Many entries do not give the individuals home parish - or have been only partly completed usually because there has been a previous offence
I have only extracted the names of people where 'Dorchester' or 'Fordington' has been given as their Parish.
Compiled by Mike Russell OPC for Dorchester & Fordington June 2024
[Resident in Dorchester = 74 : Resident in Fordington 95 : Total Records 169]
Description of Prisoners Book 1868-1872 ( images 1 to 353) [47 records Dorchester - 50 for Fordington Total 97 ] Image 270 - 02 Oct 1868 - George SHORT (Michaelmas Sessions) - Offence Stealing money - Parish Dorchester - Trade Cabinet Maker - Age 41 - - - Widower - Children 1 - - Remarks 3rd Time Image 44 - 24 Oct 1868 - Frederick CROSS - Offence poaching - Parish Fordington - Trade blacksmith - Age 36 Stature 5ft 11ins - - Remarks 14th Time Image 44 - 26 Oct 1868 - Mark CRATE - Offence Assault on Constable - Parish Fordington - Trade Chimney sweep - Age 26 - - - Condition married - Children 1 - - Remarks 6th Time (5th Time was 27th Apr 1866) [Mote:- Western Gazette Fri 30 Oct 1868 page 8 - Heading Committed to the Dorset County Prison (Dorchester) - "Mark CRATE, assault at Fordington - two months hard labour" Also Western Gazette 30th Oct 1868 ] Image 174 - 21 Nov 1868 - Charles LOCK (Further examination) - Offence Stealing from person - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 37 - - - Condition married - Children 5 - - Remarks 5th Time Image 166 - 21 Dec 1868 - Simon KING (Further examination) - Offence Stealing from the person - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 50 - Stature 5ft 8½ ins - Hair brown & grey - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion swarthy - Condition married - Children [blank] - Marks cut right corner right eye, thinness over left eye, bald forehead - Remarks 1st Time Image 271 - 26 Dec 1868 - Charles SEAL (Further examination) - Offence Stealing money - Parish Dorchester Holy Trinity - Trade Stableman - Age 22 - Stature 5ft 1½ ins - Hair brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks Slightly pock-pitted - Remarks 1st Time Image 126 - 02 Jan 1869 - George HOUSE (Lent Assizes) - Offence Night poaching - Parish Dorchester - Trade Cordwainer - Age 40 - - - Condition married - Children 3 - - Remarks 4th Time Image 214 - 02 Jan 1869 - William NEWBERRY (Lent Assizes) Offence - Night poaching - Parish Dorchester - Trade Cordwainer - Age 30 - Stature 5ft 10ins - Hair dark brown, Eyes dark hazel - Complexion swarthy - Condition married - Children 6? - Marks cut back right thumb - Remarks 1st Time Image 126 - 02 Jan 1869 - Thomas HODDER - (Lent Assizes) - Offence) Night poaching - Parish Dorchester - Trade Cordwainer - Age 34 - Condition married - Children 5 - - Remarks 2nd Time Image 76 - 22 Feb 1869 - John DUNFORD (Lent Assizes) - Offence Stealing Money - Parish Dorchester - Trade Labourer - Age 30 - - - Condition single - - Remarks 5th Time Image 47 - 01 Mar 1869 - Mark CRATE - Offence poaching fish- [Parish Fordington] - - - Remarks 7th Time (26 Oct 1868) (6th Time was 26th Oct 1868) Image 89 - 01 Mar 1869 - George EVANS - Offence Poaching fish - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 20 - Stature 5ft 6ins - - - - Condition single - - Remarks 7th Time Image 175 - 05 Mar 1869 - Charles LODGE (Further examination) - Offence Stealing money - Parish Dorchester , Trade errand boy - Age 14 - Stature 4ft 10½ ins - - - - Condition single - - Remarks 3rd Time Image 324 - 17 May 1869 - James WHITE - Offence Poaching Fish - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 32 - - Condition Single - - Remarks 3rd Time (10 Jan 1863) Image 129 - 18 May 1869 - John HAWKINS - Offence Vagrancy - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer rat catcher - Age 48 - - - Condition married - Children 5 - - Remarks 7th Time (6th Aug 1866) Image 77 - 24 May 1869 - Charles DUFALL - Offence drunk - Parish Dorchester - Trade Labourer - Age 22 - Stature 5ft 3ins - Hair light brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks "C.D." inside right arm, imperfect blue mark on?? wrist - Remarks 1st Time Image 90 - 17 Jun 1869 - George EVANS - Offence Poaching fish - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 20 - - - Condition single - - Remarks 8th Time (1 Mar 1869) Image 50 - 08 Sep 1869 - Herbert CURTIS - Offence Vagrancy - Parish Dorchester - Trade general dealer - Age 46 - - - Condition Widower - Children 5 - - Remarks 4th Time (3rd Time was 28th Sep 1868) Image 51 - 14th Sep 1869 - Herbert CURTIS - Offence Assault - Parish Dorchester - Trade general dealer - Age 46 - - - Condition Widower - Children 5 - - Remarks 5th Time (4th Time was 8th Sep 1869) Image 131 - 20 Sep 1869 - George HOUSE (Further examination) - Offence Assault - Parish Dorchester - Trade Cordwainer - Age 40 - - - Condition married - Children 3 - 5th Time (4th Time 2nd Jan 1869 ) Image 177 - 18 Oct 1869 - Charles LOCK - Offence Assault - Parish Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 38 - - - Condition widower - - Children 5 - - Remarks 6th Time (21 Nov 1868) Image 178 - 22 Nov 1869 - George LOCK - Offence Firing fireworks - Parish Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 15 - Stature 5ft 1ins - Hair brown - Eyes dark grey -0 Complexion sallow - single - Marks scar left side face, "C.T? W.T?" back left wrist, ring 2nd finger same hand, Imperfect Anchor back left arm - Remarks 1st Time Image 22 - 22 Nov 1869 - Thomas BULL - Offence firing fireworks - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 16 - Stature 5ft 1ins - Hair light brown, Eyes dark grey - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks dark mole under right ear - Remarks 1st Time Image 233 - 24 Dec 1869 - Francis PORTER - Offence Vagrancy - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 16 - Stature 5ft 4½ ins - Hair brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks small mole under left eye, mole in front of neck, little finger right hand crooked, cut side 1st finger same hand cut side 1st finger left hand - Remarks 1st Time Image 91 - 04 Jan 1870 - George EVANS (Epiphany Sessions) - Offence Stealing money - [Parish Fordington] - Age 20 - - - Remarks 9th Time (8th Time was 17 Jun 1869) Image 330 - 24 Jan 18709 - James WHITE - Offence Damaging tree- Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 28 [ Before was 32 ] - - Condition Single - - Remarks 4th Time [3rd time was 17 May 1869] Image 53 - 04 Feb 1870 - Mark CRATE - Offence Poaching Fish - Parish Fordington - Trade sweep - Age 26 - - - Condition married - Children 1 - - Remarks 8th Time (7th Time was 01 Mar 1869) Image 281 - 19 Feb 1870 - Angelo STANLEY - Offence Assaulting Constable - Parish Dorchester (Grove Buildings) - Trade [Chimney] sweep - - Age 33 - - - - Condition single - - Remarks 10th Time (4th May 1868) Image 25 - 22 Feb 1870 - John BARTHOLOMEW (Further examination) - Offence Stealing 4 packets of sweets - Parish Dorchester Holy Trinity - Trade [blank] Age 11 - Stature 4ft 4ins - Hair brown - Eyes grey - Complexion ruddy - Condition single - - Marks dimpled chin - Remarks 1st Time Image 54 - 22 Feb 1870 - William COX (Further examination) - Offence Stealing 4 packets of sweets - Parish Dorchester Holy Trinity - Trade gardener - Age 13 - Stature 5ft 1ins - Hair light brown, Eyes light grey - Complexion sallow - Condition Single - - Marks mole in front of chin, cut side right thumb - Remarks 1st Time Image 4 - 22 Feb 1870 - Joseph ADAMS (Further examination) - Offence Stealing 4 packets of sweets - Parish Dorchester Holy Trinity - Trade Errand Boy - Age 13 - Stature 4ft 10 Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age light brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion - ruddy - Condition single - - Marks cut side 1st finger left hand - Remarks 1st Time Image 281 - 22 Feb 1870 - William SCOTT (Further examination) - Offence Stealing 4 packets of sweets - Parish Dorchester Holy Trinity - Trade Labourer - Age 13 - Stature 5ft 4 ins - Hair brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion ruddy - Condition ruddy - Marks cut near centre forehead cut side 1st finger left hand cut side left thumb - Remarks 1st Time Image 22 - 08 Mar 1870 - Joseph BAKER - Offence drunk - Parish (relatives in) Dorchester - Trade carpenter - Age 35 - - - - Condition single - - Remarks 4th Time (19 Jan 1867) Image 91 - 11 Apr 1870 - George EVANS - Offence damaging property - Parish Fordington - Age 21 - -- Remarks 10th Time (9th Time was 4 Jan 1870) Image 331 - 11 Apr 1870 - Thomas WHITEN - Offence Damaging property - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 5¾ - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks rather deaf, slight dent left side of face, scar inside 1sr finger left hand - Remarks 1st Time [Note:- There is a brief report in the Dorset County Express and Agricultural Gazette for Tues 19th Apr 1870 page 4 to the effect that Thomas WHITEN and George EVANS were both sentenced to 14 days in Dorset County Gaol in Dorchester for damaging property in Fordington - - See 2nd Charge on 27th March 1878 under the name Thomas SWYER and comments about service in the 75th Regt of Dorset Militia] Image 234 - 25 Apr 1870 - George PRINCE - Offence drunk - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 28 - Stature 5ft 5ins - Hair very dark brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion swarthy - Condition single - - Marks cut left corner left eyebrow, cut over right corner left eyebrow, small dent right side of forehead - Remarks 1st Time Image 282 - 25 Apr 1870 - George STOODLEY - Offence drunk - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 32 - Stature 5ft 3½ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion rather swarthy - Condition single - - Marks ridge of nose broken, 2 front upper teeth missing, bald place back of head, cut back 3rd finger right hand - Remarks 1st Time Image 91 - 27 Apr 1870 - George EVANS (Midsummer Sessions) - Offence Stealing ducks - Parish Fordington - Age 21 - Stature 5ft 7ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion sallow Condition single - Marks much pock pitted, lost 2 front upper teeth, mole right side neck; cross made left arm, "M.A.M." back of right arm - Remarks 11th Time ( 10th Time was 11 Apr 1870) Image 200 - 27 Apr 1870 - Alfred MEECHAM (Midsummer Sessions) - Offence Stealing ducks - Parish Fordington - Trade hawker - Age 32 - Stature 5ft 2¾ - Hair brown - Eyes light grey - Complexion swarthy - Condition single - - Marks cut left side of face, cut right corner right eyebrow, mole right cheek, ring 2nd & 3rd fingers, right hand, Imperfect Heart back right hand - Remarks 3rd Time (See 1st Apr 1865) Image 200 - 16 May 1870 - Charles MEDWAY (Midsummer Assizes) - Offence Housebreaking - Parish Weymouth [Note:- formerly Fordington] - Trade Plasterer - Age 43 - Stature 5ft 5½ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes Dark Hazel - Complexion swarthy - Condition married - Children 7 - Marks slightly bald, cut inside right thumb, cut on heel of left hand - Remarks 1st Time [Note:- (1) Quarter Sessions Order Books image 260 of 391 Held at Dorchester on 28th June 1870 : " MEDWAY, Charles - Breaking and entering into a warehouse and stealing therein - Sentenced to 9 Calendar months hard labour" - (2) Southern Times & Dorset County Herald Sat 2nd July 1870 " Charles MEDWAY, 43, Plasterer, was sentenced to nine months imprisonment with hard labour, for breaking and entering the warehouse of Francis Newboy White of Weymouth, and stealing his property on May 14th Mr Ffooks prosecuted." - (3) There is a later conviction 8th August 1874 follow link -- (4) that Charles MEDWAY a plasterer by trade aged 25 married at FStG on 9th May 1854 to Prudence WILLIAMS who died at Weymouth at the age of 44 in 4th qtr 1874. follow link for more info about his family] Image 4 - 23 May 1870 - Joseph ALLEN - Offence Vagrancy - Parish Fordington - Trade shoemaker - Age 23 - Stature 5ft 4½ ins - - - Remarks 2nd Tine (Note:- See also 1st Time 18th Feb 1867 when a fuller description was given) Image 283 - 23 May 1870 - George STACEY - Offence breach of peace - Parish Dorchester - Trade carpenter - Age 37 - Stature 5ft 4ins - Hair brown - Eyes light grey - Complexion fair - Condition married - Children 1 - Marks mole left side of neck, cut side 2nd finger right hand, cut ball near nail same thumb - cut side 1st finger left hand - Remarks 1st Time Image 81 - 06 Jun 1870 - David DREW - Offence Drunk - Parish Dorchester - Trade saddler - Age 55 - Stature 5ft 6¼ ins - Hair grey - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion sallow - Condition widower - Children 4 - Marks dimpled chin, slight cut centre forehead, cut back 2nd finger right hand, scar back left thumb, lost upper front tooth - Remarks 1st Time Image 137 - 13 June 1870 - Caroline HASKETT - Offence Assault on a female - Parish Dorchester St Peters - - Age 47 - - - Condition married - Children [Blank] - - Remarks 1st Time [Note:- Dorset County Express and Agricultural Gazette Tue 21 June 1870 - page 4 - Committed to Dorset County Prison: -- Caroline HASKETT, assault at Dorchester - 2 months ] Image 4 - 09 July 1870 - Charles AMOR - Offence Bigamy - Parish West Fordington Trade Bricklayer - Age 51 - Stature 5ft 9¼ ins - Hair brown - Eyes grey - Complexion sallow - Condition married - Children 2 - Marks top of 1st finger left hand injured, cut side same finger, dimpled chin - Remarks 2nd Time (14 Mar 1835)
Link to1st marriage of Charles AMOR to Charlotte BARTLETT at St Georges Church in Fordington on 4th Sep 1838 : Link to his 2nd marriage to Mary Jane LODER on 4th May 1869 at Christchurch West Fordington. Note:- Article in the Dorset County Express and Agricultural Gazette - Tues 19 July 1870 page 4 - Very long account of the evidence and hearing at Guildhall Dorchester - committed to the assizes but released on bail - referred to crown court who discharged the case as the prosecutor felt there was no chance of making out a case against the accused and would therefore offer no evidence. [Report in the Wiltshire County Mirror Tue 26th July 1870 page 5 ] Image 201 - 05 Sep 1870 - James MATTHEWS - Offence Leaving Service - Parish Dorchester - Trade Painter - Age 16 - Stature 5ft 0¾ - Hair brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks scar on right corner right eyebrow, several moles on right cheek, cut between right thumb & forefinger + on side 1st finger same hand, cut on side 1st finger left hand - Remarks 1st Time Image 57 - 24 Sep 1870 - Mark CRATE - Offence Poaching Fish - Parish Fordington - - _ Age 29 - - - Remarks 9th Time (8th Time was 4th Feb 1870) Image 58 - 08 Oct 1870 - Charles CURCHILL - Offence Assault - Parish Dorchester - Trade schoolboy - Age 13 - Stature 4ft 7¼ ins - Hair brown - Eyes grey - Complexion fair - - - -Marks dimpled chin, slightly freckled near the eyes - Remarks 1st Time Image 139 - 08 Oct 1870 - Samuel HISCOCK - Offence Assault - Parish Dorchester - Trade Schoolboy - Age 13 - Stature 4ft 7¾ - Hair brown - Eyes grey - Complexion ruddy - - Marks None - small bald place right side of head - Remarks 1st Time Image 139 - 08 Oct 1870 - George HODDER - Offence Assault - Parish Dorchester - Trade Labourer - Age 15 - Stature 4ft 11ins - Hair brown - Eyes grey - Complexion fair - - No Marks - Remarks 1st Time Image 286 - 12 Oct 1870 - John SERCOMBE (Summarily) -Offence Stealing overcoat & one cloak - Parish Dorchester St Peters - Trade groom - Age 37 - Stature 5ft 6ins - Hair brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion ruddy - Condition ruddy - Children 0 - Marks 2 scars on back of right thumb - Remarks 1st Time [ Has served in the 4th Hussars Reg No.1916] Image 10 - 21 Nov 1870 - William FOX (alias STYLES) ( Summarily) - Offence Stealing peas & cracked peas & bran - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 37 - Stature 5ft 5¾ - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion ruddy - Condition married - Children 6 - Marks hair thin on top, whiskers sandy - Remarks 3rd Time (15th Dec 1853 ) Image 182 - 16 Nov 1870 - William LESTER (Further examination) (Summarily committed 21 Nov 1870) - Offence Stealing 3 fowls - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 27 - Stature 5ft 11ins - Hair light brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion sallow - Condition married - Children [blank] - Marks lost tooth upper jaw left side, lost top 1st finger right hand, cut side T finger left hand - Remarks 1st Time Image 31 - 21 Dec 1870 - Alfred BROWNSEA (Further examination - See F.C.S. No. 41) - Offence Stealing fowl - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 8¼ ins - Hair light brown - Eyes hazel - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks slight mole on left and right cheeks, scar on back right thumb, slight dimple on chin - Remarks 1st Time [Note:- See 2nd Time 11 Aug 1871] Image 60 - 14 Jan 1871 - Jesse COUSINS of H.M.S.Warrior - Offence Appropriating 20 bottles of Spirits - Parish Dorchester - Trade Engineers servant - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 5ins - Hair light brown - Eyes light grey - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks red spot under right eye; nose inclines to right - Remarks 1st Time [Note:- Appears in the Prison Register Entry 27 Jesse COUSINS Age 18 received 14th Jan 1871 - Committed 12 Jan 1871 - By Captain H.C.Glyn* - Offence Misappropriation of liquor " Warrior " - Sentence 30 days - Discharged 10th Feb 1871 ] Warrior class armored frigate ![]() Museum ship at Portsmouth since 1985
Image 182 - 20 Jan 1871 - Thomas LODER - alias LOADER (Further examination) (Convicted see F.C.J. No.52) - Offence Stealing a box of buttons - Parish Fordington - Trade Cabinet Maker - Age 40 - Stature 5ft 9¼ ins - Hair brown - Eyes grey - Complexion fair - Condition widower - - Marks cut centre forehead, dimpled chin, dent situate left side of face, bald, cut side 1st finger left hand, & on back left thumb - Remarks 2nd Time ( 17th April 1855 Poole Sessions) Image 32 - 31 Jan 1871 - George BISHOP (Further examination) (Convicted See 59 F.C.S.) - Offence Stealing Money - Parish Fordington formerly of Upton ? Broadmayne - age 11 - Stature 3ft 11ins - Hair dark sandy, Eyes dark grey - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks cut over corner right eyebrow, rough voice , Remarks 1st Time [Note:- Southern Times and Dorset County Herald Sat 11 Feb 1871 page 2 "George BISHOP stealing money at Fordington - 14 days hard labour and five years in a reformatory school] Image 92 - 10 Feb 1871 - Robert ELLIOTT - (Further examination) (Discharged) - Offence stealing hurdle stakes - Parish Dorchester - Trade late farmer - Age 84 - Stature 5ft 9ins - Hair grey - Eyes grey - Complexion sallow - Condition married - Children 6 - Marks long nose, lost top of 2nd finger right hand - Remarks 1st time & twice for debt Image 61 - 13 Feb 1871 - Charles CRITCHELL (further examination) - (Convicted See H.L.No.1895) - Offence Night poaching & Assault - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 41 - - - Condition married - Children 1 - Remarks 7th Time (12th March 1864) Image 62 - 03 Apr 1871 - Charles CHURCHILL (Summarily) - Offence Stealing Pigeons - Parish Dorchester - Trade Errand Boy at express Office - Age 14 - Stature 4ft 8½ ins - - - Remarks 2nd Time (8th Oct 1870) Image 142 - 03 Apr 1871 - Samuel HISCOCK (Summarily) - Offence Stealing tame pigeons - Parish Dorchester - Trade Errand Boy - Age 14 - Stature 4ft 9ins - - - Remarks 2nd Time (1st time was 8th Oct 1870) Image 118 - 06 Apr 1871 - Edward Winder GILBERT - Offence drunk - Parish Fordington / Dorchester - Trade butcher s Labourer - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 7ins - Hair brown - Eyes grey - Complexion ruddy - Condition single - - - Marks slightly freckled near they eyes - Remarks 1st Time Image 309 - 17 Apr 1871 - John Robert TARR (Further examination) - Offence Obtaining buns by false pretenses - Parish Dorchester Holy Trinity - Trade Shoemaker - Age 16 - Stature 5ft 0¾ - Hair light brown - Eyes light grey - Complexion - fair - Condition single - -Marks large burn mark left side of face, & on back left hand & fingers, has a peculiar way of sniffing & shaking his head. - Remarks 1st Time Image 290 - 06 June 1871 - Robert STOVEY - Offence drunk - Parish Dorchester - Trade Mason's labourer - Age 17 - Stature 5ft 5¼ ins - Hair light brown - Eyes light blue - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks cut on side of forefinger right hand & on side 1st finger left hand, left arm almost useless from paralysis, cut right side head & tip of the nose - Remarks 1st Time Image 240 - 19 July 1871 - Frank [Alias Francis] PORTER (further examination (Convicted re No. 373 H.L.) - Offence Inflicting grievous bodily harm - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 18 Stature 5ft 7¾ - - - -Remarks 2nd Time (24 Dec 1869) Image 240 - 19 July 1871 - Frank POTTER (Further examination) - Offence Stealing money - Parish Fordington (Railway Cottages) - Trade School Boy - Age 13 - Stature 4ft 7¼ ins - Hair light brown & curly - Eyes dark hazel - Condition Single - - - Marks 2 moles left side of face - Remarks 1st Time Image 64 - 05 Aug 1871 - Mark CRATE (Michaelmas Sessions) - Offence Stealing Timber (at Stinsford) - Parish Fordington - Trade Sweep - Age 30 - Stature 5ft 4ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion swarthy - Condition Married - Children 1 - Marks Cataract right eye, "M.C". (underneath) "A.N.C." this in inner side of left arm, cut on last joint 1st finger right hand & on ball of left thumb. - Remarks 10th time (9th Time was on 24th Sep 1870) Image 84 - 05 Aug 1871 - John DREW (Summarily) - Offence Stealing timber - Parish Fordington - Trade sawyer - Age 25 - Stature 5ft 3¾ - Hair dark brown, Eyes very dark hazel - Complexion swarthy - Condition married - Children 2 - Marks cut left side of forehead, dark mole near left corner left eyebrow, scar near the right corner of mouth, high nose. "E.J.D. " this inside right arm, " F.L.J.D.J.M. back right wrist, Anchor back right hand - Remarks 5th Time (7th Sept 1868) Image 183 - 05 Aug 1871 - Thomas LODER [LOADER] - Offence leaving family chargeable - Parish Fordington - Trade Cabinet maker - Age 41 - - - - Remarks 3rd Time (20th Jan 1871 Note:- when recorded as a widower) Image 183 - 05 Aug 1871 - Charles LOCK (Michaelmas Sessions) - Offence Stealing timber - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 40 - Stature 5ft 8¾ - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion ruddy - Condition widower - Children 5 - Marks lost sight left eye, the pupil injured, cut near left corner of mouth, slight cut right side of upper lip, mole on right jaw - Remarks 7th Time (18th Oct 1869) Image 206 - 05 Aug 1871 - Benjamin MOORE - Offence Leaving family chargeable - Parish Dorchester grove buildings - Trade cutler - Age 43 - Stature 5ft 10ins - Hair dark brown - Complexion sallow - Condition married - Children 3 - Marks whiskers sandy, scar left side face, cut left corner left eyebrow, dimpled chin, nose inclines slightly to left - Remarks 1st Time Image 35 - 11 Aug 1871 - Alfred BROWNSEA (Further examination - Convicted See F.C.S. No.735) - Offence Stealing Money - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 19 - Stature 5ft 8¼ ins - - - - Remarks 2nd Time (21 Dec 1870) Image 105 - 21 Oct 1871 - Samuel FOOKS - Offence assault & beat - - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 19 - Stature 5ft 5ins - Hair light brown - Eyes grey - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks pock pitted, nose flat from injury, cut left side of chin, mole under left jaw - Remarks 1st Time Image 93 - 23 Oct 1871 - William EDWARDS - Offence torturing a bull - Parish Dorchester - Trade Labourer late Porter on South Western Railway - Age 28 - Stature 5ft 11½ ins - Hair red sandy - Eyes grey - Complexion fair - Condition married - Children 0 - Marks slightly freckled; large scar on right arm - Remarks 1st Time Image 260 - 23 Oct 1871 - Samuel REEVES - Offence torturing a bull - Parish Dorchester - Trade Labourer - Age 53 - - - - Remarks 2nd Time (22 Oct 1860) Image 145 - 31 Oct 1871 - Edward HELLARD - Offence drunk and riotous Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer as a painter in Mr Falpens? Foundry - Age28 - Stature 5ft 10ins - Hair sandy - Eyes dark grey - Complexion fair - Condition married - Children 2 - Marks left eye very dim, much pock pitted - Remarks 1st Time Image 184 - 04 Dec 1871 - Samuel LESTER - Offence Vagrancy - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 30 - Stature 5ft 9ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion swarthy - Condition married - Children [blank] - Marks pock pitted, full eyes, cut side of left thumb, cut on left knee - Remarks 1st Time [Note:- See next] Image 184 - 04 Dec 1871 - Ellen LESTER - Offence Vagrancy - Parish Fordington - - Age 29 - (wife of the above) - - Remarks 1st Time Image 311 - 23 Dec 1871 - John Robert TARR - Offence Maliciously cutting a holly tree- Parish Dorchester [Holy Trinity] - Trade Shoemaker - Age 16 - Stature 5ft 2¾ - - Condition single - - Remarks 2nd Time (17 April 1871) Image 242 - 29 Dec 1871 - Edward PAYNE (Further examination) - Offence Stealing Iron - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 48 - Stature 5ft 10½ ins - Hair brown - Eyes light grey - Complexion fair - Condition married - Children 1 - Marks slight cut in centre of forehead, cut near top 2nd finger right hand, large features - Remarks 1st Time Image 242 - 29 Dec 1871 - Charles PAYNE (further examination) Offence Stealing Iron - Parish Fordington - Trade Coach Smith - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 5ins - Hair brown - Eyes light hazel - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks Slightly freckled, dimpled chin, nose turn up, wrist (right) out of joint - Remarks 1st Time Image 308 - 30 Dec 1871 - Alfred TRAVERS (Further examination) (Summarily convicted See F.C.S. No. 43 ) - Offence Stealing money - Parish Dorchester - - Age 9 - Stature 4ft 4ins - Hair light brown - Eyes light grey - Complexion ruddy - Condition single - - Marks cut on left eyebrow Image 171 - 06 Jan 1872 - George KINGMAN (Alias George Francis Albert KINGMAN) (Further examination) (Convicted See Fes No.60) - Offence Stealing a coat & a coat & scissors (2 warrants) - Parish Dorchester (Grove Buildings)-Trade Labourer - Age 15 - Remarks 2nd Time Image 2423 - 06 Jan 1872 - William POUNCY (Further examination) - Offence Stealing boots - Parish Dorchester (Grove buildings) - - Age 11 - Stature 4ft 5ins - Hair brown - Eyes grey - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks 2 moles right side of face, cut upper part of centre of forehead - Remarks 1st Time Image 154 - 26 Jan 1872 - John James IRONSIDES - Offence Stealing turnips (growing) - Parish Dorchester ( now of Charlestown Chickerell ) - Trade Labourer - Age 38 - Stature 5ft 10¼ ins -- - Condition married - Children 5 - - Remarks 4th Time ( 28th Feb 1865) Image 171 - 27 Jan 1872 - George KINGMAN (Further examination) - Offence Stealing boots - Parish Grove Foundry Dorchester -Trade Labourer - Age 14 - Stature 4ft 9¾ - Hair rather light brown - Eyes grey - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks slight cut under left eye, & near right corner right eye, 3 moles left side of face - Remarks 1st Time Image 242 - 27 Jan 1872 - John PORTER - Offence Desertion (Fraudulently Enlisted in 36th Regiment) - Parish Fordington - Trade Soldier (23rd Foot Welsh Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion - Age 21 - Stature 5ft 7ins - Hair light brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks Anchor inside left arm, cut in centre upper lip right side nose, flag & crown cross swords back right arm, "Ser? P." inside same arm - Remarks 2nd Tine (Sent to Milbourne Reformatory 23rd June 1866 ) Image 217 - 17 Feb 1872 - William NEWBERRY (Further examination) - Offence Stealing scaffold cords - Parish Dorchester Holy Trinity - Trade School boy - Age 13 - Stature 4ft 6ins - Hair dark brown, Eyes hazel - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks small scar left side of forehead, very small mole right side neck, burn mark on right side right wrist, freckled each side of nose - Remarks 1st Time Image 217 - 18 Mar 1872 - Francis NORRIS (or Frank) - Offence Assaulting & beating female (wife) Parish Fordington (now on Constitution Hill West Poole) - Trade Mason's labourer - Age 29 - Stature 5ft 5½ ins - - - Condition married - Children 1 - - Remarks 2nd Time (25th Apr 1866) Image 149 - 22 Mar 1872 - Tom Richard HODDER (Further examination) ( Summarily convicted No.75 ) Offence Stealing Potatoes - Parish Dorchester - Trade Green grocer - Age 17 - Stature 5ft 3½ ins - Hair rather dark brown - Eyes rather dark hazel - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks dent right corner right eye , pock mark over right eyebrow, lost top 3rd finger left hand at 1st joint, several cuts back left thumb - Remarks 1st Time Image 39 - 13 Apr 1872 - Thomas BARNES (Midsummer Sessions) (Bailed 15 Apr 1872) - Offence Stealing 3 hams bacon & a cloth - Parish Dorchester (Grove Buildings) - Age 21 - Stature 5ft 7¼ ins - Hair brown - Eyes hazel - Complexion fair - Condition single - Children 0 - Marks pock marked chiefly right side face, 2 dents right corner right eye, a groove in lobe of right ear, scar right side neck, wide nostrils - Remarks 1st Time [Note:- Baptised Christchurch West Fordington 15 Feb 1850 illegitimate son of Martha BARNES og Grove Buildings West Fordington. In the Apr 1871 Census St Peters Parish living in Charles Street Thomas BARNES Visitor unmarried aged 19 born [West] Fordington ]. Image 39 - 13 Apr 1872 - Alfred BROWNSEA (Midsummer Sessions) - Offence Stealing 3 hams bacon & a cloth - Parish Fordington (late of Shroton. i.e. Iwerne Courtney) - Trade Labourer - Age 20 - Stature 5ft 8¼ ins - - - Remarks - Remarks 3rd Time (11 Aug 1871 ) [Note:- may be related to James BROWNSEA see Image 38 12th Jan 1878] Image 243 - 22 Apr 1872 - Francis POUNCY (Summarily) - Offence Stealing fowls - Parish Dorchester (Grove Buildings) - Trade Shoemaker - Age 43 - Stature 5ft 6¼ ins - Hair rather dark brown - Eyes grey - Complexion sallow - Condition widower - Children 6 - Marks mole over right eyebrow - mole right side of face, little finger right hand crooked, cut side left thumb, walks stooping - Remarks 7th Time (Feb 2nd 1865) Image 296 - Angelo STANLEY - Offence Assaulting Police - Parish Dorchester (Grove buildings) - Trade [Chimney] sweep - Age 35 - - - Condition single - - Remarks 11th Time (19th Feb 1870) Image 154 - 01 Jun 1872 - John James IRONSIDES - Offence Assaulting a female (his wife) - Parish Dorchester ( now of Charlestown Chickerell ) - Trade Labourer - Age 38 - Stature 5ft 10¼ ins -- - Condition married - Children 5 - - Remarks 5th Time ( 26 Jan 1872) Image 297 - 15 July 1872 - Robert STOVEY - - Offence Assault - Parish Dorchester - Trade Labourer - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 6ins - - Remarks 2nd Time (6 June 1871) Image 244 - 20 July 1872 - Charles Henry PROWSE - Offence Gaming with coin (on a Sunday) Parish Fordington - Trade Farm Labourer - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 3¼ ins - Hair brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion ruddy - Condition single - - Marks 2 small cuts corner left eyebrow, mole right side nose, 2 moles right side face, nostrils wide, cut on back of left thumb - Remarks 1st Time Image 218 - 25 Sep 1872 - James NORRIS - Offence Breach of the peace - Parish Fordington - Trade sweep - Age 27 - Stature 5ft 5½ ins Hair brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks Large dent right corner right eye, cut left temple, mole on each cheek near nose, mesinard? on right arm, Anchor & I.W. on back right hand, J.N. & spray on back left hand. - Remarks 1st Time (Second in Rifle Brigade & now belongs to Army Reserve) Description of Prisoners Book 1872-1879 ( images 1 to 356) [27 records Dorchester - 46 for Fordington Total 73 ] [Note:- most entries in 1879 have very few details] Image 235 - 14 Oct 1872 - Francis POUNCY - Offence Stealing Leather, flax thread & hob nails - Parish Dorchester (grove buildings) - Trade shoemaker - Age 43 - - Condition widower - Children 6 - Remarks 8th Time (22 Apr 1872) Image 178 - 26 Oct 1872 - Charles LOCK (Summarily) - Offence Poaching Fish - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 41 - - Condition Widower - Children 5 - - Remarks 8th Time (15 Aug 1871) Image 178 - 07 Dec 1872 - William LESTER (Summarily) - Offence Stealing a brush - Parish Dorchester - Trade Painter - Age 32 - Stature 5ft 8½ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes grey - Complexion rather swarthy - Condition married - Children 4 - Marks slight scar left corner left eyebrow, cupped on chest; second in 85th Regiment) Convicted at March Assizes 1872 at Winchester & sentenced to 6 months for obtaining by false pretenses - Remarks 1st Time Image 15 - 15 Feb 1873 - George BISHOP (Lent assizes) - Offence Stealing money - Parish Fordington (formerly Upton) - Trade Labourer - Age 13 - Stature 4ft 6ins - - Condition single - - Remarks 2nd Time [ "Left Devizes Prison 20th Nov 1872 having served 3 months for damaging 2 boys" he says . ( Prior conviction 31 Jan 1871 on remand Convicted 6th Feb) ] Image 2 - 25 Mar 1873 - Stephen ABBOTT - Offence Aggravated Assault - Parish Fordington - Trade Thatcher - Age 35 (looks older) - Stature 5ft 7ins - Hair dark brown & grey - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion swarthy - Condition married - Children 2 - Marks cheeks hollow, diamond on back right wrist and heart on back left hand, cut on back right wrist - Remarks 1st Time Image 279 - 09 Apr 1873 - Charles SWYER - (Summarily) - Offence Stealing a shop jacket - Parish Fordington , Dorchester - Trade Miller's boy - Age 16 - Stature 5ft 0¾ - Hair brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks burn marks under & on each side of chin, also on right arm, left nostril compressed - Remarks 1st Time Image 179 - 26 Apr 1873 - Charles LOCK - Offence leaving family chargeable - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 41 - -Condition widower - Children 5 - - Remarks 9th Time (26th Oct 1872 ) Image 306 - 28 Apr 1873 - Robert TARR - Offence Using obscene language - Parish Dorchester - Trade Shoemaker - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 4¾ ins - - Condition single - - Remarks 3rd Time (23rd Dec 1871 ) Image 280 - 20 Jun 1873 - Charles SEAL (Midsummer Sessions) - Offence Stealing a skittle frame - Parish Dorchester Holy Trinity - Trade Stableman - Age 27- Stature 5ft 2½ ins - Hair brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks slightly pock-pitted, cut over left corner right eyebrow, & also on left eyebrow, dimpled chin, left eyelid droopy - Remarks 2nd Time ( 26th Dec 1868 Image 134 - 15 Aug 1873 - Charles HASKETT (Michaelmas Sessions) - Offence Obtaining by false pretenses - Parish Dorchester - Trade Labourer - Age 25 - Stature 5ft 4ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks nose high and inclines to left, scar front left ear, upper teeth irregular, Star, Anchor & other imperfect marks on left arm, blue mark on thumb & final 3 fingers left hand, cut above left wrist - Remarks 1st Time Image 134 - 15 Sep 1873 - George HANN - Offence Leaving Service - Parish Dorchester St Peters - Trade Tailor - Age 19 - Stature 5ft 3½ ins - Hair brown - Eyes - dark grey - Complexion fair - Condition married - Children [blank] - Marks mole left side nose, slight mole right side face, cut right corner right eye, slight scar back left hand - Remarks 2nd Time (5th Feb 1866) Image 281 - 16 Aug 1873 - Charles SWYER (or SWYRE) (Further examination) (Convicted H.L.336) - Offence Assault - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 17 - Stature 5ft 2ins - Remarks 2nd Time (7th April 1873) Image 172 - 25 Sep 1873 - John KING (Further examination) - Offence Stealing Ducks - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 26 - Stature 5ft 6¼ ins - Hair brown, Eyes hazel - Complexion ruddy - Condition married - Children 3 - Marks whiskers sandy, right eye turns in , slightly freckled, scar left side forehead, dimpled chin, cut side left thumb - Remarks 1st Time Image 317 - 01 Dec 1873 - James VINCENT - Offence Assault - Parish Fordington (late Charminster / Puddletown) - Trade Labourer - Age 30 - - Condition married - Children 4 - Remarks 3rd Time (22 Sep 1869) Image136 - 10 Dec 1873 - John HELLYAR (Further examination) (Lent Assizes) - Offence Stealing stamps out of Post Letter - Parish Dorchester All Saints - Trade Rural Messenger Post Office (shoemaker?) Age 30 - Stature 5ft 6¼ ins - Hair dark sandy curly - Eyes Dark hazel - Complexion fair - Condition married - Children 3 - Marks bridge of nose broken, nose turns up, scar on right cheek, cut left side chin, Served in 'B' battery Royal Horse Artillery - Remarks 1st Time ![]() ![]() Memorial card posted 25 Oct 1875 to George James ANDREWS a Solicitor of South Street Dorchester bearing a 1 pence stamp & an enlargement of the 6d Stamp of the type referred to below in use in 1873 Article Southern Times & County Herald Sat 13th Dec 1873 : "John HELLYAR" , Post office messenger, and Edwin GILBERT, of the rifle brigade, were charged, the former with stealing 8s. 6d worth of stamps the property of the Postmaster General, and the latter with feloniously receiving them. The particulars of the affair appear in the adjoined testimony:- Joseph LEGG said: I am assistant-clerk in the Dorchester Post Office. Last Friday, the fifth inst., at half past nine o'clock p.m., I made up some stamps for the postmistress of Upwey, which were put in a large envelope and sealed and tied. There were 10s worth of sixpenny stamps and 10s 2d worth of penny stamps put in the envelope. The envelope was placed in a bag with other letters. I wrote on the margin of the sixpenny stamps ". I did not see the bag after that. The sixpenny stamps now produced are those I put in the envelop. I identify them by the writing in the margin. John HELLYAR is the rural messenger between Dorchester and Upwey. It was his duty to take the sealed bag to the postmistress of Upwey. It was Stephen House's duty to seal the bag about five o'clock the next evening before it was handed to HELLYAR. P.C. William PEARCE deposed: On Monday last about half past three o'clock p.m. from information I received, I apprehended Edwin GILBERT at the Chequers Inn, and charged him with receiving 8s. 6d worth of postage stamps and also with selling them at the Dorchester Post Office. He said he knew nothing about it. I charged him with receiving the stamps from John HELLYAR. On the way to the police station the prisoner Gilbert stated that he met the prisoner Hellyar on Saturday evening at the Chequers, and Hellyar have him the 8s.6d worth of sixpenny stamps and asked him if he would sell them for him at the Post Office. He (Gilbert) did sell the stamps, but did not know anything about it and would not have had it happen for £10. P.C.George ELFORD: On Monday last 8th Inst, from information I received I apprehended the prisoner John HELLYAR at the Red Lion Inn, Dorchester and charged him with stealing a quantity of stamps from a letter bag which it was his duty to take to Upwey. He (Hellyar) answered "I know nothing at all about it. I received the 8s 6d worth of stamps from Mr PARSONS Post master of Dorchester with the words 'We have no shilling stamps written in the margin. I also received 14 penny stamps from Francis PORTER" [Note:- Licenced Victualler of the Chequers Inn]. This morning in consequence of something his wife said Hellyar observed "It is no use telling any more lies about it; I stole the stamps and there's an end to it. Gilbert now declared his innocence - he simply cashed the stamps as a kindness to Hellyar. He said he came from Aldershot, being now on furlough. The accused Hellyar was remanded until next Saturday when a solicitor from London will appear to prosecute on behalf of the postal authorities. The young man Gilbert who seems to have been innocently entangled in the matter was released from custody, the magistrate directing that a summons be issued for his appearance on Saturday as a witness in the case. Article Weymouth Telegram - Friday 13th March 1874 -- POST OFFICE ROBBERY: John HELLYAR, 30, Post office rural messenger, pleaded guilty to stealing on 6th December whilst employed in Her Majesty's Post-Office, a letter containing a Pound's worth of postage stamps. Judge: How long have you been in service of the Post Office? -- Prisoner : Between 5 and 6 years my Lord. Judge: You have pleaded guilty to violating the sanctity of the Post Office bag stealing out of it 10s worth of 1d and 10s worth of 6d stamps. You are a person who occupied up to this time a place of very considerable trust as a messenger of the Dorchester Post Office, conveying to the outlying districts around Dorchester postal bags. Being in the public service in a responsible position, you are found violating your trust in the grossest possible manner; and it is invariably the usage of this Bench to deal with such offenders with the greatest severity. It is essential in a country like this that the trust reposed in servants of the Post Office should be looked upon as sacred; and the man who violates that trust deserves very great punishment. The sentence of the Court was that he be kept in PENAL SEVITUDE FOR FIVE YEARS Image 21 - 23 Jan 1874 - Thomas BARN (or BAINES) (Further examination) (Lent Assizes) - Offence Stealing a pocket handkerchief & 1 pillow case - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 23 - Stature 5ft 7½ ins - - - Condition married - Children [blank] - Remarks 2nd Time (13 Apr 1872) Image 240 - 31 Jan 1874 - William PORTER (Summarily) - Offence Stealing sheep-skin - Parish Formerly Stafford now Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 55 - Stature 5ft 5ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes light hazel - Complexion swarthy - Condition married - Children 9 - Marks cut over right eyebrow & left; deep cut on right cheek, wen left side of head, several cuts back left thumb, cut on top forefinger left hand. - Remarks 2nd Time (3rd Apr 1855 sessions) Image 21 - 17 Feb 1874 - Thomas BRINE (Further examination) (Convicted F.C.S. No. 48) - Offence Stealing boots - Parish Fordington - Trade ostler - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 2½ ins - Hair brown - Eyes light hazel - Complexion ruddy - Condition single - - Marks slight scar left cheek - Remarks 2nd Time (8th Sep 1868) (on remand) (see 14 Sep ) Image 181 - 13 Feb 1874 - Solomon LAKE (Further examination) - Offence Stealing a loaf of bread - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Trade school boy Age 9 - Stature 4ft 2½ ins - Hair brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks slight cut left cheek - Remarks 1st Time Image 137 - 21 Mar 1874 - Henry John HONEYBUN - Alias Henry JENKINS (Easter Sessions) - Offence Indecent Assault - Parish Fordington (now of Litton Cheney) - Trade Plumber - Age 47 - Stature 5ft 4ins - - Condition married - Children [blank] - Remarks 2nd Time (8th Aug 1864) Image 103 - 05 May 1874 - Charles Gill FOOT - Offence drunkenness - Parish Dorchester - Trade Harness maker - Age 50 - Stature 5ft 9½ ins - Hair dark brown & grey - Eyes hazel - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks mole right side face, cut right corner right eye, scar side left arm near wrist, Served in the Artillery, bridge of nose broken - Remarks 5th Time (11th Apr 1857) . [Note: Also recorded in the Prison Register: " Entry 12 Charles Gill FOOT, Age 50, received 5th May 1874 Committed 2nd May 1874, By whom committed George JS Gregory Esq (Mayor); M Devenish Esq, Offence Drunkenness ( Fine 2s + Costs 8s + W 2s ), Sentence 7 days, when discharged 11th May 1874, Former convictions 11th April 1857 ]
Image 284 - - 11 Jun 1874 - Charles James SWYER (Further examination) (Convicted F.C.S. 85 ) - Offence Stealing old iron & zinc - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 3¾ - - Condition single - Remarks 3rd Time (16 Aug 1873) Image 80 - 20 July 1874 - George DERRICK - Offence Poaching Fish - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 20 - Stature 5ft 6ins - Hair very dark brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks several moles right side face, top 1st finger right hand slightly crooked - Remarks 1st Time Image 118 - 20 July 1874 - William GARRETT - Offence Stealing potatoes (growing) - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 60 - - - Remarks 6th Time (22 Apr 1861) Image 202 - 08 Aug 1874 - Charles MEDWAY (Michaelmas Sessions) - Offence Stealing 2 brushes - Parish Fordington (now Weymouth) - Trade Plasterer - Age 47 - Stature 5ft 7ins - - Condition Married - Children 9 - - Remarks 2nd Time (16th May 1870) [Under line comment " Wife died while he was in prison] {Note:- Charles MEDWAY a plasterer by trade aged 25 married at FStG on 9th May 1854 to Prudence WILLIAMS who died at Weymouth at the age of 44 in 4th qtr 1874. follow link for more info about his family - See also the Dorset Quarter session Records - Order Books Image 47 of 282 held at Dorchester on 20th Oct 1874 " MEDWAY, Charles Found guilty of feloniously receiving after a former conviction of felony - - Sentenced to 12.c.m.h.l. (12 calendar months hard labour) and 2 years Police supervision. ] Image 182 - 03 Oct 1874 - Samuel LESTER (Michaelmas Sessions) - Offence Stealing ducks - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 33 - - Condition widower - Children [blank] - - Remarks 2nd Time (4th Dec 1871) Image 329 - 03 Oct 1874 - James WHITE (Michaelmas Sessions) - Offence Stealing duck - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 39 - Stature 5ft 4½ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion swarthy - Condition single - - Marks bald over forehead, mole right side face, nose broken & inclines to right, crippled left leg - Remarks 5th Time (24th Jan 1870) Image 104 - 26 Oct 1874 - Charles FOSTER (Summarily) - Offence Stealing potatoes & a bottle of milk - Parish Dorchester St Peters - Trade Labourer - Age 53 - Stature 5ft 7¼ ins - Hair nearly black - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion swarthy - Condition married - Children 9 - Marks lost left thumb, varicose veins on each leg - Remarks 1st Time Image 286 - 27 Nov 1874 - Angelo STANLEY - Offence Assault - Parish Dorchester (Grove Buildings) Trade sweep - Age 37 - - - Condition single - Remarks 12th Time (28 May 1872) Image 286 - 28 Dec 1874 - Robert STOVEY (Further examination) - Offence Stealing Cheese - Parish Dorchester - Trade Labourer - Age 21 - Stature 5ft 6½ ins - - Condition single - - Remarks 3rd Time (15th July 1872) Image 141 - 13 Feb 1875 - William HARRIS (Lent Assize) - Offence Stealing Elm board - Parish Fordington - Trade Wheelwright - Age 44 - - - Married - Children 4 - Marks little finger left hand injured, cut on 2nd & 3rd fingers same hand - Remarks 4th Time Image 287 - 16 Mar 1875 - Charles SWYER (Further examination) - Offence Stealing firewood - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer & Rat Catcher - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 4¾ ins - - Condition single - - Remarks 4th Time (11 June 1874) Image 331 - 05 July 1875 - William WARREN - Offence Stealing a custard tart - Parish Dorchester (Durngate St) - Trade Schoolboy - Age 12 - Stature 4ft 3¼ ins - Hair brown, Eyes light grey - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks freckled on forehead, small mole left cheek - Remarks 1st Time Image 143 - 05 Oct 1875 - Samuel HISCOCK (further examination) (F.C.S. No.4) - Offence Stealing coat - Parish Dorchester (now Fordington) - Trade butcher - Age 19 - Stature 5ft 3¾ ins - Hair rather dark brown - Eyes grey - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks small bald patch right side head, cut near top 1st finger right hand, high nose - Remarks 3rd Time (April 3rd 1871) Image 243 - 15 Nov 1875 - Edward PLAYER - Offence Stealing a coat & a pair of boots - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 33 - Stature 5ft 5ins - Hair brown - Eyes hazel - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks hair thin over forehead, dent right side of forehead, roof of mouth infused speaks indistinctly, cut on left wrist, hard swelling on palm of left hand - Remarks 5th Time (17 Dec 1866) Image 144 - 06 Dec 1875 - Robert HIBBS (Further examination) (Epiphany sessions) - Offence Stealing a gun, 3 flasks, 3 pouches, 1 brace of pistols - Parish Dorchester - Trade Solicitors Clerk - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 10¼ ins - Hair brown - Eyes grey - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks scar left side forehead - Remarks 1st Time
Robert HIBBS was brought up on remand charged with stealing a double barreled gun, a brace of pistols, and other articles the property of Mr.M.C.WESTON. [Note:- Post Office Directory 1875 - Montague Charles WESTON was a Solicitor and Treasurer for the Borough of Dorchester and lived at 50 High West Street ] The prisoner was in the prosecutors employ as clerk from the 22nd March to the middle of November last, and stole at various times from cases in the office where he sat guns, pistols, shot pouches, powder flasks, and a variety of articles connected with shooting, and also numerous fishing implements. Mr Atthur LOCK appeared on behalf of the prisoner and asked that he case might be taken as one charge. The young man was very sorry for what he had done, and would throw himself on the mercy of the court. The bench decided to hear the circumstances of the case. Mr Weston, having had certain information, went to examine his gun cases last Monday, and found them locked, but the keys were missing. Getting them picked he discovered one of his double barreled guns gone with the accompanying powder flask and shot pouch; also the apparatus connected with a second gun; the third case seemed to be as when he last saw it. The gun stock was also gone, and a brace of pistols from a mahogany case. This case was locked but the top panel had been loosened. A lot of apparatus from a square box in one of the cases was entirely gone, excepting a scratch brush. Shot powder wadding and caps had also disappeared. from a fishing basket he missed part of a landing net, a reel and line for a salmon rod, ditto for a trout rod, and artificial flies. Besides these were a number of envelopes embossed with his crest. Put the value nominally at £5, but would not have lost them for four times the amount. By Mr LOCK: Could not say when he last saw all the things, but since Hibbs had been with him. William GREEN of Fordington said about the middle of August, prisoner brought the double barrelled gun produced to him and he had it for about a month. Prisoner said his master, Mr Weston, had lent it to him, and he (witness) could have it till he got a licence. About the middle of September Hibbs fetched the gun, saying he was going rabbit shooting the following day. Sergeant PURTELL was with Hibbs at that time. Saw Hibbs shooting with the gun subsequently. After that prisoner said his master had made him a present of the gun, and he sold it to Mr PURTELL for £2. On 26th October Hibbs and an artillery man came to his house with a pistol, Hibbs asking him to buy it. The pistol was "rusty as an old horse shoe" and he told him he did not want it. Prisoner said he had bought it of a young man in the town for 2s and he should have it for 2s 6d. At that price he purchased it. A powder flask Hibbs left with him some time in August. About the 11th November Hibbs offered him several other articles connected with shooting, and he gave 2s for them. The following day prisoner gave him a couple of packets of envelopes embossed with Mr Weston's crest. A short time since Hibbs asked him to buy a well finished duck gun which was in Mr Weston's office, but he did not. In August Hibbs asked him if he wanted a gun stock, as there was a very handsome one without barrels up in Mr Weston's office, if he would go up he could put it in his pocket and take it away. He said Mr Weston was away. Witness told him he would not go to Mr Weston's on any account in his absence, and gave him a good talking to about it. On another occasion Hibbs left a landing net at his house. The Town Clerk said after what had taken place in August how was it he dealt with him as to all these different articles? Witness said he never suspected him at all. Mr SYMONDS said it was a pity he had not taken further proceedings that "Talking" in August, as that might probably have saved Hibbs from being in the position in which he now was. Cross-examined by Mr Lock: was a jeweler and silversmith by trade. Had taken out a gun licence for 23 years and was one of the best shots in England. The pistol;s had hair-triggers, but when he gave 2s 6d for one he did not know that. Would not have given 4s for it.
Image 333 - 04 Feb 1876 - William WHITE - Offence Assault & breach of the peace - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 42 - Stature 5ft 7½ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes (right) hazel (left grey) - Complexion sallow - Condition married - Children 5 - Marks nostrils wide, horizontal cut on chin, top left little finger injured - Remarks 2nd Time (12th Feb 1855) Image 30 - 22 Apr 1876 - Thomas BRINE - Offence Rogue & Vagabond (i.e. false statement on enlisting) - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 20 - Stature 5ft 7½ ins -- Remarks 3rd Time ( 17 Feb 1874) Image 291 - 01 May 1876 - William SKINNER (Summarily) - Offence Embezzlement - Parish Bury St Edmunds (now Dorchester) - Trade carter - Age 36 - Stature 5ft 5½ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes grey - Complexion sallow - Condition married - Children 2 - Marks cut right side forehead, jagged scar left side upper lip - Remarks 1st Time (Served in 56th Regiment) Image 292 - 06 May 1876 - Robert Edward STOVEY - Offence poaching fish - Parish Dorchester - Trade Labourer - Age 22 - - Remarks 4th Time (28th Dec 1874) Image 334 - 06 May 1876 - Richard WALBRIDGE - Offence Poaching fish - Parish Fordington - Trade Shoemaker & Blacksmith - Age 25 - Stature 5ft 9ins - Hair brown, Eyes very light hazel - Complexion sallow - Condition single - - Marks dent right side forehead, small mole over left eyebrow, nose inclines to right, scar on nose, irregular tooth right side upper jaw, both thumbs particularly short, (+2 words ??) - Remarks 1st Time (Served in 13th Foot Royal Engineers) Image 265 - 10 July 1876 - George RIDOUT (Further examination) (F.C.S. 821) - Offence Stealing cut grass - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 24 - Stature 5ft 1½ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion swarthy - Condition single - - Marks scar right side of forehead, dimpled chin. high nose, little finger particularly short - Remarks 1st Time Image 107 - 08 Aug 1876 - Charles Gill FOOT - (Further examination) (Midsummer Sessions) - Offence Stealing timber - Parish Dorchester - Trade Harness maker - Age 52 - - - Condition single - - Remarks 6th Time (5th May 1874) [Note:- Also recorded in the Prison Register Entry 46 (Image 39 of 262 Age 52 , Received & committed 14th Aug 1876 by whom G Curme Esq & John Galpin Esq - Offence Stealing Timber (value 1s) Sentenced at the Michaelmas Sessions 9See Order Books Quarter session Records Image 128 of 282) , Former convictions 5th May 1874 -- Also in Calendar of Prisoners pleaded guilty timber was the property of William Henry Crocker](Also See Image 35 of 379 of Quarter Sessions Order Books 6th Apr 1852 re A petition of Charles G Foot a prisoner to be represented to the home office) Image 31 - 07 Sep 1876 - Joseph BARGE (Further examination) (Michaelmas Sessions) - Offence Attempting suicide - Parish Dorchester - Trade Grocer's assistant - Age [blank] Stature 5ft 9ins - Hair [blank] Eyes dark grey - Complexion fair - Condition married - Children 1 - Marks long cut on throat - Remarks 1st June Image 294 - 28 Oct 1876 - Charles SWYRE - Offence Poaching fish - Parish Fordington - Trade Mason's labourer - Age 20 - Stature 5ft 6¼ ins -- Condition single - - Remarks 5th Time (16th March 1875) Image 294 - 23 Dec 1876 - Charles James SWYRE - Offence Poaching - Parish Fordington - Trade Mason's labourer - Age 20 - Stature 5ft 6¼ ins -- Remarks 6th Time (28th Oct 1876) Image 222 - 27 Dec 1876 - Frank [alias Francis] NORRIS - Offence Assault (2 charges) - Parish Fordington (now of Weymouth) - Trade Mason's labourer - Age 34 - Stature 5ft 5½ ins - - Condition married - Children 2 - Marks cut right side upper lip - Remarks 3rd Time (18 Mar 1872) Image 246 - 27 Dec 1876 - Stephen PITFIELD (Further examination) (Epiphany Sessions) - Offence Stealing a watch - Parish Fordington - Trade carter - Age 58 - Stature 5ft 3½ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes light hazel - Complexion ruddy - Condition married - Children 2 - Marks lost nearly all his teeth, nostrils wide, nose turns up, cut back 1sr finger, right hand, speech simple - Remarks 1st Time Image 246 - 27 Dec 1876 - Elizabeth PITFIELD (Further examination) (Epiphany Sessions) - Offence Stealing a watch - [Parish Fordington] - - Age 48 - Remarks 2nd Time (11 May 1857 -) (Elizabeth DAMON) [Note:- . Stephen PITFIELD (1821-1894) & Elizabeth DAMON (b.1829) married at Fordington on 7th July 1875 ] Image 186 - 01 Jan 1877 - William John LEWIS - (Epiphany Sessions) - Offence Stealing a watch - Parish Fordington (native of Sherborne) - Trade labourer (late schoolmaster & sexton) - Age 44 - Stature 5ft 8¼ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes light grey - Complexion sallow - Condition married - Children 2 - Marks small wart right corner right eye, cut back of hand, left arm injured, fingers left hand contracted - Remarks 1st Time Image 60 -08 Jan 1877 - Edwin CHURCHILL (Summarily) - Offence Stealing Whiskey - Parish Dorchester - Trade Gun Maker - Age 20 - Stature 5ft 3ins - Hair light brown - Eyes hazel - Complexion fair Condition single - - Marks scar left side forehead, long fingers - Remarks 1st Time
Image 186 - 22 Jan 1877 - William LEGG - Offence Refusing to proceed to sea - Parish Dorchester (now of Weymouth) - Trade Seaman - age 24 - Stature 5ft 0½ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion swarthy - Condition single - - Marks cut bridge of nose, & left side of forehead, Cross, bent?, Anchor, W.L. on left arm, cut on 2nd finger right hand Image 159 - 30 Jan 1877 - John IRONSIDE - Offence Breach of the Peace - Parish Dorchester (now Chickerell) - Trade Labourer - Age 43 - - - Condition married - Children 7 - Remarks 13th Time (5th Nov 1873) Image 187 - 18 May 1877 - Charles LOCK (Midsummer Sessions) - Offence Stealing old iron and gas pipes - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 45 - - Condition widower - Children 5 - - Remarks 10th Time (26th Apr 1873) Image 312 - 30 June 1877 - Frederick (or Fred) TIZARD - Offence Attempting to take fish - Parish Dorchester (now Fordington) - Trade Carpenter - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 3½ ins - Hair brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion - ruddy - Condition single - - Marks cut over left eyebrow, chin slightly dimpled, blue dot back left hand - Remarks 1st Time Image 247 - 13 July 1877 - William PORTER (further examination) (F.C.S.72 ) - Offence Stealing Leather - Parish Formerly Stafford now Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 58 - - Condition widower - Children 9 - Remarks 3rd Time (31st Jan 1874) Image 151 - 08 Sep 1877 - Samuel HISCOCK - Offence Assault - Parish Dorchester (now Fordington) - Trade butcher - Age 21 - Stature 5ft 3½ ins - - Condition single - - Remarks 4th Time (5th Oct 1875) Image 36 - 15 Sep 1877 - Thomas BRINE - Offence Aggravated Assault - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 21 - - - - Remarks 4th Time ( 22 Apr 1876) Image 188 - 08 Oct 1877 - James LOADER - Offence assault - Parish Fordington - Trade Coach Smith - Age 24 - Stature 5ft 4ins - Hair light brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks cut left corner left eye, right of the same blue dot left corner right eye, dimpled chin - Remarks 1st Time Image 151 - 29 Oct 1877 - John HOLT (Summarily) -Offence Stealing money - Parish Dorchester Holy Trinity - Trade Errand boy - Age 15 - Stature 4ft 11½ ins - Hair light brown - Eyes grey - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks several small moles right side face, cut between left thumb & forefinger, protuberance back left hand - Remarks 1st Time Image 223 - 28 Nov 1877 - James NORRIS - Offence Rogue & vagabond - Parish Fordington - Trade sweep - Age 27 - Stature 5ft 6ins - Hair brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion fair - Condition married - Children 1 - Marks Whiskers sandy, large swelling left side of neck, mole between eyebrows, scar over right eyebrow & right side of nose, Served in the Rifle Brigade, married J.N. on right ?? hand - Remarks 1st Time Image 87 - 26 Dec 1877 - Daniel DEVONPORT - Offence Ill-treating a cow Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer Age 41 - Stature 5ft 8ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion swarthy - Condition single - - Marks scar on nose, Image 339 - 26 Dec 1877 - James WHITE - Offence Ill treating a cow - Parish Fordington - Trade Labourer - Age 42 - - - - Condition single - - Remarks 6th Time ( 3rd Oct 1874) Image 38 - 12 Jan 1878 - James BROWNSEA - Offence Poaching fish - Parish Fordington (formerly of Shroton . i.e. Iwerne Courtney) - Trade labourer - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 7ins - Hair brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion fair - Condition single - - Marks cut between eyebrows, 2 front upper teeth project, mole under right ear, cut side 1st finger left hand - Remarks 1st Time [Note:- may be related to Alfred BROWNSEA see Image 39 13th Apr 1872] Image 313 - 12 Jan 1878 - Frederick TIZARD - Offence Poaching fish - Parish Fordington - Trade Carpenter - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 4ins - - Condition single - - Remarks 2nd Time (30 June 1877) Image 152 - 16 Jan 1878 - Charles HARDY (Summarily) - Offence Stealing money - Parish Dorchester - Trade Soldier 75th Regiment - Age 18 - Stature 5ft 6ins - Hair light brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion ruddy - Condition single - - Marks scar near centre forehead - Remarks 1st Time Image 314 - 02 Feb 1878 - Robert TROWBRIDGE (Further examination) (Lent Assizes) - Offence Stealing harness - Parish Fordington - Trade Carter - Age 33 - Stature 6ft 0ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes grey - Complexion fair - Condition married - Children 4 - Marks slight cut left cheek, dimpled chin, Served in 1st Battalion Scotch Fusilier Guards , Remarks 1st Time Image 314 - 02 Feb 1878 - George TROWBRIDGE (Further examination) (Lent Assizes) - Offence Stealing harness - Parish Fordington - Trade Shoemaker - Age 42 - Stature 5ft 4½ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark grey - Complexion swarthy - Condition married - Children 2 - Marks bridge of nose broken, right arm much burnt, cut back 1st finger left hand , Remarks 1st Time Image 223 - 21 Mar 1878 - Francis NORRIS - Offence Assault on his wife - Parish Fordington (now Weymouth) - Trade Mason's labourer - Age 35 - - - Condition married - Children 3 - - Remarks 4th Time (27 Dec 1876) Image 40 - 27 Mar 1878 - James BURT - Offence Rogue & Vagabond - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 23 - Stature 5ft 7ins - Hair light brown - Eyes light grey - Complexion fair - Condition married - Children 2 - Mark cut left eyebrow, mole under each arm, served in 75th Regiment & in Dorset Militia - Remarks 1st Time Image 301 - 27 Mar 1878 - Thomas SWYER - Offence Rogue & Vagabond - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 28 - - - Remarks 2nd Time - (Same as Mr WHITEN 11 April 1870) (Served in the 75th Regt of Dorset Militia)
DORSET MILITIA: Attestation document available on "Fold website" - Record of Service Thomas SWYER Private Soldier in 75th Regt of Dorset Militia Soldier No. 28835 :: Thomas SWYER born in the Parish of Fordington near Dorchester Dorset, Trade Labourer enlisted for general service 6th day June 1873 at Weymouth : Description Height 5ft 6ins; Complexion Dark; Eyes brown; Hair dark brown; no distinctive marks religion Church of England --- Discharge details same form on 7th Dec 1874 Age 20 years 6 months Height 5ft 6½ ins Complexion sallow ; Eyes brown; Hair black; Trade Labourer; Intended place of residence Fordington near Dorchester County Dorset; Total service recorded as 1 year 149 days; Served abroad 359 days at the Cape of Good Hope and discharged as being unfit for further service. ] Image 96 - 06 June 1878 - George EVANS (Further examination) (Midsummer Assizes) - Offence Stealing a scarf - Parish Fordington - Trade labourer late baker - Age 29 - Stature 5ft 6½ ins - Hair dark brown - Eyes dark hazel - Complexion sallow - Condition married - Children 2 - Marks much pock-pitted, cut left eyebrow, ?? both sides neck, Main-Anchor & 6 dots right arm, Cross imperfect man, heart S.E. left arm wrist, a cut side left forefinger - Remarks 12th Time (27th Apr 1870) Image 251 - - 11 Sep 1878 - William PORTER - Offence Vagrancy - Parish formerly Stafford now Fordington - Trade labourer - Age 59 - - Condition widower - Children 9 - - Marks burn back left hand - Remarks 4th Time (13th July 1877) |