(Including Fordington)
Private Residential Listing - (link to Commercial Section)
ACLAND; John Edward Capt. MA Oxon. JP; Wollaston House;
AGER; Owen Edgar; Bourne Lodge; Herringstone Rd;
ALDINGTON; James Arthur Rev; Canmore; Maumbury Way;
ALLEN; Alfred; 1 Alexander Rd;
ALLEN; Stephen Davis; 1 Great Western Rd;
ALLHUSEN; Frederick Maj. Somerleigh Court;
AMOR; Richard; Sunnyside; Wollaston Rd;
AMOR; William; 24 Icen Way;
ATKINS; Mrs. 18 Cornwall Rd;
BANGER; Mrs. 1 West Croft, St Martins Rd;
BARGE; Miss. 1 Chestnut villas, South Walks Rd;
BARNES; William Miles BA Rev; Weymouth Ave;
BARNES; Miss.; 22 Cornwall Rd;
BARRETT; Hubert; 2 Alexander Terrace;
BARROW; Charles John; 10 Bridport terrace;
BARTELOT; Rev. Richard Grosvenor M.A; St Georges Vicarage, Fordington Hill; Vicar of St George's & surrogate;
BARTLETT; Herbert; 21 Culliford Rd;
BATCHELOR; Henry A; 3 Damers Rd;
BEST; Francis; 8 Chestnut villas, South Walks Rd;
BEST; Miss.; 15 Bridport terrace;
BEST; William; 5 Alexander villas;
BIGGS; Mrs. 4 Cornwall Rd;
BISHOP; Mrs.; 21 St Helens Rd;
BISSELL; Frank; 5 St Helens Rd;
BOLT; William Henry; 5 South Terrace;
BOON; Richard Oliver; Woodlands Queen's Ave;
BOON; Vivian; Lynwood; Weymouth Ave;
BOORMAN; Frederick Edward Rev; Lewesdon; South Walks Rd; Baptist;
BOYT; Miss.; 11 Wollaston Rd;
BRIND; Edward Agincourt Col.; 19 Icen Way;
BROADWAY; Theodore B MB; 5 Cornwall Rd;
BROUGH; William Richard Col.; 56 High West St; Late R. Madras A;
BROWN; Charles Curtis; 26 Victoria Rd;
BROWN; Robert B; Glebe House; South Walks Rd;
BROWN; William Henry; Cliveden; Prince of Wales Rd;
BUCK; Mrs.; 3 Alexander Terrace;
BUDGE; Henry Lionel Beauford BA Rev; 33 Cornwall Rd; Curate of St Mary's;
BUGLER; Henry; 3 Cedar Park villas;
BULLARD; John ; 33 Icen Way;
BULLER; Warwick; Lindon lo; Lindon Ave.;
CALROW; Mrs.; Oakhurst; Lindon Ave.;
CARRUTHERS; Benjamin; 24 Victoria Rd;
CHADWICK; Edward ; Westfield; Cornwall Rd;
CLARK; William; 30 Cornwall Rd;
COCKCRAFT; Mrs.; 6 Alexander Terrace;
COLBECK; Benjamin Hempswell; 5 High West St;
COLLARD; John Marshall Rev MA Canon vicar; St Mary's Vicarage;
COLLARD; Bevin Molesworth; 6 Prince of Wales Rd;
COLMER; R A; 4 South Terrace;
COOMBS; Mrs.; 11 St Helens Rd;
COOPER; John Roe; 2 Wollaston Rd;
COOTE; Herbert Chidley Rev MA Rector; St Peters Rectory; South Walks Rd;
COSENS; William Burrough JP ; The Gables;
COTTMAN; John Thomas; 2 Albert Rd;
COUPE; Thomas Openshaw Rev BA ; 1 Weymouth Ave; Curate of Holy Trinity;
COUSINS; Hubert Charles Fooks; 18; St Helens Rd;
COWARD; Charles; 8 Wollaston Rd;
COWARD; Miss.; 1 Alexander Terrace;
COX; Albert Charles; 11 Bridport terrace;
COX; Mrs.; 7 Cornwall Rd;
CRANE; Miss.; 7 Albert Rd;
CREECH; Ivor; 6 Great Western Rd;
CROAL; Robert B; 6 Weymouth Ave;
CROOKE; William Hy; 9 Bridport terrace;
CUSSONS; John William; 4 St Helens Rd;
DALE; Edward Sydney Wilson; Lytton; Damers Rd;
DARE; Arthur; Coryton; Prince of Wales Rd;
DAVAGE; John Ryall; Garryowen; Queen's Ave;
DAVIS; George; 20 Icen Way;
DAWES; Richard Norman; 3 Great Western Rd;
DAY; Cyril Douglas BA Camb.; 4 Weymouth Ave;
DAY; Edward Joseph MD D.P.H.I; 4 Weymouth Ave;
DEAN; Albert Edward; 21 Bridport terrace;
DENNIS; George James; Oak Dene; Herringstone Rd;
DENNIS; Mrs.; Westliegh; Albert Rd;
DIBBEN; Walter E; 36 Glyde Path Rd;
DIXON; Mrs.; South Grove Cottage; Trinity St;
DODD; Edward; 2 Victoria villas East Fordington;
DODDERIDGE; Henry Gilmore; 5 Weymouth Ave;
DODGE; Mrs.; 3 Chestnut villas; South Walks Rd;
DREW; Walter; Brynarlis; Herringstone Rd;
DRON; Thomas M; 22 St Helens Rd;
DUFFETT; Samuel; 8 St Helens Rd;
DUKE; Edward Barnaby; Maen; Culliford Rd;
DUKE; Mrs.; 3 Weymouth Ave;
DURDEN; J mrs.; 19 Great Western Rd;
DURDEN; William John; Wynnstay; Prince of Wales Rd;
EDMUNDS; John; Eastfield; Mountain Ash Rd;
EDWARDS; Alfred H; Wentworth; 8 Great Western Rd;
EDWARDS; Alfred Rendell; Ravendale; Victoria villas East Fordington;
EDWARDS; Miss.; 25 St Helens Rd;
ELFORD; E; 26 Cornwall Rd;
EMSON; Mrs.; 42 High West St;
ENSOR; Thomas Henry; Clandon; Prince of Wales Rd;
ESCOTT; A.J. Lloyds Bank House;
EVANS; Henry John; Govenors House; HM Prison North Square;
EVANS; James Arthur Rev; 6 St Helens Rd;
EVANS; William; 1 Cornwall Rd;
FAREWELL; Charles William Freke M Inst CE; 9 Cornwall Rd;
FEACEY; Mrs.; 15 Culliford Rd;
FFOOKS; E Archdall; Kingscote; Queen's Ave;
FILLEUL; Samuel Edward Valpy Rev MA; All Saints Rectory; ; Rector of All Saints;
FLETCHER; Townsend; 28 Icen Way;
FOOKES; Mrs.; 25 Victoria Rd;
FOOT; Mrs.; Lonsdale villa ; Great Western Rd;
FORD; Arthur; 20 Trinity St;
FORSTER; Herbert MA; 46 High West St;
FOSTER; Miss.; 17 Great Western Rd;
FRANCIS; Hugh A. MA; South St.; Headmaster of Grammar School;
FRANKLIN; Charles Henry 6; Wollaston Rd;
FROST; Mrs.; 2 Great Western Rd;
FUDGE; Whittle J; Glen View; Glyde Path Rd;
FURMEDGE; Miss.; Langdon; Prince of Wales Rd;
GABE; Mrs.; 25 Cornwall Rd;
GALE; William; 2 Cedar Park villas;
GILBERT; Mrs.; Ebrington; Herringstone Rd;
GLANFIELD; Frank Glanvil; 7 Cornwall Rd;
GODBER; William Thomas Rev; Chapel Lawn; Maumbury Way; Curate of St George's;
GOLDIE; Mrs.; 5 Wollaston Rd;
GOOD; William Ernest; 48 High West St;
GOODFELLOW; Henry; 4 Great Western Rd;
GORDON; Miss.; Shirley Cottage; Albert Rd;
GORDON; Edgar Louis; Bush Corner; Weymouth Ave;
GOULD; Harry John; 42 High East St.;
GOWRING; Benjamin William MD; Nettlefold; 49 High West St;
GRANVILLE; Dennis Capt. M.V.O.; Somerliegh Gate;
GRAVENER; Mrs.; 5 Alexander Terrace;
GREEN; George William; 1 Alexander villas;
GREENING; T; 4 Wollaston Rd;
GROVES; Mrs.; 1 Wollaston Rd;
GROVES; Walter Edwin; 22 Icen Way;
GUNDRY; Joseph Capt. JP; The Red House; Queen's Ave;
GUNDRY; Miss.; The Haven; Weymouth Ave;
HABGOOD; Ernest Henry; 21 Icen Way;
HAMMOND; William; 2 West Walks;
HANCOCK; Charles; 39 Cornwall Rd;
HANCOCK; Charles E; Bush House; Bush Rd;
HANKEY; Montagu Rev MA; 45 High West St;
HANNAH; Charles ; Devon lo; Icen Way;
HANNAH; James; 8 Cornwall Rd;
HANNAY; Cathcart Col.; Hawthorne Lodge; St Martins Rd;
HARDING; Harry John; 20 Culliford Rd;
HARDING; Henry; 31 St Helens Rd;
HARDS; William walter; 3 Bridport terrace;
HARDY; Miss.; 12 Wollaston Rd;
HARDY; Thomas JP OM; Max-gate House;
HARRIS; Frank; 5 Alexander Rd;
HARWOOD; Mrs.; Wye Villa; Athelstan Rd;
HASKETT; John Stephen; Chestnut villas; 5 South Walks Rd;
HAWKINS; Miss.; Fern Bank; Victoria Rd;
HAYNE; Robert ; Fordington House;
HAYWARD; Miss.; 31 Icen Way;
HILL; Arthur Stanton; 12 Cornwall Rd;
HILL; A M Miss; 16 Cornwall Rd;
HILL; Mrs.; Markham; 4 Prince of Wales Rd;
HODGES; Miss.; 40 Cornwall Rd;
HODGES; Mrs.; The Retreat; Great Western Rd;
HOLMES; Robert Stratton Rev; 13 Cornwall Rd; Congregational;
HOOPER; Isaac; 17 Bridport terrace;
HORLOCK; William; 14 Wollaston Rd;
HONSE; William George; 31 Culliford Rd;
HOWE; John; 15 St Helens Rd;
HUGHES-ONSLOW; Denzil Maj.; Colliton House;
HUNT; Miss.; Bridge House; Maumbury Way;
HUNT; Percival; Antwerp villas; 8 Victoria Park;
HUSSEY; Mrs.; 31 Cornwall Rd;
JACKSON; Sydney Alexander; Silverdale; Victoria Park;
JAMESON; Mrs.; 32 Cornwall Rd;
JAMESON; Mrs.; Kenmare; Prince of Wales Rd;
JEFFS; Thomas Bertram; 20 Bridport terrace;
JENNINGS; Miss.; St Michael's; Lindon Ave.;
JEREMY; Tudor; Cartref; Athelstan Rd;
JOHNSON; Thomas; 19 Cornwall Rd;
KEARNEY; John Capt.; 10 Cornwall Rd;
KENT; Frederick Algernon; Glencoe; All Saints Rd;
KERR; Elias William MD; South Lodge; South Walks Rd;
KING; William Henry; ; West Walks;
KINLOCK; Michael Ward Rev MA; Holy Trinity Rectory; ; Rector of Holy Trinity;
KITCAT; mi; Southfield; Prince of Wales Rd;
LACEY; Charles; 12 Bridport terrace;
LANE; Edgar A; Holly Bank; Wollaston Rd;
LANE; Frederick; 23 St Helens Rd;
LANE; William; 12 Alexander Rd;
LANYON; Mrs.; 11 Cornwall Rd;
LAW; Cecil Henry Col. The Hon. JP CB; Montrose; Prince of Wales Rd;
LAWRENCE; George; 7 Chestnut villas, South Walks Rd;
LAWRENCE; Harry John; 1 Antwerp Villas; Victoria Park;
LEE; Robert ML Rev; 10 St Helens Rd;
LEGG; Joseph L; 4 Durngate St.;
LEWIS; John Edward Rev; Grassington; Prince of Wales Rd; Wesleyan;
LEWIS; John; 27 Cornwall Rd;
LITTLE; Walter Ernest; Hillsborough; Herringstone Rd;
LOCK; Frederick Ernest; 27 St Helens Rd;
LOCK; Henry O; 53 High West St;
LOCK; Leonard Thomas; 38; Trinity St;
LOCK; Mrs.; 53 High West St;
LOGAN; Robert Allison; 51 High West St;
LUSH; John Millard; 10 Prince of Wales Rd;
LYNES; Thomas; Heathcote Lodge; Icen Way;
MAJOR; William; 4 Antwerp Villas; Victoria Park;
MALTBY; Frederick Thomas; 29 Fordington Hill;
MANNERS; mi; 30; Icen Way;
MANSEL; Mrs.; Grove House; The Grove;
MARRABLE; Douglas Heron; The Corner House ; West St.;
MARRIETT; Randolph C Rev MA; 7 Alexander Terrace; Chaplain to the county Hospital;
MARTIN; Henry Austin; 4 Alexander villas;
MASLEN; William Thomas Rev; Trethowan; Mountain Ash Rd;
MEDWAY; Charles; 2 St Helens Rd;
MEGGISON; Thomas Cockburn MD; High West St;
METHUEN; Paul Edward O'Bryen Rev MA; West Walks House;
MILES; A Sydney; 3 Albert Rd;
MILES; Arthur William; 4 Alexander Rd;
MILES; George; 4 Albert Rd;
MILES; C mrs.; 29 St Helens Rd;
MILLER; Frederick; Wyndham; Damers Rd;
MILLER; Miss.; 1 Victoria Place, East Fordington ;
MILLER; Mrs.; West Bank; All Saints Rd;
MILLS; William George; 16 Bridport terrace;
MOORE; HG; Ashlea; Maumbury Way;
MORRIS; James; 16 St Helens Rd;
MOSS; William Henry; 13 St Helens Rd;
MOSS; William; 3 Alexander Rd;
MOXEY; Percy MB D.P.H.; Arnside; Victoria Park;
NASSAU; Thomas; Rajkote; Weymouth Ave;
NEWNHAM; Henry Sullivan; Rodlands; St Martins Rd;
OLIVER; Mrs.; 1 West Walks;
O'ROURKE; Francis; Old Vicarage; Fordington Hill;
OSMOND; Frank; Salisbury House; Salisbury St.;
OSMOND; Miss.; 3 Antwerp villas; Victoria Park;
O'SULLIVAN; Mrs.; Rowan House; Great Western Rd;
PALMER; Theodore; 40 Icen Way;
PARSONS; Albert Edward; 1a Wollaston Rd;
PARSONS; Charles; 10 Great Western Rd;
PAYNE; Jamoes; Wareham House; Alington Ave. East Fordington;
PEARCE; Miss.; Bell House; Icen Way;
PEARCE; Thomas Alfred; 2 Weymouth Ave;
PENFOLD; James Breach; Springfield ; All Saints Rd;
PERRY; William Richard; 7 Antwerp villas; Victoria Park;
PHILLIMORE; Edward Granville Rev BA; 20 Cornwall Rd; Curate of St. Mary's;
PIDDEN; Mrs.; 8 Alexander Rd;
PINNICK; William; 17 St Helens Rd;
PITFIELD; Edwin; West Grange; Albert Rd;
PITFIELD; William George; Chapel Lawn; Maumbury Way;
PLUMMER; William P; The Lilacs; Icen Way;
POOCK; Graham; 9 Great Western Rd;
POPE; A Rolph MA JP; Culliford House; South Walks Rd;
POPE; Alfred JP FSA; Wrackleford House; Bradford Peverell & South Court;
POPE; Clement; 21 Cornwall Rd;
POPE; Edwin; Mentone Lodge; Weymouth Ave;
PORTER; Mrs.; 32 Icen Way; ; Private Residents
PRIDEAUX; Charles Sydney; Ermington; High West St;
PRINCE; Miss.; 9 Wollaston Rd;
RAVENHILL; Mrs.; South Lea; Queen's Ave
REED; William Wilton; Strathmore; Prince of Wales Rd;
REID; Miss.; 36 Fordington Hill;
RICHARDS; Alfred Jn.; 7 Great Western Rd;
RICHARDS; Miss.; 17 Alexander Rd;
RIGIAR; Edward Albert; 43 Cornwall Rd;
RIGLAR; Henry William; 42 Cornwall Rd;
ROBERTS ; Thomas; 13 Bridport terrace;
RODGETT; Mrs.; Elmfield; Prince of Wales Rd;
ROGERS; Thomas; 17 Wollaston Rd;
ROPER; Walter James; 3 St Helens Rd;
ROWSTON; Robert; 15 Cornwall Rd;
RUMSEY; Miss.; The Elms; Weymouth Ave;
RUSSELL; Mrs.; 1b Wollaston Rd;
SAMPSON; Archbold Thomas George; 6 Antwerp villas; Victoria Park;
SCOTT; Miss.; 3 Wollaston Rd;
SCUDAMORE; Mrs.; 4 Alexander Terrace;
SEARLE; Albert Edward; 1 St Helens Rd;
SHELLABEAR; Mrs.; 10 Wollaston Rd;
SHEPHERD; Francis Rev; 20 Princes St.; Catholic;
SHERGOLD; Frank; 6 Chestnut villas; South Walks Rd;
SHIRLEY; Henry; 24 Alexander Rd;
SILL; Jn.; West Gareth; 14 Alexander Rd;
SKINNER; Richard Lowman; The Chestnuts; South Walks Rd;
SKYRME; William Robert; Duffryn; Prince of Wales Rd;
SMITH; Charles; 14 Cornwall Rd;
STEEDS; John Alan; Greenhill House; Fordington Green;
STEVENS; Edwin John; 41; Cornwall Rd;
STIBY; Charles Brook; Gresford; Herringstone Rd;
STONE; Arthur; 5; Great Western Rd;
STRANGE; Harman Daniel; Carn Brea; Maumbury Way;
STROUD; Mrs.; 9; St Helens Rd;
SYMES; Mrs.; Curlew Lodge; Prince of Wales Rd;
SYMONDS; Arthur g; 10; South St.;
SYMONDS; Mrs.; 10; South St.;
SYMONDS; G Mrs.; Pendinas; Prince of Wales Rd;
TALBOT; Robert Randall; The Limes; Lindon Ave.;
TAYLOR; Alfred John; 5 Antwerp villas; Victoria Park;
TAYLOR; George; West Mill House; St Martins Rd;
TAYLOR; John Stanley; Athelstan Lodge; Athelstan Rd;
TEMPLEMAN; Mrs.; 33; Cornwall Rd;
THORBURN; Mrs.; 6; South Terrace;
THORNTON; Fras Johnstone; 16; South St.;
TILL; Herbert; Shirley House; West Walks;
TILLEY; Arthur Leonard Taylor; Russetts; Herringstone Rd;
TILLEY; Burk; 2 Chestnut villas; South Walks Rd;
TILLEY; John; 8 Cornwall Rd;
TILLEY; Mathew Hy; 14 Great Western Rd;
TILLEY; Thomas Henry; Gordon villas; Great Western Rd;
TILLEY; William JP; The Privets; St Martins Rd;
TORR; J Leslie; Wadham House; High West St;
TRAVERS; John Alpin; Northernhay; The Grove;
TREW; Edward Albert; Mayfield; Athelstan Rd;
TUCKER; James; 6 Bridport terrace;
TWEEDIE; Col. Jn. LDSO; 25 Icen Way;
UNDERWOOD; John Marriott; Burton House; Cornwall Rd;
UPHAM; Miss.; 16 Great Western Rd;
VAISEY; Mrs.; 26 Alexander Rd;
VATCHER; Mrs.; 49 High East St.;
VIDLER; Oscar C; 29 Icen Way;
VIRGIN; Horace Raymond; 7 Wollaston Rd;
VOSS; Henry James; 2 Westcroft; St Martins Rd;
VOSS; Mrs.; 28 Cornwall Rd;
WALLEY; Mrs.; The Mount; Queen's Ave;
WALLEY; Simeon Frederick; Hillcrest; Queen's Ave;
WALNE; John James; 6; Cornwall Rd;
WARREN; Francis John; 29; Cornwall Rd;
WATTS; Rt; Mayne House; Maumbury Way;
WAY; Mrs.; Clarence House; Queen's Ave;
WEBB; William Alfred Maj.; 3 Cornwall Rd;
WELLSPRING; John; 2 Cornwall Rd;
WERNHAM; Ernest Fletcher; Maumbury Lodge; Maumbury Way;
WESCOTT; Mrs.; Elton villa; Maumbury Way;
WHITE; Edwin Ernest; 52 High West St;
WHITE; George H; Avondale; Queen's Ave;
WHITTLE; Miss.; 12 Great Western Rd;
WILLIAMS; Arthur Bernard; Rose Hill; Damers Rd;
WILLIAMS; Miss.; Blackstone; Lindon Ave.;
WILSON; William; 4 Chestnut villas; South Walks Rd;
WINTER; Mrs.; 5 Albert Rd;
WINWOOD; Thomas Henry Ricketts MA JP; Rothesay House; South Walks Rd;
WOLFF; Alphonso; 23 Icen Way;
WOOD; Charles; 14 St Helens Rd;
WOOD; Ernest Hardwicke; The Bungalow; Icen Way;
WOOD; Miss.; 36 Cornwall Rd;
WRIGHT; Gideon Denner; Heath View; Maumbury Way;
WYNYARD; RD Col.; Cornwall Lodge; Cornwall Rd;
YERBURY; William; Holly Lodge; Albert Rd;
Commercial Section
ACHILLE; Serre Ltd.; 23a; South St.; Dyers;
ADAMS; Mark; 21; North Square; Hardware Dealer;
ADAMS; Robert John; 23; St George's Rd, East Fordington; Shopkeeper;
ADAMS; Thomas William; 30; High St, Fordington; Fried fish dlr.;
ALINGTON CLUB; Durngate St.; PE Crabbs Hon Sec;
ALLEN; Stephen Davis; 9; High West St; Draper;
AMOR; William; ; Maumbury Way; Oil Merchant;
ANDREWS; Hy George; 10a; High East St.; Electrical Engineer;
ANDREWS & Son; & ; 6; South St.; Solicitors;
ANGELL; Arthur Harold; 33; Trinity St; Plumber;
ANGELL; Arthur John; 8; High East St.; Boot maker;
ANGLO-AMERICAN; OIL Co. Ltd; ; Maumbury Way;
ANNEAR; John Henry; 18; Wollaston Rd; Insurance Agent;
ANTELOPE HOTEL; ; Cornhill; ; Clement C Dunn Proprietor; family & commercial; first class stabling & loose boxes; garage
ATKINS; Keziah Mrs.; 9; Little Britain, East Fordington ; Laundress;
BADCOE; AC Bsc.; County Offices; ; Ass. Sec To the County Council Education Committee;
BAILEY; Henry Caleb; 39a & 40; High East St.; Outfitters;
BARBER; George John; 51; Icen Way; Plumber;
BARKER; AM Miss; ; ; Ladies outfitters (See Saunders & Barker);
BARNES; Bryan; 10; Fordington Green; Horse Dealer;
BARNES; George; ; South St.; Carriage Builder;
BARRETT & Son; ; 18; South St.; House & Church decorators & Builders;
BARRETT; Hubert; 18a; South St.; Picture Restorer & antique dealer;
BASKETT; George Henry; 7; Little Britain, East Fordington ; Coal Merchant;
BATTY; James; Inland Revenue Office; 34 High East St.; Surveyor of taxes;
BAWLER; Arthur George; 41; Icen Way; Registrar of Births/Deaths/Marriages;
BAWLER; Walter R; 13; Alexander Rd; Deputy Registrar of Births/Deaths/Marriages;
BELLINGER; William James; 6; Little Britain, East Fordington ; Butcher;
BENGER; William John; 21; North Square; Keeper of the Corn Exchange & Guildhall & Sergeant at Mace;
BIGGS; TS & Co.; 3; High West St; Wine & Spirit Merchant;
BILLETT; Walter; 27 & 28; South St.; New Inn;
BISHOP; Alfred John; 1; Monmouth Rd; Baker & Beer retailer;
BLACKMORE VALE; DAIRY; 18; South St.; WB Elliott Proprietor;
BLANDFORD & ; WEBB Ltd.; 39; High East St.; Corn Merchants, and at Maumbury Way;
BOARD; George; 9; Church St; Dolphin Public House;
BOATSWAIN ; A & L; 23a; High West St; Stationers; [Note:- Anne (b.1869) a widow and Lena (b.1886) her stepdaughter ran this stationery and bookshop]
Anne & Lena BOATSWAIN's shop c1920 (first right)
© Private Postcard Collection Michael Russell FIPD (Unused)
BOLT; William Henry; 5; South Terrace; Fruit Merchants;
BONE; Clement G MA; County Offices; ; Sec To the County Council education Committee;
BOON; Richard Oliver; 9a & 11; Cornhill; Grocer and at 54 South St.;
BOROUGH FISH; SUPPLY; 3; South St.; James Hallett Manager;
BOROUGH ; GARDENS; ; Cornwall Rd; George Harris Keeper;
BOW; Bessie Mrs; 15; Great Western Rd; Apartments;
BRAILEY; Ernest; 12; Cornhill; Draper;
BRAYBROOKE; Thomas; 26; High East St.; Watch maker, Jeweller & silversmith (Successor to Saunders & Jacob);
BROADWAY; Theodore B MB Ch.B ; 5; Cornwall Rd; Surgeon;
BROOKING & Co.; ; 14; South St.; Electrical Engineer;
BROWN; Robert Bullen; 8; High West St; manufacturers of Marquees, Tents, tarpulens, rick cloths, sacks, cordage &c, tents, flags & tarpaulens let on hire; also waterproof garments, india rubber goods and games & sports warehouse Tel Number 15; Telegrams "Robert Brown Dorchester" See advertisement.

[Note:-Robert BULLEN's shop is shown in the above post card the picture being taken about 1896]
© Private Postcard Collection Michael Russell FIPD (Unused)
[Note:-Robert Bullen BROWN (1855-1924) was the son of John BROWN and Edith BULLEN and born at Milborne Port in Somerset but he was baptised at Tolpuddle on 24th Sep 1854. He married Mary Ann FOOKES a native of Charmouth in Dorset at St Johns in Melcombe Regis on 10th June 1878. After marriage Robert settled initially in Fordington to live but soon established his business as a manufacturer of waterproof cloth at 52 High East Street in Dorchester. His father died in 1879 as did their first child William Robert Fooks BROWN who was buried at the Civic Cemetery on 19th June that year. Their daughter Edith Jane BROWN was born at East Street and baptised at Christchurch West Fordington on 28th April 1880. By 1891 his business was going well and in addition to his premises at High East Street where he lived with his family he opened a shop at the more prestigious end of town at No.8 High West Street. We know that Number 8 High West Street was in the occupation of Edward Newman a Journalist and publisher in 1889 but the post card above (photograph taken about 1896) shows his shop in High West Street. Robert was then aged 41 so he might be one of the two men standing in the doorway. ]
BUCKELL; Henry; ; High West St; Royal Oak Public House;
BUCKLAND; Frederick; 1 Cedar Park villas; Trinity St; Inspector to NSPCC for Dorchester & Weymouth;
BUGLER; Henry & Son; 1; Princes St.; Baker;
BUGLER; Arthur H; 44; South St.; Baker & Temperance Hotel;
BULL; George Henry; 31; High West St; Antique furniture dlr.;
BULL; Rose Mrs.; 37; High West St; House furnisher;
BURDEN; Walter John; 8; Church St; Boot maker;
BURT; Walter LDS Eng.; 9; South St.; Dentist; attendance sats
CAKE; Charles; 14; Durngate St.; Cycle Agent;
CAKE; Charles Foot; Greyhound Yard; South St.; Carpenter;
CAPITAL & COUNTIES; BANK Ltd.; 4 High West St; The Branch (Benjamin Hempswell COLBECK manager). Draw on Head office London; 39 Threadneddle St London
CARTER, PATTERSON ; & Co.; ; South Walks Rd; Carriers (E Frost & Son Agents);
CARY & GRIMSDELL; Wareham Rd; Butter manufacturers;
CEMETERY; Weymouth Ave; (William Wilton REED clerk to the joint committee, Elias ROLLS Lodge keeper);
CHAMBERLAIN; William; 41; Glyde Path Rd; Boot maker;
CHANNON EDWARD ; & SONS; 6; High East St, also at Weymouth; Carriage and motor builders ; a;; descriptions always on hand or built to order; garage for motors
CHARD; Arthur Charles; 14; South St.; Hairdresser;
CHURCHILL; Frederick; ; Trinity St; Deputy Registrar of Births & Deaths for Maiden Newton sub district
CHURCHILL; James; 2; High East St.; Hairdresser;
CHURCHILL; William; ; Fordington Green; Dairyman;
CHURCHOUSE; Emily H Miss.; 30a; Trinity St; Costumier;
CLARK; Emily Mrs.; 1; Dagmar terrace; Grocer
CLARK; William; 37; South St.; Tailor;
CLAYTON; Arthur Essex; 47; South St.; Chartered Accountant;
CLEAL; Ernest; ; Fordington Green; Hardware Dealer;
CLIST; Sidney; 1 Damers villas; Damers Rd; Clerk to the Markets & Sergeant at Mace,
COLBECK; Benjamin Hempswell; 4; High West St; Manager to Capital & Counties Bank Ltd;
COLLARD; Bevil Molesworth M.R.C.S Eng. L.R.C.P Lond; 6; Prince of Wales Rd; Physian & Surgeon & hon. radiographer to Dorset County Hospital;
COLLINS; Thomas; 20; North Square; Dorchester Arms Public House;
COLMER; Robert Alexander; 4; South terrace.; Dental Surgery;
COOMB; Francis; 52; High East St.; Refreshment Rooms;
COOMBS; THOMAS & SON; 5; South St.; (Herbert Till & Frank Glanvil Glanfield LL.B) Solicitors;
COOPER F & SONS; 13; South St.; Architects;
CORN EXCHANGE &; TOWN HALL; High East St.; (William John BENGER, hall keeper); Comercial
COSENS; William Burrough L.R.C.P Lond. M.R.C.S Eng.; The Gables; ; Physician & Surgeon & hon Surgeon Dorset County Hospital;
COUNTY COURT; ; Shire Hall; office 57 High West St.; (Douglas Heron MARRABLE registrar, Herbert TILL, Deputy registrar);
COUNTY OF DORSET; ELECTRIC SUPPLY Co Ltd; 4; South St.; TD Nassau A.M.I.E.E Engineer & manager;
COUNTY OF DORSET; INSURANCE COMMITTEE; 22; High East St.; (H.G. Moore ,clerk to the committee)
COUNTY HALL; ; ; High West St; (Ernest CRYER, keeper);
COUNTY POLICE; STATION; ; Weymouth Ave; (Capt. Dennis GRANVILLE , Chief Constable);
COUSINS; Hubert Charles Fooks; The Grove; ; Poultry appliance maker;
COVENT GARDEN; SUPPLY Co.; 27; High West St; Fruit Merchants;
CRABB & SONS; ; 50; South St.; Tailor;
CROCKER; P & S Misses; Argrove; Trinity St; Young Ladies School;
CROCKER; Charles; 11; High East St.; Butcher;
CROCKER; William; ; Fordington Hill; Hairdresser;
CULLINGFORD; Florence Miss; 29; High West St; Teacher of Music;
CURTIS; Albert; 17 The Grove; ; Refreshment Rooms;
CURTIS; Thomas; 31; Princes St.; Watch Maker;
CURTIS; William E; 21; Mill St.; Jobmaster;
CUSSONS; John William; 33; High East St.; Chemist & Drugist;
DALTON; Alfred; Cornwall Hotel; Damers Rd; ;
DAVIS & SON; ; 47; High East St.; House furnisher;
DAWES; Richard Norman; 41; South St.; Outfitters;
DAY; Edward Joseph M.D. M.R.C.S. F.C.S. D.P.H.I.; 4; Weymouth Ave; Physician & Surgeon, Medical Officer Fordington District & medical officer of health to the Urban & Rural District Councils & analyist to the Bridport Corporation
DEAN; Tom; 21; South St.; Tobacconist;
DENNIS; George James F.C.I.S.; South St.; Accountant;
DIBBEN BROTHERS; 24 South St.; furnishing & general ironmongers, agricultural agents & dealers, gas & hotwater engineers.
DIGHT & SON; ; 14a; South St.; fruiterers and 50a South St. florists
DOBELL; George; 4; East Parade; Builder;
DODDERIDGE; Albert Victor; 22; Trinity St; Private School;
DODDERIDGE; Henry Gilmore; 5; Weymouth Ave; Organist & choirmaster at St Mary's;
DODGE; Martha (Mrs.); 24; Mill St.; Baker;
DOMINEY; Anna Maria Mrs; 19; Fordington Hill; Bull's Head Public House;
DORCHESTER & COUNTY; OF DORSET ECONOMIC BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY; 47; South St.; (T.A. PEARCE Sec. & Manager), Lock Reed & Lock Solicitors 24 High W.St.
DORCHESTER DISTRICT TRADE PROTECTION SOCIETY; 13; South St.; Rendall & Gale Solicitors & Managers
DORCHESTER GAS & COKE Co.Ltd.; office 9; Cornhill; (Frank OSMOND, manager & secretary) Icen Way
DORCHESTER GAS FITTING Co. Ltd.; 9; Cornhill;( Frank OSMOND,manager)
DORCHESTER GRAMMER SCHOOL; ; South St.; (Hugh A FRANCIS MA Head Master for other matters see Schools);
DORCHESTER ISOLATION HOSPITAL; ; Herringstone Rd; (Edward Joseph DAY MD Durh; M.R.C.S. Eng. D.P.H.R.C.P.S.I. Medical Officer, Mrs BUSSELL, Matron);
DORCHESTER ROLLER FLOUR MILLS Co. Ltd.; ; Holloway Rd. East Fordington
THE DORCHESTER SCHOOL; 2 & 3; Prince of Wales Rd;( Miss EM KITKAT, Head Mistress);
DORCHESTER SCHOOL OF ART; Museum Buildings; 66 High West St.; (Alfred R EDWARDS Sec.)
DORCHESTER STEAM LAUNDRY Co. Ltd.; Works; St Martins Rd; (Alfred H EDWARDS Sec.),16 Cornhill. Established 1878;
DORCHESTER WATER WORKS; ; Bridport Rd; (H.D. STRANGE, engineer & manager. T TYLER, Inspector);
DORSET COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE; 5; South St.; (Herbert TILL & T.H. SPILLER joint hon Secs.)
DORSET COUNTY CHRONICLE & SOMERSET GAZETTE; 63; High West St; Sime & Co. proprietors. Published wed for thur;
DORSET COUNTY CLUB; 3; High West St; (Capt. Dennis GRANVILLE hon sec.)
DORSET COUNTY HOME FOR NURSES; ; Cornwall Rd; (Capt. JE ACLAND MA JP hon sec. Miss HOBSON, matron)
DORSET COUNTY HOSPITAL; ; Princes St.; (Capt JE ACLAND MA JP chairman, Miss MARLOW matron)
DORSET COUNTY MUSEUM & LIBRARY; 66; High West St; (Capt JE ACLAND MA JP hon sec. & Curator, Col Sir Robert WILLIAMS)
DORSET FRIENDLY SOCIETY; 16; Cornhill; (Alfred Rendell EDWARDS Sec.) Established 1847;
DOWLE; Herbert; Railway Tavern; 34 South st.;
DRAKE; Thomas; 53 Icen Way; Fried fish shop;
DUFFETT; Samuel; 25 South St.; Land & estate agent & valuer;
DUKE; Henry & Son; South St.; Auctioneer & Valuer & land agent;
DUNESBY; Alfred; Star Inn; 6 Icen Way; ;
DUNN; Clement Charles; Antelope Hotel; Cornhill;
DUNSFORD Ltd.; 5,6 & 7; Cornhill; Draper;
DYER; Bert; Greyhound Yard; Cornhill; Cycle agent;
DYER; William Thomas; 5 High East St.; Grocer;
EASTMANS Ltd.; 44 High East St.; Butcher;
EDDISON STEAM; ROLLING Co. Ltd.; Steam Plough Works; East Fordington ;
EDMUNDS; Hiram; 21 High East St.; Tailor;
EDUCATION DEPARTMENT; DORSET COUNTY COUNCIL; County Offices; High West St; (Clement G. BONE MA Sec. A.C. BADCOE B.Sc. Assistant. Sec.)
EDWARDS & EDWARDS; 16 Cornhill; Incorporated Accounts;
EDWARDS; Alfred H; 16 Cornhill; Incorporated Accounts, Sec. to Steam Laundry Co. ;
EDWARDS; Alfred Rendell; 16 Cornhill; Incorporated Accounts. (firm Edwards & Edwards ) borough accountant & treasurer & sec to Dorset Friendly Soc. & sec. to Higher Education committee
EDWARDS; Frederick; 47 The Grove; Shopkeeper;
EDWARDS; William; 26 The Grove; Shopkeeper;
ELDRIDGE POPE & Co. Ltd.; Dorchester Brewery; Brewers, maltsters, wine & spirit importers & merchants
EMERY; Madame; 18 High West St; Milliner;
EMINSON; Richard; Old Ship Inn; 16 High West St.; ;
ENSOR T. & SON; ; Bank Chambers; ; Auctioneer & Valuer & land agent & at Wimborne;
ESCOTT; Arthur Joseph; Lloyds Bank House; ; Agent for Ediburgh Life & The Yorkshire Life & Fire Assurance Co.;
ESTRIDGE; John J. 2 Coronation Terr.; Olga Rd; Highway Surveyor, Dorchester Rural Dist. Council;
EVANS; Henry John; HM Prison; North Square; Govenor;
FARE; Wilfred John; 19 High West St; Grocer;
FARR J & Co.; Durngate St.; Marine Store Dealer;
FERRIS; Thomas R M.Sc.; County Offices; ; Agricultural Organiser;
FFOOKS; E. Archdall; County Offices; ; Clerk to County Pension Committee;
FLETCHER; Walter T; County Offices; ; County Surveyor & Engineer;
FOLLETT; Frances Mrs; White Hart hotel; 53 High East St; ;
FOOT; James; Army, Navy & Government Contractor, corn, seed, oilcake, hay, straw, & forage merchant & haulier; South street & stores, Maumbury road and miller
FORDINGTON CEMETERY; Fordington ; Office at 47 South St. (Thomas Alfred PEARCE Clerk)
FORSTER; Herbert MA; 46 High West St; Solicitors;
FOSTER H. & SON; Belle Vue House; Maumbury Way; Post Office & Grocer;
FOSTER; Frank; 23 Alexander Rd; District Supt Refuge Assurance Co Ltd;
FOSTER'S PARCELS EXPRESS; ; South St.; (James FOOT agent)
FRAMPTON; John; 25 The Grove; Boot repairer;
FRAMPTON; Lucy Miss; 13 Wollaston Rd; Costumier;
FRENCH; Ernest Wilfred; 18 High East St.; Stationers;
FRISBY; JOSEPH Ltd.; 7 South St.; Boot & Shoe maker;
FROST E. & SON; South Walks Rd; Agent for L. & S.W. Railway, furniture removers, haulage contractors;
GALE; Lionel Ernest Bradley; 13 South St.; Solicitor & commissioner of oaths (Firm Rendall & Gale);
GENGE & Co; 11 & 12 High West St; Drapers & outfitters also at Trinity St.;
GEORGE; Robert; 51 South St.; Confectioners;
GILLINGHAM; George; 41 The Grove; Boot repairer;
GILLINGHAM; William; 5 Came view; Maumbury Way; Dairy;
GLANFIELD; Frank Glanvil LL.B; 5; South St.; Solicitor (firm Thomas Coombs & Son);
GODWIN; John Thomas; 10 High West St; Glass & China depot;
GOLDIE J Ltd.; 36 High East St.; Wine & Spirit & Bottled Beer Merchants
GOOD; William Ernest L.R.C.P. Edin. M.R.C.S. Eng.; 48 High West St; Surgeon, Medical Officer to HM Prison, Medical Officer to No. 5 district & public vaccinator for Charminster district of the Dorchester Union, and certifying Factory surgeon;
GOULD; Harry J; 13 High East St.; Draper;
GOWRING; Benjamin William Nettlefold MD Durh. M.R.C.S.Eng. L.R.C.P. Lond. 49 High West St; surgeon
GRASSBY & SONS; 7 Maumbury Way; Monumental Masons;
GREAT WESTERN HOTEL; 20; Great Western Rd; Mrs Emma Selway, proprietoress;
GREENING; Frederick Ernest; 3 High East St.; General Store;
GREENING; Harry John; 4 High East St.; Saddler;
GREENING; Henry; Trinity St; Smith;
GREGORY; Joseph R; 9 High East St.; Confectioners;
GRIFFIN; Bernard; 29 High West St; Photographer; [Note:- Among the best photographs that he took were some of Thomas Hardy 1840-1928. The first was taken in 1906].
GRIGG, Thomas 43 High East St.; Photographer; [Note:- Follow link for an account of his life and examples of his photographs]
GRIMSDELL; Henry John; Butter manufacturers, See Cary & Grimsdell;
GROOMBRIDGE; Ernest; Guildhall Chambers; North Square; Inspector of Nuisances & Inspector under the petroleum Act;
GROVES; JOHN & SONS Ltd.; Phoenix Brewery; 21 High East St.; Brewers, Wine & Spirit merchants;
GROVES; Thomas George; 6 High West St; Clothier;
GUILDHALL; High East St.; (William John BENGER, keeper)
HABGOOD; Ernest Harold; County Offices; High West St; Deputy County Surveyor & Engineer;
HAMMOND; William; Antelope & King's Arms Stables;
HANHAM; Annie Mrs; 8 Hillside Cottages; East Fordington ; Shopkeeper;
HANNAH & HOLLAND; 8 Cornhill; Cabinet makers, upholsterers, general house furnishers, decorators, removal contractors, house agents, appraisers & undertakers, & agents to Atlas Fire & Life Assurance Co
HARDING; Frederick; 33 Glyde Path Rd; Oilman & Tea agent;
HARDING; Henry; 40 Great Western Rd; Tailor;
HARRIS; Laura Mrs; 21 The Grove; Upholsterer;
HARRIS; Mary E. Mrs; 32 Glyde Path Rd; Beer retailer;
HARRISON; Harry; 44 Colliton St; Smith;
HARVEY; Frances Mrs; 21 High West St; Appartments;
HAWTHORN; George; Victoria Park; Laundry;
HAYES; Cecil W; House Furnisher, See Sercombe & Hayes;
HAYMAN; Emily Miss; 1 High East St.; Milliner;
HELLIER; William; 10 Dagmar St; Town Cryer;
HERRIDGE; John; Olga Rd; Carpenter;
HICKS; Albert; 17 Princes St.; Joiner and at The Grove;
HIGGINS; Thomas R; 51; High East St.; Butcher;
HILLS & ROWNEY; 23 High West St; Picture frame manufacturers [Note:- The shop shown in the picture below was run by the bachelor Alexander HILLS (b.1852) a native of Newcastle and a picture frame maker by trade. Whilst he framed the pictures he employed a female shop assistant to serve in the shop - a miss Rebecca Lawson (b.1884) in 1901 and - a miss Ethel Harper (b.1883) in 1911.The sign above the house number "23" states "Beauty Spots of Dorset, Photographic Post Cards"]
HILLS & ROWNEY shop - c1920 (23 High West St - third building on the right)
© Private Postcard Collection - Michael Russell FIPD (Unused)
HIS MAJESTY'S PRISON North Square; (Henry John EVANS, Govenor);
HITCHON; William; 7 Icen Way; Shopkeeper;
HODDER; Joseph Cecil; 14; High East St.; Butcher;
HODGES; JOHN FRANCIS & SONS; 22; High East St.; Importers of wines & spirit;
HODGES; Wilfred F; 22 High East St.; Agent to Commercial Union Assurance Co. Ltd.;
HOLLAND; Archibald Kerley; 2 South Terrace; Assistant Overseer for All Saints, Stinford & Tolpuddle;
HOLT; M & T; 36a South St.; Fruiterers;
HOLT; Stephen George & Sons; 36 South St.; Basket makers also at Trinity St.;
HONEYBUN; James; East Fordington; Dairy;
HOOKER; John William James; 5 Ashby Rd.; Maumbury Way; Inspector to the RSPCA;
HOOPER; WHITE & Co.; 2 Cornhill; Drapers, milliners, & outfitters;
HOUGHTON; Henry Thomas; Hambleton; All Saints Rd; Appartments;
HOWE; Alice D Mrs; 19 St Helens Rd; Appartments;
HOWE; Montague James; 17 Cornhill; Cook & Confectioner;
HUGHES & SON; 64 High West St; Ironmongers;
HULL; John Thomas; 6 North Square; Engineer;
HUNT; Robert Sumers; Poudbury; Farmer;
HUNT; Thomas Walter; 16 Northernhay; Glyde Path Rd; Wheelwright also at The Grove;
HYDE; William George; 1 Napier Terrace; South St.; Watch maker;
INLAND REVENUE OFFICE; 34 High East St.; (James BATTY surveyor of taxes; Francis Joseph O'ROURKE supervisor) officers A.E.ROBSON & Thomas A. SCUDDER)
JACKMAN; Arthur David; 26 High East St.; Tailor, outfitter, boot & shoe factor;
JACKSON SON & FEACEY; 26 South St.; Architects & Surveyors;
JACKSON; Sydney A; 26 South St.; Architects (Firm of Jackson, Son & Feacey);
JAMESON; William Hugh; 46a South St.; Outfitters;
JEFFREY BROTHERS; 22a High East St.; Cycle agent;
JEFFREY; CHARLES & SON; 29 High East St.; Gun makers;
JEFFS; Thomas Bertram; County Offices; High West St; Land agent to the County Council;
JENNINGS; L Miss; St Michael's; Linden Ave.; Ladies School;
JEREMY; Tudor; 15 Cornhill; Manager London City & Midland Bank Ltd;
JEWELL; William; 3 North Square; Plumber;
JONES; A & Sons; 25 South St.; Boot maker;
JONES; E A & Sons; 2 Victoria Rd; Decorator;
JUDGES LODGINGS; County House; 58 High West St.; (Ernest CRYER, keeper)
JUNCTION HOTEL; Great Western Rd T N [i.e. Telephone Number] 94; (George T SMITH proprietor) new billiard room added, motor garage, motor cars for hire;
KEECH; Walter; 2 Orchard St.; Grocer;
KEEPING; E & K Misses; 12 Bridport terrace; Dressmakers;
KEMP; George Benjamin; Dagmar Rd; Beer retailer;
KENDALL; Frederick James; Inveresk; Maumbury Way; Registrar Births and Deaths Maiden Newton sub district;
KENISTON; Percival; Tailor (See Russell & Keniston);
KERR; Elias William M.D. M.Ch.Dub.; South Lodge; South Walks Rd; Physician & Public vaccinator for Dorchester district
KINDEN; William; Alington Ave. East Fordington ; Road Contractor;
KING; Albert; Weymouth Ave; Supt. Of County Police;
KING; Alfred Charles Jnr.; Three Mariners; 41 High East St.; Public House;
KINGDON; Frederick William; 35; High West St; Draper;
KNIGHT; Henry; 22 South St.; Draper;
LACEY; Tom; 1 Bridport terrace; Carpenter;
LANGDOWN; John; 24 Glyde Path Rd; Chimney Sweep;
LAWRENCE; Annie Mrs; 33 South St.; Confectioners;
LEGG; Albert Edward; 33 Miller's Close; Pig Dealer;
LEGG; George Ernest Edward; 1 High St, Fordington ; Beer retailer;
LEGG; Thomas; 36 High West St; Dining Rooms;
LENNARDS Ltd; 23 South St.; Boot & Shoe warehouse;
LESLIE; Ernest James; 19 Colliton St; Shopkeeper;
LIBERAL CLUB; Holles Hall; Colliton St; (AG GRANT Sec.)
LING; Henry; 23 High East St. T N [i.e. Telephone number] 85; Printer, bookseller, stationer & fancy repository & publisher of Henry Ling's "Almanack" "Monthly Time Table" & HuntingAppointments", agent for ordanance maps,
LIPTON Ltd; ; 46 South St.; Provision Dealers;
LLOYDS BANK Ltd; High West St; (H.S. NEWMAN manager). Draw on head office 71 Lombard st. London E.C.;
LOCK; REED & LOCK; 24 High West St; Solicitors to Dorchester Economic Building Society;
LOCK; REGINALD & SONS; 4 South St.; Coal merchants also at G.W. Railway station;
LOCK; C Claud; 4 South St.; Dairyman;
LOCK; Henry Osmond; 24 High West St; Solicitor, commissioner for oaths & notary public, assistant clerk to the guardians & the rural Sub-Committee of Dorsetshire Local Pension Committee & deputy superitendant registrar (firm Lock Reed & Lock)
LOCK; Jn Mrs; 16 Alington Rd,East Fordington ; Dairy;
LOCK; Joseph Marvin; 1 North Square; House, steam & gas coal & coke contractor & steam haulier; Great Westeren and L.S. Westerm stations; also family butcher also at 26 South St and farmer , Fordington Field farm, North square. See advertisement
LOCK; Leonard Thomas; 4 South St.; Agent for Alliance Assurance Co. also at Market House, North Square;
LOCK; Reginald; Market House; North Square; Provision merchant;
LOGAN; Robert Allison; 51 High West St; Solicitor& commissioner for oaths (T.A.Logan) T.N. [i.e. Telephone number] 73
LONDON CITY & MIDLAND BANK Ltd.; 15 Cornhill; (Tudor JEREMY manager), draw on head office 5 Threadneedle St London;
LONDON PORTRAIT Co.; 16 Cornhill; Photographers; [Note:- The only photograph that I can locate taken by the company is dated 1865 (shown below) and is of Mr. C. Barnes. Chief Clerk to Judge Mellor - and is held at the Hampshire Museum their Ref HMCMS:FA2004.141.122]
LONG; William; 2 Antwerp villas; Victoria Park; Relieving officer and collector to the Guardians No 2 District Dorset Union & vaccination officer Maiden Newton district
LONGMAN; Charles George; 2 Leicester villas; Alexander Rd; Plumber;
LONGMAN; Frederick George; 4 Cornhill; Printer, bookseller, stationer, & circulating Library S.P.C.K. Depot T N [i.e. Telephone Number] 6X1
LOTT & WALNE Ltd.; The Foundry; Engineers, Iron founders & agricultural implement makers & agents, manufacturers of patent harrows, spring mounted water carts, ploughs, rollers, horse hoes &c. water supplies; fencing & general estate work - also at Wimborne. See advertisement
Advertisement by Lott & Walne Ltd - The Foundry Fordington
LUCAS; Elizabeth Miss.; 15 Wollaston Rd; Appartments;
LUSH; Robert; 13 The Grove; Carpenter;
LUSH; Wilfred Garnet; 20 Dagmar terrace; Bootmaker;
Mc NEIL; James; 37 Cornwall Rd; Travelling Draper;
Mc NEIL; John; 23 Cornwall Rd; Travelling Draper;
MALE; George; Alington Rd, East Fordington ; Oilman;
MALTBY; Frederick T A.M.I.C.E; 1; South Terrace; Architect Surveyor under the Public Health Acts, & Sanitary Inspector to Dorchester Rural District Council
MARRABLE; Douglas Heron; 57 High West St; Solicitor & commissioner for oaths & registrar of the County Court & district registrar of the High Court of Justice
MARSH; Alice E Mrs; Half Moon Public House; 15 North Square; ;
MARTIN; Henry George; 37 Glyde Path Rd; Engineer & Millwright;
MASONIC HALL; Princes St.; (Clinton B GRASSBY, Hall keeper)
MASONIC LODGE; Princes St.; Faith & Unanimity No. 417. 2nd Monday in the month; Chapter 417, 4th Monday in Jan, Feb, Oct, & Nov. (EW TILLEY Charity steward)
MEADER; Frederick; 22 Alington Rd, East Fordington ; Chimney Sweep;
MEDWAY; John; 22 Colliton St; Boot maker and shopkeeper
MEECH; Ada Mrs; 2 Princes St.; Shopkeeper;
MEECH; Amenda Miss; 18 High West St; Milliner;
MEGGISON; Thomas Cockburn MD MS Edin.; High West St; physician & surgeon; medical officer for No. 4 district & to the Poor Law Institution & public Vaccinator for Broadmayne district;
MEMORIAL (The) COFFEE; TAVERN; 2 North Square; (Miss Emily GREENING, manageress)
MERRICK; William S.N.; 52 South St.; Chemist;
MEYERS; John; Trinity St; Sign Writer;
MILES; JAMES & SON; 14 High West St; Saddler;
MILLER; John William; 11 South St.; Deputy Town Clerk;
MILLS; Emma Mrs; 41 Holloway Rd. East Fordington ; Shopkeeper;
MILLS; William George; 13 High West St; Hairdresser;
MINTO; Florence E Miss; 3 Gordon Terrace, East Fordington ; District Nurse;
MOORE; Joseph; 8 Durngate St.; Shopkeeper;
MOORE; William R; 45 High East St.; Corn & Flour Deliver;
MOORE; Jane Mrs; 32 The Grove; Cab Proprietor;
MORTON; George & William; 16 Cornhill; Boot & Shoe Warehouse;
MOULES MEMORIAL; COFFEE TAVERN; 14; Fordington Hill; (Frederick TROWBRIDGE, Caretaker)
NAPPER; Annie Mrs; 47 High West St; Cycle Maker. Also at 20 High East St.;
NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND Ltd.; 50a South St.; (Ernest Hardwick WOOD, manager).Draw on head off. 15 Bishopsgate St London;
NSPCC; 1 Cedar Park villas; Trinity St; (Frederick BUCKLAND, Inspector)
NEAL; Albert; 22 Great Western Rd; Butcher;
NEAL; David Hewetson; 39 Icen Way; Insurance Agent;
NEW; Mary G Miss; 18 North Square; Shopkeeper;
NEWNHAM; Henry Sullivan; Cornhill; Manager of Lloyds Bank Ltd and County Treasurer
NOBBS; STENT & Co; 23 Friary Lane; Mineral Water manufacturers;
NORMAN; Henry J; Fordington Cross; Grocer & Pianoforte Tuner;
NORTHOVER & Co; Maumbury Way; Motor Engineers;
NORTHOVER; Emma Mrs; Damers Rd; Shopkeeper;
NUTTING; Edward; 9 Millers Close; Corn Merchant;
ODDY; Walter; St George's Rd, East Fordington ; Dairyman;
OMEARA; Daniel; Friary House; North Square; Insurance Agent;
O'ROURKE; Francis Joseph; 34 High East St.; Supervisor of Inland Revenue;
OSMOND; Frank; Icen Way; Manager & Secretary to Dorchester Gas & Coke Co Ltd & agent to the Scottish Provident Institution & London Fire Insurance Co
PANCHEN; George; 1 Sydney Terrace; St Martins Rd; Beer retailer;
PARR'S BANK Ltd; 49 South St.; (Herbert Forster WHITLEY manager), Draw on Head Off. 4 Bartholomew Rd London;
PARSLOW; E.C. F.R.H.S. County Offices; Horticultural Instructor and official sampler under Fertilizers & Feeding stuffs Acts to the County Council
PARSONS; S.H. & Co; 65 High West St; Leather Merchants;
PARSONS; Arthur; 35 Great Western Rd; Hairdresser;
PARSONS; Charles; 35 Great Western Rd; Bath Chair Proprietor;
PARSONS; Charles; 31 High East street, grocer
PEACH; John Richard; 4 North St; Saddler;
PEARCE; Thomas Alfred F.C.A.; 47 South St.; (Fellow Institute of Secretarial, chartered accountant, house, commission & insurance agent, collector of rates & taxes, school attendance officer & clerk to Fordington burial joint committee, assistant overseer for Str peters, Bradfor Peverell, Broadmayne, Charminster, Longbredy, Pidlehinton, Stratton, Warmwell, Winterborne Abbas, Winterborne Came, Winterborne Herringstone, Winterborne Monkton & Winterborne Steepleton parishes & clerk to the Parish Councils of Bradford peverell, Broadmayne, Charminster, Piddlehinton & Stratton; Telephone number 9
PENNY; George Arthur; Purbeck House; Fordington Green; Teacher of Music;
PERHAM; Henry W; 40 South St.; Hairdresser;
PETTY; Elizabeth Mrs; 38 High East St.; Temperance Hotel;
PICKETT; Albert Edward; Ben-Veula; Dagmar Rd; Plumber;
PIKE; Alexander; Greyhound Yard; South St.; Butcher;
PINNICK; Alfred John; 34 High West St; Post Office & Hairdresser;
PITTMAN; William Thomas; 3 Gordon Terrace, East Fordington ; Typewriter;
PLUMMER; William P; County Police Station; Weymouth Ave; Dep. Chief Constable;
POMEROY; D Mrs; 11 Gordon Terrace, South Walks Road, East Fordington ; Dressmakers;
POOCK; Graham BA Cantab. L.D.S.R.C.S. Eng.; 33 High East St.; Dental Surgeon;
POPE; John; 18 Holloway Rd. East Fordington ; Shopkeeper;
PORTER; Joseph; 47; High East St.; Wine & Spirit Merchant;
POST OFFICE; South St.; (Walter DREW, Postmaster)
POUNCEY; W & Co.; 38 High West St; Photographic artists, Electricians, picture restorer & frame manufacturers; Also at Swanage
POUNCEY; Thomas; 3 Cornhill; Saddler and collector of taxes
PRIDEAUX; Albert Edward Dunkin L.D.S.R.C.S. Eng F.R.M.S; Ermington; High West St; Dental Surgeon;
PRIDEAUX; Charles Sydney L.D.S.R.C.S Eng F.R.M.S; Ermington; High West St; Dental Surgeon;
PUCKETT; Levi John; Crown Public House; 7 Salisbury St.; Comercial
PYKE; Daniel; Phoenix Public House;; 16 High East St.;
RANSOM; Henry; New Compasses Public House; The Grove;
REED; William Wilton; 24 High West St; Solicitor, commissioner for oaths, clerk to the guardian & assessment committee of Dorchester Union, to the burial board & Rural district Council & superintendant registrar (Firm Lock Reed & Lock);
REFUGE ASSURANCE; Co. Ltd; 13 South St.; ;
RENDALL & GALE; 13 South St.;
RENDALL; Athelstan MP; 13 South St.; Solicitor, (Firm Rendal & Gale); solicitor & commissioner of oaths
RIGLAR; Henry William; 1 Cornhill; Fancy repository & Tobacconist;
RIMMER; Thomas; East Parade; Coal Merchant;
ROBERTS SON & WINWOOD; South St.; Land & estate agents & surveyors & valuers Telephone number 6Y1
ROBERTS; Ellenor Miss; 7 High East St.; Milliner;
ROBINSON; John Elliott M.B. B.S. Lond D.P.H.; County Offices; High West St; County Medical Officer of Health, school medical officer & adminsitrative Tuberculocis Officer;
ROGERS W.G. & SON; 10 High West St; Fruiterers also at 2 Napier Terrace, South St;
ROGERS ; O Mrs; 65 High West St; Pianoforte Warehouse;
ROGERS; William Rickett; 35 Trinity St; Picture Fram Manufac.;
ROLLS; Elias; Weymouth Ave; Lodge keeper of Cemetery;
ROUSSE; Madame; 54 High West St; Milliner;
RUSSELL &KENISTON; 4 Napier Terrace; South St.; Tailors;
RUSSELL; Emily Henrietta Miss; 40a South St.; Art, Needlework repository;
SAMPSON; John Giles; 37 South St.; Auctioneer, Firm Symonds & Sampson;
SAMPSON; William; ; Prince of Wales Rd; Wheelwright ;
SAMWAYS; William George; 33 Mountain Ash Rd; Shopkeeper;
SANDAY; Joseph Penny; Millers Close; Dairy, also at 9 Princes St.;
SANSFORD; Julia Mrs; 38 & 39 South St.; Temperance Hotel;
SAUNDERS & BARKER; 52a South St.; Ladies Outfitters;
SCOTT; Albert; 1 Victoria Rd; Grocer;
SCOTT; Arthur Henry; 18 South St.; Fishmonger;
SCOTT; George; Swan Public House; Mill St.East Fordington ;
SCRIVEN; Walter William; Plume of Feathers Pubic House; 3 Princes St.;
SCUTT; Alfred John; Maiden Castle Farm; Farmer, also Watercombe, Broadmayne;
SELLERS; Reginald; 21 Great Western Rd; Cycle Maker.
SELWAY; Emma Mrs; Great Western Hotel; 21 Great Western Rd.;
SERCOMBE & HAYES; 9 South St.; House Furnishers;
SERCOMBE; Mary Jane Mrs; 5 Cedar Park villas; ; Milliner;
SEYMOUR; William; 11 Harvey's Buildings; East Fordington ; Grocer;
SHELLABEAR; E & E Misses; 48a South St.; Fancy drapers, wools & art needlework depot, servants registry office
SHERRY; William; Foundry House; Fordington ; Relieving officer & collector to the guardians No.1 district Dorchester Union & vaccination officer Dorchester district
SHIRE HALL; High West St; (Ernest CRYER, keeper)
SILVERTOWN INDIA RUBBER, GUTTA PERCHA & TELEGRAPH WORKS Co Ltd; Head office, 106 Cannon St London E.C., works, Silvertown London E branch 22 Victoria street Bristol
SIME & Co; 63 High West St; Proprietors of Dorset Chronicle & Somerset Gazette; [See advertisement above under Dorset Chronicle]
SIMONS; Walter J; 2 Bridport terrace; Outfitters;
SINGER SEWING MACHINE; Co Ltd; 12 High East St.; ;
SLADE; Charles Edward; Acland Rd; Builder & Contractor to HM Government; Telephone Numner 3X
SMITH W.H. & SON; 48a South St.; Booksellers also at L&S.W.R;
SMITH; Charles H; 24 High East St.; Grocer Wine & Spirit Merchant;
SMITH; Edward John; Trinity St; Coach painter; Comercial
SMITH; George; Charles St; Iron & tinplate worker. Also at Appartments, 38 Cornwall Rd;
SMITH; George T; Junction Hotel; Great Western Rd; Motor garage;
SMYTHE; Henry R; 24 Great Western Rd; Photographer;
SNOOK; Robert Henry; The Grove; Firewood dealer;
SNOOK; Robert Henry; 2 Northernhay; Glyde Path Rd; Teacher of Dancing;
SOLDIERS HOME & INSTITUTE; 2 North Square; (Miss Emily GREENING, manageress)
SOUTH DORSET STEAM LAUNDRIES Ltd; 6 South St.; (Edwin STEVENS Sec), Offices;
SOUTHERN TIMES & DORSET HERALD; 63 High West St; Sime & Co Proprietors.also at 100 St Marys st. Weymouth. Pub Fri For Sat; [See advertisement above under Dorset Chronicle]
SPICER & SON; 9 Fordington Green; Grocer & post office;
SPICER; William Scutt; 13 Cornhill; Chemist;
SPIERS & POND Ltd; L.& S.W. Railway Station; ; Refreshment Rooms;
SPILLER; James; Weymouth Ave; Wheelwright;
STARR - BOWKETT BUILDING SOCIETIES; South St.; (Nos. 641 & 683) (George James DENNIS FCIS Sec.)
STEIRN; Sarah Mrs; 23 Alington Rd,East Fordington ; Laundry;
STEVENS; Henry; 4 Princes St.; Boot maker;
STICKLAND; Henry; 54 Icen Way; Smith;
STICKLAND; Willoughby; 32 High East St.; Hairdresser & tobacconist
STOVEY; William George; 17 Durngate St.; Painter;
STRANGE; Harman Daniel M.Inst.M & Cy. E; Guildhall Chambers; North Square; Borough Engineer & Surveyor and Waterworks Engineer;
STREET; Annie & Eliza Misses; 55 High West St; Dressmakers;
STUCKEY'S BANKING Co Ltd; Branch See Parr's Bank Ltd;
STURMEY; William J; 17 North Square; Hairdresser;
SUTTON & Co; 25 South St.; Carriers (J Marvin LOCK agent)
SWANAGE STEAM LAUNDRY (The) Co Ltd; 6 South St.; Office. (Edwin STEVENS Sec.)
SYMES; William; East Farm; East Fordington ; Farmer;
SYMONDS & SAMPSON; 37 South St.; Auctioneers, house & estate agents, valuers of land;
SYMONDS & SONS; 11 South St.; Solicitors;
SYMONDS; Arthur George; 11 South St.; (firm Symonds & Sons) Solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths, town clerk, clerk to borough & county magistrates, goverors of Grammer School & to trustees of municipal charities (Chubb's and Whetstone's almshouses) & clerk to the bough Old Age pension sub-committee & deputy coroner for the Southern district - Also at Portland
TANNER; Herbert William; Exibition Public House; East Parade; ;
TAYLOR; Charles Edward; Castle Public House; 18 The Grove; ;
TAYLOR; Esther King Mrs; 3 Fordington Gardens; Coal Merchant;
TAYLOR; George; West Mills house; St Martins Rd; Showrooms 31 South St. Agricultural engineer, traction engine proprietor, hauling and threshing contractor, agricultural implement agent & repairer, Telephone number 572 show rooms 31 South street
TAYLOR; Jane Mrs; 50 High East St.; Pawnbroker;
TEMPLEMAN; Frank; 10 Cornhill; Saddler;
THOMAS; George; 1 Alington terrace; Durngate St.; Hairdresser;
THOMAS; Mary Elizabeth Mrs; Union Arms Public House; 8 Holloway Rd, East Fordington ; ;
THORNE; Richard; 11 St George's Rd, Fordington ; Road Contractor;
THORNTON; Francis Johnstone M.R.C.V.S; 16 South St.; Veterinary Surgeon, and veterinary inspector under the "Diseases of Animals Acts" for the Dorchester & Portland petty sessional div of the County of Dorset & for the boroughs of Dorchester & Weymouth; surgery at durngate st.;
THORP; Joseph; 62 High West St; Furniture Dealer;
THURMAN ; W.H.C. (i.e. William Henry Clayton); 17 South St.; Ironmonger, Plumber, sanitary engineer & smith; (W.R.SKYRME successor)
TILL; Herbert; 5 South St.; Solicitor (firm Thomas Coombs & Son) deputy registrar of the County & District High Court & Clerk to the visiting committees of County lunatic Asylum
TILLEY M.H. & SON; South St.; Watch makers, goldsmith, jewellers, opticians;
TILLEY & SON; 45 South St.; Cycle Agents also at Trinity St.;
TILLEY; Arthur Leonard Taylor; Fordington Hill; Architect & surveyor;
TILLEY; Thomas Henry; 5 Princes St.; Builder, decorator, Monumental Masons;
TIZARD; Alfred George & Son; 12 South St.; Tea & Coffee merchants;
TORR; John Leslie; County Offices; Assistant, clerk to County Council;
TREAVIS; William; 30 High West St; Tailors;
VINE; Tom; 16 Salisbury St.; Beer retailer;
VIRGIN; Henry; 43 High West St; Dairyman;
VIRGIN; James T. (exors of); 15; High East St.; Bakers. Also at 23 South st.;
VOSS; Lewis; 14 Princes St.; Upholsterer;
WAKE; James; 7 Holloway Rd. East Fordington ; Baker;
WAKELY; Henry William; 18 Princes St.; Fruiterers;
WALLEY & WINDOWS; ; 15; High West St; wholesale & retail ironmongers, hot & cold water engineers & dairy utensil manufactureres;
WALLIS BROS.; Little Britain; East Fordington ; Farmers;
WALLIS; Evelyn Miss; 16 Wollaston Rd; Dressmakers;
WALLIS; Thomas S; East Fordington ; Dairyman;
WALNE; John James; Engineer, see Lott & Walne advertisement above
WARREN; James; 25 High East St.; Provisions Merchant;
WATKINS; William John; Penwithen; Builder;
WATTS BROTHERS; 10 Pound Lane, Fordington ; Builders;
WEBB; Major & Co. Ltd; Great Western Rd; Builders Merchants;
WELLMAN; Annie Louisa Mrs; 9 North Square; Shopkeeper;
WERNHAM; Ernest Fletcher; 13 South St.; Grocer;
WEST OF ENGLAND SACK HIRING CO. Ltd.; Great Western Station; (J Marvin LOCK agent)
WESTLAKE; Richard; South Western Station; Sack contractor. (J Marvin LOCK agent)
WHEELER; Arthur; 1 Ashley Rd; Baker;
WHEELER; Frederick; 7 Alexander villas; Grocer & post office;
WHITE; Timothy & Co.Ltd; 53; South St.; Drug Store;
WHITE; Charles; 6 King St, East Fordington ; Wood Dealer;
WHITE; Edward Ernest; Draper. See Hooper, White & Co.;
WHITE; George H; County Offices; County accountant;
WHITE; George T; 41 Great Western Rd; Boot maker;
WHITEHEAD; Daisy miss; 32 South St.; Fruiterer;
WHITLEY; Herbert Forster; 49 South St.; Manager of Stuckley's Banking Co Ltd. (Branch of Parr's Bank Ltd.)
WHITTINGHAM; Rt. B; 7 High West St; China & Glass dealer;
WHITTY; Frank; Colliton St; Jobmaster;
WIGHTMAN; A Miss; 9 Antwerp villas; Victoria Park; Typist;
WILLIAMS; George Frederick; 21 Trinity St; Tailor;
WILLMOTT; John; East Parade; Jobmaster & wheelwright. & Farmer at Rudge & Slyers Farms;
WILSON; William G; Kings Arms Hotel; High East St.; ;
WILSON; Oliver; 23 Dagmar terrace; Inspector for weights & measures;
WINDOWS; Alfred; Ironmonger. See Waller & windows;
WINFRITH FARMERS CLUB; Kings Arms Hotel; High East St.; (Henry Osmond LOCK 24 High West St. secretary)
WINZAR; James; 40 Trinity St; Painter;
WOOD ; GJ & SON; 35 High East St.; Furniture Dealer;
WOOD; Ernest Hardwicke; 50a South St.; Man. Of National Provincial Bank of England Ltd;
WOOD'S DOMESTIC STORES; 48 High East St.; House Furnishers;
WRIGHT; G & SON; 19 High East St.; Grocer & Provision Merchants;
WYATT; John; Middle Farm; Farmer;
YOUNG; William Henry; 37 High East St.; Fishmonger;