Corfe Castle

Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills for Corfe Castle 1568-1855

Listed in alphabetical order

Transcribed by Richard Wiltshire & Louise Haywood





Corffe Castell

26 May 1620

24 Jul 1620



Robert Abbott of Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 26 May 1620

Probate granted: 24 July 1620 proved by executors

'weak and sick of body'; to be buried in the parish church of Corfe Castle, for which the church: 6s 8d

Richard Fry and Lewis Gover, Churchwardens and successors: cottage in Corfe Castle in tenure of John Colman out of which is reserved the yearly rent of 10s, after death of Angell (wife) to for reparation and maintenance of the organs and chimes forever

Also tenement and garden in High Street, Poole late in tenure of Roger Cornish, from after death of Angell (wife), for Churchwardens: to bestow the yearly rent of 26s 8d in 20 ells of canvas of 15d the ell to be made into 10 shirts and smocks at 2d each for the poor in the Almshouse of Corfe Castle every Good Friday and remaining to needy in the town

When the said estates determine in the said tenement, the Churchwardens to devise the same for years or lives to honest tenant(s) not to take above 12d for a fine, reserving the rent of 26s 8d yearly

Edward Speare, Mayor of Borough of Corfe Castle and his successors: two shops and chambers over the same adjoining the churchyard of Corfe Castle between the townhouse and dwelling house of John Colman, after death of Angell (wife), for benefit and use of Mayors forever - estate granted to Henry Brine for 99 years (3 lives) under yearly rent of 10s; and the other shop and chamber granted to William Harding, glazier and others under yearly rent 10s always excepted

Angell (wife): tenement in Wareham with three gardens in tenure of William Burdham, and of him and his wife lately purchased, forever - an estate by me granted in the premises to William Burdham and others always excepted

Poor of Corfe Castle and Poor of Wareham: 20 dozen of bread to each parish on day of my funeral

Anthony Vye of Corfe Castle, tailor: best cloak

Richard Fry and Lewis Gover, Churchwardens and successors: two tenements in Poole (in tenure of daughter of Christopher Hooky[1], lately deceased, out of which is reserved the yearly rent of 26s 8d) and Wareham (in the holding of Francis Coffyn [Coffin] from which is reserved the yearly rent of 13s 4d), after death of Angell (wife), towards maintenance of an organist who would play in the church of Corfe Castle every Sunday forever

Wynifrede (daughter) wife of Henry Penny of East Lulworth, husbandman: tenement and garden in Poole in tenure of Nicholas Nurry

Mary (daughter) wife of William Welsteede [Wellsteed] of Kingston, husbandman: tenement and garden in Corfe Castle in tenure of Gervase Russell, Clerk


Ann (daughter) wife of Roger Kneller of Wimborne Minster, tanner: tenement and garden at West Butts, Poole in holding of John Wallys [Wallis]

William son of Henry Penny and Winifrid (daughter): tenement and garden in Poole in tenure of George Trewe, hellier

Thomas son of William Welsteed and Mary (daughter): tenement and garden in Poole in tenure of Maryan Kynge [Marian King]

John son of William Welsteed and Mary (daughter): tenement and garden in Wareham sometimes Squires and now in holding of Christian Golde [Gold] or of her assigns. Mary (daughter) after death of Angell (wife) to enjoy profits or £4 yearly

William another son of William Welsteed and Mary (daughter): tenement and garden in Poole in tenure of Widow Baby together with the 'great garden' adjoining in the holding of Thomas Wise

Robert son of Roger Kneller and Anne (daughter): two tenements and gardens in Poole in tenures of George Jerrard and Ursula Skutt, both adjoining each other

Daughters of Winifride, Mary and Ann (daus): £10 each

Angell (wife): £100 or £100 of debts upon bonds that I have for performance whereof I stand bound £200, within 6 months

Mr Gervase Russell: I desire him 'to be pleased to preach' at my funeral; 20s

Angell (wife) and William Welsteed (son in law): rest and executors

Mr Edward Dackombe and Mr Gervase Russell, minister ('good friends'): overseers; 10s each

Memorandum of debt: Alexander Weekes (brother in law) owes me £10

Signed by Robert Abbott

Witnesses: Gervase Russell, Clerk; John Russell and Richard Hannington







9 Aug 1625

3 Mar 1625



William Ardren of Nordon in Corfe Castle

Will made: 9 August 1625

Probate granted: 3 March 1625/6, proved by William Ardren, executor before John Younge and Gervase Russell, Clerk, Commissioner(s)


Sick in body, declared his will nuncupative or by word of mouth

Parish church of Corfe Castle: 5s; poor of parish 5s to be distributed at funeral

Walter (son): furnace

Richard (son): 40s a year

Ellionor [Eleanor] Barnes (daughter): £10

Susan Barfoot (daughter): 10s

Thomas (son): two pieces of medley cloth and piece of coarse white and £60

Margaret and Jane (daus): £80 each

If Thomas, Margaret and Jane (son and daus) should die before the mortgage expires which he had of land of John Lockier, then out of their legacies, £10 is to remain to Elizabeth, dau of Thomas Barfoote

William (son): executor

Giles Turner (cousin) and Walter (son): overseers

Witnesses: Giles Turner, Walter Ardren, Silvester Graye, Margaret Bennet, Joane Vye and Mary Gray







6 Jun 1626

10 Aug 1626



William Ardren of Nordon in Corfe Castle, husbandman


Will made: 6 June 1626

Probate granted: 10 August 1626. Proved by Walter Ardren, executor, before Brune Cockram and Gervase Russell, Clerk commissioner(s)

'sick in body'; to be buried in churchyard of Corfe Mullen

Church of Corfe Mullen: 6s 8d; poor of the same 6s 8d

Church of Corfe Castle: 10s; poor of the same 10s

Margaret Ardren (sister): £10

John Barnes (brother in law): one of best kine

Richard True (uncle): two of my best suits of apparel

Walter Ardren (brother): lands in West Parley and mortgage and interest to him forever, provided he pay all legacies as appointed in my father's will which are to be paid out of the said land; executor

Walter Ardren, Richard Ardren, Thomas Ardren, Ellinor Barnes, Susaan Barfoot, Margaret Ardren and Jane Ardren (brothers and sisters): rest, equally divided

Witnesses: John Barnes, Charles Addams, Thomas Horlocke






Corffe Castell

25 May 1620

1 Jul 1620



John Argenton of Corfe Castle, Esquire

Will made: 25 May 1620

Probate granted: 1 July 1620, proved by Robert Williams, executor


'weak and sick in body' to be buried in chancel of parish church of Corfe Castle if convenient otherwise in the body of the church

Parish church of Corfe Castle: 20s, poor of same 20s

Parish church of Bere Regis: 20s, poor of same 20s

Ellianor [Eleanor] (loving wife): ring of gold 'with sparks of diamonds' and all her other rings; use of her 'hat band of goldsmith Sparke' during her life, then to Ellianor Williams, dau of 'my son Williams'

Margery Dobbins (kinswoman of wife): £10

Servants: 5s each above their wages

Robert Williams, Esquire: rest; executor

Mr Thomas Haveland (brother) and Mr John Rogers, Minister and 'Preacher of God's Holy word' with Mr Gervase Russell: overseers

Francis Stemrton: owes £18 at Whitsun Monday and £18 at Michaelmas from him the which being made up £40 is to and for the Right Honourable Lady Elizabeth Hatton

Witnesses: John Rogers, Thomas Havelland and Gervase Russell





Corffe Castell

12 Mar 1627

24 Jun 1628



Elinor [Eleanor] Argenton of Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 12 March 1627/28

Probate granted: 24 June 1628, proved by John Locke, executor


'weak and sick in body' to be buried in chancel of parish church of Corfe Castle 'as near to my husband as conveniently may be'

Reparation of the Parish Church of Corfe Castle: 40s

For my burial, limits and appoints: 20s

Poor of the same parish: 20s at time of funeral

Mrs Margery Dackombe (sister): diamond ring

Mr Anthony Havelland (brother): 20s to buy ring

Mr James Havelland (brother): 20s 'if he come for England', to buy a ring

Bridget Havelland (cousin): silver spoon

Mary Tyro (cousin): new featherbed, bolster, pair of blankets and two pair of sheets and £10; all to remain in custody of Mr Henry Dackombe (brother) to be delivered by him to her when 21 or married; profit in meantime to maintain her

Mr Gervase Russell (cousin): 'desire him to be pleased to take so much pains and to preach a sermon' at my funeral; 20s

Elinor [Eleanor] Russell (goddaughter): 20s

Francis Dolling (cousin) my servant: 20s

William Nightingall [Nightingale]: 10s

Mr John Locke [Lock] (cousin): rest; executor

Mr Henry Dackombe ('loving brother') and Mr Gervase Russell (cousin): overseers

Witnesses: Gervase Russell, Anthony Vye and John Kilsbey






Corffe Castle

10 Jul 1630

17 Nov 1630



Peter Baker of Corfe Castle, mariner

Will made: 10 July 1630 and confirmed 28 July 1630

Probate granted: 17 November 1630, proved by Henry Purfrey before James Crouch, Vicar and commissioner


'being of a weak and sickly body;' to be buried in the parish church of Corfe Castle; 10s towards reparations of the church

Poor of Corfe Castle: 10s

Mary, wife of Nicholas Hayward: £3

Joan, wife of William Hayward: £3

Martha, wife of Henry Hayward: £3

Mathew Osmond (grandchild): £3


Peter, the son of grandchild Peter Baker: £3

Edith Bayley [Bailey] (sister): £5

Edward Barnes (grandchild): £25, my featherbed 'which I lie on' and pillows, best crock and a sweet wood chest

Edward Osmond, the son of Edward Osmond, my grandchild: 40s

Susan Harding (Goddaughter): 5s

Thomas Virge [Verge] of Swanage: £3

Judith Purfrey, wife of Henry Purfrey: rest; £20; executrix

Henry Purfrey (son-in-law) and Thomas Virge [Verge] of Swanage: overseers

10 July 1630: Witnesses: Richard Fry, Richard Tyler

28 July 1630: Witnesses: Henry Dolling, John Collis and Richard Tyler





24 Feb 1819

13 Aug 1821



Edward Balston of Afflington in Corfe Castle, gentleman

Will made: 24 February 1819

Probate granted: 13 August 1821, proved by Edward Balston (son), executor


John (son): freehold estate called Browns in Winterborne Saint Martin forever; foreshore of two acres of meadow in Rodden Mead in Abbotsbury forever; stock crop and farming utensils on the estate; £2500; leasehold messuage or tenement in Winterborne Saint Martin in occupation of Isaac Newton during estate and interest therein; one third part of household goods and furniture in my dwelling house at Afflington

Alicia Balston and Elizabeth the wife of Samuel Beaton (daughters): freehold estate called Afflington in Corfe Castle, forever as tenants in common, and stock crop and farming utensils on the estate; remaining two thirds of household goods and furniture in my dwelling house at Afflington to share.

Edward (son): freehold estates called Holworths in Milton Abbas and Chaldon Herring forever, and stock crop and farming utensils on the estate; remainder of freehold, leasehold or copyhold estates and goods etc; executor

Witnesses: Nathaniel Stickland, Robert Pattison, John Gray






Corfe Castle

24 Sep 1660

8 Nov 1661



John Bancks [Banks] of Corfe Castle, Armiger [entitled to heraldic arms]

Will made: 20 Mar 1652/53

Probate granted: 8 Nov 1661, proved by Ralph Bancks (executor), right reserved to William Barlase and Robert Hunt (other executors)


'in perfect health'

Refers to the fact 'it is a time of affliction in England' 'return Lord God to the many thousands of thy people and let it be my pleasure to deliver them'

Ralph (brother) or male heir: lands of inheritance descends to him on my father's entail as by two deeds of settlement dated in September 1642 and his last will settle on the death of Sir John Bancks (father) - excepted estate at Olweslby [Owersby?] and Clixby [Claxby?], Lincolnshire of £133 per year were sold by John Hird, gent of [West Guner Morpile?] for £2200 after recovery of other lands at Fetwell [Feltwell?], Norfolk rated at £250 per year to the same and £5000 to the same intent disposed in the hands of Mary Bancks, Joan Hawtry, Ralph Hawtry, William Borlase, John Hunt, Robert Hunt and Ralph Bancks, trustees to me discharging and satisfying my brothers and sisters by providing for their maintenance and by the said last deed of settlement dated December 1650 he specified the 'prudence and affection' of William Borlase (brother) and Mr Robert Hunt.

Said William Borlase and Robert Hunt, and Ralph Bancks (brother): executors

No witnesses






Corffe Castell

1 Aug 1622

17 Feb 1622



Edward Barnes of Corfe Castle, mariner

Will made: 1 August 1622

Probate granted: 17 February 1622/23, proved by Judith, widow, executrix, before Robert Roper and Gervase Russell


'sick in body'; to be buried in parish church of Corfe Castle

20 poor people of the parish of Corfe Castle: 6s 8d

The ringers of my knell: 5s

Gravedigger: 12d

Coffin bearers 'those that shall carry me to church': 4s

For my burial in the church: 10s

Cicille [Cicily] Barnes, widow: 40s

Elinor [Eleanor] Righthead (sister) widow: 20s

Alice Barnes (kinswoman): 20s

Edward (son): £100, 6 silver spoons and half the gold that is in my chest

Wife [Judith, mentioned on probate]: title and interest to a little meadow lying at Cableston in the parish of Worth [Worth Matravers] during the life of Richard Righthead; also use of the £100 he left to their son, Edward, for 4 years; also rest; executrix

Peter Osmond (kinsman): one chilver sheep

Edward Speare and Peter Miller ('good friends'): overseers; 5s each

Witnesses: Edward Speare, Joseph Nealle, Nicholas Hartree






Corfe Castle

9 Jul 1708

4 Jun 1709



Robert Battrick, senior, of Corfe Castle

Will made: 9 July 1708

Administration: 4 June 1709, administration granted to Robert Battrick (son), legitimate residuary legatee

Probate granted: 7 December 1709, proved by George Battrick, brother of Robert Battrick, junior now deceased legitimate residuary legatee named in the will


George (son): 1s and his children 1s each; also shop and front of my house with warehouses, stable and fuel house and part of the garden

Daughter, Perrin: 1s and her children 1s each

Robert (son): rest including all goods, money and shop debts lying at Bere and Corfe Castle

George Poape [Pope]: I owe him £50 for my lease ground; if Robert (my son) pays the money then he gets the land; but if George (my son) pays half the money then he'll get half the rent and profits sharing the estate between them on their 2 lives and 'my desire is that they should live like Christian Brethren and let the Estate between them'

No witnesses

31 May 1709: Samuel Serrell of Corfe Castle, barber and Hubert Butt of same, baker confirmed that the whole body of the will is in the 'proper handwriting' of Robert Battrick, senior. Sworn before Robert Hussey





Gent, the elder

Corfe Castle

10 Jun 1757

3 Oct 1757



John Benfield the elder of the Borough of Corfe Castle, gentleman

Will made: 10 June 1757

Probate granted: 3 October 1757, proved by Matthew Benfield (son), executor


William (son): plot of meadow ground in the Middle Hawes at the western-most end and the land of the same, bounded with the Glebe Land of Corfe Castle parsonage, the land, late of William Okedon Esquire, on the North and the land of Mr John Furseman ['Furzeman'] on the West. 

Matthew (son): rest of land in the borough of Corfe Castle, with rents and profits, as long as he pays Rebecca ('beloved wife') the annual sum of £8 for the term of her life, to be paid quarterly amounts. If Matthew does not pay her, she has the right to enter the lands and take from the rents and profits.

Rebecca (wife): bed bedstead and furniture in the South chamber of the house wherein I now live, with the 2 pair of sheets, 2 pewter dishes, 6 pewter plates of my middle sort, best kettle, 6 of his best chairs, one table board, one pot and one fire pan and tongs to be at her own disposal; permitted to reside in the South Chamber for her life.

Matthew (son): house and ground being part of the Waste of Corfe Castle, lying on the east side of East Street, opposite the house where I live, for the remainder of the term of years. Rebecca (wife) permitted to enjoy the North end of the house for a fuel house and the pump.

William (son): £40 and all his wearing apparel, both linen and woollen.

Elizabeth (daughter), wife of David Hibbs and her children: lands in Church Knowle, as long as she pays to Mary, wife of George Osmond (daughter) or to her children, a total of £40 - £20 within 12 months after my demise and further payment of £20 pounds in 2 years.

Mary, wife of Edward Cutler, John Kent, William Kent, Hannah Kent and Elizabeth Kent (5 grandchildren): £40 equally divided 

John Kent, David Hibbs and George Osmond (sons-in-law): freed of any debts they owe

William (son): cleared of having to pay back any money owed

Matthew (son): remainder of estate; executor

Witnesses: Robert Dowdall junior, Ann Wedover, Robert Hann







3 Mar 1614

18 Oct 1615



Robert Bennett of Nordon in Corfe Castle

Will made: 3 March 1614/15

Probate granted: 18 October 1615, proved by Henry Bryne [Brine], Edward Speare and William Arden [Ardren], overseers during minority of Robert Bennett (son)


'weak and sick in body'; to be buried in the churchyard of Corfe Castle

Maintenance of the church of Corfe Castle: 5s; poor of same parish 10s

Margaret (wife): featherbed with furniture and bedstead belonging, brass pot of a third size, skillet, two platters, two pottengers and two saucers;

cupboard in the hall with the table board and the form with the furnace in the kitchen to remain as implements in the house for her use, then to Robert and Nicholas (my sons)

Margaret (wife): house and grounds called Darby lands which I hold by assignment of Thomas Randall, for life of Thomas Randall, for and towards better education and bringing up of Nicholas (youngest son)

Nicholas (son): estate for term of years held by grant of Sir Edmond Uvedale, knight in the said house and grounds called Darbies lands with the indenture of lease; also £20, least brass pot, crock skillet of brass, two platters, two pottengers and one saucer

Margaret (daughter) wife of William Norman: £20 within four months next after decease of Margaret Davy, widow (my mother-in-law)

Nicholas (son): £23 3s 4d within four months next after decease of Margaret Davy, widow (my mother-in-law)

Godchildren: 6d each

Margaret Davy, widow (my mother-in-law): £6 6s 8d a year paid quarterly

Robert (eldest son): rest; executor

Henry Bryne [Brine] ('good friend and kinsman'), Edward Speare (brother-in-law) and William Ardren (neighbour): overseers; 2s 6d each; commits stocks and portions of his sons for them to manage and employ for sons' benefit until 21 years old; authority to manage debts


Debts due by the testator:

to William Norman (son-in-law): £10

to Robert Davy (brother): £10

to Margaret Davy (mother-in-law): 10s


from John Dowdinge of Hinckstridge: £4 5s

from John Chippett, son of Richard Chippett of Hinckstridge: 40s


Witnesses: Gervase Russell, William Bennett






Corfe Castle

28 Dec 1724

19 Mar 1724



Edward Biddlecombe of Corfe Castle, woolcomber

Will made: 8 December 1724

Probate granted: 19 March 1724/25, proved by Edmund Haytor [Hayter], executor


Mary (daughter): second best bed and bedding

Elizabeth (daughter): next best bed and bedding

'Dear and loving wife' [not named]: rest as long as she does not remarry; if she does remarry then all equally divided between children living

Edmond Haytor [Edmund Hayter] of Creech, gentleman ('loving kinsman'): executor in trust for wife and children

Witnesses: James Thompson, junior; John Tarrant






Corffe Castle

14 May 1628

27 Dec 1634



Thomas Bondfeild [Bonfield] of Corfe Castle, marbler

Will made: 14 May 1628

Probate granted: 27 December 1634, proved by Margery, widow and administratrix, before John Young, Clerk, Vicar, commissioner


Nuncupative will - was given by word of mouth

Margery (wife): one half of goods

Catherine Bondfeild (youngest dau): other half of goods

In the hearing of: Robert Toope, Symon [Simon] Browne and others [not named]






Adlington [Afflington]

9 Apr 1599

5 Feb 1600



Henry Bonvile [Bonfield] of Adlington [Afflington] in the parish of Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 9 April 1599

Probate granted: 5 February 1600/01, proved by Anne Loope, executrix


'sick in body'

Elizabeth Sanford [Samford] (mother): ground called Weston for 3yrs from the date of my death

Elizabeth and Emme [Emma] (sisters): 20s each

Anne Loope: rest; executrix

Witnesses: Andrew Loope, William Roberts, John Warner, Thomas Tyler, Thomas Sherchyyll [Churchill?] and John Eyles





Corfe Castle

28 Jan 1813

27 Jan 1820



George Brown of Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 28 January 1813

Probate granted: 27 January 1820, proved by William Furmidge, executor


Administration: 7 December 1865: effects of George Brown who died 15 June 1818 at Corfe Castle, a widower, were left unadministered by William Furnedge ['in the will written Furmidge'], who died intestate. Administration was granted to James Diffey, administrator of estate of Betty Diffey, widow who survived William Furnedge


Betty (daughter) widow of late Robert Diffey of Corfe Castle, labourer: use, interest and profits in live and dead farming stock, crops, hay and my implements in husbandry and household goods and furniture with book debts, money and securities for money; all funded property. If she should marry again her husband nor children by that husband shall have any share. After her decease to be shared by my five grandchildren:

Moses Brown Diffey, William Diffey, James Diffey, George Diffey and Edward Diffey, sons of Betty (daughter)

Mr William Furmidge of Swanage, malster and brewer: executor

Witnesses: George Roe, John Farlwel [Farwell]





Corfe Castle

28 Mar 1781

30 Jul 1782



Henry Brown of Corfe Castle, shoemaker

Will made: 28 March 1781

Probate granted: 30 July 1782, proved by Henry Brown (son) and executor


'being in health of body'

Henry ('only and well beloved son'): leasehold estates, stock in trade, book debts, monies, goods, chattels and effects; executor; if I happen to die before he reaches the age of 21 years then I appoint Mr John Kent of Corfe Castle, baker (brother-in-law): trustee and guardian during his minority and execution of my affairs for his benefit

Witnesses: Mary Stevens, Samuel Burt





Corfe Castle

4 Sep 1742

2 Nov 1742



Rebecca Brown of Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 4 September 1742

Probate granted: 2 November 1742, proved by Elizabeth Kent, spinster and executrix


Amy [Amey] Brown (mother-in-law): £2 10s

Elizabeth Dowdall (sister-in-law): 50s

Simon Brown of Corfe Castle: 5s

John Kent of Corfe Castle: 5s

Henry Brown, son of Simon Brown of Corfe Castle: £5

William Kent of Sandwich [Swanage]: 1s

Elizabeth Kent: 5s

Walter Framton [Frampton] of Poole: 1s

Robert Dowdall (nephew) of Corfe Castle: £10 and youngest horse; baking goods in the bakehouse, namely bunting mill, brake, two tables or 'benns' to knead bread on two long tables for the use of baking standing in the middle room of my house where I live; and one of my cows

Elizabeth Kent (kinswoman) of Corfe Castle: £60 which William Dowland and William Bartlet of Bucknowle owe me on bond; hay, corn, cows and other household goods and chattels that are not mentioned as being left to Robert Dowdall; to take care of Rebecca Frampton, daughter of said Walter, until 21 years and then to give her my featherbed; executrix

Witnesses: Hester Brann, Robert Roe, junior

Notes: Rebecca Brown was the daughter of William Dowdell and widow of Henry Brown







18 Dec 1593

25 Oct 1594



Thomas Browne of Linche [Lynch]

Will made: 18 December 1593

Probate granted: 25 October 1594, proved by Elizabeth Browne, executrix


'Sick in body'

Church of Corfe: 10s

Church of Kingston: 10s

Poor 'of this parish': 20s

Frances Dolling (cousin) and her children: £10 equally divided

Alexander (son): £100 when 21 years

Elizabeth (daughter): £100 when 21 years

Elizabeth (wife): the rest; executrix

Witnesses: Christopher Dolling and George Savage





Corfe Castle

11 Aug 1646

17 Oct 1646



John Browne late of Corfe Castle, sailor

Nuncupative will made 11th August 1646

Probate granted 17 October 1646, proved by Margery Brown, his widow


Poor of Corfe Castle : 50s.

Godchildren: 10s. a piece

Brother, Symon Browne: all his wearing apparel

Everything else was left to his pregnant present wife & Margery, the daughter of his former wife, Bridgett

Witnesses: Robert Browne, Symon Browne, Ebbett Neale





Woolcomber & Baker

Corffe Castle

16 Mar 1737

11 Feb 1739



Henry Browne of Corfe Castle, wool comber and baker

Will made: 16 March 1737/38

Probate granted: 11 February 1739/40, proved by Rebecca Browne, relict and executrix


Simon Browne of Corfe Castle, cordwainer (brother): messuage, tenement or cottage in East Street, Corfe Castle, where he now lives, for the natural life of my mother, [Amy] Amey Browne of Corfe Castle, widow, as long as he pays her 25s per annum during her life and pays all the bills for the cottage; wearing apparel both woolen and linen

Henry Browne (nephew), son of Simon: £10 towards apprenticing him to some honest trade or calling; if his father teaches him, then the £10 will be paid to Simon once his son reaches the age of 14 years.

Amey Browne (mother): £5

Rebecca (wife): executrix; rest; to maintain mother Amey Browne (mother)

Witnesses: D Dolling, Thomas Summer





George Clarke


Corfe Castle

28 Aug 1805

30 Sep 1813



George Clarke Butler of Corfe Castle

Will made: 28 August 1805

Administration: 30 September 1813, granted to Martha Best wife of William Brewer Best and William Butler (son and daughter), Mary Butler, widow and executrix having survived her husband but has since died


Martha Best (daughter) wife of William Best, mercer in Poole: £250

William (son), mercer at Corfe Castle: £10

Thomas (son), grocer at Poole: £10

George (son) 'now residing with me at Corfe Castle': £10

Mary (wife): Globe Inn, Herston, Swanage in occupation of Pushman, forever; house at Corfe Castle lately the Rising Sun and Half Moon in occupation of Susannah Smith, widow, forever; house, shop etc in occupation of William (son) in West Street, Corfe Castle which is held on my own life and Mary's (wife) life; rest; executrix

Witnesses: John Willis, John Burnell excise officer, Robert Blacklock





Corfe Castle

7 Oct 1766

19 May 1770



William Butler of Corfe Castle, malster

Will made: 7 October 1766

Probate granted: 19 May 1770, proved by George Clarke Butler (son), executor


Administration: 10 August 1814. Goods etc were left unadministered by George Clarke Butler before he died. Administration granted to Martha Best wife of William Brewer Best and William Butler his children and administrators

Martha (wife): lands at Herston lately purchased of Abraham Hayward, for her life then to George Clarke Butler (son) forever; house at Corfe Castle that I now live during her life, then to George (son); monies due on mortgage, bonds, notes etc debts owing and household goods, then to George (son)

Joan Hibbs: mourning gown

George (son): watch, malt mills, screen sacks, house in Woolgaston Lane, two horses, saddles, bridles; executor

Witnesses: William Ingram, Christopher Summers, Elizabeth Summers







13 Apr 1667

1 Jun 1668



John Byles [Biles] of Fitzworth in Corfe Castle, husbandman

Will made: 13 April 1667

Probate granted: 1 June 1668, proved by Giles Collins and Charles Jerrard, executors


'sick of body'

Mary ('my now wife'): lease of tenement in Fitzworth for term of her widowhood only (the kitchen excepted); all goods that were hers, except best featherbed on which I usually lie and best brass pot

John (son): £20 when he reaches 30 years, interest from date of my decease; the kitchen or house parcel of the said tenement formerly called 'the Kitchin'

Frances Byles (daughter) and Giles Collins and Charles Jerrard ('loving friends'): rest and executors. Collins and Jerrard to be executors in trust for Frances (daughter), to sell and raise, maintain until she reaches 30 years

Giles Collins and Charles Jerrard: 12d

Witnesses: Richard Jerred [Jerrard] and George Jerred [Jerrard]




The Rt. Hon.

Rempstone Hall

5 Aug 1831

12 Oct 1831



The Right Honorable John Calcraft of Rempstone Hall

Will made: 5 August 1831

Probate granted: 12 October 1831, proved by John Hales Calcraft (son), executor


John Hales Calcraft (eldest son): freehold and copyhold and personal estate, except estates vested in me upon any trusts by way of mortgage to be conveyed to person(s) entitled; executor

Witnesses: Charles Gore, Army Pay Office; William Lake, Lincolns Inn; George Bennison, servant to John Calcraft







9 Jul 1639

11 Feb 1639



Agnes Carter 'now living at Blachenwell' in Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 9 July 1639

Probate granted: 11 February 1639/40, proved by William Collins, executor before William Wake, Clerk commissioner


'weak in body'

Church of Sturminster Newton Castle: 10s and poor 10s

Church of Bloxford [other name for Bloxworth]: 10s and poor 10s

Church of Corfe Castle: 5s and poor 10s

Margaret Collins (sister): best gown and my gold ring

Thomas Carter (brother): 5s

Margaret Godsale (cousin): best petticoat, to her daughter Margaret a pewter dish; daughter Patience a pewter dish; and daughter Anne a pair of Dowlis sheets

Anne Baker (cousin): best riding suit, to her daughter Margaret my desk and half my wearing linen and to Mary Baker a brass skillet and William Baker a pewter dish and to Anne a pewter dish

Honor Turner (cousin): best Holland apron and her children 10s which is in the hands of Alexander Payne or two silver spoons which I have in lieu of my 10s

John Collins (cousin) children: Margaret a pewter dish, Jane a pewter dish and Agnes Collins my trunk

Margaret Collins of Whiteway (cousin), widow: mare and colt, her son William a featherbed, bolster and green coverlid, her son Giles a bible and her daughter Margaret my biggest brass pan and 20s and her daughter Mary £4 and pair of pillows and pair of pillowties and to her son John Collins the donne colt which I bought of John Collins of Linche [Lynch] (cousin)

William Collins (cousin) wife: best hat and best stuff waistcoat, to his son John one featherbed that is bound with blue, bolster, coverlid black and yellow and pair of blankets, to his son William a pewter dish and to his son Thomas a pewter dish

John Mager (tenant): coverled black and red and a coarse sheet; his wife an old gown, petticoat with a green lace and a waistcoat

Sister's men servants: Holland handkerchief; and sister's maidens an old petticoat, a stuff crise [?] and farred [?] cloth

Children of Thomas Emberley and Agnes Emberley sometimes Agnes Wolfery, deceased: 5s each, the eldest son excepted

Ratcell [Rachel] Carter (daughter): 12d

John Gardner's two children John and Mary: 12d each

Mary Kinge dau of William Kinge: 12d

William Collins of Whitewell (cousin): rest; executor

Witnesses: Margaret Collins and Giles Turner





Corfe Castle

19 Aug 1837

28 Dec 1838



Hannah Chaffey of Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 19 August 1837

Probate granted: 28 December 1838, proved by Anne and Frances Chaffey, spinsters (daughters) and executrixes


James (son) of Corfe Castle, cabinet maker: £60

Elizabeth Stevens (daughter) wife of James Stevens the younger of Corfe Castle, baker : £120

Sarah Chaffey Stevens, Elizabeth Ann Stevens, Henry James Stevens and Ellen Stevens (grandchildren) children of Elizabeth (daughter): £10 each

James (son): feather bed he now sleeps on with the bedstead and furniture, pair of calico sheets, pair of blankets, white counterpane, bolster, two pillows, bolster cloth and two pillow cases

Anne Chaffey and Frances Chaffey (daughters): Money in the four per cent annuities and £3 and 10s per cent reduced annuities in the public funds, money in the Wareham and Isle of Purbeck Savings Bank, household goods, stock in trade, plate, linen, books, pictures, glass, china wares, wearing apparel, woollen etc with freehold leasehold and copyhold lands, tenements and premises in Corfe Castle; executrixes

Witnesses: John Bridle, Corfe Castle, butcher; William Waters, junior, Corfe Castle, draper and grocer; Robert Dugdale, solicitor, Wareham






Corffe Castle

24 Sep 1629

24 Mar 1629



Charles Colborne of Corfe Castle, fisherman

Will made: 24 September 1629

Probate granted: 24 March 1629/30, proved by Elizabeth 'relict and executrix] [sic], before Brune Cockram, Nathaniel Bull and Gervase Russell, Clerk Commissioner(s)


'Weak and sick in body'; to be buried in churchyard of Corfe Castle

Charles (son): greater chest, biggest brass pan, biggest brass crock and a wine pint

John (son): second biggest brass pan, brass pan of a peck, long legged brass crock and sea chest

Elizabeth Colborne (daughter): best brass crock, one of best deep platters and brass candlestick

Judith (daughter): least brass crock, little kettle and a platter

Dorothy (daughter): biggest stand, second brass kettle and brass skillet

Charles (son): £3

John (son): £9

Judith (daughter): 20s

Dorothy (daughter): £4

These debts are due at Midsummer:

Henry Bennett of Egleston: owes 30s

William Tibbes of Kingston: owes 40s

Dennis Best of Kingston: owes 10s

Elizabeth ('daughter' - sic): rest and executrix

Mr Giles Turner and kinsman John Browninge ('good friends'): overseers; John Browninge to manage John (son)'s legacy until he is 21; Mr Turner to do the same for Charles (son) and Dorothy (daughter) their legacies

Witnesses: Gervase Russell and Elianore [Eleanor] Russell

Codicil: 8 October 1629

John (son) and Dorothy (daughter): further 20s each

Charles and Judith (son and daughter): loose boards and insts [joists/insets?] and wood, boards and timber in any part of dwelling house, 'for the making of a pair of stairs and for other necessary uses about the house'

'My new cloth to clothe my three younger children'

Witnesses: Gervase Russell and Giles Turner






6 Mar 1654

7 Aug 1655



Edward Collins of Wolgarston in Corfe Castle, husbandman

Will made: 6 February 1654/55

Probate granted: 7 August 1655, proved by Edward Collins (son), executor


'weak and sick in my body'; to be buried in the church of Corfe Castle 'as near to my seat as conveniently may be'

Alexander (eldest son): annuity of 40s out of lands I hold of the grant of Sir John Strangways, knight for term of years, at the usual four feast days, to start 3 years after my decease

Anne (eldest daughter): £30; bed over the hall

Jane (daughter): £50 to the use of her children, to remain with her brother Edward Collins (executor) but paying house rent 30s a year and other 30s a year to remain for stock for use of her children. As long as 'Jone Banfild' [Banfield] lives this money is to remain in her brother Edward Collins' hands; after her decease to be divided equally when 21; also bed over the milkhouse

Cisly [Cicily] Jerrard: £20 and bed over the entry

Edward Collins son of Alexander Collins: £5 which is due from Asten Collins

Edward (second son): rest; executor

John Collins (cousin) and John Stroud ('good friends'): overseers

I owe the following:

Anne (daughter): £13

George Jerrard: £5

Jane Dolling: £5

William Gover the elder: £5

Witnesses: John Stroud, Temperance [no surname], George Banfield






22 Jan 1672

7 Nov 1673



John Collins of Blachenwell, Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 22 January 1672/73

Probate granted: 7 November 1673, proved by Margaret Hayward and Jane Serrell, executrixes


'weak of body'; to be buried in parish church of Corfe Castle

Parish Church of Corfe Castle: 10s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 20s on day of funeral

Preacher of sermon 'to instruct the living': 10s

William (son): table board and cupboard in the hall at Blachenwell

Mary Hayward (granddaughter): £100 when 21 or married

Elizabeth, Samuel and Jane Serrell (granddaughters and grandson): £100 when 21 (granddaughters - or married with consent of their mother and father)

Honor Turner daughter of William Turner, late deceased of Corfe Castle: £5

Margaret Hayward (daughter) and Jane Serrell (daughter): rest and executrixes

William Collins ('dear and natural son), Samuel Serrell (son-in-law) and John Salter (bro-in-law): overseers

Witnesses: John Salter and Samuel Serrell










Gent, jnr.

Corfe Castle

11 May 1718

3 Sep 1718



Thomas Collins, junior, of Corfe Castle, gent

Will made: 11 May 1718

Probate granted: 3 September 1718, proved by Roger Clavell, executor


Katherine ('dear wife'): ring of gold worth 20s

Roger Clavell of Steeple, gent: all goods, chattels and estate; executor

Elizabeth Collins ('loving mother'): once his executor has discharged his debts, to give her all goods and chattels

Witnesses: William Wallis, Elizabeth Knapten [or Knapton], John Tarrant







28 Feb 1627

4 Sep 1628



William Collyns [Collins] of Blanchenwell [Blachenwell], Isle of Purbeck, yeoman

Will made: 28 February 1627/28

Probate granted: 4 September 1628, proved by Margaret Collins, executrix before William Bartlett, Clerk Commissioner


'sick of body'

Parish Church of Corfe: 12s 11d 'which was due unto me from the parish of Corfe' in 1626

Poor of the parish of Corfe: 20s

John (son): leases at West Lench [Lynch] only, reserving seven years out of the meadow below the orchard with seven years to Margaret (my wife); also land at Westlench [Lynch]

Margaret (wife): land at Barshawe [Bushey?] paying the yearly rent of 4d to John (son).

John (son): land at Barshaw

Margaret, Jone, Honor and Agnes (daughters): £100 each when married, if unmarried 7 years after my decease then for their own use

Anne (daughter): £6 yearly during Margaret (wife)'s life

Giles (son): meadow close called Out Meads at Orcheat [Orchard] in Knowle part of my tenement at Orcheat during his life and the rest of the

tenement to Margaret (wife) during the estate; Margaret's part of the tenement to pay all rents, heriots and other duties belonging to the said tenement.

William (son): one bullock, to his son John one sheep

Margaret Baker, Mary Baker and Margaret Collins (nieces): sheep each

John Hedgenc [Hedghence] ('old servant'): suit of my wearing apparel at my executors disposing

William Baker, Roger Osment, Bengemen [Benjamin] Collins, Willins Cobbe, Jone Collins, Erlesabath [Elizabeth] Pus (godchildren): 12d each

Margaret (wife): rest; executrix

Thomas Baker (son-in-law) and John Bechem [Beacham]: overseers; 12d

Witnesses: John Burges, John Hedghence




Ship Agent

Corfe Castle but now of Twillingate, Newfoundland

3 Nov 1819

11 Feb 1826



Thomas Collis of Corfe Castle 'but now residing at Twillingate, Newfoundland (and serving Messrs Robert and John Slade and Company in the capacity of an agent)'

Will made: 3 November 1819

Probate granted: 11 February 1826, proved by James Collis, the elder (brother), executor


James Collis junior son of my brother James Collis senior: £200 with interest which is three per cent in the three per cent consols according to the two certificates to my pocket book when 24 years old; if driven to distress then £100 released early

Robert son of late brother William Collis deceased: £20

James Collis, senior, mariner: rest; executor

Witnesses: Samuel Newman, housekeeper, Twillingate; William Pullin, clerk, Twillingate






2 Dec 1657

18 Jan 1657



Thomas Corbenet of Ailewood in Corfe Castle, husbandman

Nuncupative will - given by word of mouth

Will made: 23 December 1656, note date repeated at end as 2 December 1656]

Administration: 18 January 1657/58, granted to Joane Corbenett, relict and residuary legatee


Joane ('loving wife'): use of all goods, chattels and money for life

Thomas and Walter (sons): stock of cattle, horses and sheep, after decease of wife, equally divided except one colt to Alice (daughter)

Anne, Margaret, Edith, Mary, Frances, Joane (daus): £10 each, to be paid after decease of wife

Joane (wife): rest

[no executor named]

Alexander Harvey and Thomas Munday (friends): overseers

Witnesses: Alexander Harvey and Thomas Munday 'both of them within the Isle of Purbeck'






20 Apr 1599

11 May 1599



John Culleford [Culliford] of Encombe, gent

Will made: 22 April 1599

Probate granted: 11 May 1599, proved  by the executors


'well beloved wife' [not named]: best bed furnished and my old grey gelding

Mr Thomas Freake (loving brother-in-law): bay mare

Mr Richard Swaine ('loving uncle'): youngest grey gelding

Mr William Freake ('loving brother'): 'young sorrell mare near about the age of two years'

Said Thomas Freake (brother), Richard Swaine (uncle) and William Freake (brother): rest 'to dispose according to their good discretions to my children now born, and to my child and children that my said wife now goeth withall' [i.e. wife is pregnant]

Poor of Corfe Castle: £5

James Waller (servant): £5

Said Thomas Freake (brother), Richard Swaine (uncle) and William Freake (brother): executors

Witnesses: Richard Ruies [Ryves]; James Jones, Clerk; James Foyle; Robert Fowkes; Phillip Waggatt; John Culliforde







10 Oct 1613

18 Nov 1613



William Culliford of Quarr in Isle of Purbeck, gent

Will made: 10 October 1613

Probate granted: 18 November 1613, proved by Alexander Culliford, executor


'sick of body'; to be buried in chancel of Corfe Church

Church of Corfe Castle: 40s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 40s

Poor of Studland: 20s

Poor of Worth: 20s

Richard Checkford and Alexander Culliford 'shall make over and assure' all their interest and right they have to Henry Wells and William Culliford the younger to the use of John Harward son of Henry Harward for ever of the house which Henry Harward dwells in in Poole within 3 months of my decease

Henry Wells: lease of years in Wodiehide [Woodyhide] for £100. Paying £50 on Lady Day and £50 at St John the Baptist when he shall have it, paying sums to my executor

Margaret Wells: household stuff at Godlingstone and 40

William (son): 'my plough and sheep which be now pasturing and my corn and all other provision that I have upon my farm of Studland'

Alexander (son): rest; executor

Henry Wells and William Culliford ('trusty and wellbeloved in Christ'): overseers

Witnesses: Henry Welles, William Culliford, 'and me' George Lamburne [suggesting he is the writer of the will], John Edmunds







12 Sep 1616

11 Feb 1616



Robert Cullyford [Culliford] of Encombe in Isle of Purbeck, Esquire

Will made: 12 September 1616

Probate granted: 11 February 1616/17, proved by Margaret Culliford, executrix


Anne Culliford, Elizabeth Culliford and Margaret Culliford (daus) and the 'child my wife now goeth withall': goods, chattles and lease of Orchard in Purbeck. If the child is a son, then daughters only to have the lease and residue

Money from lands to be raised for wardship of my son if a son and for increasing portions for daughters to be paid when 18yrs

Margaret (wife): her wearing apparel, her jewels, all my plate silver and gold, brass and pewter with residue of household stuff; executrix

William Freake, John Freake Esquires and Robert Hide the younger and Thomas Bennett the younger gent: two full parts of lands and tenements for raising the said portions. They are to 'have care of my children'; overseers

Witnesses: Richard Maydocke, John Freke, Christopher Bennett, John Arnold






Corfe Castell

9 Feb 1622

12 Feb 1622



John Cullyford [Culliford] of Corfe Castle, gent

Will made: 9 February 1622/23

Probate granted: 12 February 1622/23, proved by William Collier and Richard Whitehead


'sick and weak in body'; to be 'buried in some convenient place where I depart this life'

Wife [not named]: £700

Poor of Corfe Castle: £20

John Willis, fellow of the College near Winton: one grey nag

Mrs Margarett Brinckley, Mrs Mary Collier and Mrs Margery Whitehead (three sisters): rest of my goods, chattels and debts to be equally divided (unless his wife is with child then everything goes to the benefit of that child)

Mr William Collier and Mr Richard Whitehead (his brother-in-laws): overseers

Witnesses: John Willis, Richard Colles and George Shaste





Corfe Castle

15 Oct 1623

22 Nov 1623



This second entry in Latin refers to a resolution case not summarised here concerning the above will and adds to the above that the testator's relict [widow] is Margaret Culliford.






7 Dec 1652

6 Jun 1653



Henry Culliford of Lynch in Corfe Castle

Will made: 7 December 1652

Administration: 6 June 1653, granted to John Eyres, William Culliford and John Eyres, overseers


Debts to be paid

Anne, Sarah and Mary (daus): tenements at Kimbridge [Kimmeridge] to be sold for the better meeting of debts at their best value and what remains out of the stock at Kingston and tenements to be paid to them

Wife [not named]: a life in lands at Lynch reserving 40s to be paid to the daughters

Anne, Sarah and Mary (daus): goods indoors to be equally divided after his wife's death; all property at Lynch

Poor of Corfe Castle: 30s

Mr John Eyres the elder (father-in-law), Mr William Culliford (brother), Mr John Eyres the younger (brother): overseers; full power to sell and dispose of my estate

Anne (sister): £5 but not let her husband have any of it

Witness: Nicholas Lannying [Lanning]






No date

7 Mar 1697



Robert Culliford of Encombe, Esquire

Will made: 19 August 1697

Probate granted: 7 March 1697/98, proved by Lawrence Culliford, executor


26 September 1717: marginal note relates to further administration concerning interests in Barton Farm, Orchard and Long Hayes

'being aged'; to be buried in parish church of Corfe Castle 'next to my wife without any pomp or ceremony' or expense

Poor of Corfe castle: 40s at my funeral

Farm of Encombe to be charged with £2000 to be paid as follows:

William (son): £1000. He has a mortgage on the farm for £1000 and £500 served by deed of settlement by me to my son-in-law Nathaniel Naper, Clerk in lieu of a marriage portion with Grace (daughter); the other £500 to Mary (daughter) for her portion

Mary (daughter): allowance of £25 a year maintenance until the £500 is raised and paid to her

Elizabeth Culliford (daughter): £1000 for her portion including £50 given by her grandmother Dame Grace Lawrence and £5 by Dr Richard Hyde, to be raised from farms of Knaveswell and Foxground and stock on the farm of Encombe in one year after decease with 5 percent interest

William (son): £10

Nicholas (son): £10 and tenement at Chilcomb near Winchester which I purchased of the Dean and Chapter of Winton

Margaret Scardvill (daughter): £10, having had her portion already

'Daughter Hobbs': £10, having had her portion already

Grace Naper (daughter): £50 left by her grandmother Dame Grace Lawrence and £10, she having her portion secured on the farm of Encombe by deed

Robert (son): £50 as rent charge yearly and paid quarterly from the farm of Encombe, for 10 years; after this Lawrence (eldest son) required to pay his brother £1000. If Lawrence deceased then to Robert

Robert (son): no power or authority by deed or settlement to make or settle a jointure on Margaret his now wife or she any right to demand the same 'she having behaved herself during her abode with him so perverse unnatural disobedient and implacable a wife to the disgrace not only of him her said husband but as far as in her lies to the infamy and discredit of me and my whole family and all that beareth the name of Culliford'. Therefore, after decease of Robert, estate and Manor of Encombe descends to William (third son) unless Robert has some other lawful issue by some other wife after decease of Margaret

Lawrence (son): farms of Knaveswell and Fox Ground with stock thereon; also stock of cattle on farm of Encombe; all furniture and bedding, tables, cupboards, chests and all linen, lumber in house of Encombe (except my plate) to be inventoried and appraised, for his use and to remain in the house for use of next heir and successively one after the other; executor

Anthony Floyer Esquire ('near kinsman'); Roger Mompesson Esquire; John Pike of Dunshay, gent; and John Collier of Quarr, gent: overseers; £5 each

Witnesses: William Casnes, Elizabeth Parlet, Robert Sherin






10 Apr 1628

24 Mar 1629



Richard Curtis of Corfe Castle, sailor 'now bound out in his Majesty's Service

Will made: 10 April 1628

Probate grant: 24 March 1629/30, proved by Elizabeth Curtis, executrix before Nathaniel Bull, Brune Cockram and Gervase Russell, Clerk Commissioner(s)


Reparation of Parish Church of Corfe Castle: 5s; poor of same 3s 4d

Elizabeth (wife): cottage with backside, garden, orchard, parcel of ground at Wolgarston in Corfe Castle for term of 80 years; after decease under remaining term to Elinor Curtis dau of John Curtis (brother), to her for the end of the term of 99 years if Angell Corbinett in the indenture of lease lives so long

Elizabeth (wife): rest; executrix

Lewis Gover and Philip [Gyllingame] Gillingham ('good friends'): overseers

Debts due to me:

John Vincent of Acton: 20s

Joseph Fry: 10s 10d

Witnesses: Gervase Russell, Edmond Kilsby





Corffe Castell

7 Mar 1620

15 Jul 1622



Anthony Daccombe of Corfe Castle, Innholder

Will made: 7 March 1620/21

Probate granted: 15 July 1622


'weak and sick in body'; to be buried in the church of Corfe Castle

Church of Corfe Castle: 10s for my burial

Poor of Corfe Castle: 5s

Mary (daughter): £30

To the child with which my wife now goeth: £30 if it is a daughter; £35 if it is a son; to be paid to them once they are 21yrs; their mother to have the interest on the sum up till they are 14yrs thereafter it goes towards their individual portions; if either dies before the age of 21yrs, then the other receives their portion.

Francis Trewe (brother): 20s; and to his sister, Alice 20s

Mr Russell to preach at his funeral: 6s 8d

Anthony Trewe (brother-in-law): 40s

Emme [Emma] ('Loving wife'): rest; executrix

Mr Henry Daccombe (uncle), Edward Speare ('good friend') and Richard Frye (brother-in-law): overseers

Memorandum: the 40s to Anthony 'was at his mother's motion in lieu of a featherbed which sometimes was his said mother's'

Witnesses: Gervase Russell, Richard Frye and Judith Barnes





Corffe Castle

13 Dec 1593

11 May 1595



William Dackham of Corfe Castle, gentleman

Will made: 13 December 1593

Probate granted: 11 May 1595, proved by Mary and Robert Dackham (executors)


'sick of body'; to be buried in the church of Corfe Castle

Mary (wife) and Robert (eldest son): goods and chattels shared

Thomasine Dackham (eldest daughter): £20 to be paid before 3 years

Bridget Dackham (second daughter): £20 to be paid within 5 years

Thomas, Edward, George and Henry (4 youngest sons): £20 to be paid at the age of 21yrs

John Uvedall, gent, Anthony Dolling, yeoman ('wellbeloved friends') and Robert Dackham (brother): overseers

Anthony Dolling holds a Bond which needs to be paid

Robert Dackham (brother): £4

Parish church of Corfe: 6s 8d

No witnesses recorded






Corffe Castle

28 Nov 1635

31 Dec 1638



Edward Dackombe of Corfe Castle, esq

Will made: 28 November 1635

Probate granted 31 December 1638, proved by Brune Dackombe, executor before John Thorne, Clerk, Commissioner


Sick in body; to be buried in the church of Corfe Castle

Brune (son): dwelling houses and farm in Corfe Castle with lands, meadows, pastures, feedings, moors, downs, wastes and coppices; also a water grist mill called Alfleete Mill for a term of 99 years paying to Brune's brother, Robert Dackombe the rent of 10s yearly

Robert (son): land and tenements which were left to Edward (testator) when William (father), gent died; also the Quarry Close lying next to Scoles farm which Edward had purchased from John Bondfield

Henry Dackombe of Corfe Castle, gent (loving brother): part of the lands given to Brune (son) are to be given to his uncle Henry (my brother) and Edward Lawrence of Grange in the Isle of Purbeck, esq, ('loving brother-in-law'), as they are to sell these lands to pay debts and legacies

Church of Corfe Castle: £5

Poor of Corfe Castle: £5

Robert (son): £20

Marie Morton (daughter): £20

Male Servants: 20s each

Female servants: 10s each

Brune (son): executor; rest

Henry (brother) and Edward Lawrence, esq ('loving brothers'): overseers; gold ring worth 20s each

William Frampton – 40s

Witnesses: Edward Delling [Dolling], Alexander Dennett, William Frampton



Also a copy at DHC, reference: D-BOC/889/4A/P1

Edward Dackombe of the borough of Corfe Castle

Will made: 13 April 1677

Probate granted: 1 December 1683, proved by Lawrence St Loe, executor. Right reserved to Thomas St Loe, Roger Clavell and Giles Frampton. Elizabeth Dackombe, relict and executrix being deceased


All chattels, lands and tenements in Corfe Castle (excepting what was in his wife's marriage jointure) and the Isle of Purbeck to raise the following sums:

Elizabeth (daughter): £400 as her marriage portion when 21 years only by consent of her executors

Edward (son): £400 when 21 years

'loving wife', Mr Lawrence St Loe (brother-in-law), Mr Thomas St Loe, Mr Roger Clavell of Steeple and Giles Frampton, Esquire: executors in trust; each a gold ring of 20s value 'as a token of my love and thanks to them for undertaking the charge in executing my will'

Witnesses: Anne Arner, Dorkas Vey [Dorcas Vye]

Codicil: 28 October 1680

Giles Frampton Esquire ('loving neighbour']: be executor in trust instead of Mr Samuel Gregory, deceased [not mentioned in will anyway]

Margaret (daughter): £400 as her marriage portion when 21 years only by consent of her executors

Witnesses: John Newman, Rector of Knowle [Church Knowle]; Elizabeth Gregory





Corfe Castle

18 Jun 1659

17 Jul 1660



Henry Dackombe of the town of Corfe Castle, gent

Will made: 18 June 1659

Probate granted: 17 July 1660, proved by Dorothy Dackombe, widow (executrix)


'sick and weak of body'; to be buried in the church of Corfe Castle

Church of Corfe Castle: 40s

Poor of Corfe Castle: £5 to be distributed at the time of funeral

Dorothy ('loving wife'): executrix. Sir Edward Lawrence late of Creech Grange settled a jointure upon Dorothy (a Bond worth £600) which Dorothy felt she did not need so Henry settled the profits of his lands (a meadow called Kine Close and Long Hayes in Corfe Castle) on her for her life; also the furniture and household goods belonging to the house they now live in; also £200; also the remainder of estate, goods and chattels

Edward Dackombe, the son of Brune Dackombe: the land of my house with the adjoining garden, stable and little garden which I now live in; also two meadows at 'Huches' after the death of Dorothy (wife) provided he pays his sisters, Anne & Mary, £50 each

James Havelland (kinsman) son of James Havilland of Wilkswood: a tenement with appurtenances in Corfe Castle late in possession of Henry Cottrell; also meadow called Great Merryfield adjoining to the pound of the common after Dorothy's (wife) death

Mary Meaden (kinswoman): lease and profits from ground called Sandyhills, Corfe Castle which is held for the term of her life

Dorothy (wife): remainder of term in Kine Close, Corfe Castle

Mary (kinswoman), wife of Henry Harben of the town of Wareham: £5

Edith (kinswoman), wife of Roger Baker of the town of Poole: £5

Anne (kinswoman), wife of Roger Baker of Arne: £5

Elinor (kinswoman), wife of John Harding of the town of Wareham: £20

Margery (kinswoman), wife of Lawrence Grigger of the town of Poole: £5

Alice (kinswoman), wife of Richard Jones: £10

Francis True [Trew] (kinsman): £5; his two daughters, Elizabeth and Hanna, £5 each

Robert Dackombe, gent: £5

Brune Dackombe, gent: £5

James Havelland (kinsman): £5

Alexander Havelland of Dorchester: £5

Mary Debine: £5

Rebecca Havilland: £5

Bridget, the wife of Richard Smith: £5

Jerome Debine: £5

Poor of Corfe Castle: one meadow called Little Merefield [Merrifield] after the death of Dorothy (wife), the yearly profits to go towards buying linen garments for the 10 poorest people of the town (to be bought by the churchwardens)

Robert Cullyford [Culliford] of Encombe, esq, & James Havilland of Wilkswood, gent (friends and kinsmen): overseers; 40s each

Witnesses: James Havelland, John True, James Frampton

Mary wife of Edward Lovell, gent: £5

[page ends]





Corfe Castle

3 Feb 1815

7 May 1817



Betty Dampier of Corfe Castle, spinster

Will made: 3 February 1815

Probate granted: 7 May 1817, proved by Mary Dampier (sister), executrix


To 'be buried  in as plain and decent a manner as possible and carried to church during the morning service of the day by six poor men who are to be paid the sum of £1 each for their trouble and that I may be interred in the vault with my late father and mother in Corfe Castle Church'

Mary Dampier of Corfe Castle (sister), spinster: freehold estates, lands, tenements in Langton Matravers and Corfe Castle and title and interest to farm lands called Barton Farm, Milton, Hampshire and all the land tax of £5 15s or annual sum to that amount of land tax charged on lands tenements in Langton Matravers and Corfe Castle late property of Betty Hart of Wimborne Minster, widow deceased;

John Dampier (grand nephew) eldest son of Reverend John Dampier of Swanage (nephew): after Mary Dampier's (sister) death meadow ground called Culls of 5 acres and a half in Langton Matravers in occupation of Mr James Chinchen as tenant

William Dampier (grand nephew) another son of Reverend John Dampier of Swanage (nephew): freehold ground called Heath Field, six acres and a half in Langton Matravers in occupation of John Dampier (said nephew)

Robert Dampier (grand nephew) another son of Reverend John Dampier of Swanage (nephew): freehold meadow ground called Court Pound containing one acre in Langton Matravers in tenure of James Chinchen; freehold meadow called Lannings Mead, six acres at East Linch [Lynch], Corfe Castle, in my own occupation

Edward and Henry Dampier other sons of John Dampier (nephew): the above Land Tax rights and liberties, after decease of Mary Dampier (sister)

Edward Dampier of Primrose Street, London, Esquire (nephew) and Mary Colson wife of Reverend Thomas Morton Colson of Dorchester, clerk: the monies in the public funds as above after decease of Mary Dampier (sister)

Mary Dampier (sister): household goods and furniture, plate, linen, woollen, china and books; interest from sums of money due and owing from Reverend John Dampier (nephew) after her decease to John Dampier (nephew)s children when 21; wearing apparel for her to dispose to daughters of John Dampier (nephew) or such other persons as she thinks proper

Elizabeth Crocker and Sarah Crocker (servants): remainder of wearing apparel

John Dampier (said grand nephew): gold watch and case marked No. 4707 and a cornelian seal with the Dampier Arms set in gold

Thomas Battrick (servant): £6

Mary (sister): rest; executrix

Witnesses: Robert Spincer [Spencer], William Hastens, Robert Dugdale





Corfe Castle

6 May 1774

15 Dec 1774



Edward Dampier of Corfe Castle, gentleman

Will made: 6 May 1774

Probate granted 15 December 1774, proved by Betty and Mary Dampier (daughters), executrixes


Wife [not named]: will in case she survives me be entitled to her dower and thirds and freehold estate which Edward had lately purchased in the parish of Milton, Hampshire, for her life; in addition my legacy of leasehold tenement in Langton called Sherwoods Tenement or Living for the rest of the term of years; one annuity of £24 for the rest of her life paid annually

Betty and Mary Dampier (daughters): after their mother's death, to receive the leasehold at Langton

Edward (son): annuity of £20 yearly in quarterly payments

Thomas Dampier (brother): 3s every week for the rest of his life

Ann Short, widow, of Studland:  £5

John (son): £300

Betty (daughter): £1,000

Mary (daughter): £800

Betty, Mary and John Dampier (daughters and son): said freehold estate at Milton; then to heirs of John (son)

Wife: use of household goods and furniture, linen, bedsteads and bedding, plate and china; then to Betty and Mary (daughters)

Betty and Mary (daughters): ready monies; executrixes

Witnesses: Elizabeth Daman, Thomas Speck, Thomas Bartlett





Corfe Castle

13 Feb 1818

10 Nov 1820



Mary Dampier of Corfe Castle, spinster

Will made: 13 February 1808

Probate granted: 10 November 1820, proved by Mary Colson (niece) and executrix, wife of Reverend Thomas Morton Colson


Mary Ann Palmer, daughter of Edward Dampier Esq (nephew) of Primrose Street, London: £200

Caroline Dampier, daughter of Revd John Dampier, clerk, (nephew) late of Leason House, Isle of Purbeck: £200

John Dampier (nephew): All debts owing from him to be equally divided between Caroline Dampier and Mary Ann Palmer when they attain 21 years

Thomas Battrick, Elizabeth Crocker and Sarah Crocker (servant): £8 each

Sarah Burden, wife of John Burden, labourer of Furze Brook: £4

Mary Colson (niece) wife of Reverend Thomas Morton Colson, clerk of Dorchester: all household goods, plate, furniture, linen, glass, books, chattels, estate and effects; executrix

Witnesses: Robert Dugdale and Joseph Waterman

Codicil, 16 June 1820: Thomas Battrick, Elizabeth and Sarah Crocker: £12 pounds each

Witnesses: Robert Dugdale and Robert D Marshfield






Corfe Castle

18 Mar 1675

26 Oct 1676



Mary Dibben of Corfe Castle, widow

Nuncupative  Will made by word of mouth and she died the next day after: Saturday 18 March 1675/76

Probate granted: 26 October 1676, Mary Maynard alias Dibben (daughter) to administer


'sick and weak of body'

Mary (daughter): the £10 due to her from Alexander Havylon [Havelland] (my brother); rest

Witnesses: Elizabeth Smith, Susanna Painter and Sarah Sinckler





West Linch

13 Apr 1631

15 Sep 1631



John Dolling of West Linch [Lynch], Corfe Castle, mariner

Will made: 13 April 1631

Probate granted: 15 September 1631, proved by Alexander Dolling, executor, before Brune Cockram and Gervase Russell, Clerk, Commissioner(s)


'sick of body'

Church of Swanage: a communion table cloth to the value of 30s with his initials JD sewn on it

Poor of Swanage: 20s

Church of Corfe Castle: a 'comely cushion' for the pulpit worth 20s with his initials JD sewn on it

Poor of Corfe Castle: 20s

Frances Dolling (mother): 50s yearly for her life paid from tenement at Burshew in the occupation of John Gover held on the lives of the 3 daughters of Robert Toop of Burshew; £5

Alexander Dolling (brother)'s son, Anthony: remaining years from tenement at Burshew; also receives his grandmother's 50s after John dies to be kept for him until he is 21yrs; Anthony (brother) 'gave unto my child £10 if the same be due unto me' he gives to Alexander (Anthony's son), namely £5 & £10 (£15 in total) to be paid at 21 years

Frances Dolling (sister): £5 yearly to be paid from tenement at Burshew as long as Robert Toop's daughters survive

Margaret Dolling (sister): £3 yearly to be paid from tenement at Burshew as long as Robert Toop's daughters survive

Frances and Margaret Dolling (sisters): household stuff at dwelling house at West Lynch and at Corfe Castle, except their mother's bed, to be divided between them. To allow Frances (mother) the use of pair of second best sheets, pair of worst sheets and new coverlet

Alexander Dolling (brother)'s 4 children: Mabel, Edith, Judith and Margery: £6 each

Thomas Virge [Verge]'s 4 children: 20s each

Ury Pushman, widow: 20s

Thomas Pushman's children: 5s each

Thomas Pushman: suit of clothes which were his brother William Pushman's wedding clothes

Anstice Virge [Verge], wife of Thomas Virge: £5 as long as her husband lays a stone upon me after I die worth 40s

Elizabeth Chapman: 5s

Alice Kempt: 5s

Judith Weare: 5s

Honor Turner (sister-in-law): a ring to the value of 25s as long as she gives to Mabel Dolling, Alexander Dolling's daughter, the ring that was my first wife's

Agnes Collins (sister-in-law): 30s

Robert Cotterell and Thomas Hayward: one suite of his sea clothes each

Robert Harding of Wolgarston and Edward Rose of Corfe Castle: one set of sea clothes each

Mr Gervase Russell, clerk, & Edward Hancocke, mariner: overseers; 10s each

Alexander Dolling (brother): executor; rest

Witnesses: Gervase Russell, Edward Barefoote [Barfoot]





Corfe Castle

5 May 1701

8 Jun 1709



James Dolling of Corfe Castle, malster

Will made: 5 May 1701

Probate granted: 8 June 1709, proved by Thomasine Dolling, widow, executrix


Loving wife [not named - Thomasine]: executrix; whole estate

Joseph and Timothy Dolling (brothers): a mourning ring worth 10s each

Witnesses: Joan Windham, Hugh Perry





Corffe Castle

10 Mar 1603

4 May 1607



Anthony Dolling of Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 10 March 1603/04

Probate granted: 4 May 1607, proved by Elinor Dolling, widow, executrix


'sick and weak in body'; to be buried in the Church of Corfe Castle

Church of Corfe Castle: 20s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 20s

Anthony Fursman (godson), the son of Anthony Fursman, decesed: £20 when he is 21 years old; if he dies before that the money is to be split amongst the remaining children of Anthony Fursman, deceased, when they reach 21 years; also fee simple on all lands in Corfe forever as long as he gives the profits of it to Elinor; if he dies or has no male heirs, then the fee simple passes to his brother, John Fursman; and if John dies, then the fee simple passes to his brother William Fursman

Anthony Dolling (godson) son of Anthony Dolling of Arne: £10 when he is 21 years old; if he dies before then, the money is to go to the executor

Gervase Russell (cousin): overseer; to preach a sermon at his funeral; 20s

Mary Russell (servant): 20s

Elinor (wife): executrix; all lands in Corfe Castle for her life and rest

Thomas Haviland (brother) and Gervase Russell, Clerk (cousin): overseer

Witnesses: Mary Russell, Gervase Russell, Clerk





Corfe Castle

17 Feb 1854

9 Jan 1855



John Duke of Corfe Castle, baker

Will made: 17 February 1854

Probate granted: 9 January 1855, proved by Richard Chaffey, executor

Richard Chaffey (friend): 'who for many years past has resided with me and to whom I have now given up my business': all; executor

Witnesses: Giles Stockley, Corfe Castle, grocer; Robert D Marshfield, Wareham, solicitor






12 Jan 1662

25 Jan 1668



Joane Francke, widow now of Bushay [Bushey] in Corfe Castle

Will made: 12 January 1662/63

Probate granted: 25 January 1668/69, proved by Elizabeth Tupp, executrix


'weak in body'; to be buried in the Churchyard at Church Knowle

Elizabeth Tuppe (Toop) (daughter), widow of Bushay in Corfe Castle: £5

Richard Tuppe, son of said Elizabeth: £5; featherbed, two bolsters, pillow, coverled, pair of blankets and pair of sheets; crock the best of two

Jone Tupp one ofdaughtersof said Elizabeth: brewing kettle and brass pan, the second best of four

Elizabeth Tupp dau of said Elizabeth: best of four brass pans

Mary Tupp, the other dau of said Elizabeth: two worst brass pans of the said four; worst crock

Elizabeth (said dau): 'all other trifling things'; executrix

James Bunall of Pullixeswell [Poxwell?]: 1s

Poor of Knowle: 10s on day of burial

Witnesses: John Newman, Charles[?] Jerard





Corfe Castle

24 Jan 1793

16 May 1797



Mary Freer of Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 24 January 1793

Probate granted: 16 May 1797, proved by John Dampier, executor


Mr John Dampier ('well beloved friend') of Wareham: executor; all goods and money in trust for Martha (daughter) wife of William Langtree of Corfe Castle

Witnesses: James Brown, Richard Bowes [Bower?]





Corf Castle

9 Jan 1706

26 Apr 1708



Anne Fursman of Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 9 January 1706/07

Probate granted: 26 April 1708 by Thomas Bower, executor


Poor widows of Langton in Isle of Purbeck: 10s

Poor widows of Corfe Castle: 10s

John Bower of Sandwich [Swanage] (cousin) son of John Bower the elder of Swanage: £20

Eleanor Bower widow of Austin Bower: £20

Katherine Fursman daughter of William Fursman (bro-in-law): £20

Mary Moors daughter of Elizabeth Moors at West Holme: £10

Anne Lillington daughter of Mark Lillington of 'Mayn': £5

Hannah Perry of Corfe Castle, widow: £5

Esther Lillington daughter of Edward Lillington lately of Stoborough deceased: £5

Elizabeth Brand of Corfe Castle, widow: £5

William Eyers [Ayres] of Knowle: £5

Mary King of Knowle, widow: 40s

Avice Selby daughter of Thomas Selby of Bradle in Knowle: 40s

George Dolling of Corfe Castle: 20s

John Benvill [Benfield/Bonfield], senior of Corfe Castle: 12s

Mr William Clark of Wareham, minister: to preach my funeral sermon within one month after my decease at Robert Roes of Corfe Castle; for which I give 20s; also £4 more

Thomas Bower the elder of Langton, Isle of Purbeck: rest; executor

Witnesses: John Bythwood, Alexander Jarrish, Alice Tuck






Corffe Castle

22 Jan 1688

4 Apr 1690



John Fursman of Corfe Castle, clothier

Will made: 22 January 1688/89

Probate granted: 4 April 1690


'sick and weak of body'

William (brother): 1s

Anne (wife): burgage or tenement with and adjoining garden with 4 beast pastures on the Corfe Common for her life; after her death to pass to Anthony Fursman (nephew, son of brother, William)

Anthony Fursman (nephew): £10 when he comes of age (21 years)

John (nephew, another son of William): £20 when he comes of age

Katherine Fursman (niece, daughter of William): £10 when she comes of age

Margery Way (sister): 1s; her 3 granddaughters (Margery Kates [Keats], Elizabeth Kates and Katherine Kates) - £20 each when they come of age

Poor of Corfe Castle and Langton: 10s

Anne ('loving wife'): executrix; rest

Nowell Cribb of Stoborough and William Collens [Collins] of Church Knowle ('loving friends'): Overseers; half a crown each (2s 6d)

Witnesses: Mary King, Joshua Wiseman, Nowell Cribb




City of London

24 May1735

26 Jan 1741/2


Also a copy held at DHC reference: D-BOC/889/4A/S4

Anthony Fursman of Crutched Friars, City of London

Will made: 24 May 1735

Probate granted: 26 January 1741/42, proved by Hester Browne widow, executrix


Henry Brown of Corfe Castle, woolcomber, and James Brown of London: lands, tenements and hereditaments in the borough of Corfe Castle and Stoborough in trust for the use of John Fursman of Isle of Wight, Hampshire ('loving brother'), after his decease to the use of John Fursman's oldest and only son William Fursman

Daughter or daughters of William Fursman: as joint tenants lands tenements etc in Corfe Castle except The Anchor

Elizabeth Bennett, daughter of my sister Catherine Bennett, deceased: a tenement called The Anchor and lands and tenements in Stoborough; £200, if deceased then £100 to John (brother) and £100 to William (brother's son)

Hester Brown, the sister of my 'late dear wife', deceased: rest of estate; executrix

Witnesses: John Hill, carpenter in Crutched Friars; Samuel Hibberine, apothecary within Aldgate; William Collier, sword cutler, St Bartholomew Royal Exchange






No date

10 Nov 1646



Richard Frey [Fry] of Corfe Castle

Will made: no date given

Probate granted: 10 November 1646, proved by Margaret Frey, relict and executrix


'sick of body'; to be buried in parish church of Corfe Castle

Church of Corfe Castle: 20s

Church of 'Urmminster [Sturminster?] where I was born': 10s and 10s to poor there

Poor of Corfe Castle: 40s

John Frey (brother): wearing apparel 'or if he be already dead to his son John Frey'

Margery Frey (cousin): 'my motlee cow'

Thomas Cox (kinsman) son of Margaret Cox: 20s

Margaret (wife): rest and executrix

Anne wife of John Nineham: 40s

Witnesses: Benjamin Devemish, Giles Turner, Alexander Doling [Dolling]





Corffe Castle

26 Jul 1622

17 Feb 1622



Henry Frost of Corfe Castle, husbandman

Will made: 26 July 1622

Probate granted: 17 February 1622/23, by Mary Frost, relict and executrix, before Robert Roper and Gervase Russell, Clerks Commissioners


'weak and sick in body'; to be buried in churchyard of Corfe Castle

Reparations of Church of Corfe Castle: 12d

Poor of Corfe Castle: 2s in bread at funeral

Mary (daughter): £6 when 21 years or marriage

Child my wife now goeth: £3

Mary (wife): rest; executrix

Edward Speare and Mr Jarvase [Gervase] Russell, minister ('good friends'): overseers

Witnesses: Gervase Russell, Edward Speare, Alborn Trewe






Corfe Castle

11 Apr 1657

27 Feb 1657



Margaret Fry of the town of Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 11 April 1657

Probate granted: 27 February 1657/58, proved by Edith Summers, kinswoman and executrix


'sick in body'; body to be buried in the church porch at Corfe

Church of Corfe Castle: 20s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 40s

William Barnes (kinsman/cousin): £10; also the land of Gillets; if no issue then to his brother, Lewes [Lewis] Barnes; if he has no issue, then to John Barnes

John Barnes (kinsman): £20

Lewes Barnes, brother of John and William: £20 yearly

Frances Barnes: 24s

Winifreth [Winifrith] Summers: tenement that she now lives in, except the plot in the Hawes called Shortbots [Short butts], for the term of the lease; also to have the 'Chattle pattocke' belonging to it; 2 cows and a 'sturd bullock that is dayse and colled'; great brass pot, red coverlet, red serge petticoat, taffeta apron and rest of my lands, goods & chattels

Thomas Summers, son of Winifreth: £10

Mabel Summers, daughter of Winifreth: £5

John Harding, son of John Harding of Swannidge [Swanage]: £10 to be paid at the age of 21 years

William Melmoth's wife, Judith: £10 as long as her husband lays a stone on me to the value of 40s

John Fry of Brine (husband's kinsman): £10 as long as he has paid the legacy given by her husband to the church and to the poor of Brine

Edith, wife of William Balling: 2s 6d

Anthony Dolling (kinsman): 2s 6d

William Balling, the younger: silver bowl and 6 pewter dishes to be given him on the day of his marriage

John Ballings: 6 pewter dishes

Edith Barnes (kinswoman): executrix: remainder of the estate; if she dies, to Winifreth Summers and her children forever

Edward Dolling and William Grove (kinsmen): assistants to executrix

Witnesses: William Grove and Edward Dolling





Corfe Castle

24 May 1677

3 Jul 1677



Thomas Fryer of Corfe Castle

Nuncupative will made by word of mouth: 24 May 1677

Probate granted 3 July 1677, proved by Jane Fryer, relict and executrix


'sick and weak in body'; 'if I die of this sickness'

Jane (wife): all

Witnesses: Stephen Guy, Elizabeth Gillet and Winifred Summers




Surgeon & Apothecary

Corfe Castle

27 Apr 1832

29 Apr 1834



Thomas Galloway of Corfe Castle, surgeon and apothecary

Will made: 27 April 1832

Probate granted: 29 April 1834, proved by Sarah Galloway, widow, relict; and Reverends John Morton Colson, clerks (elder and younger), executors


Sarah (wife): freehold messuage tenement farmlands etc in occupation of George Ricks in Church Knowle, purchased of executors in trust under the will and testament of James Pitt late of Church Knowle, yeoman; after her decease or second marriage to Reverends John Morton Colson the elder and younger, both of Piddlehinton, clerks, in trust. After decease to Elizabeth White Galloway and Hannah Burnaby Antram (daughters) wife of Reverend Richard Antram of Pentridge, Dorset, clerk

Elizabeth White Galloway (daughter): £1800 part of the monies in the three percent consolidated bank securities

John Morton Colson (elder and younger) and Samuel Sherring Kettle of Bridport, doctor in physick: £800 rest of above monies for purposes as declared in the marriage settlement made on marriage of Hannah Burnaby Antram (daughter) with Richard Antram, dated 19 February 1831 concerning their appointment as trustees and the stock vested between them (Colsons and Kettle) to apply to Sarah (wife), then Elizabeth White Galloway (daughter); and Hannah Burnaby Antram (daughter), according to marriage settlement.

Sarah (wife): all household goods, furniture, plate, jewels, trinkets, ornaments of the person, linen, woollen, china, glass, books, debts etc

Sarah (wife) and John Morton Colson (elder and younger): executrix and executors in trust

Witnesses: Jane Hutchings, William Waters, Robert Dugdale






Parish of Corfe Castell

10 May 1639

28 Jun 1639



Phillipp Godsoll of Corfe Castle

Will made: 10 May 1639

Probate granted: 28 June 1639, proved by Joan Godsoll, relict and executrix, before John Ball, Clerk Commissioner


'sick of body'

Parish church of Corfe Castle: 3s

Poor of Corfe Castle: £3 to remain as a stock with the profit used for bread every Good Friday

Poor of Swanage: £3 to remain as a stock with the profit used for bread every Good Friday

Robert Kent (brother-in-law): best suit of apparel; to his children – 5s each. 'And he that is my godson': an ewe and 5s

William Stroud of Studland: suit of wearing apparel

John Burly [or Barly] (godson): suit of wearing apparel

Daughter-in-laws: 40s each

Jone [Joan] (wife): executrix; rest

Edward Talbutt [Talbot], Lues [Lewis] Gover and Edward Collins: overseers

No witnesses





Corffe Castle

12 Apr 1635

18 Jul 1635



David Grove of Corfe Castle

Nuncupative will, made by word of mouth: 12 April 1635

Administration: 18 July 1635, William Grove to administer, before Joseph Dik, Clerk, Commissioner


Thomas (eldest son): land and tenement which had been bought for him and 'better part of household stuff and the best of it'

William (second son): tenement at Aylwood and part of household stuff

Joane Grove (daughter): £200 and 'part of the stuff'

David (youngest son): part of the household stuff

Witnesses: Thomas Grove, Edward Hancock and others [not named]





Not stated

26 Aug 1568

22 Jan 1568



William Gillett [Gylett] [place not stated]

Will made: 16 August 1568

Probate granted: 22 January 1568/69, proved by Johanne, relict and executrix


Marginal note: 14 August 1579 concerning administration of goods

to be buried in the church of Corfe

Church of Corfe: 10s

Poor people of Knolle [Church Knowle] and Corfe: 40s

Richard Harvy [Harvey]and his issue: tenement at Lynche for 99 years where Jone Trewe now dwells; if Richard has no issue it passes to his sister, Johan Harvy [Harvey]; to pay 16d to Gylett's heirs yearly

Jone [Joan] (wife): Ester [East] Lynche & West Lynche for her life; after her decease to Annys (daughter) for 21 years paying 16d to his heirs yearly and give Robert Ryves & his wife, Margaret, two 'beves' yearly 'if they do dwell at Kynston and not otherwise'

Annys (daughter): £40 on the day of her marriage

Jone Harvy: Two houses in Corfe after the death of Jone (wife): in tenure of Richard Rowe; the other in tenure of John Davy

Jone (wife): remainder of the years in Bucknoll; the term of years to pass to Annys (daughter) on her death

Mathew Harvy: 40 ewes to him by Jone (wife)

John Ryves (daughter's son): 10 wether hogges

Jone Cadbery [Cadbury]: a heffer bullock of 12 months old

Godchildren: 4d each

Zaccary Gyllet: a cow and 10 ewes

Jone (wife): rest; executrix. After her decease to be equally divided amongst Mathew Harvy, Eliner (daughter), Margaret (daughter) and Annys (daughter)

Robert Ryves and William Culyforde [Culliford]: overseers; 20s each

Witnesses: William Clavell, John Ryve and others [not named]


Related will: his widow

Johanna Gyllet [Gillett], widow, late of Wareham


Will made partly in writing and partly by word of mouth: [no day given] 'in the month of March 1568'

Probate granted: 1 June 1571, proved by William Clavell, executor; 23 June 1571 executor a minor so his father William Clavell to administer. There is a further ruling regarding administration mentioning Elinor Burges, Margaret Ryves and Agnes Arnwood [daughters]


Poor people of Corfe and Knoll [Church Knowle]: 20s

William Clovell [Clavell] (brother): £10

Thomas Clavell (nephew): her lease and term of years in Tyneham

Maid servants: living with her at the time of her death 3s 4d a each

Elenor (daughter): £100 with the household stuff and plate she has already received

John Ryves, the son of Robert Ryves: 6 broken spoons

Mylizan Ryves: £10 (which her father had of hers in his keeping), silver cup with a cover parcel gilt and a trencher salt

James Arnewood (son-in-law): rest of the money that was promised him at his marriage with her daughter and £60

William (brother)'s son William Clovell: executor

Witnesses: John Burges and Elynor [Eleanor] his wife, Robert Ryves and his wife, Margaret, James Arnewood and his wife, Agnes, Richard Franke, Francis Burges and Agnes Smythe [Smith]





Corffe Castle

20 Nov 1656

1 Feb 1657



Robert Harvey of Corfe Castle

Nuncupative will, made by word of mouth: 20 November 1656

Probate granted: 1 February 1657/58, proved by Marquesse Harvey, relict and executrix


'very weak of body'

William (son): bay nag

Elizabeth (daughter): sorrell nag

Mary (daughter): sorrell mare

Marquesse (daughter): white nag

Marquesse (wife): rest, executrix

Witnesses: Edward Harvey (brother) and Judith Speare





Corffe Castle

23 Jan 1646

20 Nov 1647



Elizabeth Havelland of Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 23 January 1646/47

Probate granted: 20 November 1647, proved by Rebecca Havelland, executrix, before Robert Bland, clerk commissioner


Elizabeth Havelland of Town of Corfe Castle, widow

'sick in body'; to be buried in Langton, Isle of Purbeck

Repairing of Langton Parish Church: 2s 6d

Poor of Langton: 2s 6d

James (eldest son): £20 yearly reserved out of farm of Wilkswood during lives of said James and Alexander Havelland. To him 40s yearly, if deceased then to his children during remainder of the estate

Richard (son): £2 10s yearly during his life for term of estate, then to his children if he has any

Alexander (son): £3 yearly, then to his children if they survive him

Anthony (son): £2 10s yearly, then to his children if he has any

Mary Debins (daughter): £2 10s yearly, then to her children

Cicely wife of James Lawrence (daughter): £2 10s yearly then to her children

Bridget wife of Richard Smith (daughter): £2 10s yearly then to her children

Rebecca Havelland (daughter): £2 10s yearly then to her children if she has any

James (son): in addition to goods in house at Wilkswood which I have formerly given him - my great brass pot and his father's gown.

If household stuff amounts to more than my debts, rest equally divided between children

Rebecca (daughter): to have keeping of the writings for my annuity of £20, until it is paid to her; after she is full satisfied, writings be left intrust with Mr Henry Dackombe (brother)

Mr Henry Dackombe (brother), Richard Bramble (brother) and James (son): overseers

Rebecca (daughter): executrix

Witnesses: John Normand, Albon True [Trew]






Corfe Castle

28 Sep 1726

5 Jan 1726



James Havelland of Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 28 September 1726

Probate granted: 5 January 1726/27, proved by Harvey Havilland (son) and Elizabeth wife of Charles Roe, Mary wife of Robert Haskell and Anne wife of John Hayne (three daughters); executor and executrixes


Roger Clavell ['Clavill'] of Steeple, John Vincent of East Lynch ['Linch'], and George Filliter of Morden: trustees - £150 in trust to be split between Elizabeth, Mary and Ann (daughters)

Elizabeth (daughter): feather bed, feather bolster and feather pillow, two blankets and bedstead all standing in the Kitchen Chamber of the house where I live; also an old green yarn rug in the Entry small beer buttery and shop chamber there and also pair of canvas sheets, two of my pewter plates and silver spoon

Mary and Ann (daughters): great and biggest feather bed, feather bolster, two feather pillows, two blankets and white yarn rug all being in the Parlour Chamber and the bedstead in the Hall Chamber, two pair of canvas sheets, four pewter platters and two silver spoons

Martha Streete (granddaughter): £20, two pewter platters and silver spoon

Harvey Havilland (son): gold seal ring engraved with three lions 'provided he do permit my body to be peaceably and quietly buried near to and by my late wife and his late mother in our own land' but if this does not happen, the ring is to go to Elizabeth (daughter) and she is to see that her father is buried in the burying place of our friends called Quakers in Corfe Castle; also woolen wearing apparel; residue of his estate

Grandchildren, children of Elizabeth, Mary and Ann (daughters): 'piece of coined gold called a guinea' each

Luce [Lucy] (daughter) and granddaughter, Martha Streete: the first share of 10 acres of meadow lying in Allermeade, Okeford Shilling to be equally divided between them for the remaining term held there

Luce (daughter): 100 pieces of coined gold called guineas which is now £105 in silver or sterling; linen wearing apparel with the rest of goods and chattels not already listed to be put in her house at Stoborough in the Common and Streets there

Harvey Havilland (son) and Elizabeth, Mary and Ann (daughters): rest; executor and executrixes

Roger Clavell, John Vincent and George Filliter: overseers; one guinea each

Witnesses: D Dolling, S Serrell, George Filliter, junior





Corff Castle

1 Sep 1592

12 May 1598



Francis Hawley of Corfe Castle, esquire

Will made: 1 September 1592

Probate granted: 12 May 1598, proved by Jane Hawley, relict and executrix


to be buried where he dies

Gabriell Hawley ('dearly beloved brother'): his roan ambling gelding

Jane ('well beloved wife'): executrix; £1,100 and all plate, jewels, quick cattle and moveable goods & household stuff; and to look after her children's education

Edmund, Matthew and Thomas Gillingham and Margery Tuttell (servants): 20s each

Gabriell Hawley (brother) and Sir George Trenchard, knight, Hugh Portman and Thomas Predeaux ('dear good friends'): overseers; a couple of angels to be made into rings for them to wear

No witnesses recorded







18 Aug 1610

24 Jan 1610



Stephen Hayward of Brothers within the parish of Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 18 August 1610

Probate granted: 24 January 1610/11, proved by Grace Hayward, relict and executrix


'weak and sick in body'; to be buried in the churchyard of Corfe Castle

Parish church of Corfe Castle: 3s 4d

Poor of Corfe Castle: 3s 4d

Lease: holds a tenement with appurtenances by the grant of George Uvedale, esq, and his wife, Margerie for the term of 99 years on the lives of Grace (wife of Stephen, testator) and their son, Robert and daughter, Grace; this is where he (testator) now dwells

Grace (wife): executrix; an added 10yrs on the abovementioned property; cupboard, tableboard and the furnace from the house where they now dwell for 10 years; remainder of goods not given or bequeathed

Robert (son): an added 10 years; £10 when reaching 21 years; the furniture listed above for 10 years

Grace (daughter): remainder of the 99 years; £6 13s 4d when reaching 16yrs; the furniture listed above after her mother and Robert for the remainder of the term of 99 years

Francis (daughter): £13 6s 8d paid when she reaches 16 years

Unborn child: £10 to be paid at the age of 21 if a son; if a daughter then at the age of 16 years

Godchildren: 6d each

William, son of John Ludby (bro-in-law) of Wareham: lamb

Thomas, another son of John Ludby: lamb

Margaret, dau of John Ludby: lamb

Robert Hayward (brother): one chilver sheep (female sheep under one year]

Robert Benet ('loving friend') and John Ludby (bro-in-law): overseers

Debts owed him: William Burges of Wareham - £3 10s; Wolfrom Cozens – a mare & £1,612 40s; Thomas Highgate – 11s; Martin Serchfeild – 7s

Debts he owes to others: William Norman (brother-in-law) - £14

Witnesses: Gervase Russell, clerk, Robert Hayward, Henry Vye





Corfe Castle


31 May 1671



John Hayward of Corfe Castle

Will made: no date

Probate granted: 30 May 1671, proved by Margaret Hayward, relict and executrix. Note: date states penultimate day of May 1671


William (brother): lands at North Castle and Owre after the death of my wife; if William dies without male issue, the lands pass to Richard (brother)

[Margaret] (wife): lands in Corfe Town; after her decease to pass to Mary (daughter); if Mary 'die a maiden' then the property passes to Richard (my brother); if he dies without male issue, it passes to William (brother); and if William dies without male issue, then it passes to Elias Hayward (brother)

[Margaret] (wife): lease in Einbridge for her life; then to Mary (daughter); then it passes to Elias

Mary (daughter): £400 when age of 20 years; she is appointed guardians: 'my father Colling [Collins]', wife and William, Richard and Elias (brothers)

[Margaret] (wife): executrix

Witnesses: Dennis Best, Thomas Dollen [Dolling] and William Dollinge





Corffe Castle

13 Aug 1687

20 Oct 1687



Margaret Hayward of Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 13 August 1687

Probate granted: 20 October 1687, proved by Mary wife of Thomas Cockram, executrix


'weak of body'; to be buried in the churchyard of Corfe Castle

Poor widows of Corfe Castle: 20s on the day of her burial

The Minster who preaches at funeral: 10s

Presola [Priscilla] Cockram (granddaughter): best bed, 2 kettles, 2 brass pots, 2 rings (one was Margaret's wedding ring), silver tankard, 7 silver spoons, a trunk of linen in the hall chamber, one round table, 6 leather chairs, 2 brass augers in the hall; £100 when 21 years or married; half a dozen of the best pewter

Bruen [Brune] Cockram (grandson): silver spoon; £100 when 21 years

Anna Cockram (grandaughter): silver spoon, 2 gold rings and a dozen plates; £100 when 21 years or married

John Cockram (grandson): silver spoon; £100 when 21 years

Her maid: 10s

Mary Cockram (daughter): executrix; rest

William Coling [Colling / Collins] ('loving brother') and Richard Hayward (brother-in-law): overseers

Witnesses: John Hayward, Elizabeth Geare

[Notes: her daughter Mary had married Thomas Cockram and lived at Whitecliff, Swanage. Mary's daughter Priscilla Cockram later married John Vincent; Mary's son Brune Cockram became rector in Swanage]






Corffe Castle

4 Apr 1701

3 Feb 1703



Richard Hayward of Corfe Castle, Malster

Will made: 4 April 1701

Probate granted: 3 February 1703/04, provided by Sarah Hayward, relict and executrix


John (son) of Wareham: £5

Mary Pearson (daughter): £5

Elizabeth Dolling (daughter): £5

William, John, Sarah, Mary, Hannah (all Hayward) and Nicholas Pearson (gsons and daus): 10s each

John (said son): double table board and my carved bedstead

Child or children of Elizabeth Dolling (daughter) if she has any before my decease: 10s each

Sarah ('loving wife'): rest; executrix

Witnesses: Mary Browne, Alice Corne, Ann Framton [Frampton], exhibited before me Edward Dackombe





Corfe Castle

4 Mar 1799

2 Jul 1801



William Ingram of Corfe Castle

Will made: 4 March 1799

Probate granted: 2 July 1801, proved by Sarah Bezant, spinster (granddaughter) and executrix having attained the age of 21, reserving right to the other named executrixes and executors when they reach 21 when they apply to Richard Taylor, an executor in trust


William (son): £15 per annum 'in consideration of my son William Ingram leaving no family', with what he already has makes £25 per annum; after his death Elizabeth (William's wife), £10 per annum

Tabitha Brown (daughter): £5 per annum, with what she already has makes £25 per annum

Henry Brown (son-in-law):  money lent him on note(s) of hand

Each son and daughter of said Henry and Tabitha Brown: £20 each when 21 after decease of William (son)

William Wellstood: 'for the care and attention he has paid to my grandson William Bezant': £10

Sarah Bezant, Elizabeth Ann Bezant, Grace Ingram Bezant, William Bezant and John Bezant (grandchildren): executrixes and executors; all household goods with stock in trade when 21 and rest

Mr Richard Taylor and [G?] Dr S Bezant: 'executor and executrix in trust' for my grandchildren

Witnesses: Joseph Luther, Thomas Edmonds





Corfe Castle

14 Sep 1771

26 Feb 1774



William Jenkins of Corfe Castle, victualler

Will made: 14 September 1771

Probate granted: 26 February 1774, proved by Henry Jenkins (son), executor


Agnes Cockram (sister-in-law) of Corfe Castle, spinster: £6 yearly from rents and profits of freehold tenement, The Royal Oak Inn now in my own occupation in Borough of Corfe Castle

Henry (only son): said freehold tenement; if he dies without issue, it passes to my eldest brother, John Jenkins; it passes, after the deaths of both Henry and John, to my nephew, John Jenkins (son of John); after all those deaths, it passes to my brother Robert Jenkins and then to Robert's son, Henry Jenkins

Henry (son): rest, executor

Witnesses: Henry Brown, George Speck, Samuel Burt

Codicil 14 September 1771: Agnes Cockram (sister-in-law): best featherbed with all its furniture if she continues unmarried

Witnesses: Henry Brown, George Speck, Samuel Burt





Corfe Castle

21 May 1773

18 May 1780



John Kent of Corfe Castle, baker

Will made: 21 May 1773

Probate granted: 18 May 1780, proved by John and William Kent (sons), executors


Sarah (wife): a bond debt of £50 with interest which her brother Robert Sanders owes me on his bond; £28 10s in 5s or crown pieces now in my dwelling house at Corfe Castle; further sum of £141 10s in money and part of my best household goods and plate which I have bought since our marriage as she shall make remind of which cost £20 or £15 in money at her election. The above on condition that she releases the bond made previous to my marriage with her for the payment of £250; in case she shall boycott or refuse to deliver up and release the bond then legacies will be void. Also household goods and furniture which I had with her in marriage except a stand looking glass and I also give her the bed, bedstead, curtains and all other furniture thereto belonging and window curtains in the room where we usually lodge and also a double chest of drawers and a dressing table and looking glass usually standing thereon and also all my china ware all without any condition; also annuity of £5 in half yearly payments

William (son): leasehold messuage or dwelling house in Corfe Castle in his possession with the garden and appurtenances for remainder of my term 

Mary (daughter) the wife of Edward Cutler: annuity of £5 in half yearly payments

Elizabeth (daughter), wife of Peter Pushman: annuity of £5 in half yearly payments

John Kent and William Kent (sons) and my daughters Mary the wife of Edward Cutler and Elizabeth the wife of Peter Pushman: all household goods and furniture not already given, equally divided

Hannah (daughter), wife of John Cockram: 4s a week from the day of my death until the youngest of her two children shall attain the age of fourteen years and from and after that time the weekly sum of two shillings during her natural life for and toward her sole and separate use and maintenance apart from her said husband and not to be intermeddled with by him; £20 towards binding out her said two children apprenticed at their respective ages of fourteen years provided if my said daughter Hannah shall at any time or times dwell and cohabit with her said husband that then during such time and times as she shall so dwell and cohabit with him the said weekly payment of 4s or 2s hereinbefore directed to be paid her shall cease and not be paid 

Sarah (wife) and  Mary,  Elizabeth and Hannah (daughters): £5 to buy them mourning 

John Kent (grandson) son of John (son): £50 towards purchase in the room and place of my own in my leasehold tenement and lands at Church Knowle

John and William (sons): rest; executors

Witnesses: Richard Greenham, George Filliter

Codicil: 1 April 1780

Sarah (wife): also annuity of £5; also the use but not the disposing property of the bed bedstead curtains bedding and all other furniture thereto belonging being in the Inner Chamber of my dwelling house in Corfe Castle; after decease to Ann (granddaughter), daughter of Peter Pushman

Sarah (wife): also coal and other fire fuel as I may leave at the time of my decease

Hannah (daughter), wife of John Cockram: also annuity of £3 for her sole and separate use apart from her husband. Payment ceases if she lives with him

John and Thomas the two children of Hannah (daughter): also £20 each when 21

Witnesses: Elizabeth Caish, George Filliter





Corfe now on HMS Tredah

18 Oct 1656

15 Dec 1657



James King of 'Crofe' [Corfe Castle], mariner

At present belonging to the 'States Ship Tredah employed at this present design against Spain'

Will made: 18 October 1656

Probate granted: 15 December 1657, proved by William Hunter, executor

'in perfect health'


William Hunter ('wellbelonging friend') of City of Westminster, mariner: all money, wages due to me on board the Ship Tredah, bedding, wearing apparel and my chest; executor

Witnesses: Robert Fryer, James Chadwick






2 Mar 1689

3 Jul 1690



William Keynell [Keynall] of Ailewood [Aylewood] in Corfe Castle, mariner

Will made: 2 March 1689/90

Probate granted: 3 July 1690, proved by Elizabeth Keynell, relict and executrix


John and Edward Keynall (brothers): £5 each

Dorothy Sturfield (sister): 10s and her 3 children 40s each

John Keynall (brother)'s 3 children as follows: John 40s, Edward 40s and Jane 10s

Deborah Collins: 40s

Martha Chellpar daughter of Robert and Martha Chellpar: £50 at day of marriage if she marries with Elizabeth's (my wife) and overseers' consent

Elizabeth (wife), Martha Chellpar said dau of Robert and Martha and overseers: living and tenement at Aylewood, Corfe Castle for term of 1000 years, for Elizabeth (wife), then Martha Chellpar, then overseers. If they decide to consult together and agree to sell then: £100 each to said Elizabeth (wife) and Martha Chellpar

Daniel Taylor and Thomas Bagg of Bridport ('well beloved friends'): overseers; £10 each

Elizabeth (wife): rest; executrix

Witnesses: Christopher Summers, George Cull, Mary Parker, Samuel Wallis





East Linch

22 Apr 1663

9 Jul 1666



Nicholas Lannyng [Lanning] of East Lynch, Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 22 April 1663

Probate granted: 9 July 1666, proved by Elizabeth Lannyng, relict and executrix


Poor of Corfe Castle: 10s

Poor of Sturminster Newton Castle: 10s

John (son): 1s

Nicholas (son): 1s

Elizabeth (daughter): £20 when 18 years, and £20 yearly for 6 years after the death of Mary Weeks (sister-in-law) and before Simon Lannyng attains 23 years. Sum to be paid from his lands at Child Okeford.

Simon (son): rest of right and title to the lands at Child Okeford except the above mentioned sum; if he dies before 23 years, the lands pass to Nicholas

Simon (son) and Elizabeth (daughter): remainder of the lease at Baggbur after his wife, to be equally divided between them when 21

John, Nicholas and Simon (sons): books to be equally divided between them when they reach 21 years

Elizabeth (wife): rest; executrix

John Lanning and Thomas Lanning (brothers), and John Edmonds of Kingston: overseers to be assistants to executrix

Witnesses: John Collins, Edward Rose


PROB11/576 (Also a copy DHC reference: D-BKL/A/E/101

Simon Lanning of Moordown in the parish of Holdenhurst, County of Southampton, yeoman

Will made: 1 December 1709

Probate granted: 31 October 1720, proved by Elizabeth Lanning, relict and executrix


'sick in body'

Nicholas (son) (if he survives his mother) his leasehold estate at Kingston in Corfe Castle called True's Tenement on the condition he pays his sister, Hester, an annuity of £3 per annum after the decease of his mother.

Elizabeth (daughter): 1s

Samuel, John and Simon (sons): £100 each when 21

Mary (daughter): £50 when 21 or married

If the above decease then the £350 to be divided equally between Nicholas, Elizabeth and Hester (son and daughters)

Elizabeth (dearly beloved wife): rest; executrix

Witnesses: J Dean, Samuel Hookey and John Lanning





Corfe Castell

6 Nov 1662

13 May 1664



Grace Laurence [Lawrence] of the town of Corfe Castle, widow

Relict of Edward Laurence of Creech Grange, knight

Will made: 6 November 1662

Probate granted: 13 May 1664, proved by Robert Culliford of Encombe, executor


Robert Laurence (son) of Grange: £40 (originally lent him by bill but debt to be written off)

Brune Laurence (youngest son): £10

Elizabeth Culliford (only daughter): £100

Daughters of Robert Culliford of Encombe, Esquire Elizabeth & Grace: £50 each

Daughters of Robert Laurence of Grange, esq, Jane, Mary and Ursula: £20 each

Poor of Corfe Castle: £5

Robert Culliford of Encombe: reside of estate; executor

Witnesses: James Havelland, Dorothy Dackombe, Ann Stavell













Corfe Castle

27 Nov 1626

17 Mar 1626



Robert Long of Corfe Castle, husbandman

Nuncupative will made by word of mouth: 27 November 1626

Probate granted: 17 March 1626/27, proved by Mary Long, relict and executrix before Robert Roper, clerk commissioner


'sick of body'

Sister Weyes Children: £10 between them

Mary Long (wife): rest; executrix

Witnesses: Mr Gervase Russell, clerk; Margaret Stroode and others [not named]






Corffe Castle

23 Aug 1626

4 May 1627



William Miller of Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 23 August 1626

Probate granted: 4 May 1627, proved by Dina Miller, relict and executrix before Gervase Russell, clerk, commissioner


'weak and sick in body'; to be buried in the church of Corfe Castle

Reparation of the Church of Corfe Castle: 10s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 10s to be distributed at my funeral to the most needy

Churchwardens of the parish church of Corfe Castle and their successors: £26, the profit to be used for giving bread to the poor on the Sabbath

Dina (wife): messuage or tenement in Corfe Castle for her life; rest of the goods and chattels; executrix

Margery (daughter): £120 at the age of 21 years or at her marriage; before then the sum's profit will be used to educate and maintain her; if her mother dies before her then she gets her father's tenement at Woolgarston to pay Edith Cutler (sister) 20s yearly; if she dies then her estate will pass to Thomas Cutler, her cousin, and son of her aunt, Edith

Edith Cutler (sister): £4 yearly; if Anstice Tubb dies before Dina (wife), then Edith gets further 40s yearly

Joane Miller (sister): testator owes 53s; also gives her 30s

Alice (sister): 50s

Godson, the son of Alexander Miller: one ewe

John Gentell [Gentle]: best jerkin and breeches; he owes me 26s 4d and upon Bond £7 and another 40s which I give to his son, Robert Gentell

I hold 50s for Robert Tanners' children. Executors to pay the children £3

Thomas Loder has a debt of £4 held by Bond which is written off and he releases his interest in his ground

Phillip Bushope [Bishop]: 2s and one shirt

Mathew Tubbe: 10s, pair of breeches and a waistcoat

Anthony Browne: old riding coat and a jerkin

John Lanckney and Robert Harding: pair of breeches each

John Webber: jerkin and pair of stockings and shoes

John Makesney: a shirt

Widow Virge [Verge]: a shirt

John Horsey (godson), and goddaughter, the daughter of George Dolling: 12d each

Mr Gervase Russell and William Harvey ('good friends'): overseers; Russell - 20s; Harvey - a black loined hawked bullock

Witnesses: Gervase Russell, William Harvie [Harvey], William Caynes [Caines], Elizabeth Rose






Servant to Francis Hawley of the Castle of Corfe

17 Sep 1591

23 Sep 1591



Thomas Mills, servant to the Worshipful Francis Howley [Hawley] of the Castle of Corfe, Esquire

Will made: 17 September 1591

Probate granted: 23 September 1591, proved by Elizabeth Roper alias Mills, relict and executrix


'sick in body'; wish it to be buried in church of Saint Dunstans West

Poor of Saint Dunstans West: 5s

Johane 'my wife's daughter': 40s

Elizabeth Roper alias Mills (wife) 'which if I had lived she had been called' dwelling in Fleet Street at the Sign of the Black Swan: rest; executrix

Debts owing to testator:

Thomas James of Clyst, Dorset: £10 by bond

William Trevis dwelling in Netherstone, Dorset: £10 by bond

Giles Turner of Corfe: has in keeping of mine a purse £16; and another purse sealed with my gold ring £15 10s

Witnesses: Howell Adams, Agnes Loyd [Lloyd]






Corfe Castle

22 Feb 1658

20 Apr 1660



Thomas Norman of Corfe Castle, seaman

Will made: 22 February 1658/59

Probate granted: 20 April 1660, proved by Mary Norman, mother and executrix


'sick and weak of body'; body to be buried where it will be taken at churchyard of Lee, Essex

Mary (sister): £30 and after the death of their mother, whole title of lands in Corfe Castle

Agnes (sister): £20 and after the death of their mother, whole title of lands in Herston, Swanage

Mary Norman ('loving mother'): rest; executrix

Edward Collins of Worth, yeoman (cousin) and Phillip Pollard of Corfe Castle, tailor ('loving friends'): overseers

Witnesses: Richard Barnes, Gregory Cornish






Corfe Castle

6 Dec 1672

17 Feb 1672



William Norman of the borough of Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 6 December 1672

Probate granted: 17 February 1672/73, proved by Thomas Lannyng [Lanning], executor


'weak and sickly'; to be buried in the north side of the churchyard upon the east side of the Alley going to the church porch at Corfe Castle

Honor Dolling (daughter), widow: land at Vitover [Vitower] for her natural life; then it passes to Margaret Dolling (grandchild), her daughter

John Lannying [Lanning], the son of my son-in-law Thomas Lannyng: house where I reside during the estate I have, with the following goods: table board and cupboard in the hall of the dwelling house and two chests and two coffers in my chamber and the bedstead wherein I lodge

Honor Dolling (daughter): featherbed upon which I lodge, best coverlet, pair of blankets, pair of sheets, chest, coffer, silver bowl, pewter flaggon and £3

Joan (daughter) wife of said Thomas Lannyng: land in East Street, Corfe Castle which adjoins the northside of my dwelling house for her life; on her death, it passes to her daughter, Margaret Angell

Poor of the town of Corfe Castle: land in West Street, Corfe Castle forever; the rent of 25s is to go to Thomas Lannyng until the lease has expired when it will go to the poor of Corfe Castle forever to be given in penny wheaten bread on the Sabbath Day after morning Divine Service and Sermon

Thomas Lannyng (son-in-law): executor; rest

Mr Edward Harvey and William George (cousin): overseers

William Norman (cousin): friend-in-trust

Witnesses: Anthony Fursman, Robert Webber






Corffe Castle

23 Sep 1615

12 Sep 1619



Edward Osmond of Corfe Castle

Nuncupative will made verbally: 23 September 1615

Administration: 12 September 1619, to Edward Barnes and Edward Speare, overseers and administrators during minority of Mathew, Peter and Joan Osmond, children of testator


'sick in body'

Parish church of Corfe Castle: 10s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 10s

Edward (son): living at Kingston

Ansties Osmond (daughter): living at Cableston

John (brother): 40s

3 youngest children: rest of goods

Edward Barnes and Edward Speare: overseers

Witnesses: John Trewe, John Benett [Bennett]



Louise Haywood notes: a further will Edward Osmond of the parish of Corfe Castle, sailor, made his last will and testament verbally on 1 October 1615

He bequeathed to his sons: Mathewe Osmond, Peter Osmond and to his daughter, Joan Osmond all his goods moveable and unmoveable to be equally divided between them

Executors: his children

Brother: John Osmond, 40s.

Good friends: Edward Barnes and Edward Speare in trust to have the tutorship of Mathew, Peter and Joan

Church: 10s.






Corfe Castle but now of Berkley Castle

17 Jul 1694

3 Dec 1695



Robert Parker of Corfe Castle, mariner 'now in the Berkley Castle'

Will made: 17 July 1694

Probate granted: 3 December 1695, proved by Anne Parker, relict and executrix


Anne ('loving wife'): attorney to receive all wages, prize money service in his Majesty's Ships, Frigates or Vessels; and powers to lease land etc; all; executrix

Witnesses: John Albert, Richard Elton, Notary Public to their Matie Symon Wye




Clerk Rector

Corfe Castle

28 Sep 1702

3 Apr 1703



James Parkyns, Clerk, Rector of Corfe Castle

Will made: 28 September 1702

Probate granted: 3 April 1703, by Mary Parkyns, relict and executrix


'Body to the earth for decent interment according to discretion of my dearest wife after it how been first opened by some skilful chirurgeon in presence of two physicians'

Mrs Elizabeth Parkyns ('own dear mother'): wrought curtains and bedstead which stand in the parlour chamber at Corfe

Mr Benjamin Parkyns (brother): £2 to buy a ring

Mrs Elizabeth Baynard ('dear and honoured mother'): £10 to buy a piece of plate

Mrs Raines [?] Baynard ('dear sister'): £5 'to be laid out in something to remember me'

Mr Edward Terry (kinsman): £5

Mrs Ann King of Langton ('loving friend'): scritore after it has been first emptied and [blank] in money

Corpus Christi College in Oxford: £20 to be disposed of according to discretion of Dr John Davis and Mr Christopher Wast fellows of the College ('good friends')

Dr John Davis (said): following books: Sandersons Sermons B.P. Taylors Sermons Collamys Sermons Whartons Sermons Burtons Works Towersons Works

Mr John Manship, fellow of said College: £2 to buy a ring

Heirs of Mr Prince that formerly kept the Mermaid Tavern in Oxford: 10s

Mary Weblin (servant): £20 including what I owe her (£6)

Lawrence Symonds (late servant): £5

Poor of Corfe Castle: £10 to be disposed of according to codicil in my own handwriting or discretion of executor

Mrs Ann King: written books, papers, sermon notes, letters and other manuscripts (except those contained in uppermost drawer save one of the south side of my scritore as it now stands and also except such as are contained in a little cabinet of drawers in my study over the porch and except receipts and notes as are in files in the Press in the little parlour) to be delivered to her 'to be by her immediately burnt without any persons perusal' and if it appear that any writing or manuscript of mine (with exceptions) remain unburnt then he excludes them from their legacy

Upon marriage with Mrs Mary Parkyns ('dear wife'), on consideration of her marriage portion I made a settlement of £1500 for oayment of £1000 out of mortgage on estate in Hertfordshire - she is to pay Mr Nathaniel Parkyns ('honoured father') an annunity of £40 in half yearly payments.

Mary (wife): rest; executrix. If she refuse to pay the annuity or perform this will then she only has her wearing apparel 'as did or does anyways now relate to her use as also' 10 guineas. Nathaniel (father) has rest and becomes executor

Any difficulty or controversy to be referred to the judgement of Mrs Ann King of Langton

Will written partly by Mr Read of Moreton 'and partly by myself' [the testator]

Witnesses: John Vie [Vye], Henry Harbin, Elizabeth Sommers [Summers]

Further: 'if my father Mr Nathaniel Parkyns make any father demand my dear wife of any money supposed to be due to him from me that then my dear wife shall be freed from the payment of his annuity and he shall forfeit all his right and title to it'. No money to be demanded by executrix until a year after my father's decease






No date

19 Jun 1589



Robert Parmiter of Wolgarston in Corfe Castle

Will made: undated

Administration: 19 June 1589, granted to Henry Dolling and Richard Shipp [Chipp] to administer before Thomas Redman, Notary Public


'sick in body'; to be buried in the churchyard of Corfe Castle

Church of Corfe Castle: 12d

Thomas Parmiter (brother): 40s

William Parmiter (brother): 40s

Elizabeth Chipes [Chipps] (sister): 40s

Brother Chipes' son, Peter: 20s

Brother Chipes' daughters, Edith and Marie: 20s each

Debts I owe:

Elizabeth Peters 20s - this sum is to remain in the hands of Richard Chippe (my brother)

Richard Edburie (godson): 2s

Joane (wife): executor; left the residue of his estate

John Ellmes and Henry Dolling: overseers; 3s 4d each

No witnesses






No date

19 Jun 1589



Joan Parmiter of Wolgarston

Will made: undated

Administration: 19 June 1589, granted to Henry Dolling and Richard Chipp to administer before Thomas Redman, Notary Public

'sick in body'; to be buried in the churchyard of Corfe Castle

Henry Dolling: best cow and piece of cloth of russet

All the goods that came to her from her late husband, Robert Parmiter, to be distributed by Henry Dolling to her brother's children [Richard Chipp noted in the probate]

Christian Maseney: 'iron track and chatt'

Witnesses: John Ellmes, Anthony Rookeby, Christian Maseney and Joane Ellmes





The elder


Shrove Tuesday 1657

15 Apr 1662



John Purse, the elder, of Kingston in Corfe Castle

Nuncupative will made by word of mouth: Shrove Tuesday 1657

Probate granted: 15 April 1662, proved by John Purse, executor


'sick in body'

Elizabeth Purse (daughter): £100

Poor of Corfe Castle: 40s

Parish Church of Corfe Castle: 20s

John (son): rest; executor

'all which he so spake in the presence and hearing of credible witnesses [not named]. And shortly after died'




The elder


12 Apr 1669

16 Nov 1669



John Purse, the elder, of Kingston in Corfe Castle

Will made: 12 April 1669

Probate granted: 16 November 1669, proved by Elizabeth Purse, relict and executrix


'weak of body'; to be buried in the churchyard of Corfe Castle

Church of Corfe Castle: 5s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 10s

Elizabeth (wife): tenement at Long Burton during her life; all goods except the below

John (son): bedstead, chest, board, cupboard, brass pot and plough tackling and one furnace

Elizabeth (wife): to pay all debts due to Elizabeth Purse (sister); executrix

William Newman, Edward Rose: overseers

Witnesses: John Newman, Lucy Moores





Corffe Castle

22 Feb 1629

15 Apr 1631



Richard Redhead of Corfe Castle

Will made: 22 February 1629/30

Probate granted: 15 April 1630, proved by Joane Redhead, relict and executrix, before Gervase Russell, Clerk, Commissioner


'weak of body'

Parish church of Corfe Castle: 3s

The poor of the same parish: 3s

George (son): 12d; great brass pan, 'it should remain unto the name of the Redhead'

Joyce Redhead, eldest daughter of George (son): £10

George's 3 other children by his present wife: £5 to be divided between them

John Cras (son-in-law): £16 & 40s; John owes £3 10s

George Coleman (son-in-law): £16; George owes 15s

Mary Leensee [also Lensee] (daughter): £5; she is owed £20 on her marriage; she owes him £6

The two daughters of William (son) of Poole, deceased: £4 to be divided between them

Wife [not named]: rest; executrix; all the above legacies are only to be paid after the death of his wife;

Lewes [Lewis] Gover and Edward Collins: overseers

Witnesses: Lewes [Lewis] Gover, Edward Collins, Henry Norman, Thomas Seaward







9 Nov 1795

9 Feb 1799



John Ricketts of Ailwood, yeoman

Will made: 9 November 1795

Probate granted: 9 February 1799, proved by Richard Symonds and Benjamin Bowring also Bowering, the younger, executors


John (son): tenement and lands at Ailwood, then to use of Betsy Ann Ricketts (daughter)

John (son): two bedsteads, two feather beds, two bolsters and two pillows and all the bed clothes and furniture, clock and case, bureau, chests and boxes and contents, half of gold rings, silver table spoons, silver watch, old warming pan, half of pewter and £100 when 21.

Betsy Ann Ricketts (daughter): freehold cottage at Knaveswell, Langton Matravers in occupation of John Grant, tenant when 21 or married; her late mother's wearing apparel, best bedstead, best feather bed, best bolster, two best pillows, blue and white cheque curtains, red and white linen quilt mingled with black flowers and round ring in the middle, pair of best blankets, pair of best sheets, pair of best bolster cloth, two pair of best pillow cases, chest and box that was her late mother's at the time of her marriage, silver cream mug, silver sugar tongs, half a dozen silver tea spoons, large silver table spoon marked J. S & J. R, two silver salts one of which with a glass in it the other none, pair of silver shoe buckles which were her late mother's; half of gold rings and silver table spoons in my dwelling house; half of pewter, best warming pan and rest of goods etc when 21 or married

Richard Symmonds [Simmonds] (brother-in-law): £50

Henry (brother) and Jane Eyers (sister): if John and Betsey Ann (son and daughter) deceased, rest, and to their children if deceased

Richard Symonds of Coombe Keynes, yeoman and Benjamin Bowring the younger of Kingston Farm near Dorchester, yeoman ('well beloved friends'): executors and trustees 

Witnesses: George C Butler, William Butler, James Brown







8 May 1770

13 Oct 1770



Charles Roe of Arfleet in Corfe Castle

Will made: 8 May 1770

Probate granted: 13 October 1770, proved by John (son) and Elizabeth Roe and Sarah Roe (daughters): executors


'weak in body'

John Richards (son-in-law): guinea, silver bowl and large silver spoon

Mary Domany (sister); all debts due from her, she paying rent usually paid half yearly due at Mayfair next

William White and George Osmond: each £2 - part of an old debt due from each

John (son) and Elizabeth Roe and Sarah Roe (daughters): executors; rest divided between them

Witnesses: W Ingram, Elizabeth Damon





Corfe Castle

4 Dec 1827

2 Aug 1832



Ann Rolls of Corfe Castle, spinster

Will made: 4 December 1827

Probate granted: 2 August 1832, proved by Miriam Bishop House, spinster; Lucy Saunders formerly Lovell wife of William Saunders; Kitty wife of Simon Candy; and Susan House Bragg, spinster, executrixes


Charles Rolls of Portsmouth: £100; to each of his children £10

Children of my late niece Gertrude Banistable of Shillingstone: £5 each

Sarah Mills: £10

Mrs Sarah Willis: £5 and to each of her children £5

Miss Sarah Slade of Poole: £5

Miss Sarah Bishop: £5

Miss Sarah Beasant and Miss Grace Beasant: £1 each

Mrs Bragg of Corfe Castle: £5

Mrs Elizabeth Butler of Swanage: £1

Charles Rolls (nephew): books and book case

Miss Miriam Bishop House my niece Mrs Lucy Lovell wife of Thomas Lovell of Portsmouth, innkeeper Kitty the wife of Simon Candy of Buckland Newton and Miss Susan House Bragg: rest and executrixes







17 Nov 1709

8 Aug 1710



Thomas Rose of Rempstone, gentleman

Will made: 25 November 1707

Probate granted: 8 August 1710, proved by Anne Rose, relict and executrix


William (son): Rempstone after his mother's decease

'Loving wife': power to sell and make a title to any purchaser of lands called Carrents [Carrants] Court Farm and William Wears Tenement. Money to pay debts and residue to younger children; also all other goods, leases, chattels and the ground of Anthon Serrell's wherein John Hook has a year, to be disposed  of amongst youngest children; executrix

'to be buried very privately'

Witnesses: Henry Meaden, Mary Harding, Eleanor Condon

Codicil: 17 November 1709

Hubert Hussey, Esquire and John Guy, Gentleman: estate of Carrants Court, Sandwich [Swanage] which was my late brother's and estate in Sandwich purchased by my late father of William Weare to be sold and conveyed to the use of Sir William Phippard according to articles between him and myself

Witnesses: Robert Beere, Henry Moss, John Churchill






Corffe Castle

25 Jun 1636

31 Aug 1637



Gervase Russell of Corfe Castle, clerk

Will made: 25 June 1636

Probate granted: 31 August 1637, proved by Rebecca Russell, relict and executrix, before Brune Cockram, Clerk, Commissioner


'in some weak estate of body'; to be buried in the churchyard in the parish where I die; leaves 5s for reparation of that parish and the poor of that parish 5s

Edward (son): all books to be sold for his maintenance in clothing whilst he remains at Dorchester and when he shall be at university

Elinor, Elizabeth, Frances, Mary, Rebecca and Margaret (daughters): 20s each

Elinor (daughter): great cupboard in the hall after her mother's death; she is owed a legacy of 20s given to her by Mrs Argenton, her godmother

Rebecca (daughter): term of years on our 3 lives on the lease on the tenement where he now resides

Margaret (daughter): if she goes to New England, then her legacy of 20s to be made up to £5

Elizabeth (daughter): owed a legacy of 40s given her by her Godfather, Mr Roper

Rebecca ('loving and careful wife'): executrix; rest of goods and chattels; her to give their daughter, Mary, the lease of years on John Colman's house when she marries or otherwise

Mr Brune Cockram and Mr John Ball ('worthy good friends'): overseers

Witnesses: Giles Gerratt [Garrat], William Drayton


Codicil: 26 January 1636/37

Poor of Worth [Worth Matravers] as follows:

Thomas Palmer 12d

Rawlins Davy 12d

Widow Sheppard 12d

Rabbidg Kidgell 12d

Agnet [Agnes] Edmonds 12d






Corffe Castle

10 Aug 1637

25 Nov 1637



Rebecca Russell of Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 10 August 1637

Probate granted: 25 November 1637, proved by Elianor Russell (daughter) and executrix, before Brune Cockram and John Ball, Clerk Commissioner(s)


'in some weak state of body'; to be buried in the churchyard of Corfe 'where I shall depart this life'

Reparations of the parish church of Corfe: 3s 4d

Poor of Corfe: 3s 4d

Edward (son): ring

Elizabeth, Frances, Mary, Rebecca and Margaret (daughters): 20 nobles each in lieu of that 20s each which their father gave them in his will

Elizabeth (daughter): pair of sheets and settle bedstead

Frances (daughter): best featherbed and one of the slender bolsters, pillow, pair of sheets, blanket, chequered coverled, Holland pillowtie, 'Dowles' pillowtie and the livery cupboard, platter, pottinger and the lesser of the great crocks

Mary (daughter): estate of years in John Collman's house and canvas 'ticke' and one of the best bolsters, pair of sheets, pillow, white coverled and new blanket, platter, pottinger and the great kettle and the cupboard in study

Rebecca (daughter): estate of years in house where I now live which is in residue after our two lives; pair of sheets and two platters

Margaret (daughter): best coverled and wosser [worser] bed and the best bolster and pair of sheets and one of the old blankets and the great crock and the 'Bynne' and one platter

Ellinor ('loving and careful daughter'): rest; executrix

Mr James Haviland and Giles Garrat ('good friends'): overseers

Witnesses: Nicholas Seward, William Drayton






Corfe Castle

11 Jan 1640

13 Aug 1641



Joane Searchfield of Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 11 January 1640/41

Probate granted: 13 August 1641, proved by Joane Kilseby (daughter) and executrix, before Brune Cockram, clerk commissioner


'weak of body'; to be buried in parish church of Corfe Castle, for which I give 10s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 10s

Ringers at my burial: 10s

Edmund Kilseby and Bridget Kilseby (grandchildren) son of Joane Kilseby (daughter): £50 each a quarter of a year after my decease

Bartholomew, Henry, Edith and Anne Gibbs (grandchildren) sons and daughters of Melicent Gibbs (daughter): £5 each

Jane Searchfield (grandchild) daughter of Nicholas Searchfield (son): £10 which is due to her on a bond

Joane Kilseby (daughter): rest; executrix

Mr Jerome Dibbens and Mr Giles Turner: overseers; 5s each

Witnesses: Benjamin Devenish, Jerome Debien [Dibbens], Margery Haviland






Corffe Castle

26 Apr 1669

5 Feb 1669



Joseph Simonds of Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 26 April 1669

Probate granted: 5 February 1669/70, proved by John Simonds (brother)


'sick in body'; to be buried in parish church of Corfe Castle

John and Margaret Simonds (father and mother): £10 during their lives 'to be paid yearly out of the Castell Lease that I am now seized of by' John Simonds (brother)

Joan Simonds and Alice Simonds (sisters): £20 each at end of 7 years after my decease by John Simonds (brother)

Giles Turner (brother-in-law)'s son: £20 when 21 to be paid by John Simonds (brother)

Brother-in-law's daughter Honor Turner: £40 when 21 to be paid by John Simonds (brother)

Poor of Corfe Castle: 40s to be paid by John Simonds (brother)

Thomas Simonds (brother): Vonsonage[?] of the parish of Tinam [Tyneham] and £40 in one year after the date hereof to keep him to his scholarship; also books formerly given me by Joseph Dicks (uncle)

John Simonds (brother): all goods and chattels; executor

John Simonds (father) and William Turner (son-in-law): overseers, 10s each

Witness: T[homas?] Ty[?], William Moss[?]






16 Nov 1839

21 Dec 1839



Charles Smeeton otherwise Smeaton of Rempstone in Corfe Castle, groom

Will made: 16 November 1839

Probate granted: 21 December 1839, proved by John Hales Calcraft, executor


John Hales Calcraft of Rempstone Hall, Esquire: £800 three and a half consolidated bank annuities in the Bank of England, for his use; executor

Witnesses: C O Bartlett of Wareham, gentleman; John Swift, butler, Rempstone





Corfe Castle

22 Jun 1686

15 Nov 1686



Nathaniel Smith of the Town of Corfe Castle

Will made: 22 June 1686

Probate granted: 15 November 1686, proved by Thomazine, William and Nathaniel Smith, executrix and executors


'sick and weak of body'; 'to be buried in the churchyard of the Town of Corfe on the northside of the tombstone where my son Giles was buried and as nigh that as conveniently it may be'

William (son): house and shop lately in the tenure of Edward Harvey, deceased, with all its wares, goods and household stuff; after the decease of his mother, The Ship with appurtenances and all the belonging household goods; also gets a meadow called Redlane Meadow in Corfe for the unexpired term

Thomazine ('loving wife'): house called the Ship with appurtenances with all household stuff and goods together with fuel or hay there; the shop wares and goods are to be divided between her and Nathaniel (son); also bay nag, bay mare and 7 rother beasts and 4 pigs or swine; tenement called Dollings Tenement for her natural life

Sara (daughter): £80 to be given at the age of 21 years or on marriage and £20 to be paid to her one month after my decease

Mary, Martha, Elizabeth and Thomazin (daughters): £80 each to be given at the age of 21 years or on marriage

Nathaniel (son): Speerings Tenement in West Street, Corfe Castle, for the unexpired term on it; and after the decease of his mother, also Dollings Tenement

Thomazine, William and Nathaniel (wife and sons): executrix and executors; rest

Witnesses: Robert Turner, James Havelland, Symon [Simon] Vye and James Hall





Corfe Castle

13 Nov 1688

9 Jan 1689



William Smith of the Town of Corfe Castle

Will made: 13 November 1688

Probate granted: 9 January 1689/90, proved by Nathaniel Smith (brother) and executor


'Sick and weak of body'; 'to be buried in the parish church yard of the said town of Corfe Castle so near conveniently may be to the grave of my late deceased father'

Thomasin Smith ('loving mother'): all goods and household stuff in the house called The Ship, Corfe Castle; four silver dishes which have the two letters of my name on them; £5 a year from Redland Meadow for her life

Martha (sister): £50 as long as she pleases her mother in her choice of groom and does not marry John Gine of Corfe, an attorney; if she marries without her mother's consent the £50 is to go to the executors

Elizabeth (sister): £50 as long as she marries with her mother's consent otherwise the sum passes to the executors

Thomasin Smith (sister): £50 as long as she marries with her mother's consent otherwise the sum passes to the executors

Sarah Petting daughter of Mary Petting (sister): £30 to be paid to her father Nicholas Petting and given to her a year amd a day after his death (suggested that her father use it to gain interest until she is 21yrs or married)

Thomas Serrall [Serrell]: 20s

Judith George: 20s

Nathaniel Smith (brother): executor; moiety and half stock of rother beast, sheep, horse beast and rother cattle; moiety of wheat and corn on the farms of Challway and Hillway that is now between Henry Sanders and myself with one heifer aged 3 years that is on the farm, one yearling heifer calf now in the meadow of Mr John Frankling; also his shop and house, shop goods & household stuff; the hay that is in Reekes in Redland meadow; the residue of my estate, goods and chattels

Witnesses: James Havelland and Symon [Simon] Vye






5 May 1810

15 Aug 1812



William Smith of Corfe Castle, gentleman

Will made: 5 May 1810

Probate granted: 15 August 1812, proved by Lucy Smith (daughter), executrix


Joseph Willis of Norden in Corfe Castle, gentleman: leasehold messuage, tenement farm land etc at Ulwell, Swanage in occupation of Samuel Marsh, for term of years – his paying Susannah Kendall wife of John Kendall of Poole, grocer and Lucy Smith of Corfe Castle, spinster (daughters) the sum of £333 each

William Smith Kendall (grandson) son of said John Kendall: silver watch and case; £20

Lucy Smith (daughter): executrix; household goods, furniture, linen, plate, china, books and wearing apparel. If deceased then to Susannah Kendall and Jane Willis wife of said Joseph Willis (daughters)

Lucy Smith (daughter): £500 in the three per cent consolidated annuities in her name on trust to receive the dividends to be invested and payable to pay Elizabeth Allen (daughter) of John Allen of Corfe Castle, gentleman; after she is deceased to Lucy, Susannah and Jane (daughters)

Lucy, Susannah and Jane (daughters): rest

Witnesses: Elizabeth Dugdale, Robert Dugdale






Corff Castle

16 Aug 1751

27 Aug 1752



Sarah Spear of Corfe Castle, spinster

Will made: 16 August 1751

Probate granted: 27 August 1752, proved by John Gardner, executor


'sick and weak of body'

Catherine Spear of Corfe Castle, widow (cousin): £5 yearly

Mary Gardner (cousin) daughter of my cousin John Gardner: £20

Charles Rowe of Corfe Castle, miller, Edward Spear of Corfe Castle, mariner and Sarah Rider of Poole, widow (cousins): £10 yearly for 5 years

John Gardner of Poole, cooper (said cousin): rest and any rights as administratrix of goods etc left unadministered by 'German Edward Spear' (cousin) late of St Mary Whitechapel, Middlesex, bachelor, deceased and also administratrix of goods etc unadministered of Martha Lucas late mother of said Edward Spear deceased; executor

Witnesses: Peter Street, W Daman, John Leer





Corffe Castell

8 Mar 1626

19 Jun 1627



Edward Speare of Corfe Castle, mercer

Will made: 8 March 1626/27

Probate granted: 19 June 1627, proved by Joan Speare, relict and executrix, before John Ball and Gervase Russell, Clerk Commissioner(s)


'being of a weak and sickly body'; to be buried in the parish church of Corfe Castle

Parish church of Corfe Castle: a communion cloth of French green satinesto

Poor of the same parish: £5 to remain as a stock forever for bread on Good Friday 'to be bestowed on the most impotent poor'

Edmond [Edmund] (son): annuity of £10 to be paid him at 21 years; my bible and my gold ring; £300 after he is 21 years old; if he dies before attaining his majority, then the sum passes to his executor

Elizabeth and Joan (eldest daughters): £150 each to be paid at the age of 21 or on their marriage; a couple of legacies to be employed for their maintenance

Mary and Margaret (youngest daughters): £150 each to be paid at the age of 21 years or their marriage; two legacies to be employed for their maintenance after they have reached 15 years

Richard Speare (brother): my book of Halls works; to Elinor his wife, Robert his son and his 2 daughters, Mary and Joane: one ell of cambric to the value of 5s to each of them

Temperance Miller (sister): piece of gold of 11s

Robert Davy (brother-in-law): piece of gold of 5s

Margarett Bennett (sister-in-law): one ell of Holland of 7s the ell; to her son, Nicholas Bennett, and daughter, Margaret Norman – to each of them one ell of cambric worth 5s the ell

Alice Gover (sister-in-law): one ell of Holland of 5s the ell; to her children – 3s 4d each

Rebecca Speare (cousin): one ell of cambric worth 5s the ell

Elizabeth Eare, wife of John Eare of Corfe Castle: one ell of cambric worth 5s the ell

Francis Haskall (servant): a piece of gold worth 20s

Margaret Peeke (maidservant): 13s 4d

Godchildren: 12d each

Joan ('very loving wife'): executrix; rest

Overseers: Richard Speare ('very loving brother'), Mr Giles Turner ('now Mayor') and Gervase Russell, minister ('very good friends') – to each a piece of gold worth 20s

Witnesses: Giles Turner, Gervase Russell, John Kilsbey, John Eare






Corfe Castle

31 Jan 1837

12 Jul 1837



James Spincer [Spencer] of Corfe Castle, butcher

Will made: 31 January 1837

Probate granted: 12 July 1837, proved by Elizabeth Spincer (mother)


Elizabeth Spincer (mother): rest; executrix

Witnesses: John Gillingham, John Webber, Thomas Hunt




Loveday Elizabeth


20 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, Mdx, but now of Corfe Castle

17 Jul 1845

23 Jul 1845



Loveday Elizabeth Stone formerly of 29 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, Middlesex, but late of Corfe Castle, spinster

Will made: no date - 'aged 68 January 30th last past'

Administration granted: 23 July 1845, granted to William Stone (brother), residuary legatee


'very infirm state of body and a suffering under a lingering derangement of health and deep depression of spirits from my solitary life far distant from all my connexions yet comforted more than I could have even hoped for by the visits of my most excellent friend Lady Basset'

William Stone of 7 Mount Beacon near Bath (only brother): 8th share of farm in Cruwys Morchard, 6 miles from Tiverton called Saltis[?] Thorne; also Gas Light Company of Peter Street £50 Gas Light share bearing £3 interest per annum purchased at my request by Messrs Drummond and Company, bankers, Charing Cross Street; rest except following bequests:

Miss Elizabeth Pedler of Hayes, Middlesex (cousin): my first purchased Gas Light £50 share 'which she has kept up the payment for me when they became due during my absences from Town'

Lady the Baroness Basset ('beloved and inestimable friend and former pupil now become my indulgent and feeling patroness'; 'my best of friends'): if unpaid at my death the 'munificent legacy' of £100 left to me by her 'recently deceased truly noble father' Lord de Dunstanville, 'my kind and most venerated patron'. Her to allow William Stone (brother) legal interest during his life; also to her 'as a little offering' 'A little box in the care of Messrs Drummond belonging to me contains with other objects a small casket with two movements in the lock for securing the lock both to the right and the left'. If my needs in this suffering state of my sad existence should have entrenched upon or exhausted the liberal donation of her benevolent father 'I know my intention will by her be accepted in lieu of the little remembrance which it had been my design to have left her'

Mrs Macfarlane of Lansdown Wing Upper Crescent, Bath: 'The Last Week' by Du Bartas in the same box

Mrs Smith eldest daughter of my dear deceased friend Mrs Allan of Charlotte Square, Edinburgh: brooch with hair of the Duchess de Coigny and given to me by her. I had promised to Mrs Allan had she lived for her regard to the Duchess formerly my pupil Miss D Hamilton

Miss Dimock sister to Mrs Macfarlane: Corn's two volumes of instruction in singing

Mrs Elizabeth Stone (wife of my brother): Mosaic brooch given by him to me with my brother's hair and a diamond ornament with my father and mother's hair in ring from my dear mother also a cross with the same hair from my brother

'This rough copy I sign in excessive pain lest my hand should be unable to write out a fairer copy'

Additional codicils 22 March and 11 April 1835 dated from 29 Cheyne Walk: relate to £100 of Lord Dunstanville's legacy for William (brother) as well as interest from the other £100 to Baroness Basset; and thanks and a request to the latter to pay £10 per annum to him having completed his 66th year 9 November last 'he is only the male of generations on each side of the families of our parents who has reach his present age, his health is now much altered but it has no doubt been so long preserved by his very regular manner of life although his exercise has been often too severe for most frames much more vigorous than his'

No witnesses

Affidavit - evidence given by: Elizabeth Pedler of Poole, spinster; William Stone of Walcot Parade, Bath, Somerset gentleman; Sarah Elworthy Pedler of Poole, spinster and Mary Major of Long Fleet, Dorset, spinster. Elizabeth Pedler found the will and codicils after Loveday Elizabeth Stone's death on 16 June; that writing of will is her's. Elizabeth, Sarah and Mary sworn 15 July 1845 at Longfleet and William Stone on 17 July 1845.




Free Mason

Corffe Castle

12 May 1657

29 Jun 1658



Codd Street of Borough of Corfe Castle, free mason

Will made: 12 May 1657

Probate granted: 29 June 1658, proved by Anne Street, relict and executrix


'weak and sick of body'; to be buried in churchyard of Corfe Castle

John (son): 20s

Willmoth (daughter): 20s; standing bedstead, 'my amerie cobbord', table board and form in my hall

wife [Anne - not named]: little close of ground adjoining the commons of Corfe with two pieces of ground lying in the Vicaridge Hawes during her life then to John (son) with all other lands according to how I hold them

wife: rest; executrix

John Street (brother) and Mr Edward Harvey ('loving friend'): overseers

Witnesses: Edward Harvey, John Street junior, Mary Harvey





Corffe Castle

24 Aug 1627

10 Nov 1627



William Stroode of Corfe Castle, husbandman

Will made: 24 August 1627

Probate granted: 10 November 1627, proved by John Stroode (son), executor, before Roger Gibbs and Gervase Russell, Clerk Commissioner(s)


'weak and sick in body'; to be buried in the churchyard of Corfe Castle

Reparations of Church of Corfe Castle: 12d

Poor of Corfe Castle: 12d

Adam (son): £3; Joane and Sara his daughters £5 each; Rebecca his third daughter £3. His daughters to be paid when 21 or time of marriages

Francis, son of John (son): 20s

William, second son of John (son): featherbed and 10s

John, youngest son of John (son): 10s and platter

Adam and John (said sons): wearing apparel

John (son): rest; executor

Mr Gervase Russell, minister and John Abbott ('good friends'): overseers; 3s 4d each

Witnesses: Gervase Russelll, Henry Cotterell, Cicily Barnes, John Barnes






31 Dec 1659

14 Nov 1663



Thomas Sommer [also Sommers] of Ailewood within the Isle of Purbeck, yeoman

Will made: 31 December 1659

Probate granted: 14 November 1663, proved by James Sommer (son) and executor. Thomas Sommer (son), executor being deceased


'weak in body'

John (son): £30

Amy Burley [or Bugley?: surname inserted in margin] (daughter): £5

Ann Sommers (daughter): £50

Margaret Sommers (daughter): £50

Ann and Margaret (daughters): featherbed 'which I now lieth on' and two feather bolsters, two pillos, two best coverlets, two pair of sheets, two pillowbees and pair of blankets and the bedstead, equally divided between them

Christopher (son): £50 and best brass pot and best brass pan

Ann, Margaret and Christopher (daughters and son): if decease before 21, their legacy to be shared by survivors

7 children: household stuff equally divided

Alice Sommers (grandchild): £5

Rest of grandchildren: 20s each

Thomas and James (sons): rest; executors; 'desiring them to look after my three young children with a compassionate eye'

James Havelland, gentleman and William Grove: overseers, to see my three young children's portions are well placed by executors for their education

Witnesses: William Grove, Thomas Corbennett





Corfe Castle

1 Oct 1781

20 Jan 1809



Matthew Summers of Corfe Castle, shoemaker

Will made: 1 October 1781

Probate granted: 20 January 1809, proved by Mary Symonds, widow and Dorcas Edmunds, widow, executrixes


'in tolerable health of body'

Dorcas ('well beloved daughter'): £320; two feather beds, bedsteads, large wainscot dining table, dressing table, bureau, plate (except my silver pint cup), half a dozen chairs, clock, corner cupboard, two of best barrels, tea table, three of best books and china

Mary ('well beloved daughter') wife of William Symonds [Simmonds] of Steeple Leaze in Steeple: silver pint cup, silver watch, press for holding clothes

Mary ('dearly beloved wife'): rest of household furniture

Mary and Dorcas (said daughters): rest; executrixes

Witnesses: Mary Stevens, Samuel Burt






9 Dec 1679

24 Nov 1680



John Symonds [Simmonds/Simmons] of Bushew [Bushey] in Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 9 December 1679

Probate granted: 24 November 1680, proved by Robert (son) and executor


'weak of body'; to be buried in churchyard of Corfe Castle

John (son): 10s

Margaret Toope (daughter): the lease of a cottage or dwelling house lying by a bridge called St Edward's Bridge

Joane Symonds (daughter): part of my lease at Portisham which is a meadow called Pucklemore [Pucklemoor] in the common meadow of Rodden within the parish of Abbotsbury; featherbed and all belonging to the bed which was lately in the hands of Thomas (son) lately deceased

Alice Symonds (daughter): lease of a messuage or tenement in East Street, Corfe Castle, which is in the hands of Widow Welsted [Welstead]

Giles Turner (grandson): 20s

Ounor [Honor] Turner (granddaughter): 20s

Edward Toope and Robert Toope (grandsons): 20s each

Alice Toope (granddaughter): 20s

Robert (son): rest of the messuage or tenement at Portisham and the rest of goods and chattels; £70 due to me from John (son) which was for an annuity of £10 a year unpaid to me 7 years

Henry Smith and Edward Toope: Overseers, 'in case he should disturb any of this my will'; 5s each

Witnesses: John Serell [Serrell], Gervis [Gervase] Gillett, Anne Dach, Thomas Nynham [Nineham]






Godlingston Farm but now of Corfe Castle

26 Aug 1843

6 Nov 1844



John Talbott late of Godlingstone Farm but now of Corfe Castle, gentleman

Will made: 26 August 1843

Probate granted: 6 November 1844, by William Talbott (son) and William Compton Saunders, executors; William Grove White and Robert Taylor having renounced


Ann Symonds Talbott, Mary Budden wife of Robert Budden of North Stoneham, Hampshire, yeoman and Sarah White wife of William Grove White the younger of Sandwich otherwise Swanage, merchant (daughters): household goods, furniture, plate, linen, books, glass, china, wine, spirits, beer and wearing apparel

Adam (grandson) son of William Talbott (son) of Corfe Castle, Innholder: freehold messuage or dwelling house and garden at Swanage in occupation of Thomas Grey Tailor; pew seats and sittings in parish church of Swanage; four freehold cottages and gardens in Langton Matravers in occupation of John Hibbs, Thomas Harding and John Bower; lifehold and leasehold messuages, tenements, cottages and lands in Swanage and Langton Matravers

Robert Taylor of Corfe Castle, gentleman: pew seat and sittings in parish church of Corfe Castle, 'permitting Ann Symonds Talbott (daughter) to use and occupy the same during her residence at Corfe Castle'

Ann Bishop (servant): £5, part of old household furniture as will be sufficient to furnish one room

William Talbott (son) and William Grove White the younger (both said) and William Compton Saunders of Puddle Town, cornfactor; and said Robert Taylor: rest in trust to be invested. For £1500 stock part of my now stock standing in my name in the £3 per cent per annum consolidated annuities in the Bank of England to apply interest for Ann Symonds Talbott (daughter); when she dies or marries, to be applied to Mary Budden (daughter); then to Robert Budden (said); then to accumulate until the youngest of the children of Jane Spincer (daughter) wife of Robert Spincer [Spencer] of Southampton, butcher reach 21 years, to share between grandchildren

Residue to be split into 5 shares:

1 Mary Budden (daughter), then said Robert Budden, then accumulate until youngest of Elizabeth Talbott Saunders and Sarah Talbot Saunders (grandchildren), children of Elizabeth (deceased daughter) late wife of William Compton Saunders of Puddle Town, reach 21 years

2 Child or children of William Talbott (son)

3-4 Jane Spincer (daughter), then her children when the youngest reaches 14 years. If she becomes a widow then further part share to be provided for better support and maintenance of her children

5 William Compton Saunders (said) until Elizabeth Talbott Saunders and Sarah Talbot Saunders (grandchildren) reach 21 years

'it is my particular wish and desire that immediately after my decease my said daughter Ann Symonds Talbott shall go to reside and live with either my said daughter Mary Budden should she then be a widow and not otherwise or my said daughter Sarah White she the said Ann Symonds Talbott paying her sister with whom she may reside a fair compensation for her board and maintenance'

William Talbott (son), William Grove White the younger, William Compton Saunders and Robert Taylor: executors and trustees

Witnesses: William Marshman of Corfe Castle, draper; Robert Dugdale, solicitor of Wareham






Corfe Castle

27 Jun 1738

18 Jun 1741



John Tarrant of Corfe Castle, victualler

Will made: 27 June 1738

Probate granted: 18 June 1741, proved by William Tarrant (son), executor; right reserved to Barbara Speck wife of Rose Speck - formerly Barbara Tarrant, widow and executrix

Robert Beere of Corfe Castle, woolcomber (good friend): interest in The George Inn at Lambourne, Berkshire held by lease from the Rt Hon Lord Craven; Robert is to pay 20s each to Elizabeth and Jane (daughters), for 20yrs; if either die the rents & profits to William (son) for the remainder of the term

Barbara (wife): executrix; £7 yearly for life and the rest of goods and chattels

William (son): executor; to share the rest of the goods and chattels with Barbara (wife)

Witnesses: Robert Hann, Robert Webber, Robert Harris





Corfe Castle

17 Oct 1800

26 Jul 1819



Richard Taylor of Corfe Castle

Will made: 17 October 1800

Probate granted: 26 July 1819, proved by Sarah Taylor, widow, relict and executrix


Sarah (wife): all; executrix

Witnesses: Joseph Luther, Edward Stoodly, George Luther





Corfe Castle

17 Jan 1718

16 Dec 1725



James Thompson alias Thomson of Corfe Castle, chapman

Will made: 17 January 1718/19

Probate granted 16 December 1725, proved by Elizabeth Thompson alias Dolling, widow, executrix


James Thompson ['Tompson'] (uncle): one guinea

William Thompson (brother): £5

Alexander Thompson (brother): £5

Helen Thompson (sister): £5

Elizabeth Dolling, widow of Joseph Dolling, dec'd, lately of Corfe Castle, gent: left the residue of his estate; executrix

Witnesses: Andrew Huggens, Edward Attlison, John Tarrant






12 Feb 1727

15 Mar 1727



James Thomson of Corfe Castle, mercer

Will made: 12 February 1727/28

Probate granted: 15 Mar 1727/28, proved by Nicholas Pearson, John Scott and Samuel Serrell


Elizabeth Thomson, Alexander Thomson, Helen Thomson, William Thomson, Agnes Nicols, George young and Mary Young (cousins): £8 each

Elizabeth Thomson of Lymmington (cousin): one guinea

Elizabeth wife of Abel Bonfield of Sandwich [Swanage]: £5

Lucy Mosse: 40s

Nicholas Pearson, John Scott and Samuel Serrell: executors; £40 to them to pay interest yearly in the support of a Dissenting Presbyterian Minister in Swanage as follows: £13 6s 8d of the said money to Nicholas Pearson, Gentleman in Lymmington and £13 6s 8d to remain with John Scott of Winfrith, mercer and £13 6s 8d to Samuel Serrell of Sandwich, marbler for support of Swanage Meeting; and rest of estate in England and Marylands

Witnesses: Robert Beer, David Hibbs, Henry Beere






14 Jun 1680

31 May 1682







13 Jul 1682



George Tito of Aylewood, Corfe Castle, mariner

Will made: 14 June 1680

Probate granted: 31 May 1682, by Richard Gould, executor

Confirmation: 13 July 1682, refers to Richard (executor) and George Gould


'in health of body'

Thomas (son): £50

George Franklin (godson): the tenement where I now live, forever; once he lives there, he is to give his sister Mary Tito Franklyn £20

George Gould (grandchild): the tenement which was Mr Groves, forever; once he lives there he is to give his sister Mabel Gould £20

Rebecca Tito (daughter): land at Corfe Castle; household goods in my house at the time of death except goods belonging to my wife and were properly hers before I married her

Dinah (wife): lands at Woolgerston for her life

Mary Francklin and Margaret Gould, Rebecca Tito and Joyce Dolbury (daughters), 20s each

Richard Gould (son-in-law): £100; executor

John Francklyn (son-in-law) and Joshua Wiseman: overseers; 10s each

Other grandchildren (except George Franklin and George Gould): lands and tenements in Christchurch Twyneham, County of Southampton: rent and profits to be equally divided

Children of David Tito: Robert Tito £16; and his sisters Joane and Elizabeth Tito, £10 each

Mary Crooke, daughter of William Tito: £10

Thomas and David, sons of David Tito: £5

Roger Gould (grandson): £20; his brother, Richard, £10; his brother, Thomas , £10

George Tito Francklyn (grandson): £40

Mary Francklyn, Elizabeth Francklyn, Thomas Francklyn and John Francklyn (grandchildren): £10 each

William Dolbury (grandchild): £10

Witnesses: Joshua Wiseman, George Oliver, Sarah Wiseman


Memorandum: Richard Gould (son-in-law): to have the interest of the £100 for 7 years after my decease, then the sum is to be equally divided between Richard Gould, Roger Gould, Thomas Gould and Mabell Gould (grandchildren), the children of Richard & Margaret (daughter)





 Not stated

8 Nov 1609

24 Jan 1609



John Toope alias Stedman also Tedman [place not stated]

Will made: 8 November 1609

Probate granted: 24 January 1609/10, proved by Anstice Toope alias Stedman, relict and executrix


Body to be buried in the parish church of Corfe Castle

Godchildren: 12d

Parish Church of Corfe Castle: 10s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 10s at funeral

Ellinor Phillippes (sister): 40s; her daughter [not named] 40s

Dorothy Locke (kinswoman): 10s

Peter Barfoote (kinsman): wild mare and two colts 'that goeth with the mare'

Ellynor Pytt [Pitt] (aunt): 10s

Roger Freeman (kinsman) and his wife Johane: £5 between them

Elinor Sturbridge (kinswoman): 5s

Mary Bryne [Brine]: £10; Alice Bryne her sister £10

Anne Bennet (goddaughter): 40s

Anstis (wife): rest; executrix

Witnesses: Thomas Dollinge and Nicholas Hartree




Robert Toope [at sea]

Will made: 18 January 1617/18

Administration: 29 January 1618, granted to Michell Wells (mother)

'sick of body'; 'body I leave to the disposing of my friends'

Michell Wells (mother) dwelling in Shaston, Dorset: £50

John Smithe dwelling at Corfe Castle: 20s

Henry Brian [Brine] dwelling at Corfe Castle: 40s

Mr John Roberts ('our Master'): piece of red 'grogran', piece of blue branch damask and my chest and its contents

Cornelius Cornelisonn: rug gown and bed

'Mycha:' Younge: rest of wearing clothes that I have in the ship

Witnesses: Thomas Gentleman, Phillip Davis, Robert Carter, Purser






20 Apr 1634

13 Feb 1635



Robert Toope of Burshew [Bushey] in Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 23 April 1634

Probate granted: 13 February 1634/35, proved by Richard Toope (son), executor, before John Younge, clerk commissioner


'weak in body'; to be buried in the Church of Corfe Castle

Reparations of Church of Corfe Castle: 5s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 5s at funeral to 'most impotent and needy'

Elizabeth ('loving wife'): annuity or yearly rent of £4 out of my lands of inheritance at Burshew, provided she does not claim thirds or dower in my tenement at Corfe Castle; annuity or yearly rent of £8 out of messuage or tenement and other lands at Burshew held of the grant of Sir Edmond Uvedale, knight - for term of 40 years if she and Richard and John (sons) live so long. The £8 to be paid by John (son) out of his part of the said leasehold tenement unto him bequeathed

Elizabeth (wife): featherbed, bedstead and other furniture belonging in the chamber wherein I now lie, the chamber to hold for her life if my two sons live so long

Richard (son): two parcels of leasehold tenement: Hardings Close and one little copse called Push Copps [Copse], for term of years granted by Sir Edmond Uvedale, if sons live so long

John (second son): rest of leasehold tenement during term granted by Sir Edmond Uvedale, if sons live so long; rest of household stuff

Bridget Hebbes (eldest daughter): £20

Frances (daughter): £50

Margaret Jerrard (daughter): £5

Robert son of David Hebbes (son-in-law): £5

Grandchildren: 20s each, except said Robert Hebbes

Godchildren: 12d each

Richard (eldest son): rest; executor. If he refuses then John (son) to be executor

William Parrish ('loving brother-in-law') and John Purse ('good friend'): overseers; 3s 4d each

Witnesses: Richard Tyler, Thomas Tyler






13 Nov 1668

8 Jan 1669



Alice Toope of Burshew in Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 13 November 1668

Probate granted: 8 January 1669/70, to Edward Parris and William Salter, during minority of executors

Addition in margin: 22 December 1673, administration to Edward Toope (son)


'being of imperfect health of body'; to be buried 'nearby to my late deceased husband' in the church of Corfe Castle

Poor of Corfe Castle: 20s to be distributed at funeral

Edward Toope (eldest son): 20s and to enjoy his father's lands and tenements

Richard and John Toope (two younger sons): 'according to my said late husband's mind and will to me oftentimes expressed and declared' – the rest of money, bonds, bills, household goods & chattels to be equally divided between them with exception of a £20 legacy. This legacy was given Richard by his grandfather and is to be given him before anything is divided up; executors

Edward Parris ('loving brother') and William Salter of Combe ('loving kinsman'): Guardians of Richard and John in their minority and overseers; 10s each for a mourning ring 'as a token of my love'

Witnesses: Latham Hardinge, Edward Vye





Corffe Castle

8 Apr 1617

29 Apr 1618



Alice Turner of Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 8 April 1617

Probate granted: 29 April 1618, proved by Giles Turner (son) and executor


'weak in body'; to buried in the church of Corfe Castle

Parish church of Corfe Castle: 10s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 30s

Lady Church of Wareham: 6s 8d

Poor of Wareham: 13s 4d

Mr Robert Dackham ('nephue' - nephew): silver goblet and gold ring with a 'knapte'

Mrs Mary Dackham ('nephue' - niece): gold ring

Margaret Dolling daughter of Robert Dolling: 20s

Richard Ardrene of Poole (cousin): 20s and to his wife a gown, petticoat and smock

Margaret Lewes [Lewis] wife of Robert Lewes of Knoll [Church Knowle]: 10s

Godchildren: 12d each

Elizabeth Ashe wife of Thomas Ashe: cow

Giles Turner (son): rest; executor

William Ardrene and Edward Speare: overseers; 6s 8d each

Witnesses: William Ardrene, Edward Speare






Corffe Castell

1 Feb 1600

23 May 1601



John Uvedale of Corfe Castle, gent

Will made: 1 February 1600/01

Probate granted: 23 May 1601, proved by George Uvedale (brother), executor; power reserved for Edmund Uvedale (brother)


'visited…with sickness of my body'

To the Parish Church of Corfe Castle: 6s 8d

Ringers of my knell at funeral: 6s 8d

Poor people of Corfe Castle: £3 6s 8d to be distributed within a month of my decease

The widow Moase (servant): £6; to her daughter, Grace Moase 14s

Grace Moase: tenement and house where Widow Rippet lately lived in the town of Corfe Castle together with garden for the rest of her life

Mathew Moase, eldest son of Grace Moase: one yearly annuity, or rent, of 40s to be paid out of my lands and tenements in Corfe Castle for the rest of his life

Elias Samford, Giles Turner and John Wolridge ('very good friends'): 40s for charitable use as I have directed

George Uvedall, gent ('dear brother'): mansion house where I live with all edifices, stables, orchard, garden, lands, pasture grounds and meadows; Mill house, millwheels stones and watercourses; lands and tenements, rents and reversions in the town and parish of Corfe Castle and Studland and Worth for the term of 31 years paying 20s per annum to Edmund.

Edmund Uvedall, esquire ('welbeloved'): lands and tenements already cited within the town and parish of Corfe Castle and Studland and Worth and also to his brother, George. Also lands and tenements in Poole and also Tarrant Gunvill, Long Critchell, Stubhampton, Elsington, Tinckleton and Arpudle for Edmund's life. Thereafter, to pass to Edmund's heirs; if none then to George and his heirs; then to the heirs of Henry Uvedale ('late dear father').

George Uvedall (brother): all felled timber, stones, lime and lathes already appointed by me for the redesigning and repairing of my mansion house

George Uvedall (said brother): best chain of gold 'which I some times past used to wear about my neck'.

Elianor Williams ('dear sister'), wife of John Williams esquire: a gold ring with an inset turkey stone

Catherine Preston ('dear sister'): a gold ring with an inset emerald stone

Catherine's daughter, Phillip Preston ('loving niece'): a silver handle worth 20s

Elizabeth Ogden ('loving niece')[2]: tablet of crystal set in gold

John Tomes ('poor godson'): 40s.

Elias Samford and Giles Turner ('loving friends'): two gold rings to the value of 20s to be made with death's heads and engraved with the letters 'JU' and this poesye 'friend farewell'

Master Ireonside [Ironside] ('loving friend'): to preach at funeral; a similar ring

John Ashley (my brother George Uverdale's servant): new black cloak lined and laced and a black satin doublet which was my father's (Henry)

Stephen Hearne (my brother Edmund Uvedale's servant): second satin doublet which was also largely my father's and one pair of black fusted or figured taffity hose.

Edmund and George ('most dear brothers'): rest; executors

John Williams of Herringston and Christopher Preston of Crichell esquires (brother-in-laws), and John Woolridge ('faithful friend') of Winfrith Newburgh: overseers; to see that 'brotherly love' remained with his two brothers after my death; total control of the will to do as they see fit.

John Williams: gold brooch with an inset aglett

Christopher Preston and John Woolridge: each a gold ring worth 40s with a death's head engraved picture, poesye and letters as before

Witnesses: John Woolridge, Elias Samford and Giles Turner





East Lynch

2 Feb 1731

15 Dec 1733



John Vincent of East Linch [Lynch], Gentleman

Will made: 22 February 1731

Probate granted: 15 December 1733, proved by Priscilla Vincent, widow and executrix


'sick and weak in body'

Priscilla ('loving wife'): farm at Povington and tenement called Whiffins Tenement 'without Wast in further augumentation of her jointure'. Chargeable to rent charge of £10 a year to Anne Bagwell (cousin) of Sanford, Wareham. After her decease farm and tenement to William Lord of Happa Mattix at the head of Pope's Creek in Potomack River in Virginia (sister's son); if no heirs then remainder to William Dore (cousin) of Freshwater, Isle of Wight

Elizabeth Thorne of Weymouth (cousin), George Vincent of same and John Vincent 'their brother's son and to her sister Rachel': £20 each

Charles Smith late of Wareham now of London: £20

John Smith of New England: £20

Benjamin Smith of Poole and to his brother [not named]: £20 each

Thomas Johnson (cousin) of London, fishmonger and late of Wareham: £20

Nathaniel Bartlet (cousin) of Poole: £20

Anthony Trew (cousin) of Wareham: £20

John Trew (cousin) of Morden: £30

John Bragg (cousin) of Topuddle: £50

Samuel and Martha, son and daughter of Constance Bragg last Peirce (cousin): £25 each

John Vincent (cousin) of East Lulworth: £20

Charles Peirce [Pierce] of Southover, Dorset: one guinea to buy a mourning ring

George Loop (cousin)of Slepp: £5

George Loop of Burshew: £10

Richard Hopkins (cousin) of Povington: £10

Elizabeth Tayler (sister) of Virginia: 'if alive' at my decease £5

Poor of Tyneham: £10

Poor of Corfe Castle: £5

Robert Johnson brother to Thomas Johnson (late of Wareham): £20

Priscilla (wife): plate she brought from Whitcliffe

William Lord (said): 'if alive' at my decease, plate that was mine before marriage to my wife; furnace 'that was brought from Povington', after my wife's decease

Priscilla (wife) and said William Lord: rest of household goods equally divided

John Toop of Corfe Castle and his sister Honor James: leasehold estate at Corfe Castle and rent equally divided for the remainder of the term

Denis Bond and John Bond, esquires: one guinea each to buy mourning rings

Samuel Serrell (brother), gentleman and his wife and their daughters Mary and Jane, to brother Wareham and his wife and their daughter Elizabeth, John Cockram (brother), Thomas Cockram (brother) and his wife: one guinea each to buy mourning rings

Priscilla (wife): farm at East Lynch, chargeable to £10 a year to Thomas Cockram of Whitcliffe, gentleman; £10 a year to Mary eldest daughter of Samuel Serrell of Langton Matravers gentleman by his late wife Mrs Mary Serrell sister to the said Thomas Cockram; if she is deceased then to Jane the other daughter of Samuel Serrell; £10 a year to said William Lord

After decease of Priscilla (wife): one moiety to William Lord; one fourth part to said Thomas Cockram then to said Mary Serrell and Jane Serrell; one fourth part to John Bragg

Priscilla (wife): rest; executrix

Samuel Serrell of Langton, gentleman (said brother) and Reverend Mr Nicholas Pearson of Lymmington, County of Southampton ('well beloved friends'): overseers; £5 each

Witnesses: Henry Moss, John Crownes, John Cox, Robert Roe





East Lynch

1 Jun 1745

2 Dec 1745



Priscilla Vincent of East Lynch, Corfe Castle, widow

Will made: 1 June 1745

Probate granted: 2 December 1745, proved by Jane Serrell and Elizabeth Warham, spinsters 'surviving executors'


'sick and weak of body'

John Cockram (brother): £100 and interest thereof which was left to me by the will of Thomas Cockram (late father), gentleman, and chargeable on his estate payable on the death of Brune Cockram (late brother)

Indenture of release 7 May 1745 between myself, Nicholas Pearson of Lymington in County of Southampton, dissenting teacher and Richard Hopkins of Povington in Tyneham: granted to Nicholas Pearson and Richard Hopkins for term of 500 years from my death, £300 by sale or mortgage of Farm of East Lynch; also close of meadow ground at East Lynch lately purchased of Thomas Fish, deceased. She splits the £300 – Thomas Cockram (brother) £100; Elizabeth Wareham (niece) daughter of Anthony Wareham, gentleman; Jane Serrell (niece) daughter of Samuel Serrell esquire

Thomas Cockram (brother): best bed and furniture, chest of drawers, chairs, looking glass and all other furniture of the chamber wherein my best bed stands at East Lynch – he is 'not to dipose fo the same or any part thereof out of my family'

Poor of Corfe Castle and Swanage: £10 each parish

Betty Rogers (servant maid) and Anne Weeks, widow ('faithful servant'): £10 10s each and good suite of clothes for mourning

Stephen Smith of Povington and John Edmonds of East Lynch (tenants): £10 each

Anne Hays (cousin) of Blandford Forum, widow: £20

Robert Winteridge of Church Knowle: £5

Hannah Sherring: £10

Thomas Cose of Swanage and cousin Mary Dean of Wareham widow: £5 each

John Cockram (cousin) of Court Farm, Swanage: £30

Mary Serrell (niece): large silver bowl called a groaning bowl with the cover belonging which was left me by my brother

Jane Serrell (niece): gold chain, silver tankard and great bellmetal skillet

Elizabeth Wareham (niece): silk christening whittle lined with blue silk, pin cushion embroidered with silver and silk; furniture in the parlour of dwelling house at East Lynch; chest of drawers in the parlour chamber there together with the silver tobacco box which was my mother's

John Cockram (brother): silver tobacco box which was my father's

William Lord (cousin): jack in the dwelling house at East Lynch and a spit with half a dozen pewter dishes of the common sort; use of household goods at Povington, then to Elizabeth Smith daughter of Stephen Smith (tenant)

Elizabeth Wareham (niece): two handled silver cup marked P.C. and also silver sugar dish and claret dish and two sealed silver spoons one marked R.P. and the other P.C. 1677

Jane Serrell (niece): silver porringer marked P.V. 1704 and two sealed silver spoons one of them washed in gold

Mary Serrell, Jane Serrell and Elizabeth Wareham (said nieces): good books and wearing apparel at East Lynch

John Cockram (brother) Jane Serrell and Elizabeth Wareham (nieces): rest and executor/executrixes

Whereas Thomas Cockram (brother) 'did lately take and carry away put of my said dwelling house at East Lynch aforesaid a quantity of plate and other goods and effects belonging to me pretending the same were given to him by me' I declare they were 'fraudulently and unjustly taken away at a time when I was greatly indisposed and delirious in a fever'. I order the goods be deemed part of the residue of my estate

'Said executor and executrixes to take good care of my dog called Cloe for which such of them who shall take such care of the same shall be allowed the sum of 20s a year'. If unwilling then Mrs Marsh of Worth Matravers to have the care and 20s a year for the life of the dog.

My body to be 'buried in linen in my grandmother's grave in the parish church of Corfe Castle' and pay for the use of the poor the penalty due by law for burying in linen

Mrs Marsh wife of Reverend Mr Samuel Marsh: 20s 'as a present to her for giving me my said dog'

Witnesses: Charles Bower, J Hudden, W Daman






Corff Castell

15 Aug 1656

18 Jun 1657



George Vye of the borough of Corfe Castle, tailor

Will made: 15 August 1656

Probate granted: 18 June 1657, proved by Edward Vye (kinsman)


'weak in body'

Sarah Vye (sister): all goods, chattels, household stuff and implements of household; to reside at house in Corfe Castle rent free

Edward Vye of Arne (loving kinsman): executor; dwelling house and all lands in borough of Corfe Castle forever

Witnesses: William Okeden; Anne Okeden

Notes: See also Edward Vye of Arne will PROB11/373 Will made: 30 Nov 1681; Proved 12 May 1683:






16 Apr 1623

14 Aug 1623



William Welsteed of Kingston in Corfe Castle, tailor

Will made: 16 April 1623

Probate granted: 14 August 1623, proved by Mary Welsteed, relict and executrix, before Gervase Russell, clerk commissioner


'weak and sick in body'; to be buried in churchyard of Corfe Castle

Reparations of Church of Corfe Castle: 5s

Reparations of Chapel of Kingston: 2s

Poor of Corfe Castle: 5s to most needy, at my funeral

Thomas (eldest son): featherbed and standing bedstead upon which I lie, feather bolster, two feather pillows, coverlet, pair of blankets, pair of sheets, table board with the frame and four joined stools, ox and 10 sheep

John (second son): ox and 10 sheep

William (third son): two kine, ox and 10 sheep

Ellin (eldest daughter): £8

Margaret (daughter) wife of Richard Mynion or Minion: 4d; I promised Richard Minion in marriage with her 40s yearly duing her life; £20 a year after death of her husband, the 40s a year to cease

Margery and Joane (daughters): £7 each

Joane Rose (sister): 20s

Mary (wife): meadow I bought of Mr Rives for term of 40 years if she and John, William and Joane (sons and daughter) live

Thomas (son): acre of grass yearly in same meadow at hay season to be taken and converted to hay for his use for three score years

William (son): acre of grass yearly in same meadow bought of Mr Rives as above

John (son): rest of estate and years in the meadow after Mary (wife)'s death

Mary (wife): rest; executrix

Mr Gervase Russell, minister and William Collins, yeoman ('good friends'): overseers

Witnesses: Gervase Russell, minister; William Collins; John Purse; William Heywood





Corffe Castell

29 Nov 1624

18 Feb 1624



Edmond [Edmund] Wey of Corfe Castle, shepherd

Will made: 29 November 1624

Probate granted: 18 February 1624/25, proved by Joane Wey, relict and executrix, before Gervase Russell, clerk commissioner


'weak and sick in body'; to be buried in churchyard of Corfe Castle

Reparations of the church of Corfe Castle: 10s

Relief of the poor of Corfe Castle: 10s

Church of Stafford near Dorchester: 6s 8d

Poor of Stafford near Dorchester: 6s 8d

Peter (son): £40 when 21

Susan (daughter): £40 when 21 or married

Joane (wife): receive profits from my children's legacies to bring them up; if she and two children die then half to remain to poor in Almshouse of Corfe Castle

John Wey (brother): chilver hog

Joane ('loving wife'): rest; executrix

Thomas Whiffen and Peter Miller ('very loving friends'): overseers; ewe sheep each

Debts owed to me:

John Gentell [Gentle]: £3

William Seward: 60s

William Hervy [Harvey]: 20s

Jesops wife of Weymouth sometimes Pretents widow: £4 to be paid by her or our of her thirds of her living at Wolgarston

Payments due from me:

George Elmes: for a horse bought 7s

Witnesses: Gervase Russell, Robert Long, Emme Painter






15 May 1690

25 Aug 1690



Robert White of Arfleet in Corfe Castle, yeoman

Will made: 15 May 1690

Probate granted: 25 August 1690, proved by George and Samuel White (sons), executors


'sick of body'

Mary Brooks (daughter): 20s

Jane Whiffing [Whiffen] (daughter): 20s

Grandchildren: 5s each

John Brooks (son-in-law): 5s

William Whiffing (son-in-law): 5s

Nicholas (son): £5

George (son): tenement or living called Sandy Hiles

Samuel (son): tenement or living called Arfleet

George and Samuel (sons): rest; executors

Elizabeth Bush (servant maid): 20s and her wages

Witnesses: John Franklin, Robert Fifield, Symon [Simon] Vye, James Havelland






11 May 1591

26 Oct 1571



William Williams of borough and town of Corfe Castle, gentleman

Will made: 11 May 1571

Administration: 26 October 1571, to Edward James, parson during minority of William Williams (son), executor. Simon Davy also named proctor

Probate granted (marginal note): 9 November 1577


To be buried in the church in the parish where I die; to that church: 10s and poor men's box: 3s 4d

Reparations of the Cathedral church of Bristol: 6d

Reparations of church of Aburgaveine [Abergavenny, Wales]: 20s

Maude Gunterre, widow (sister): towards instructing William (my son) 'of all such goods of mine as she is by me or otherwise privy unto at the time'; featherbed which was Mr Thomas Lewes [Lewis] then Comptroller of Poole, bolster, pillow, white coverlet, pair of canvas sheets, best cloak, gold ring that I bought of her, cow, crock, platter, pottinger and a saucer

Chrispian Moose (servant): flockbed, bolster, pair of canvas sheets, two ewes and a heifer of three years old

Henry Leede: russet coat, pair of hose, shirt and 13s 4d 'so that he continue at my son's pleasure with him during his apprenticeship with me'

William Gunterre (nephew): best coat, sack cloth doublet, sword and buckler, hand gun ['handgonne'] and two pair of hosen

Gertrude (daughter): featherbed, bolster, two pillows, pair of blankets, coverlet unlined of tapestry with a pair of Holland sheets, pair of canvas sheets, fine table cloth, four table napkins, two platters, two pottingers, two saucers, gold ring which was my wife's, two silver spoons, two cushions of cruel work and 20 marks in money

Mary (daughter): fetherbed 'next the best', bolster, two pillows, two pillowties, pair of blankets, pair of Holland sheets, pair of canvas sheets, second best coverlet, forsett, desk of cypress, fine table cloth and another of camore, four table napkins, table board which I had at Knoll [Church Knowle], three platters, three pottingers, three saucers, one pan 'next the best', three silver spoons, gold ring, salt seller of silver parcel gilt weighing 5oz, cup of silver double gilt weighing 8oz, cow and 20 marks in money, of which sum I have already delivered £4 to Walter Innes of Shaston by bill of his hand

William (son): rest; executor

If Gertrude, Mary or William (daughters and son) due before 21 or married then sum is divided among them

Edward James, clerk parson of Steeple ('wellbeloved'): to have rule, custody and bringing up of William (son) until he is 21; £4 and satin doublet

Mr Griffiths Williams ('wellbeloved friend') of Bradle: to have rule, custody and bringing up of Mary (daughter) until she is 21; 40s

Thomas Valence ('trusty and wellbeloved cousin') of Lincolns Inn [London], gentleman; Robert Hughes, parson of Langton Matravers; Simon Davye of Kingston; and Robert Dolling of Corfe Castle: overseers and supervisors; for their pains as follows:

Thomas Valence: black velvet coat and £4

Robert Hughes: 30s and tippett of sarcenet

Simon Davye: 30s

Robert Dolling: jack with a red cross, pair of splents, battle axe, bill and 13s 4d

Witnesses: Simon Davie [Davy], Thomas Duke, John Rippott alias Davye, William Goverre [Gover]






The Ship Inn, Corfe Castle

3 Jan 1816

28 Aug 1816



John Willis of the Ship Inn, Corfe Castle

Will made: 3 January 1816

Probate granted: 28 August 1816, proved by Sarah Willis, widow and executrix


Sarah (wife): all real and personal estate except £20; executrix

Fanny Allen (goddaughter) 'now supposed to be living at Bath', Somerset: £20 'for going into mourning for me'

Witnesses: Richard Taylor and John West







5 Sep 1848

25 Feb 1850



Joseph Willis of Norden in Corfe Castle, Gentleman

Will made: 5 September 1848

Probate granted: 25 February 1850, proved by William Phelps, executor


Any sums I have become responsible for on account of Charles William Willis (son), to be paid out of the share of my residuary estate to be bequeathed to him

Joseph Willis (son): carriage horse and harness, large inkstand which was given to me by Reverend William Bond, watch, two gold seals chain and key, bible by Mant and the furniture etc in my counting house

Charles William Willis (son): share (subject to the payments abovesaid) of interest in the Tontine houses numbered 1,2 and 3 in Swanage and household goods furniture and effects therein; released from payments he owes

Mary Rowe (daughter): wines, spirits and other liquors and £100; one third part in value of household goods, furniture, plate, linen, china and books, to be permitted to select as she thinks proper

Charlotte Foyle Pauntney (daughter): largest silver cup 'or any other piece of plate which she may select in lieu thereof of as token of my affection for her'

Maria Barrett, Jane Barret and Susan Barrett (grandchildren): Household goods, furniture and effects as I purchased of creditors of Thomas Barrett (late son-in-law), to those who remain unmarried at my decease

Joseph Willis (son): Ulwell Farm, Swanage I hold for the life of William Smith Kendall – a life assurance policy from Norwich Union Assurance Society on William Smith Kendall's life subject to £20 5s premium or annual sum; also the land tax or annual rent. Out of the estate, annually - £20 5s to executors and £40 to Mary Rowe (daughter). At death of William Smith Kendall, £300 to Mary Rowe (daughter)

Joseph Willis (son) and William Phelps of Red Lion Square, London, Gentleman: in trust, residue estate to be sold for benefit of Joseph, Charles, Mary and Charlotte (four children). Charles' part is subject to payments he owes to third parties, which I am responsible for and also that borrowed from Mary Rowe (daughter) 'some time since'. Money owed by Joseph (son) on promissory note to carry on after my death and be paid by him in instalments.

Joseph (son) and William Phelps: any estate vested on any trust at my death

William Phelps: executor

Witnesses: Edward Spencer Phelps, clerk, Weston near Bath; James Chisman





Blackenwell Farm

18 Aug 1816

5 Feb 1817



George Young of Blackenwell [Blashenwell] Farm, Gentleman

Will made: 18 August 1816

Probate granted: 5 February 1817, proved by Mary Young, widow and John Young (son), executrix and executor


John (son): confirms and gives as per the following arrangement: 'in consideration of natural love and affection for my son John Young I some time since took him into partnership with me in my farming business and put him in possession of one half of the whole of the cattle, crops, corn, hay, farming stock, waggons, carts and implements in husbandry belonging to the farms rented by me and in my occupation

Mary (wife): £1000

William (son): £1000

James (son): copyhold estates and lands in Piddletrenthide, held under the College of Winchester

Mary (daughter) wife of Francis Sheppard, yeoman: £500

Ann (daughter) wife of John Purchase, yeoman: £1000

Mary (wife): household goods, furniture, plate, linen, woollen and china for her use

Mary (wife) and John (son): residue; executrix and executor

Witnesses: George Moors, Thomas Bartlett





[1] PE/COC/CH 1 1609 3 docs - Bond to perform covenants from Elizabeth Hookey to Robert Abbott 1609; copy of the will of Robert Abbott made in 1620 with a note of his descendants.

[2] Daughter of George Uvedale

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