuel Toby & Jane Marsh at Radipole

(October 26)             Marrd             John Scriven & Elizabeth Gibbs at Radipole


(February 12)                         Marrd             William Hanckock & Elinor Haydon at Radipole

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(April 2)                      Married             William Garland & Mary Wheeler at Radipole

(April) 9                      Married          Peter Chambers & Marjory Harvy at Radipole

June 11                      Buried                         John Mussel of Radipole at Radipole

(August) 26                Buried                         Mintern the son of Leonard & Sarah Dear at Radipole

(September) 24             Married          John Marder & Jane Samways at Radipole


(February) 20                         Buried                         Joan Scriven at Radipole

(February) 28                         Married             Samuel Brain & An Ledoze at Radipole

March 10                    Baptised             Hannah a base born child of Hannah Gape at Radipole

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May the 3                   Buried                         Ezekiel son of Edwd Bartlet at Radipole

(May) 27                     Buried                         Sarah Dear at Radipole


September 22                    Baptis'd             Catharine D of Henry Lucas at Radipole

October 2                   Buried                         James Ferry at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------


(August) 27                Baptised             William the son of Wm Randal at Radipole

Sept 01                      Married          Peter Anderson & Eliz: Prindle at Radipole

(September) 01             Baptised        Jane a Base Born child of Hannah Gape at Radip

(October) 17             Baptis'd         Elisha the son of Arthur Jolliff at Rd

(December) 8                      Baptised        Mary Daughter of Henry Luccas of Radipole

(December) 19        Burd                Mary Daugt of Henry Luccas at Radipole



March 3                      Buried                         William son of James Randal at Radipole

(March) 7                    Baptised             William son of Thos & Joan Hunt at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------


(August) 19                Bap                 Elizabeth daughter of James Randal at Radipole

November 07                         Bap                 Mary Daughter of Henry Luckas at Radipole

(December) 16        Bap                 Edward son of Edwd Davis at Radipole


(January) 23               Bap                 Joseph the son of John Brown at Radipole

 ----------[end of document]----------


(April) 15                    Burd                Thos [?] Hardin at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------


(May) 28                     Baptised             Catharine daughter of Jos: [Jas:?] Butcher at Radipole

(June) 14                    Baptisd             James son of James Randall at Radipole

October 01                 Baptised             Joseph son of Joseph Buck at Radipole


(January) 07               Bap'd             John the son of Thomas Hunt at Radipole

(January) 21               Bap'd             Jonathan son of Wm & Mary Bussel at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------


(March) 30                 Bury'd             Edward Mowlam at Radipole

(May) 09                     Buried                         Hester the daughter of                    

                                                            Leonard & Sarah Deer at Rad.

(July) 06                      Bury'd             Robert Lovelace at Rad.


(October) 29             Marr'd             Richard Serjant & Elzabeth Dunkin at Radipole


January 24                 Marr'd             John Harden & Margaret Bartlet at Radipole

Febry 04                     Marr'd             William Arnold & Sarah Metcalf at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------


(April) 28                    Bap                 An the daughter of Jos Butcher at Radipole

(August) 10                Burd                An daughter of Joseph Butcher at Radipole

(September) 17        Bap                 Catharine d of John [illegible]e at Radipole



(January) 12               Buri'd             Eliz: Butcher at Radipole

(January) 31               Bur'd               John Rose at Radipole

(February) 15                         Bap                 John son of Wm Bussel at Radipole

 ----------[end of document]----------

(1741) [probably]


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(January) 27               Bap                 Francis the son of Wm Bussel [not 'at Radipole']

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May 2                          Burd                William Miles at Radipole


(March) 7                    Bap                 Richd son of Ths Hunt at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------


Novbr 03                    Burd                The Widow Lovelace at Radipole

 ----------[end of document]----------


(April) 25                    Burd                Benjamin Hall at Radipole

May 11                       Bap                 William son of John Mowlam at Radipole

(May) 15                     Bur'd               A Child of Thomas Hunt at Radipole

(June) 19                    Bur'd               Wm son of John Mowlam at Radipole

(August) 06                Bap                 Robert Son of Richard Spencer at Radipole

(August) 22                Bur'd               Robt Son of Richd Spencer at Radipole

 ----------[end of document]----------


(April) 28                    Bap'd             An. Daught: of John Ferry at Radipole

(August) 31                Bap                 Edward son of John Mowlam at Radipole

Oct 25                         Bap                 Thomas son of Ellis Reed at Radipole

(October) 29             Bur'd               An the Daughter of John Ferry at Radipole

(December) 13        Bap                 Jenny D: of Geo: & Mary Balston at Radip.


(February) 28                         Burd                Sarah Deer at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------


April 4                         Buried                         Hester Miles, widow at Radipole

(April) 10                    Baptiz'd          Betty, daughter of William & Ann Ferris at Radipole

(November) 13        Buried                         Mary Mowlam, widow at Radipole


(January) 22               Baptis'd         Mary Daughter of John Palmer at Radipole

(January) 26               Married          John Butcher & Mary Ferry at Radipole

(February) 23                         Bur'd               Rebecca Base born child of Dorothy Ferry at Rad

the sd [?] base born child at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------


Buried                                     Aprl 16        Lydia Ferry at Radipole

Married                       (May) 15             Edward Whittle & Frances Kitkat at Radipole

Buried                                     (May) 15        Amy Hunt widow at Radipole

Buried                                     Novemb 7   Sarah Mowlam at Radipole

Buried                                     (Dec.) 27             Elizabeth Palmer at Radipole


Baptised                    (January) 22             Robert the son of Richd & Susannah Spencer at Radipole

Buried                                     Febry 1             Joseph Scriven at Radipole

Baptised                    (February) 14             Thomas son of John & Ann Brown at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------


Baptised                    (May) 6             Abraham son of Joseph Scriven at Radipole

Baptised                    (Nov.) 12             Joseph son of John & Mary Butcher at Radipole


Buried                                     (January) 16             Thomas Hunt at Radipole

Baptised                    (January) 28             Richard son of William Tizard at Radipole

Buried                                     Febry 1             Martha Everet at Radipole

Baptised                    (March) 24             James son of John & Margaret Ferry at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------


Buried                                     Septbr 07             Joseph Butcher at Radipole

Married                       (October) 24 Jno Friend & Eliz Steward at at Rad.

Marry'd                       (Dec.) 24        Jno Flew & Mary Fowler at Radipole

Bury'd                         (Dec.) 27        Edwd Bartlet at Radipole

 ----------[end of document]----------


Buried                                     (Jan.) 15             William Mowlam at Radipole

Baptd                          (Feb.) 9          Edwd son of Edwd & Mary Gatch at Radipole

Baptd                          (April) 5             Martha D of Joseph Scriven at Radipole

Baptd                          (April) 19             James son of James Chamberlyn at Rad.

Baptd                          May 24        Abel son of Wm Ferris at Radipole

Marrd                          Augst 4          Ths Beal & An Kerham at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------


Baptised                    (March) 11     Sarah the daughter of William & Sarah Smith at Radipole

Buried                                     (May) 7          John Martin at Radipole

Buried                                     (May) 11             Richard Bine at Radipole

Buried                                     (May) 16        Mary Ferry at Radipole

Married                       (May) 19        John Bartlet & Elizabeth Meech at Radipole

Baptised                    (May) 27             Abraham son of John & Sarah Ferry at Radipole


----------[end of document]----------


(January) 7                 Married          Henry Weston & Mary Jeans at Radipole

(January) 24               Buried                         Mary wife of Giles Palmer at Radipole

(January) 27               Buried                         Timothy Scriven at Radipole

March 06                    Buried                         Abraham Ferry at Radipole

(April) 19                    Buried                         Joseph Scriven at Radipole


Septr 8                       Bap                 An d of James & Dorothy Chamberlain at Radipole

Octbr 3                       Buried                         John Mowlam at Radipole

(October) 6                Bap                 William son of William Ferris at Radipole

----------[end of document]----------

[The next document comprises two sheets, centre sewn]


Buried                                     (Feb.) 23             Joseph Butcher at Radipole

Baptd                          (Feb.) 27        Jane Daug of James & Jane Gooding at Raddipole

Burd                            (March) 26     John Hardy at Radipole

Bap                             April 6             John son of Toms [?] & Mary Magry at Radipole

Bap                             (May) 19             Susannah Daugr of Wilm & Martha Ferry at Radipole

Baptd                          (May) 27        Eliz. Daughr Charles Christopher at Radipole


Baptd                          (June) 23        John the of John Sarah Ferry [sic] at Radipole

Burid                           July 6             John Ferry at Radipole

Burid                           (July) 9          John Scriven at Radipole

Burd                            (August) 31             Leoner Deer at Radipole

Burid                           (October) 26 Mary Scriven at Radipole

Baptd                          (October) 28 Ann a base born child of An Scriven at Radipole



----------[end of document]----------

[The next document comprises two sheets, centre sewn]


May 22                       Buryd             Mary Butcher Radypole

Augt (16)                    Burd                Ann Ferris Radipole



March 13                    Bapt                William S of John & Ann Palmer Radipole


April 3                         Bapt                Mary D of James Chemrey [?] Radpole [sic]

April 6                         Burd                William Fere [?] Radipole

May 1                          Bapt                John S of Wilm & Jane Tizard Radipole

June 15                      Burd                Edward Davis Radipole

July 3                          Burd                Mary Scriffin [?] Radipole


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