This is the last Will and Testament of me Katherine IRONSIDE of Dorchester in the County of Dorset widow made published and declared the sixth day of January in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and Four.
Impremis: I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping for pardon of my sins through the only merits of Jesus Christ my saviour And my body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named.
Item: I give to my Son-in-law Andrew PURCHASE Ten Pounds to be laid out in a piece of plate And forty shillings to buy him a morning ring.
Item: I give to each of my two Sons-in-law John WILLIAMS and Robert GARLAND I give forty shillings
Item: I give to my grand daughter Elizabeth PURCHASE a silver candle cup and two hundred pounds of English Money when she shall attain her age of one and twenty years or when she shall be married which shall first happen
And I give to my grand daughter Margaret WILLIAMS one hundred pounds of lawful money when she shall attain her age on one and twenty years or be married which shall first happen
And my will is that the last mentioned legacy's of two hundred pounds and one hundred pounds be from time to time with all convenient speed placed out at interest by my daughter Katherine IRONSIDE and the said Andrew PURCHASE and the survivor of them and the executors or administrators of the survivor and that the interest shall accrue on the said two hundred pounds shall be paid and applied (to) the maintenance and education of the said Elizabeth PURCHASE
And (that the interest of) the said Margaret WILLIAMS that shall accrue on the said one hundred pounds shall be paid her together with the principle at the age of one and twenty or marriage which shall first happen as aforesaid
And If the said Elizabeth PURCHASE shall happen to die before she shall attain the age of one and twenty or be married then I give the said two hundred pounds to my Executrix
And If the said Margaret WILLIAMS shall happen to die before she shall attain the age of one and twenty or be married then I give her said two hundred pounds with the interest that shall be received thereon to my Executrix also
And My will is that neither the said Katherine IRONSIDE or Andrew PURCHASE shall receive any less or damage by the failure or insufficiency of any person or persons to whom the said legacies of two hundred and one hundred pounds or either of them or -------shall be let?
Item: I give to my Servant Joane ADAMS five pounds and a bed and all that belongs thereunto
Item: All the rest and residue of my goods and chattels rights and credits I give to my said daughter Katherine IRONSIDE whom I do constitute and appoint sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I do revoke all former wills by me made Witness my hand and seal the day and year first above written
Signed Sealed published and declared
after the interlineations of these words (the said Margaret WILLIAMS) in presence of
Joseph DAMER
Proved 28th July 1705
Genealogical Notes - 1677 Visitation of Dorset Pages 37/38

(1) As will be seen from the above Pedigree Katherine IRONSIDE was the daughter of Theobald Michel of Stamerham in Sussex. She married Major John IRONSIDE [1627-1694) of Long bredy in Dorset and died on 9th July 1705. She was buried with her husband at St Mary's Church at Burton Bradstock where there is a memorial plaque to them.
(2) There is a very important entry in the Parish Registers for Burton Bradstock made by the curate Thomas Sealy on 1st April 1673 regarding the baptism of their children:-
Elizabeth the daughter of John IRONSIDE & Katherine his wife was baptised the 16th day of Sept 1658
John IRONSIDE the son of John IRONSIDE & Catherine his wife was baptised the 26 of June 1660
Mary IRONSIDE was baptised the first of July 1661 and was buried the 22nd of August following
Catherine IRONSIDE was baptised the 19th of September 1662 and was buried the 13th of February 1664
Mary IRONSIDE was baptised 21st of February 1663
Catherine IRONSIDE was baptised the 11th of July 1665 & was buried the 18th of the same month
Jane IRONSIDE and Frances IRONSIDE were baptised the 3rd of Sept 1667 and Frances was buried the 29th of the same month
Ralph IRONSIDE was baptised the 9th of March 1668
Robert IRONSIDE was baptised the 9th May 1671
"These children of ye aforesaid John IRONSIDE Esq and Catherine his wife being neglected to be registered were thus sett downe together according to the coppy from ye father by me - Aprill the first 1673 Tho: SEALY Curat"
(2) Her Son-in-law Andrew PURCHASE married Elizabeth IRONSIDE at St Georges church Fordington on 11th Nov 1698
(3) Her daughter Anne IRONSIDE married a preacher Rev. Thomas WICKHAM the Rector of Horsington in Somerset at St Marys Church in Burton Bradstock on 12th Sep 1695 |