Iwerne Steepleton

Burials 1821 to 1980

Transcribed from the Parish Registers and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Jon Baker


The Parish Register is difficult to read in places, so readers are invited to use this transcript as a guide only and to consult the original at the Dorset History Centre.

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29182122 AprWilliamWHITCHERStourpaine77Chas C*** Curate 
210182415 JulMaryWATTSStepleton26Morgan Devenish Curate 
211182528 OctWm.WARRENStepleton69John Lowndes Curate 
212182629 AugElizabethPOTTERStepleton79  
213182612 NovElizabethWHITCHERStepleton80John Lowndes Curate 
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317183105 FebWilliam HoracePITT10 Grosvenor Place, St Margaret's, Westminster53J S Prattant CurateThe Right Honourable, Lord Rivers
318[blank]29 MarHenryCOCKLEEverley50J S Prattant Curate[No year entered, pre-1837]
319[blank]11 MarMary AnnPOTTERShroton19J S Prattant[No year entered, pre-1837]
320[blank]06 MayThomasPOTTERStourpaine81J S Prattant[No year entered, pre-1837]
321184616 AprJamesMEREDITHEverley55J S Prattant Rector 
322185023 OctMarcia LouisaPITT99 Westbourne Terrace, London58 daysJames Penny RectorThe Honourable
323185026 DecGeorge HoracePITTBournemouth16 yrsJ PennyThe Honourable
324185422 MarRuthWHITEStepletonInf 1J Penny[Could be 1 Day, no GRO entry found]
425185422 MarMarthaWHITEStepleton2 daysJ Penny 
426185524 AugGranville BeckfordPITTBournemouth17 yrsJ PennyThe Hon.
427185808 AugWalterCLOVEREverley3 yrsJ Vicars Curate 
428185824 SepMary ElizabethFUDGEStepleton7 yrsJ Penny Rector 
429185913 JulWilliam FrederickPITTRushmore13 yrsW Dodge Off Min.The Honourable
430186010 SepFanny PittRIVERSRushmore74J Penny Rector 
431186214 JanHenry GeorgeFRAMPTONStepleton8 yrsJ Penny 
432186220 AugMaryFUDGEStepleton63J Penny 
533186229 NovElizabethPENNYBlandford Forum44W Harte Off Min. 
534186305 DecCaroline SusannahFRAMPTONStepleton5 yrsJ Penny Rector 
535186605 MayGeorgePITT-RIVERSMarylebone, Middlesex55J Penny RectorThe Right Honourable, Baron Rivers
536186605 MaySusan GeorgianaPITT-RIVERSMarylebone, Middlesex55J Penny Rector 
537186723 MarHenry PeterPITT-RIVERSTorquay17J Penny Rector 
538186722 MayMary IsabellaNEALEStepleton2 mthsJ Penny Rector 
539186927 MarJohn HadleyD'OYLYStepleton74J Penny RectorBaronet
540187505 JunElizabeth JaneD'OYLYStepleton86J Penny RectorDame
641187508 JunConstance ElizabethPITT4 Carlton House Terrace, London20J Penny RectorThe Hon'ble.
642187625 JulHarriett ElizabethBRUCEPrinces Gardens, S Kensington60Robert R Watts, Vicar of Stourpaine
643187812 AugAlexanderMARTINStepleton61Robert R Watts Rector 
644188005 AprHoracePITTWilton Crescent, London65Robert R Watts RectorThe Right Honourable, Baron Rivers
645188225 AprGeorgeWHALEStepleton77Robt. C Crokat Curate 
646188316 FebjemimaPOPEEverly Farm, Stepleton49Robert R Watts Rector 
647188517 JanJohnHALLETTStepleton11 wksRobert. C Crokat Curate 
648[1885]30 MayMaryD'OYLYCharlton Marshall91Robert R Watts RectorWidow of Sir John Hadley D'OYLY Bart.
749188601 MarHarryBARNETTHanford8 mthsRobert. C Crokat Curate 
750188803 AprWilliamBARNETTHanford6 yrsRobert R Watts Rector 
751188905 JulElizabethGUYHanford?65Robert R Watts Rector 
752189123 MarEmilyPERCYStepleton27Robert R Watts Rector 
753189327 SepErnest JamesBUTTStepleton19Robert R Watts Rector 
754189501 MarGeorgeHUNTLEYStepleton43J F Rowley Assist Curate 
755189631 OctAthaliahCOOPERWhiteparish4 yrsHugh A Haggard Curate 
756189822 FebEmmaHOOKEYStepleton Iwerne70Robert R Watts Rector 
857189822 JulJohnGUYBlandford Forum76Robert R Watts Rector 
858190018 OctMary EmmaELIOTWindsor Castle57Bishop of Chichester(Hon.)
859190216 AprEdmundOLDFIELDRushmore Torquay85Winfrid O. Burrows, Vicar of Holy Trinity Leeds
860190305 JulAmosFRAMPTONStepleton77R S K Blucke Rector 
861191113 JulEllenWHALEWinchester63R S K Blucke Rector 
862191118 OctLucy ElizabethCROUCH70 Tytherley? Road Southampton45C H S Bower Rector of Child Okeford
863191431 AugBanche CarolinePITTBoreham Manor Warminster74W. Page Roberts Dean of Salisbury
864191523 JanGeorge MullinsROBERTSEverley Farm Stepleton Iwerne80R S K Blucke Rector 
965191503 AugThomas GeorgeROBERTSStepleton Iwerne Everley Farm44R S K Blucke Rector 
966191724 MarMaryFRAMPTONStepleton Iwerne Everley Hill81R Hugh Gundy Rector 
967191801 MayMarthaLINDSAYStepleton House Stepleton Iwerne31R Hugh Gundy Rector 
968191905 FebErnest EdwardCUTLERStepleton Iwerne7 mthsC H S Bower Rector of Child Okelford
969191924 OctGladys OliveCHANTStepleton Iwerne6 mthsA Stanley Gould, Priest? 
970191901 NovSarahROBERTSShillingstone80R Hugh Gundy Rector 
971192002 JulSusan HarrietOLDFIELDRushmore' Torquay85H M Brown Vicar of Broadwindsor
972192321 DecWilliam StoneROBERTSBagber Sturminster50C H Cooke Vicar of Stourpaine
1073193129 OctAmy MaryWARRENEverley Stepleton Iwerne52C H Cooke (Rector) 
1074194527 AugRonald CharlesLINDSAYStepleton House68R R Ovenden Rector 
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1076195919 JanDerrick IvorHAWKINSStepleton Corner1 wkR M Taylor Rector 
1077197616 JunEdward Stanley GotchROBINSON89 Great Russell Street W.C.1 (lately of Stepleton House)88Rex A Wells (Rector)C.B.E., Knight, Hon D Litt Oxon Curator Br Mus Reader in Numistics Ashmolean
1078198001 AprPamela ComfreyROBINSON1 Duchess of Bedford Walk, Kensington84K Wedgewood Priest-in-Charge
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No further entries, 3 blank pages 

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